972 resultados para inversion ankle sprain


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Geophysical inversion is a theory that transforms the observation data into corresponding geophysical models. The goal of seismic inversion is not only wave velocity models, but also the fine structures and dynamic process of interior of the earth, expanding to more parameters such as density, aeolotropism, viscosity and so on. As is known to all, Inversion theory is divided to linear and non-linear inversion theories. In rencent 40 years linear inversion theory has formed into a complete and systematic theory and found extensive applications in practice. While there are still many urgent problems to be solved in non-linear inversion theory and practice. Based on wave equation, this dissertation has been mainly involved in the theoretical research of several non-linear inversion methods: waveform inversion, traveltime inversion and the joint inversion about two methods. The objective of gradient waveform inversion is to find a geologic model, thus synthetic seismograms generated by this geologic model are best fitted to observed seismograms. Contrasting with other inverse methods, waveform inversion uses all characteristics of waveform and has high resolution capacity. But waveform inversion is an interface by interface method. An artificial parameter limit should be provided in each inversion iteration. In addition, waveform information will tend to get stuck in local minima if the starting model is too far from the actual model. Based on velocity scanning in traditional seismic data processing, a layer-by-layer waveform inversion method is developed in this dissertation to deal with weaknesses of waveform inversion. Wave equation is used to calculate the traveltime and derivative (perturbation of traveltime with respect to velocity) in wave-equation traveltime inversion (WT). Unlike traditional ray-based travetime inversion, WT has many advantages. No ray tracing or traveltime picking and no high frequency assumption is necessary and good result can be got while starting model is far from real model. But, comparing with waveform inversion, WT has low resolution. Waveform inversion and WT have complementary advantages and similar algorithm, which proves that the joint inversion is a better inversion method. And another key point which this dissertation emphasizes is how to give fullest play to their complementary advantages on the premise of no increase of storage spaces and amount of calculation. Numerical tests are implemented to prove the feasibility of inversion methods mentioned above in this dissertation. Especially for gradient waveform inversion, field data are inversed. This field data are acquired by our group in Wali park and Shunyi district. Real data processing shows there are many problems for waveform inversion to deal with real data. The matching of synthetic seismograms with observed seismograms and noise cancellation are two primary problems. In conclusion, on the foundation of the former experiences, this dissertation has implemented waveform inversions on the basis of acoustic wave equation and elastic wave equation, traveltime inversion on the basis of acoustic wave equation and traditional combined waveform traveltime inversion. Besides the traditional analysis of inversion theory, there are two innovations: layer by layer inversion of seimic reflection data inversion and rapid method for acoustic wave-equation joint inversion.


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As the first arrival of seismic phase in deep seismic sounding, Pg is the important data for studying the attributes of the sedimentary layers and the shape of crystalline basement because of its high intensity and reliable detection. Conventionally, the sedimentary cover is expressed as isotropic, linear increasing model in the interpretation of Pg event. Actually, the sedimentary medium should be anisotropic as preferred cracks or fractures and thin layers are common features in the upper crust, so the interpretation of Pg event needs to be taken account of seismic velocity anisotropy. Traveltime calculation is the base of data processing and interpretation. Here, we only study the type of elliptical anisotropy for the poor quality and insufficiency of DSS data. In this thesis, we first investigate the meaning of elliptical anisotropy in the study of crustal structure and attribute, then derive Pg event’s traveltime-offset relationship by assuming a linear increasing velocity model with elliptical anisotropy and present the invert scheme from Pg traveltime-offset dataset to seismic velocity and its anisotropy of shallow crustal structure. We compare the Pg traveltime calculated by our analytic formula with numerical calculating method to test the accuracy. To get the lateral variation of elliptical anisotropy along the profiling, a tomography inversion method with the derived formula is presented, where the profile is divided into rectangles. Anisotropic imaging of crustal structure and attribute is efficient method for crust study. The imaging result can help us interprete the seismic data and discover the attribute of the rock to analyze the interaction between layers. Traveltime calculation is the base of image. Base on the ray tracing equations, the paper present a realization of three dimension of layer model with arbitrary anisotropic type and an example of Pg traveltime calculation in arbitrary anisotropic type is presented. The traveltime calculation method is complex and it only adapts to nonlinear inversion. Perturbation method of travel-time calculation in anisotropy is the linearization approach. It establishes the direct relation between seismic parameters and travetime and it is fit for inversion in anisotropic structural imaging. The thesis presents a P-wave imaging method of layer media for TTI. Southeastern China is an important part of the tectonic framework concerning the continental margin of eastern China and is commonly assumed to comprise the Yangtze block and the Cathaysia block, the two major tectonic units in the region. It’s a typical geological and geophysical zone. In this part, we fit the traveltime of Pg phase by the raytracing numerical method. But the method is not suitable here because the inefficiency of numerical method and the method itself. By the analytic method, we fit the Pg and Sg and get the lateral variation of elliptical anisotropy and then discuss its implication. The northeastern margin of Qinghai-Tibetan plateau is typical because it is the joint area of Eurasian plate and Indian plate and many strong earthquakes have occurred there in recent years.We use the Pg data to get elliptical anisotropic variation and discuss the possible meaning.


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An high-resolution prestack imaging technique of seismic data is developed in this thesis. By using this technique, the reflected coefficients of sheet sands can be gained in order to understand and identify thin oil reservoirs. One-way wave equation based migration methods can more accurately model seismic wave propagation effect such as multi-arrivals and obtain almost correct reflected energy in the presence of complex inhomogeneous media, and therefore, achieve more superiorities in imaging complex structure. So it is a good choice to apply the proposed high-resolution imaging to the presatck depth migration gathers. But one of the main shorting of one-way wave equation based migration methods is the low computational efficiency, thus the improvement on computational efficiency is first carried out. The method to improve the computational efficiency of prestack depth migration is first presented in this thesis, that is frequency-dependent varying-step depth exploration scheme plus a table-driven, one-point wavefield interpolation technology for wave equation based migration methods; The frequency-dependent varying-step depth exploration scheme reduces the computational cost of wavefield depth extrapolation, and the a table-driven, one-point wavefield interpolation technology reconstructs the extrapolated wavefield with an equal, desired vertical step with high computational efficiency. The proposed varying-step depth extrapolation plus one-point interpolation scheme results in 2/3 reduction in computational cost when compared to the equal-step depth extrapolation of wavefield, but gives the almost same imaging. The frequency-dependent varying-step depth exploration scheme is presented in theory by using the optimum split-step Fourier. But the proposed scheme can also be used by other wave equation based migration methods of the frequency domain. The proposed method is demonstrated by using impulse response, 2-D Marmousi dataset, 3-D salt dataset and the 3-D field dataset. A method of high-resolution prestack imaging is presented in the 2nd part of this thesis. The seismic interference method to solve the relative reflected coefficients is presented. The high-resolution imaging is obtained by introducing a sparseness- constrained least-square inversion into the reflected coefficient imaging. Gaussian regularization is first imposed and a smoothed solution is obtained by solving equation derived from the least-square inversion. Then the Cauchy regularization is introducing to the least-square inversion , the sparse solution of relative reflected coefficients can be obtained, that is high-resolution solution. The proposed scheme can be used together with other prestack imaging if the higher resolution is needed in a target zone. The seismic interference method in theory and the solution to sparseness-constrained least-square inversion are presented. The proposed method is demonstrated by synthetic examples and filed data.


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Application of long-term exploration for oil and gas shows that the reservoir technology of prediction is one of the most valuable methods. Quantitative analysis of reservoir complexity is also a key technology of reservoir prediction. The current reservoir technologies of prediction are based on the linear assumption of various physical relationships. Therefore, these technologies cannot handle complex reservoirs with thin sands, high heterogeneities in lithological composition and strong varieties in petrophysical properties. Based on the above-mentioned complex reservoir, this paper conducts a series of researches. Both the comprehending and the quantitative analysis of reservoir heterogeneities have been implemented using statistical and non-linear theories of geophysics. At the beginning, the research of random media theories about reservoir heterogeneities was researched in this thesis. One-dimensional (1-D) and two-dimensional (2-D) random medium models were constructed. The autocorrelation lengths of random medium described the mean scale of heterogeneous anomaly in horizontal and deep directions, respectively. The characteristic of random medium models were analyzed. We also studied the corresponding relationship between the reservoir heterogeneities and autocorrelation lengths. Because heterogeneity of reservoir has fractal nature, we described heterogeneity of reservoir by fractal theory based on analyzing of the one-dimensional (1-D) and two-dimensional (2-D) random medium models. We simulated two-dimensional (2-D) random fluctuation medium in different parameters. From the simulated results, we can know that the main features of the two-dimensional (2-D) random medium mode. With autocorrelation lengths becoming larger, scales of heterogeneous geologic bodies in models became bigger. In addition, with the autocorrelation lengths becoming very larger, the layer characteristic of the models is very obvious. It would be difficult to identify sandstone such as gritstone, clay, dense sandstone and gas sandstone and so on in the reservoir with traditional impedance inversion. According to the obvious difference between different lithologic and petrophysical impedance, we studied multi-scale reservoir heterogeneities and developed new technologies. The distribution features of reservoir lithological and petrophysical heterogeneities along vertical and transverse directions were described quantitatively using multi-scale power spectrum and heterogeneity spectrum methods in this paper. Power spectrum (P spectrum) describes the manner of the vertical distribution of reservoir lithologic and petrophysical parameters and the large-scale and small-scale heterogeneities along vertical direction. Heterogeneity spectrum (H spectrum) describes the structure of the reservoir lithologic and petrophysical parameters mainly, that is to say, proportional composition of each lithological and petrophysical heterogeneities are calculated in this formation. The method is more reasonable to describe the degree of transverse multi-scale heterogeneities in reservoir lithological and petrophysical parameters. Using information of sonic logs in Sulige oil field, two spectral methods have been applied to the oil field, and good analytic results have been obtained. In order to contrast the former researches, the last part is the multi-scale character analysis of reservoir based on the transmission character of wave using the wavelet transform. We discussed the method applied to demarcate sequence stratigraphy and also analyzed the reservoir interlayer heterogeneity.


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(1) I research on the relationship between elastic parameters, lithology and liquid. It is a physical base for pre-stack seismic inversion. I research all kinds of approximate expressions of Zoeppritz function. Then the relation of all kinds of approximate expressions can be confirmed. The geological model of water sand and gas sand in different depth was designed. Moreover I research on precision of all kinds of approximate expressions. (2) In process of seismic data which aim at amplitude recovery and apply in pre-stack seismic inversion, I advance to adopt double flow chart for different aim. Pre-stack noise elimination, real amplitude recovery and NMO correction of long offset are the key taches. (3) I made a systemic expatiate for the thinking and applicability about all kinds of expressions of elastic impedance. And mathematical model was applied to compare the precision with all kinds of expressions of elastic impedance. I propose a new pre-stack simultaneous inversion which is based on the Zoppritz function and simulated annealing algorithm. This method can ensure calculation precision of reflection coefficient from different incident angle and get a global optimum solution. Therefore this method improves the precision of pre-stack seismic inversion. (4) The object function of P-S wave pre-stack simultaneous inversion was established. I compared the precision and convergence between simultaneous inversion and P-wave inversion. And the results show that simultaneous inversion is superior to P-wave inversion. Through the study of AVO event of transformed wave, AVO characters of different kinds of gas sand were analyzed. (5) I carried out the study work of pre-stack seismic inversion for carbonate reservoir in middle of Tarim basin and sand shale reservoir in Sulige Area of Erdos Basin. The method and technology in this paper was applied to practical work. And I made a prediction for heterogeneous reservoir. Moreover it acquires a good application effect. Key Word: reflection coefficient, amplitude recovery, pre-stack seismic inversion, Heterogeneous reservoir,prediction.


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Macro-distribution of residual basins is a basic question in residual basin research,the main object of macro-distribution study is to build strata framework, compute thickness of residual strata and analyze characteristics of residual basins. With the guidance of the theory of integrated geology and geophysical research, the paper assembled series of methods and established the technical chart based on gravity and magnetic data, with restriction of geology, seismic and drilling data. Based on potential field data processing and analysis, forward and inverse computation, region potential field analysis and potential field separation, etc. it computed depth of gravity/magnetic basement and got strata framework. It had got effective results in the research of macro-distribution of residual basin research in the Dagang area. It did the wavelet transform of gravity/magnetic data with multi-kind of wavelet basis using a trou algorithm. From comparison of processing result and their spectral of wavelet analysis, up continuation and filter method, the wavelet approximation is better to fit the regional potential field, and it is an effective method to separate gravity/magnetic effect caused by deep geology bodies. The experiment of matching pursuit shows that te transform domain methods have great advantage in potential data analysis. From the integrated geophysical study of rock property study, gravity/magnetic basement inversion and fault system analysis of the Dagang area, it gets the strata framework and the thickness of pre-Cenozoic residual strata. Comprehensive study with gravity and magnetotelluric profile inversion and interpretation, three prospect plays of macro-distribution of residual basins are fingered out. It has great residual strata thickness in the northern part of Chengning Uplift and there is thrust fault in the deep zone and good up-Paleozoic hydrocarbon source rocks in this area. With integrated analysis, this area will be the most prospective hydrocarbon location of pre-Cenozoic residual basins.


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With the development of both seismic theory and computer technology, numerical modeling technology of seismic wave has achieved great advancement during the past half century. The current methods under development include finite differentiation method (FDM), finite element method (FEM), pseudospectral method (PSM), integral equation method (IEM) and spectral element method (SEM). They exert their very important roles in every corner of seismology and seismic prospecting. Large quantity of researches towards spectral element method in the end of last century bring this method to a new era, which results in perfect solution of many difficult problems. However, parts of posterior works such as seismic migration and inversion which base on spectral element method have never been studied widely at least up to the present whereas are of importance to seismic imaging and seismic wave propagation. Based on previous work, this paper uses spectral element method to investigate the characteristics and laws of the seismic wave propagation in isotropic and anisotropic media. By thoroughly studying this high-accuracy method, we implement a kind of reverse-time pre- and post-stack migration based on SEM. In order to verify the validity of the SEM method, we have simulated the propagation of seismic wave in several different models. The simulation results show that: (1) spectral element method can be used to model any complex models and the computational results are comparable with the expected results and the analytic results; (2) the optimum accuracy can be achieved when the rank is between 4 and 9. When it is below 4, the dispersion may occur; and when it is above 9, the time step-length will be changed accordingly with the reducing space step-length in order to keep the computation stability. This will exponentially increase the computation time and at the same time the memory even if simulating the same media. This paper also applies explosive reflection surface imaging technology, time constancy principle of wave-filed extrapolation and least travetime raytracing technology of surface source to SEM pre- and post-stack migration of isotropic and anisotropic media. All imaging results derived by the above methods agree well with the real geological models and the position of interface and inflexions can also return to their right location well. This indicates that the method proposed in this paper is a kind of technology with high accuracy and robust stability. It can serve as an alternative method in real seismic data processing. All these work can boost the development of high-accuracy seismic imaging, and therefore have significant inference value.


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Changling fault depression is a compound fault depression complicated by interior fault, with faults in the west and overlap in the west. North of Changling fault depression show NNE strike while south is NW strike. Changling fault depression has undergone twochasmic stage which control the development and distribution of volcanic rock, one depression stage, later inversion and uplift stage which control the formation of natural gas reservoir, and basin atrophic stage. The main boundary faults and main faults in Changling fault depression control three volcanic cycles and the distribution of volcanic rock. Seismic reflection characteristic and logging response characteristic of volcanic rock in study area are obvious, and the distribution characteristic, volcanic cycle and active stage of volcanic rock can be revealed by seismic attribute, conventional logging data can distinguish clastic rock from volcanic rock or distinguish partial different types of volcanic rock. The reservoir property of rhyolite and volcanic tuff are the best. Favorable volcanic reservoir can be preserved in deep zone. Imaging logging and frequency decompostion technology of seismic data act as effective role in the study of reservoir physical property and gas-bearing properties of volcanic rock.. Hydrocarbon gas in study area is high and over mature coal type gas, the origin of CO2 is complex, it is either inorganic origin or organic origin, or mixing origin. Hydrocarbon gas is mainly originate from Shahezi formation and Yingcheng formation source rocks, CO2 is mainly mantle source gas. Hydrocarbon has the characteristics of continuous accumulation with two charging peak. The first peak represent liquid hydrocarbon accumulation time, The second peak stand for the accumulation time of gaseous hydrocarbon.CO2 accumulate approximately in Neocene. The source rock distribution range, volcanic rock and favorable reservoir facies, distribution characteristic of deep fault (gas source fault) and late inversion structure are the major factors to control gas reservoir formation and distribution. All the results show that these traps that consist of big inherited paleo uplift(paleo slope), stratigraphic overlap and thinning out, volcanic rock, are the most advantageous target zone.


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To extend the cross-hole seismic 2D data to outside 3D seismic data, reconstructing the low frequency data to high frequency data is necessary. Blind deconvolution method is a key technology. In this paper, an implementation of Blind deconvolution is introduced. And optimized precondition conjugate gradient method is used to improve the stability of the algorithm and reduce the computation. Then high-frequency retrieved Seismic data and the cross-hole seismic data is combined for constraint inversion. Real data processing proved the method is effective. To solve the problem that the seismic data resolution can’t meet the request of reservoir prediction in the river face thin-layers in Chinese eastern oil fields, a high frequency data reconstruction method is proposed. The extrema of the seismic data are used to get the modulation function which operated with the original seismic data to get the high frequency part of the reconstruction data to rebuild the wide band data. This method greatly saves the computation, and easy to adjust the parameters. In the output profile, the original features of the seismic events are kept, the common feint that breaking the events and adding new zeros to produce alias is avoided. And the interbeded details are enhanced compared to the original profiles. The effective band of seismic data is expended and the method is approved by the processing of the field data. Aim to the problem in the exploration and development of Chinese eastern oil field that the high frequency log data and the relative low frequency seismic data can’t be merged, a workflow of log data extrapolation constrained by time-phase model based on local wave decomposition is raised. The seismic instantaneous phase is resolved by local wave decomposition to build time-phase model, the layers beside the well is matched to build the relation of log and seismic data, multiple log info is extrapolated constrained by seismic equiphase map, high precision attributes inverse sections are produced. In the course of resolve the instantaneous phase, a new method of local wave decomposition --Hilbert transform mean mode decomposition(HMMD) is raised to improve the computation speed and noise immunity. The method is applied in the high resolution reservoir prediction in Mao2 survey of Daqing oil field, Multiple attributes profiles of wave impedance, gamma-ray, electrical resistivity, sand membership degree are produced, of which the resolution is high and the horizontal continuous is good. It’s proved to be a effective method for reservoir prediction and estimation.


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China’s annual oil import volume has been increasing in recent years, but the oil price in the international market fluctuates and poses a severe threat to China’s economic development and national security. Therefore, it is of great importance to study the gas and oil exploration of Pre-Cenozoic Residual Basins in Yellow Sea. Yellow Sea has widespread and thick Mesozoic and Paleozoic strata that contain multilayer source rock. Hence, Yellow Sea Mesozoic and Paleozoic strata have good conditions of forming Pre-Cenozoic hydrocarbon reservoirs. Pre-Cenozoic Residual Basins are usually buried deep and then transformed many times in its long evolutional history. These characteristics make it difficult to apply a single method in exploring Pre-Cenozoic Residual Basins. On the other hand, it is highly effective to solve key problems of gas and oil exploration of Pre-Cenozoic Residual Basins in Yellow Sea by using integrated geological and geophysical methods which make full use of the advantages of various exploring techniques. Based on the principle of “the region controls the local; the deep restricts the shallow,” this study focuses on Pre-Cenozoic Residual Basins in Yellow Sea to describe the structure frame of its distribution, with gravity, magnetic, seismic, drill-hole and geological data and previous research findings. In addition, the distribution characteristics of Pre-Cenozoic Residual Basins in Yellow Sea are also analyzed. This paper explores the characteristics of error between gravity forward with constant density and gravity forward with variable density through the study on 2-D and 3-D gravity forward in frequency domain. The result shows that there is a linear relationship between error and depth of 2-D geological model but there is a nonlinear relationship between error and depth of 3-D geological model. The error can be removed according to its linear characteristics or statistical nature of nonlinear characteristics. There is also error between gravity inversion with constant density and gravity inversion with variable density due to variable density and edge-effect. Since there are not noticeable rules between the error and the two causes as variable density and edge-effect, this study adopts gravity inversion with variable density and methods to eliminate the edge-effect in basement inversion to improve inversion accuracy. Based on the study on the rock physical properties and strata distribution of Yellow Sea and adjacent regions, this study finds that there is a big density contrast between Cretaceous-Jurassic strata and their substratum. The magnetic basement of south Yellow Sea is regarded as top of Archeozoic-Proterozoic early strata, and there are double magnetic basements in north Yellow Sea. Gravity and magnetic data are used to inverse the gravity basement and magnetic basement of Yellow Sea, with seismic and drill-hole data as constrains. According to data of gravity and magnetic basement distribution, the depth of Cenozoic strata and previous research findings, this paper calculates the thickness of the Mesozoic and Pre-Mesozoic Residual Basins, draws the distribution outline of Pre-Cenozoic Residual Basins in Yellow Sea, and analyzes its macro-distribution characteristics. Gravity inversion is applied on a typical geological profile in Yellow Sea to analyze the characteristics of its fractures and magnetic basements. The characteristics of Pre-Cenozoic Residual Basins distribution outline in Yellow Sea and the fractures and magnetic basements of its typical profile shown by profile inversion provides new geophysical evidence for these structure views such as “the South Yellow Sea and the North Yellow Sea belong to different structural units” and “Sino-Korea and Yangtze blocks combine along Yellow Sea East Fractured Zone in Yellow Sea”.


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In this paper we base on the anisotropic theory and Zoeppritz function of the transmission theory and the law of amplitude versus offset simplify seismic reflection coefficient of different media, analyze the characteristic of the gas or oil saturated stratum or the VTI and HTI models. Discuss the P wave reflection relationship and the meanings of the different parameters. We use measured parameters of a reservoir to simulate the characteristic of the reservoir, study the different effects of stratum saturated with gas or oil and analyze the characteristic of the seismic response of different models which change with different incident angles and different azimuths. Using the field data of logs ,analyze the rock property parameters, build the relationship of logs and parameters by Gassmann theory or empirical function. Calculate the density and the shear modulus and bulk modulus, reconstruct the log curves, calculate shear wave logs and correlate the logs affected by mud and other environmental factors. Finally perform the relationship of the seismic data log of saturated stratum and enhance the ability and reliability in reservoir prediction. Our aim is by the prestack seismic processing to get high solution and amplitude preserved seismic data. Because in incident angle gathers or azimuthal gathers, the low signal to noise ratio and low different covers affect the result of the prestack reservoir prediction. We apply prestack noise erase, cell regularization process and relatively amplitude preservation in the high solution seismic process routine to preserve the characteristic of stratum response, and erase the effects of the noise. In this paper we finished prestack invertion in the BYT survey and fractured reservoir depiction in MB survey. By the invertion and multiple attributes crossplot. we can get the stratum profiles and oil indicator profiles which can predict the distribution of the reservoir and oil. In the MB survey, we get orientation and density of fractured reservoir by the azimuthal seismic amplitude and depict the potential oil and gas reservoir. Prestak invertion works better in distinguishing oil and reservoir.


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In this paper, the detailed analysis of fundamental seismic data and theoretical method are given, and the tests of some new technologies are performed. For seismic data processing assembly, some key technologies are developed and applied, such as global static correction, amplitude consistency processing, wavelet consistency shaping, fine velocity model establishing and prestack time migration. These technologies can efficiently settle the problems during the course of multiple- block– jointed prestack time migration processing, and it is highly significant for holding the oil output of 40,000,000 tons for Daqing oilfield. Through the research of this dissertation, the following important contributions are shown: (1) The combination of near-surface model method and refraction static correction method is developed, and is applied to solve global static correction for the whole merging area. (2) Prestack amplitude normalization processing method based on fold is developed. The method eliminates the effects of fold on amplitude uniformity, and solves the problem of energy uniformity for tie-area prestack migration processing. (3) Wavelet consistency is investigated. For multiple survey blocks existing in the area, the optimum method of wavelet shaping is developed, which removes the waveform variance between two adjacent blocks. (4) Controlled velocity inversion (CVI) technique is used to establish migration velocity field. It can largely shorten the period of velocity modeling, and improve velocity analysis precision. (5) Float datum level technique is employed, and is able to guarantee prestack migration results of subsurface shallow layers. (6) The static partition of seismic data volume relating to migration aperture is firstly developed. And the precious imaging for huge data volume by prestack time migration is realized. (7) The numerical forward simulation and prestack migration processing is primarily combined to discuss the migration technique for a complex geology structure from practical field information. The combination of numerical simulation and prestack migration is a feasible way to solve the fine imaging of complex volcanic structure. And the combination approach can help to select appropriate migration parameters.


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With the deeply development of exploration and development in petroleum in China, new increasing reserves are found in old oil fields and the verge of the old ones through re-study of geological property. It is more and more important to discovery and develop thin layer or thin inter-bedded layers reservoirs. All of the targets are thin sand-shale inter-bedded reservoirs and the core technology is reservoir predictions between wells in thin sand-shale inter-bedded layers. The continuity of the thin sand-shale inter-bedded layers in space or separating and heterogeneity is the key of reservoir geology research. The seismic reflection, high resolution analysis method and inversion method to thin sand-shale inter-bedded layers are thorough discussed and deeply studied in this paper to try to find the methods and resolutions of reservoir geology research. The below is followed. 1. Based on the pre-research of other people, five models are created: the sand sphenoid body, interlay sandstone and interlay shale of the equal thickness, interlay sandstone of the equal thickness and interlay shale of the unequal thickness, interlay sandstone of the unequal thickness and interlay shale of the unequal thickness, interlay sandstone of the changing thickness in sequence and interlay shale of the changing thickness in sequence. Then the study of the forward modeling are conducted on the thin layer and thin inter-bedded layers geological characters and seismic reflections including amplitude, frequency, phase, wave shape and time-frequency responding in the domains of time and frequency. The affect of petro-physics difference of layers, single thin layer thickness, thickness of inter-bedded, layer number of inter-bedded, incident wavelet domain frequency and types, sample interval to seismic reflection characters, frequency spectrum and time-frequency respond of reflectivity is theoretically discussed. 2. Qualitatively analyzing the sedimentary rhythm of the thin inter-bedded layers in vertical orientation and computing the single layer thickness or the average thickness with the method of generalized S transform. Identifying the reflecting interface or lithology interface using the amplitude value of amplitude spectrum domain frequency. 3. Based on the seismic respond of thin sand-shale inter-bedded layers, bring out the high resolution analysis method of seismic data in thin sand-shale inter-bedded layers using wavelet analysis and the idea of affecting low and high frequency with middle frequency. Then analyzing the effect to the method and testing some wavelets in the method. This method is applied to the theoretical models and the field data. 4. Bring forward one improved very fast simulated annealing method (IVFSA) to resolve the problem nonlinearity and multi-parameters of the inversion in thin inter-bedded layers. And IVFSA is more productive and higher precision than general ways. 5. New target constrained function is used in the inversion based on the property of the inversion in thin inter-bedded layers. 6. Making the full use of geological and logging information, IVFSA and the new function are applied in the non-linear inversion to improve reservoir prediction and evaluation in thin inter-bedded formations combined with the idea of logging and seismic inversion. This method was applied to the field data and got good results.


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In the prediction of complex reservoir with high heterogeneities in lithologic and petrophysical properties, because of inexact data (e.g., information-overlapping, information-incomplete, and noise-contaminated) and ambiguous physical relationship, inversion results suffer from non-uniqueness, instability and uncertainty. Thus, the reservoir prediction technologies based on the linear assumptions are unsuited for these complex areas. Based on the limitations of conventional technologies, the thesis conducts a series of researches on various kernel problems such as inversions from band-limited seismic data, inversion resolution, inversion stability, and ambiguous physical relationship. The thesis combines deterministic, statistical and nonlinear theories of geophysics, and integrates geological information, rock physics, well data and seismic data to predict lithologic and petrophysical parameters. The joint inversion technology is suited for the areas with complex depositional environment and complex rock-physical relationship. Combining nonlinear multistage Robinson seismic convolution model with unconventional Caianiello neural network, the thesis implements the unification of the deterministic and statistical inversion. Through Robinson seismic convolution model and nonlinear self-affine transform, the deterministic inversion is implemented by establishing a deterministic relationship between seismic impedance and seismic responses. So, this can ensure inversion reliability. Furthermore, through multistage seismic wavelet (MSW)/seismic inverse wavelet (MSIW) and Caianiello neural network, the statistical inversion is implemented by establishing a statistical relationship between seismic impedance and seismic responses. Thus, this can ensure the anti-noise ability. In this thesis, direct and indirect inversion modes are alternately used to estimate and revise the impedance value. Direct inversion result is used as the initial value of indirect inversion and finally high-resolution impedance profile is achieved by indirect inversion. This largely enhances inversion precision. In the thesis, a nonlinear rock physics convolution model is adopted to establish a relationship between impedance and porosity/clay-content. Through multistage decomposition and bidirectional edge wavelet detection, it can depict more complex rock physical relationship. Moreover, it uses the Caianiello neural network to implement the combination of deterministic inversion, statistical inversion and nonlinear theory. Last, by combined applications of direct inversion based on vertical edge detection wavelet and indirect inversion based on lateral edge detection wavelet, it implements the integrative application of geological information, well data and seismic impedance for estimation of high-resolution petrophysical parameters (porosity/clay-content). These inversion results can be used to reservoir prediction and characterization. Multi-well constrains and separate-frequency inversion modes are adopted in the thesis. The analyses of these sections of lithologic and petrophysical properties show that the low-frequency sections reflect the macro structure of the strata, while the middle/high-frequency sections reflect the detailed structure of the strata. Therefore, the high-resolution sections can be used to recognize the boundary of sand body and to predict the hydrocarbon zones.