995 resultados para instrumentation


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We develop an optical system for generating multiple light sheets. This is enabled by employing a special class of spatial filters in a cylindrical lens geometry. The proposed binary filter placed at the back aperture of the cylindrical lens results in the generation of a periodic transverse pattern extending along the z axis (i.e., multiple light sheets). Experimental results confirm the generation of multiple light sheets of thickness 6.6 mu m with an intersheet spacing of 13.4 mu m. The proposed imaging technique may facilitate three-dimensional imaging in nano-optics, fluorescence microscopy, and nanobiology. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America


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Titanium dioxide (TiO2) thin films were deposited on glass and silicon (100) substrates by the sol-gel method. The influence of film thickness and annealing temperature on optical transmittance/reflectance of TiO2 films was studied. TiO2 films were used to fabricate metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors. The capacitance-voltage (C-V), dissipation-voltage (D-V) and current-voltage (I-V) characteristics were studied at different annealing temperatures and the dielectric constant, current density and resistivity were estimated. The loss tangent (dissipation) increased with increase of annealing temperature.


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Investigations on the electrical switching, structural, optical and photoacoustic analysis have been undertaken on chalcogenide GeSe1.5S0.5 thin films of various thicknesses prepared by vacuum evaporation technique. The decrease of band gap energy with increase in film thickness has been explained using the `density of states model'. The structural units of the films are characterized using Raman spectroscopy and the deconvoluted Raman peaks obtained from Gaussian fit around 188 cm(-1), 204 cm(-1) and 214 cm(-1) favors Ge-chalcogen tetrahedral units forming corner and edge sharing tetrahedra. All the thin films samples have been exhibited memory-type electrical switching behavior. An enhancement in the threshold voltages of GeSe1.5S0.5 thin films have been observed with increase in film thickness. The thickness dependence of switching voltages provide an insight into the switching mechanism and it is explained by the Joule heating effect. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new global stochastic search, guided mainly through derivative-free directional information computable from the sample statistical moments of the design variables within a Monte Carlo setup, is proposed. The search is aided by imparting to the directional update term additional layers of random perturbations referred to as `coalescence' and `scrambling'. A selection step, constituting yet another avenue for random perturbation, completes the global search. The direction-driven nature of the search is manifest in the local extremization and coalescence components, which are posed as martingale problems that yield gain-like update terms upon discretization. As anticipated and numerically demonstrated, to a limited extent, against the problem of parameter recovery given the chaotic response histories of a couple of nonlinear oscillators, the proposed method appears to offer a more rational, more accurate and faster alternative to most available evolutionary schemes, prominently the particle swarm optimization. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The variation of electrical resistivity in the system of glasses Ge17Te83-xTlx, with (1 <= x <= 13), has been studied as a function of high pressure for pressures up to 10 GPa. It is found that the normalized electrical resistivity decreases continuously with the increase in pressure and shows a sudden drop at a particular pressure (transition pressure), indicating the presence of a transition from semiconductor to near-metallic at these pressures which are in the range 3.0-5.0 GPa. This transition pressure is seen to decrease with the increase in the percentage content of thallium due to increasing metallicity of the thallium. The transition is reversible under application of pressure and X-ray diffraction of samples recovered after pressurization show that they remain amorphous after undergoing a pressurization decompression cycle.


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This paper presents the design and modeling of an active five-axis compliant micromanipulator whose tip orientation can be independently controlled by large angles about two axes and the tip-position can be controlled in three dimensions. These features enable precise control of the contact point of the tip and the tip-sample interaction forces with three-dimensional nanoscale objects, including those features that are conventionally inaccessible. Control of the tip-motion is realized by means of electromagnetic actuation combined with a novel kinematic and structural design of the micromanipulator, which, in addition, also ensures compatibility with existing high-resolution motion-measurement systems. The design and analysis of the manipulator structure and those of the actuation system are first presented. Quasi-static and dynamic lumped-parameter (LP) models are then derived for the five-axis compliant micromanipulator. Finite element (FE) analysis is employed to validate these models, which are subsequently used to study the effects of tip orientation on the mechanical characteristics of the five-axis micromanipulator. Finally, a prototype of the designed five-axis manipulator is fabricated by means of focused ion-beam milling (FIB).


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Visualization of intracellular organelles is achieved using a newly developed high throughput imaging cytometry system. This system interrogates the microfluidic channel using a sheet of light rather than the existing point-based scanning techniques. The advantages of the developed system are many, including, single-shot scanning of specimens flowing through the microfluidic channel at flow rate ranging from micro-to nano- lit./min. Moreover, this opens-up in-vivo imaging of sub-cellular structures and simultaneous cell counting in an imaging cytometry system. We recorded a maximum count of 2400 cells/min at a flow-rate of 700 nl/min, and simultaneous visualization of fluorescently-labeled mitochondrial network in HeLa cells during flow. The developed imaging cytometry system may find immediate application in biotechnology, fluorescence microscopy and nano-medicine. (C) 2014 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


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Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors have become one of the most widely used sensors in the recent times for a variety of applications in the fields of aerospace, civil, automotive, etc. It has been recently realized that FBGs and etched FBGs can play an important role in biomedical applications. This article provides a brief overview of the recent advancements in the application of FBG sensors in bio-mechanical, bio-sensing and bio-medical fields.


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We report the photoresponse of a hydrogenated graphene (H-graphene)-based infrared (IR) photodetector that is 4 times higher than that of pristine graphene. An enhanced photoresponse in H-graphene is attributed to the longer photoinduced carrier lifetime and hence a higher internal quantum efficiency of the device. Moreover, a variation in the angle of incidence of IR radiation demonstrated a nonlinear photoresponse of the detector, which can be attributed to the photon drag effect. However, a linear dependence of the photoresponse is revealed with different incident powers for a given angle of IR incidence. This study presents H-graphene as a tunable photodetector for advanced photoelectronic devices with higher responsivity. In addition, in situ tunability of the graphene bandgap enables achieving a cost-effective technique for developing photodetectors without involving any external treatments.


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Sulfurization of Cu(In,Al)Se-2 films is carried out in an indigenously made set up at moderately low temperature. The films are sulfurized for different time durations of 15, 30, 45 and 60 min at 150 degrees C. InSe and Cu2S phases occurred in the films during the initial stage of sulfurization along with Cu(In,Al)(Se,S)(2) phase. The compositional analysis shows that the sulfur incorporation is saturated after 30 min. Crystallinity increased with the increase in sulfurization time. The band gap of the Cu(In,Al)Se-2 film increased up to 1.35 eV with the addition of sulfur. Single phase Cu(In,Al)(Se,S)(2) with high crystallinity is obtained after 60 min of sulfurization. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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CONSPECTUS: Transition metals help to stabilize highly strained organic fragments. Metallacycles, especially unsaturated ones, provide much variety in this area. We had a sustained interest in understanding new C-C bond formation reactions affected by binuclear transition metal fragments Cp2M. One such study led to the exploration of the bimetallic C-C cleavage and coupled complexes, where the acetylide ligands bridge two metal atoms. The underlying M-C interaction in these complexes inspired the synthesis of a five-membered cyclocumulene complex, which opened a new phase in organometallic chemistry. The metallacyclocumulene produces a variety of C-C cleavage and coupled products including a radialene complex. Group 4 metallocenes have thus unlocked a fascinating chemistry by stabilizing strained unsaturated C4 organic fragments in the form of five-membered metallacyclocumulenes, metallacyclopentynes, and metallacycloallenes. Over the years, we have carried out a comprehensive theoretical study to understand the unusual stability and reactivity of these metallacycles. The unique (M-C-beta) interaction of the internal carbon atoms with the metal atom is the reason for unusual stability of the metallacycles. We have also shown that there is a definite dependence of the C-C coupling and cleavage reactions on the metal of metallacyclocumulenes. It demonstrates unexpected reaction pathways for these reactions. Based on this understanding, we have predicted and unraveled the stabilization factors of an unusual four-membered metallacycloallene complex. Indeed, our prediction about a four-membered heterometallacycle has led to an interesting bonding situation, which is experimentally realized. This type of M-C bonding is intriguing from a fundamental perspective and has great relevance in synthesizing unusual structures with interesting properties. In this Account, we first give a short prologue of what led to the present study and describe the salient features of the structure and bonding of the metallacyclocumulenes. The unusual reaction pathway of this metallacycle is explored next. Similar features of the metallacyclopentynes and metallacycloallenes are briefly mentioned. Then, we discuss the exploitation of the unique M-C bonding to design some exotic molecules such as a four-membered metallacycloallene complex. Our efforts to build a conceptual framework to understand these metallacycles and to exploit their chemistry continue.


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TiO2 thin films with 0.2 wt%, 0.4 wt%, 0.6 wt%, and 0.8 wt% Fe were prepared on glass and silicon substrates using sol-gel spin coating technique. The optical cut-off points are increasingly red-shifted and the absorption edge is shifted over the higher wavelength region with Fe content increasing. As Fe content increases, the optical band gap decreases from 3.03 to 2.48 eV whereas the tail width increases from 0.26 to 1.43 eV. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns for doped films at 0.2 wt% and 0.8 wt% Fe reveal no characteristic peaks, indicating that the film is amorphous whereas undoped TiO2 exhibits (101) orientation with anatase phase. Thin films of higher Fe content exhibit a homogeneous, uniform, and nano-structured highly porous shell morphology.


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Thin film transistors (TFTs) on elastomers promise flexible electronics with stretching and bending. Recently, there have been several experimental studies reporting the behavior of TFTs under bending and buckling. In the presence of stress, the insulator capacitance is influenced due to two reasons. The first is the variation in insulator thickness depending on the Poisson ratio and strain. The second is the geometric influence of the curvature of the insulator-semiconductor interface during bending or buckling. This paper models the role of curvature on TFT performance and brings to light an elegant result wherein the TFT characteristics is dependent on the area under the capacitance-distance curve. The paper compares models with simulations and explains several experimental findings reported in literature. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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In this study, we report the gas sensing behavior of BiNbO4 nanopowder prepared by a low temperature simple solution-based method. Before the sensing behaviour study, the as-synthesized nanopowder was characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, UV-diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, impedance analysis, and surface area measurement. The NH3 sensing behavior of BiNbO4 was then studied by temperature modulation (50-350 degrees C) as well as concentration modulation (20-140 ppm). At the optimum operating temperature of 325 degrees C, the sensitivity was measured to be 90%. The cross-sensitivity of as-synthesized BiNbO4 sensor was also investigated by assessing the sensing behavior toward other gases such as hydrogen sulphide (H2S), ethanol (C2H5OH), and liquid petroleum gas (LPG). Finally, selectivity of the sensing material toward NH3 was characterized by observing the sensor response with gas concentrations in the range 20-140 ppm. The response and recovery time for NH3 sensing at 120 ppm were about 16 s and about 17 s, respectively.