982 resultados para insect pests


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Publication 3896.


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Epidemics of marine pathogens can spread at extremely rapid rates. For example, herpes virus spread through pilchard populations in Australia at a rate in excess of 10 000 km year(-1), and morbillivirus infections in seals and dolphins have spread at more than 3000 km year(-1). In terrestrial environments, only the epidemics of myxomatosis and calicivirus in Australian rabbits and West Nile Virus in birds in North America have rates of spread in excess of 1000 km year(-1). The rapid rates of spread of these epidemics has been attributed to flying insect vectors, but flying vectors have not been proposed for any marine pathogen. The most likely explanation for the relatively rapid spread of marine pathogens is the lack of barriers to dispersal in some parts of the ocean, and the potential for long-term survival of pathogens outside the host. These findings caution that pathogens may pose a particularly severe problem in the ocean. There is a need to develop epidemic models capable of generating these high rates of spread and obtain more estimates of disease spread rate.


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Polydnaviruses (PDVs) are endogenous particles that are used by some endoparasitic hymenoptera to disrupt host immunity and development. Recent analyses of encapsidated PDV genes have increased the number of known PDV gene families, which are often closely related to insect genes. Several PDV proteins inactivate host haemocytes by damaging their actin cytoskeleton. These proteins share no significant sequence homology and occur in polyphyletic PDV genera, possibly indicating that convergent evolution has produced functionally similar immune-suppressive molecules causing a haemocyte phenotype characterised by damaged cytoskeleton and inactivation. These phenomena provide further insights into the immune-suppressive activity of PDVs and raise interesting questions about PDV evolution, a topic that has puzzled researchers ever since the discovery of PDVs.


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1 Accurate assessment of the impact of natural enemies on pest populations is fundamental to the design of robust integrated pest management programmes. In most situations, diseases, predators and parasitoids act contemporaneously on insect pest populations and the impact of individual natural enemies, or specific groups of natural enemies, is difficult to interpret. These problems are exacerbated in agro-ecosystems that are frequently disrupted by the application of insecticides. 2 A combination of life-table and natural enemy exclusion techniques was utilized to develop a method for the assessment of the impact of endemic natural enemies on Plutella xylostella populations on commercial Brassica farms. 3 At two of the experimental sites, natural enemies had no impact on P. xylostella survival, at two other sites, natural enemy impact was low but, at a fifth site, natural enemies drastically reduced the P. xylostella population. 4 The calculation of marginal death rates and associated k-values allowed the comparison of mortality factors between experimental sites, and indicated that larval disappearance was consistently the most important mortality factor, followed by egg disappearance, larval parasitism and pupal parasitism. The appropriateness of the methods and assumptions made to calculate the marginal death rates are discussed. 5 The technique represents a robust and easily repeatable method for the analysis of the activity of natural enemies of P. xylostella, which could be adapted for the study of other phytophagous pests.


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The use of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) endotoxins to control insect vectors of human diseases and agricultural pests is threatened by the possible evolution of resistance in major pest species. In addition to high levels of resistance produced by receptor insensitivity (5, 16, 17), several cases of tolerance to low to medium levels of toxin have been reported in laboratory colonies of lepidopteran species (3, 18). Because the molecular basis of some of these cases of tolerance to the toxin are not known, we explored alternative mechanisms. Here, we present evidence that tolerance to a Bt formulation in a laboratory colony of the flour moth Ephestia kuehniella can be induced by preexposure to a low concentration of the Bt formulation and that the tolerance correlates with an elevated immune response. The data also indicate that both immune induction and Bt tolerance can be transmitted to offspring by a maternal effect and that their magnitudes are determined by more than one gene.


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Trichogramma species are mass-produced for biological control using host eggs. Artificial diets have been developed to reduce production costs, however, most include insect haemolymph as a major component, which still results in a significant expense. Medium conditioned with insect cell lines has produced some success as a haemolymph replacement in artificial diets for several parasitoid wasp species. Trichogramma australicum Girault (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) was the first species to develop successfully to the adult stage on diets containing concentrated HeliothiS zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) cells. Tricho-gramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) was subsequently grown to the adult stage on a similar cell line diet. This success encouraged a systematic investigation into the use of insect cell lines in Trichogramma artificial diets. We compared the effect of diets containing insect cells with diets containing conditioned cell line media. Diets containing insect cells produced significantly more pupae than diets containing conditioned medium and, although not significant, produced a higher number of adults. Second, we compared the effect of diets containing cell lines established from ovary-associated tissue of H. zea and embryo tissue of Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae) on T pretiosum development. Trichogramma pretiosum development was not significantly different on diets containing cells from the two origins and tissue types. Third, the effect of cell storage on T pretiosum development was observed. HeliothiS zea cells in medium were stored at 4 degrees C and room temperature (22 degrees C for one, two, four and seven days before addition to artificial diets. Cell viability was calculated for these storage treatments. HeliothiS zea cells could be stored at 4 degrees C for up to seven days with no detrimental effect on T pretiosum development. Tricho-gramma pretiosum development did not depend on cell viability. The use of insect cell lines as a haemolymph replacement has the potential to significantly reduce production costs and simplify Trichogramma artificial diets with the eventual aim of replacing host production in mass rearing facilities. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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1 The herbivorous bug Heteropsylla cubana Crawford (Homoptera: Psyllidae) is a pest of the cattle fodder crop Leucaena (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae). The interaction between the psyllid and three varieties of its Leucaena host plant was investigated in relation to the apparent resistance of some Leucaena varieties (Leucaena leucocephala, Leucaena pallida and their hybrids) to attack. 2 Field trials demonstrated that adult psyllids distinguished among the different varieties of Leucaena over a distance, and were attracted to L. leucocephala in significantly higher numbers than to L. pallida or to the hybrid. Pesticide treatment increased the attractiveness of Leucaena plants, even of those deemed to be psyllid resistant. Numbers of psyllid eggs and nymphs, sampled in the field, reflect the arrival rates of adults at the three plant varieties. 3 Wavelength reflectance data of the three Leucaena varieties were not significantly different from one another, suggesting that psyllids cannot discriminate among the three plants using brightness or wavelength cues. There was a differential release of caryophyllene among the three varieties. Release of caryophyllene in L. leucocephala and the hybrid appeared to be influenced by environmental conditions. 4 Experiments demonstrated that caryophyllene (at least on its own) did not influence the behaviour of leucaena psyllids in relation to leucaena plants. 5 The results suggest that host plant volatiles cannot be dismissed as significant in the interaction between the leucaena psyllid and its Leucaena host plants. Further avenues for investigation are recommended and these are related to novel ways of understanding resistance in insect plant inter-relationships.


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When direct observations are used to study animal behavior the presence of the observer may alter the animal and hence influence the data being collected, yet few studies have quantified this effect. We conducted direct observation studies in the glasshouse to assess the relative influence of observer presence on the behavior of Pacific damsel bugs, Nabis kinbergii, a potentially important predator of crop pests. Comparisons of predator activity, predator distribution, prey (Helicoverpa armigera) mortality and prey distribution between frequently observed and minimally observed treatments, during diurnal and nocturnal observation sessions showed that the frequency of observer presence had no apparent impact on Pacific damsel bug behavior. This is the first documented test of the impact of observer presence in an insect system. To place our results in context, we reviewed 15 papers on the influence of observer presence in a range of animals. We established that just over half of these papers found evidence for an effect. Nevertheless, direct observations should be useful in further studies of Pacific damsel bug behavior, and researchers using direct observations to study the behavior of other animals should be cognizant of observer effects during design and interpretation of their study.


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Many insect parasitoids that deposit their eggs inside immature stages of other insect species inactivate the cellular host defence to protect the growing embryo from encapsulation. Suppression of encapsulation by polydnavirus-encoded immune-suppressors correlates with specific alterations in hemocytes, mainly cytoskeletal rearrangements and actin-cytoskeleton breakdown. We have previously shown that the Cotesia rubecula polydnavirus gene product CrV1 causes immune suppression when injected into the host hemocoel. CrV1 is taken up by hemocytes although no receptors have been found to bind the protein. Instead CrV1 uptake depends on dimer formation, which is required for interacting with lipophorin, suggesting a CrV1-lipophorin complex internalisation by hemocytes. Since treatment of hemocytes with oligomeric lectins and cytochalasin D can mimic the effects of CrV1, we propose that some dimeric and oligomeric adhesion molecules are able to cross-link receptors on the cell surface and depolymerise actin by leverage-mediated clearance reactions in the hemolymph.