957 resultados para immunofluorescence assay


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Diarrhoea is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in populations in developing countries and is a significant health issue throughout the world. Despite the frequency and the severity of the diarrhoeal disease, mechanisms of pathogenesis for many of the causative agents have been poorly characterised. Although implicated in a number of intestinal and extra-intestinal infections in humans, Plesiomonas shigelloides generally has been dismissed as an enteropathogen due to the lack of clearly demonstrated virulence-associated properties such as production of cytotoxins and enterotoxins or invasive abilities. However, evidence from a number of sources has indicated that this species may be the cause of a number of clinical infections. The work described in this thesis seeks to resolve this discrepancy by investigating the pathogenic potential of P. shigelloides using in vitro cell models. The focus of this research centres on how this organism interacts with human host cells in an experimental model. Very little is known about the pathogenic potential of P. shigel/oides and its mechanisms in human infections and disease. However, disease manifestations mimic those of other related microorganisms. Chapter 2 reviews microbial pathogenesis in general, with an emphasis on understanding the mechanisms resulting from infection with bacterial pathogens and the alterations in host cell biology. In addition, this review analyses the pathogenic status of a poorly-defined enteropathogen, P. shigelloides. Key stages of pathogenicity must occur in order for a bacterial pathogen to cause disease. Such stages include bacterial adherence to host tissue, bacterial entry into host tissues (usually required), multiplication within host tissues, evasion of host defence mechanisms and the causation of damage. In this study, these key strategies in infection and disease were sought to help assess the pathogenic potential of P. shigelloides (Chapter 3). Twelve isolates of P. shigelloides, obtained from clinical cases of gastroenteritis, were used to infect monolayers of human intestinal epithelial cells in vitro. Ultrastructural analysis demonstrated that P. shigelloides was able to adhere to the microvilli at the apical surface of the epithelial cells and also to the plasma membranes of both apical and basal surfaces. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that these isolates were able to enter intestinal epithelial cells. Internalised bacteria often were confined within vacuoles surrounded by single or multiple membranes. Observation of bacteria within membranebound vacuoles suggests that uptake of P. shigelloides into intestinal epithelial cells occurs via a process morphologically comparable to phagocytosis. Bacterial cells also were observed free in the host cell cytoplasm, indicating that P. shige/loides is able to escape from the surrounding vacuolar membrane and exist within the cytosol of the host. Plesiomonas shigelloides has not only been implicated in gastrointestinal infections, but also in a range of non-intestinal infections such as cholecystitis, proctitis, septicaemia and meningitis. The mechanisms by which P. shigelloides causes these infections are not understood. Previous research was unable to ascertain the pathogenic potential of P. shigel/oides using cells of non-intestinal origin (HEp-2 cells derived from a human larynx carcinoma and Hela cells derived from a cervical carcinoma). However, with the recent findings (from this study) that P. shigelloides can adhere to and enter intestinal cells, it was hypothesised, that P. shigel/oides would be able to enter Hela and HEp-2 cells. Six clinical isolates of P. shigelloides, which previously have been shown to be invasive to intestinally derived Caco-2 cells (Chapter 3) were used to study interactions with Hela and HEp-2 cells (Chapter 4). These isolates were shown to adhere to and enter both nonintestinal host cell lines. Plesiomonas shigelloides were observed within vacuoles surrounded by single and multiple membranes, as well as free in the host cell cytosol, similar to infection by P. shigelloides of Caco-2 cells. Comparisons of the number of bacteria adhered to and present intracellularly within Hela, HEp-2 and Caco-2 cells revealed a preference of P. shigelloides for Caco-2 cells. This study conclusively showed for the first time that P. shigelloides is able to enter HEp-2 and Hela cells, demonstrating the potential ability to cause an infection and/or disease of extra-intestinal sites in humans. Further high resolution ultrastructural analysis of the mechanisms involved in P. shigelloides adherence to intestinal epithelial cells (Chapter 5) revealed numerous prominent surface features which appeared to be involved in the binding of P. shige/loides to host cells. These surface structures varied in morphology from small bumps across the bacterial cell surface to much longer filaments. Evidence that flagella might play a role in bacterial adherence also was found. The hypothesis that filamentous appendages are morphologically expressed when in contact with host cells also was tested. Observations of bacteria free in the host cell cytosol suggests that P. shigelloides is able to lyse free from the initial vacuolar compartment. The vacuoles containing P. shigel/oides within host cells have not been characterised and the point at which P. shigelloides escapes from the surrounding vacuolar compartment has not been determined. A cytochemical detection assay for acid phosphatase, an enzymatic marker for lysosomes, was used to analyse the co-localisation of bacteria-containing vacuoles and acid phosphatase activity (Chapter 6). Acid phosphatase activity was not detected in these bacteria-containing vacuoles. However, the surface of many intracellular and extracellular bacteria demonstrated high levels of acid phosphatase activity, leading to the proposal of a new virulence factor for P. shigelloides. For many pathogens, the efficiency with which they adhere to and enter host cells is dependant upon the bacterial phase of growth. Such dependency reflects the timing of expression of particular virulence factors important for bacterial pathogenesis. In previous studies (Chapter 3 to Chapter 6), an overnight culture of P. shigelloides was used to investigate a number of interactions, however, it was unknown whether this allowed expression of bacterial factors to permit efficient P. shigelloides attachment and entry into human cells. In this study (Chapter 7), a number of clinical and environmental P. shigelloides isolates were investigated to determine whether adherence and entry into host cells in vitro was more efficient during exponential-phase or stationary-phase bacterial growth. An increase in the number of adherent and intracellular bacteria was demonstrated when bacteria were inoculated into host cell cultures in exponential phase cultures. This was demonstrated clearly for 3 out of 4 isolates examined. In addition, an increase in the morphological expression of filamentous appendages, a suggested virulence factor for P. shigel/oides, was observed for bacteria in exponential growth phase. These observations suggest that virulence determinants for P. shigel/oides may be more efficiently expressed when bacteria are in exponential growth phase. This study demonstrated also, for the first time, that environmental water isolates of P. shigelloides were able to adhere to and enter human intestinal cells in vitro. These isolates were seen to enter Caco-2 host cells through a process comparable to the clinical isolates examined. These findings support the hypothesis of a water transmission route for P. shigelloides infections. The results presented in this thesis contribute significantly to our understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms involved in P. shigelloides infections and disease. Several of the factors involved in P. shigelloides pathogenesis have homologues in other pathogens of the human intestine, namely Vibrio, Aeromonas, Salmonella, Shigella species and diarrhoeaassociated strains of Escherichia coli. This study emphasises the relevance of research into Plesiomonas as a means of furthering our understanding of bacterial virulence in general. As well it provides tantalising clues on normal and pathogenic host cell mechanisms.


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Balimau Putih [an Indonesian cultivar tolerant to rice tungro bacilliform virus (RTBV)] was crossed with IR64 (RTBV, susceptible variety) to produce the three filial generations F1, F2 and F3. Agroinoculation was used to introduce RTBV into the test plants. RTBV tolerance was based on the RTBV level in plants by analysis of coat protein using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The level of RTBV in cv. Balimau Putih was significantly lower than that of IR64 and the susceptible control, Taichung Native 1. Mean RTBV levels of the F1, F2 and F3 populations were comparable with one another and with the average of the parents. Results indicate that there was no dominance and an additive gene action may control the expression of tolerance to RTBV. Tolerance based on the level of RTBV coat protein was highly heritable (0.67) as estimated using the mean values of F3 lines, suggesting that selection for tolerance to RTBV can be performed in the early selfing generations using the technique employed in this study. The RTBV level had a negative correlation with plant height, but positive relationship with disease index value


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Analysis by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay showed that Rice tungro bacilliform virus (RTBV) accumulated in a cyclic pattern from early to late stages of infection in tungro-susceptible variety, Taichung Native 1 (TN1), and resistant variety, Balimau Putih, singly infected with RTBV or co-infected with RTBV+Rice tungro spherical virus (RTSV). These changes in virus accumulation resulted in differences in RTBV levels and incidence of infection. The virus levels were expressed relative to those of the susceptible variety and the incidence of infection was assessed at different weeks after inoculation. At a particular time point, RTBV levels in TN1 or Balimau Putih singly infected with RTBV were not significantly different from the virus level in plants co-infected with RTBV+RTSV. The relative RTBV levels in Balimau Putih either singly infected with RTBV or co-infected with RTBV+RTSV were significantly lower than those in TN1. The incidence of RTBV infection varied at different times in Balimau Putih but not in TN1, and to determine the actual infection, the number of plants that became infected at least once anytime during the 4wk observation period was considered. Considering the changes in RTBV accumulation, new parameters for analyzing RTBV resistance were established. Based on these parameters, Balimau Putih was characterized having resistance to virus accumulation although the actual incidence of infection was >75%.


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Bone generation by autogenous cell transplantation in combination with a biodegradable scaffold is one of the most promising techniques being developed in craniofacial surgery. The objective of this combined in vitro and in vivo study was to evaluate the morphology and osteogenic differentiation of bone marrow derived mesenchymal progenitor cells and calvarial osteoblasts in a two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) culture environment (Part I of this study) and their potential in combination with a biodegradable scaffold to reconstruct critical-size calvarial defects in an autologous animal model [Part II of this study; see Schantz, J.T., et al. Tissue Eng. 2003;9(Suppl. 1):S-127-S-139; this issue]. New Zealand White rabbits were used to isolate osteoblasts from calvarial bone chips and bone marrow stromal cells from iliac crest bone marrow aspirates. Multilineage differentiation potential was evaluated in a 2-D culture setting. After amplification, the cells were seeded within a fibrin matrix into a 3-D polycaprolactone (PCL) scaffold system. The constructs were cultured for up to 3 weeks in vitro and assayed for cell attachment and proliferation using phase-contrast light, confocal laser, and scanning electron microscopy and the MTS cell metabolic assay. Osteogenic differentiation was analyzed by determining the expression of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and osteocalcin. The bone marrow-derived progenitor cells demonstrated the potential to be induced to the osteogenic, adipogenic, and chondrogenic pathways. In a 3-D environment, cell-seeded PCL scaffolds evaluated by confocal laser microscopy revealed continuous cell proliferation and homogeneous cell distribution within the PCL scaffolds. On osteogenic induction mesenchymal progenitor cells (12 U/L) produce significantly higher (p < 0.05) ALP activity than do osteoblasts (2 U/L); however, no significant differences were found in osteocalcin expression. In conclusion, this study showed that the combination of a mechanically stable synthetic framework (PCL scaffolds) and a biomimetic hydrogel (fibrin glue) provides a potential matrix for bone tissue-engineering applications. Comparison of osteogenic differentiation between the two mesenchymal cell sources revealed a similar pattern.


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Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) is a persistent environmental contaminant that has the potential to interfere with steroid hormone regulation. The prostate requires precise control by androgens to regulate its growth and function. To determine if HCB impacts androgen action in the prostate, we used a number of methods. Our in vitro cell-culture-based assay used a firefly luciferase reporter gene driven by an androgen-responsive promoter. In the presence of dihydrotestosterone, low concentrations (0.5-5 nM) of HCB increased the androgen-responsive production of firefly luciferase and high concentrations of HCB (> 10 microM) suppressed this transcriptional activity. Results from a binding assay showed no evidence of affinity between HCB and the androgen receptor. We also tested HCB for in vivo effects using transgenic mice in which the transgene was a prostate-specific, androgen-responsive promoter upstream of a chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) reporter gene. In 4-week-old mice, the proportion of dilated prostate acini, a marker of sexual maturity, increased in the low HCB dose group and decreased in the high HCB dose mice. In the 8-week-old mice, there was a significant decrease in both CAT activity and prostate weight upon exposure to 20 mg/kg/day HCB. Therefore, in vitro and in vivo data suggest that HCB weakly agonizes androgen action, and consequently, low levels of HCB enhanced androgen action but high levels of HCB interfered. Environmental contaminants have been implicated in the rising incidence of prostate cancer, and insight into the mechanisms of endocrine disruption will help to clarify their role.


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This study investigated a novel drug delivery system (DDS), consisting of polycaprolactone (PCL) or polycaprolactone 20% tricalcium phosphate (PCL-TCP) biodegradable scaffolds, fibrin Tisseel sealant and recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) for bone regeneration. PCL and PCL-TCP-fibrin composites displayed a loading efficiency of 70% and 43%, respectively. Fluorescence and scanning electron microscopy revealed sparse clumps of rhBMP-2 particles, non-uniformly distributed on the rods’ surface of PCL-fibrin composites. In contrast, individual rhBMP-2 particles were evident and uniformly distributed on the rods’ surface of the PCL-TCP-fibrin composites. PCL-fibrin composites loaded with 10 and 20 μg/ml rhBMP-2 demonstrated a triphasic release profile as quantified by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). This consisted of burst releases at 2 h, and days 7 and 16. A biphasic release profile was observed for PCL-TCP-fibrin composites loaded with 10 μg/ml rhBMP-2, consisting of burst releases at 2 h and day 14. PCL-TCP-fibrin composites loaded with 20 μg/ml rhBMP-2 showed a tri-phasic release profile, consisting of burst releases at 2 h, and days 10 and 21. We conclude that the addition of TCP caused a delay in rhBMP-2 release. Sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and alkaline phosphatase assay verified the stability and bioactivity of eluted rhBMP-2 at all time points


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The ideal dermal matrix should be able to provide the right biological and physical environment to ensure homogenous cell and extracellular matrix (ECM) distribution, as well as the right size and morphology of the neo-tissue required. Four natural and synthetic 3D matrices were evaluated in vitro as dermal matrices, namely (1) equine collagen foam, TissuFleece®, (2) acellular dermal replacement, Alloderm®, (3) knitted poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (10:90)–poly(-caprolactone) (PLGA–PCL) mesh, (4) chitosan scaffold. Human dermal fibroblasts were cultured on the specimens over 3 weeks. Cell morphology, distribution and viability were assessed by electron microscopy, histology and confocal laser microscopy. Metabolic activity and DNA synthesis were analysed via MTS metabolic assay and [3H]-thymidine uptake, while ECM protein expression was determined by immunohistochemistry. TissuFleece®, Alloderm® and PLGA–PCL mesh supported cell attachment, proliferation and neo-tissue formation. However, TissuFleece® contracted to 10% of the original size while Alloderm® supported cell proliferation predominantly on the surface of the material. PLGA–PCL mesh promoted more homogenous cell distribution and tissue formation. Chitosan scaffolds did not support cell attachment and proliferation. These results demonstrated that physical characteristics including porosity and mechanical stability to withstand cell contraction forces are important in determining the success of a dermal matrix material.


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Our strategy entails investigating the influence of varied concentrations (0, 10, 100 and 1000 ng/ml) of human recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) on the osteogenic expression of canine osteoblasts, seeded onto poly-caprolactone 20% tricalcium phosphate (PCL-TCP) scaffolds in vitro. Biochemical assay revealed that groups with rhBMP-2 displayed an initial burst in cell growth that was not dose-dependent. However, after 13 days, cell growth declined to a value similar to control. Significantly less cell growth was observed for construct with 1000 ng/ml of rhBMP-2 from 20 days onwards. Confocal microscopy confirmed viability of osteoblasts and at day 20, groups seeded with rhBMP-2 displayed heightened cell death as compared to control. Phase contrast and scanning electron microscopy revealed that osteoblasts heavily colonized surfaces, rods and pores of the PCL-TCP scaffolds. This was consistent for all groups. Finally, Von Kossa and osteocalcin assays demonstrated that cells from all groups maintained their osteogenic phenotype throughout the experiment. Calcification was observed as early as four days after stimulation for groups seeded with rhBMP-2. In conclusion, rhBMP-2 seems to enhance the differentiated function of canine osteoblasts in a non-dose dependent manner. This resulted in accelerated mineralization, followed by death of osteoblasts as they underwent terminal differentiation. Notably, PCL-TCP scaffolds seeded only with canine osteoblasts could sustain excellent osteogenic expression in vitro. Hence, the synergy of PCL with bioactive TCP and rhBMP-2 in a novel composite scaffold, could offer an exciting approach for bone regeneration.


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The Arabidopsis thaliana NPR1 has been shown to be a key regulator of gene expression during the onset of a plant disease-resistance response known as systemic acquired resistance. The npr1 mutant plants fail to respond to systemic acquired resistance-inducing signals such as salicylic acid (SA), or express SA-induced pathogenesis-related (PR) genes. Using NPR1 as bait in a yeast two-hybrid screen, we identified a subclass of transcription factors in the basic leucine zipper protein family (AHBP-1b and TGA6) and showed that they interact specifically in yeast and in vitro with NPR1. Point mutations that abolish the NPR1 function in A. thaliana also impair the interactions between NPR1 and the transcription factors in the yeast two-hybrid assay. Furthermore, a gel mobility shift assay showed that the purified transcription factor protein, AHBP-1b, binds specifically to an SA-responsive promoter element of the A. thaliana PR-1 gene. These data suggest that NPR1 may regulate PR-1 gene expression by interacting with a subclass of basic leucine zipper protein transcription factors.


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Equilibrium Partitioning of an Ionic Contrast agent with microcomputed tomography (EPIC-[mu]CT) is a non-invasive technique to quantify and visualize the three-dimensional distribution of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in fresh cartilage tissue. However, it is unclear whether this technique is applicable to already fixed tissues. Therefore, this study aimed at investigating whether formalin fixation of bovine cartilage affects X-ray attenuation, and thus the interpretation of EPIC-[mu]CT data.Design Osteochondral samples (n = 24) were incubated with ioxaglate, an ionic contrast agent, for 22 h prior to [mu]CT scanning. The samples were scanned in both formalin-fixed and fresh conditions. GAG content was measured using a biochemical assay and normalized to wet weight, dry weight, and water content to determine potential reasons for differences in X-ray attenuation.Results The expected zonal distribution of contrast agent/GAGs was observed for both fixed and fresh cartilage specimens. However, despite no significant differences in GAG concentrations or physical properties between fixed and fresh samples, the average attenuation levels of formalin-fixed cartilage were 14.3% lower than in fresh samples.Conclusions EPIC-[mu]CT is useful for three-dimensional visualization of GAGs in formalin-fixed cartilage. However, a significant reduction in X-ray attenuation for fixed (compared to fresh) cartilage must be taken into account and adjusted for accordingly when quantifying GAG concentrations using EPIC-[mu]CT.


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Particulate pollution has been widely recognised as an important risk factor to human health. In addition to increases in respiratory and cardiovascular morbidity associated with exposure to particulate matter (PM), WHO estimates that urban PM causes 0.8 million premature deaths globally and that 1.5 million people die prematurely from exposure to indoor smoke generated from the combustion of solid fuels. Despite the availability of a huge body of research, the underlying toxicological mechanisms by which particles induce adverse health effects are not yet entirely understood. Oxidative stress caused by generation of free radicals and related reactive oxygen species (ROS) at the sites of deposition has been proposed as a mechanism for many of the adverse health outcomes associated with exposure to PM. In addition to particle-induced generation of ROS in lung tissue cells, several recent studies have shown that particles may also contain ROS. As such, they present a direct cause of oxidative stress and related adverse health effects. Cellular responses to oxidative stress have been widely investigated using various cell exposure assays. However, for a rapid screening of the oxidative potential of PM, less time-consuming and less expensive, cell-free assays are needed. The main aim of this research project was to investigate the application of a novel profluorescent nitroxide probe, synthesised at QUT, as a rapid screening assay in assessing the oxidative potential of PM. Considering that this was the first time that a profluorescent nitroxide probe was applied in investigating the oxidative stress potential of PM, the proof of concept regarding the detection of PM–derived ROS by using such probes needed to be demonstrated and a sampling methodology needed to be developed. Sampling through an impinger containing profluorescent nitroxide solution was chosen as a means of particle collection as it allowed particles to react with the profluorescent nitroxide probe during sampling, avoiding in that way any possible chemical changes resulting from delays between the sampling and the analysis of the PM. Among several profluorescent nitroxide probes available at QUT, bis(phenylethynyl)anthracene-nitroxide (BPEAnit) was found to be the most suitable probe, mainly due to relatively long excitation and emission wavelengths (λex= 430 nm; λem= 485 and 513 nm). These wavelengths are long enough to avoid overlap with the background fluorescence coming from light absorbing compounds which may be present in PM (e.g. polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their derivatives). Given that combustion, in general, is one of the major sources of ambient PM, this project aimed at getting an insight into the oxidative stress potential of combustion-generated PM, namely cigarette smoke, diesel exhaust and wood smoke PM. During the course of this research project, it was demonstrated that the BPEAnit probe based assay is sufficiently sensitive and robust enough to be applied as a rapid screening test for PM-derived ROS detection. Considering that for all three aerosol sources (i.e. cigarette smoke, diesel exhaust and wood smoke) the same assay was applied, the results presented in this thesis allow direct comparison of the oxidative potential measured for all three sources of PM. In summary, it was found that there was a substantial difference between the amounts of ROS per unit of PM mass (ROS concentration) for particles emitted by different combustion sources. For example, particles from cigarette smoke were found to have up to 80 times less ROS per unit of mass than particles produced during logwood combustion. For both diesel and wood combustion it has been demonstrated that the type of fuel significantly affects the oxidative potential of the particles emitted. Similarly, the operating conditions of the combustion source were also found to affect the oxidative potential of particulate emissions. Moreover, this project has demonstrated a strong link between semivolatile (i.e. organic) species and ROS and therefore, clearly highlights the importance of semivolatile species in particle-induced toxicity.


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A survey was conducted to identify viruses affecting dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) in Lebanon. Three hundred and thirty four samples exhibiting virus-like symptoms were collected from 13 different locations during the fall growing season of 1984. Samples were stored at 20 deg C until they were tested by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the presence of blackeye cowpea mosaic virus (B1CMV), bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV), bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) and cucumber mosaic virus (CMV). In preliminary tests, the extraction buffer 0.1M phosphate + O.1MEDTA, pH 7.4 was found to be far better than the standard extraction buffer and, accordingly, was used for virus extraction for all field samples. Results obtained indicated that around 50% of the bean samples tested were infected with B1CMV. Incidence of BCMV, BYMV and CMV in the samples tested were 4,4 and 1.7%, respectively. B1CMV was detected in 10 locations, whereas, BYMV, BCMV and CMV were found in 1,4 and 4 locations, respectively. Mixed infections such as BCMV, BICMV, BCMV+CMV, BYMV+CMV and BICMV+BCMV+CMV were detected. In 35% of the samples assayed, the causal virus was not identified