948 resultados para idrodinamica, fluidi, Navier-Stokes, Kelvin, Jeans
A fifth-order theory for solving the problem of interaction between Stokes waves and exponential profile currents is proposed. The calculated flow fields are compared with measurements. Then the errors caused by the linear superposition method and approximate theory are discussed. It is found that the total wave-current field consists of pure wave, pure current and interaction components. The shear current not only directly changes the flow field, but also indirectly does sx, by changing the wave parameters due to wave-current interaction. The present theory can predict the wave kinematics on shear currents satisfactorily. The linear superposition method may give rise to more than 40% loading error in extreme conditions. When the apparent wave period is used and the Wheeler stretching method is adopted to extrapolate the current, application of the approximate theory is the best.
The compressible laminar boundary-layer flows of a dilute gas-particle mixture over a semi-infinite flat plate are investigated analytically. The governing equations are presented in a general form where more reasonable relations for the two-phase interaction and the gas viscosity are included. The detailed flow structures of the gas and particle phases are given in three distinct regions : the large-slip region near the leading edge, the moderate-slip region and the small-slip region far downstream. The asymptotic solutions for the two limiting regions are obtained by using a seriesexpansion method. The finite-difference solutions along the whole length of the plate are obtained by using implicit four-point and six-point schemes. The results from these two methods are compared and very good agreement is achieved. The characteristic quantities of the boundary layer are calculated and the effects on the flow produced by the particles are discussed. It is found that in the case of laminar boundary-layer flows, the skin friction and wall heat-transfer are higher and the displacement thickness is lower than in the pure-gas case alone. The results indicate that the Stokes-interaction relation is reasonable qualitatively but not correct quantitatively and a relevant non-Stokes relation of the interaction between the two phases should be specified when the particle Reynolds number is higher than unity.
that the Stokes-interaction relation is reasonable qualitatively but not correct
The Columbus problem has been rigorously solved by Lyapunov's direct approach to the continuous system in gencral cases of large disturbance and the theory has proved to be in strict consistency with Kelvin's experiments.
In this paper, we first present a system of differential-integral equations for the largedisturbance to the general case that any arbitrarily shaped solid body with a cavity contain-ing viscous liquid rotates uniformly around the principal axis of inertia, and then develop aweakly non-linear stability theory by the Lyapunov direct approach. Applying this theoryto the Columbus problem, we have proved the consistency between the theory and Kelvin'sexperiments.
When designing deep ocean structures, it is necessary to estimate the effects of internal waves on the platform and auxiliary parts such as tension leg, riser and mooring lines. Up to now, only a few studies are concerned with the internal wave velocity fields. By using the most representative two-layer model, we have analyzed the behavior of velocity field induced by interfacial wave in the present paper. We find that there may exist velocity shear of fluid particles in the upper and lower layers so that any structures in the ocean are subjected to shear force nearby the interface. In the meantime, the magnitude of velocity for long internal wave appears spatially uniform in the respective layer although they still decay exponentially. Finally, the temporal variation for Stokes and solitary waves are shown to be of periodical and pulse type.
Adhesion forces of Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine ( DPPC) membrane in the gel phase are investigated by molecular dynamics ( MD) simulation. In the simulations, individual DPPC molecules are pulled out of DPPC membranes with different rates and we get the maximum adhesion forces of DPPC membrane. We find that the maximum adhesion forces increase with pull rate, from about 400 to 700 pN when pull rates are from 0.001 to 0.03 nm/ps. We analyze the relationship between pull rate and adhesion forces of different origins using Brownian dynamics and notice that viscosity of solvent plays an important role in adhesion forces. Then we simulate the motion of a single DPPC molecule in solvent and it elucidates that the maximum drag force is almost linear with respect to the pull rate. We use Stokes' relation to describe the motion of a single DPPC molecule and deduce the effective length of a DPPC molecule. Conformational analyses indicate that the free energy variation of a DPPC molecule inside and outside of the DPPC membrane is an essential part of adhesion energy.
MEMS中气体流动因特征尺度小而是稀薄气体的领域,本文首先介绍处理低速稀薄气体流动的一些方法:线化Boltzmann方程,Lattice Boltzmann方法,加滑移边界的Navier-Stoks方程,以及DSMC方法,并讨论它们模拟MEMS中过渡领域低速流动所遇到的困难。信息保存法克服了流速低使得信息噪声比小引起统计模拟的困难,已成功模拟了一些一维和二维问题。MEMS中流速低和大的长宽比的特点还引起出入口边界条件相互影响需要协调的问题,通过微槽道流动的算例,在模拟中采用守恒形式的质量守恒方程和超松弛法成功地解决了这一问题。处理有温度变化的MEMS流动问题和跨越领域的混合算法是重要的问题,本文用信息保存法也进行了有益的尝试。
第一章 绪论
1·1 理性力学目的和意义
1·2 理性力学的特点与体系
1·3 理性力学的方法
1·4 符号
第二章 变形几何学和运动学
2·1 直角坐标系的张量
2·2 物体的构形与运动
2·3 变形梯度
2·4 应变度量和面元、体元变形
2·5 应变率
第三章 基本定律与场方程
3·1 质量守恒定律
3·2 应力原理与动量守恒定律
3·3 能量守恒定律和熵定律
3·4 功共轭与应力度量
3·5 场方程
3·6 随体坐标系
第四章 本构方程的一般原理
4·1 时空系的变换
4·2 基本定律的客观性
4·3 本构方程的一般原理
第五章 简单物质
5·1 张量函数
5·2 张量函数表示定理
5·3 简单物质的本构方程
5·4 本构方程的简化形式
5·5 各向同性物质
5·6 简单固体
5·7 简单流体和流晶
5·8 内部约束
5·9 特殊类型物质
5·10 衰退记忆
第六章 弹性物质
6·1 弹性物质的本构方程
6·2 物质对称性
6·3 各向同性弹性固体
6·4 超弹性物质
6·5 各向同性超弹性物质
6·6 主轴表示
6·7 储能函数表示式
6·8 二次弹性
6·9 均匀变形场
6·10 储能函数的实验确定
第七章 弹性体有限变形边值问题
7·1 边值问题的提法
7·2 若干典型问题
7·3 平面应变问题
7·4 不可压缩各向同性弹性体
第八章 简单流体
8·1 直线流动
8·2 曲线流动
8·3 伸长历史恒定运动
8·4 定常测黏流动
8·5 Poiseuille流动
8·6 Couette流动
8·7 圆锥-平板流动
8·8 端部正应力效应
8·9 Stokes流体测黏流动
8·10 定常拉伸流动
第九章 黏弹性物质
9·1 线性黏弹性理论
9·2 非线性黏弹性固体
9·3 本构泛函展开
9·4 非线性黏弹性流体
第十章 弹塑性物质
10·1 微小变形塑性理论
10·2 张量的时间导数
10·3 有限塑性变形的本构方程
10·4 塑性大变形基本方程
10·5 Drucker公设与有限塑性变形
第十一章 晶体塑性理论
11·1 晶体塑性变形运动学
11·2 硬化规律
11·3 硬化系数表示式
11·4 晶体塑性本构关系
11·5 滑移剪切率γ(α)的存在性与惟一性
11·6 率相关流动规律
第十二章 缺陷连续统的线性理论
12·1 张量场的微分运算
12·2 协调条件
12·3 缺陷的几何意义
12·4 位错弹性理论
12·5 位错塑性理论
12·6 一般缺陷塑性理论
12·7 晶体塑性位错理论
12·8 Nye张量及缺陷塑性理论小结
12·9 位错塑性理论二维公式及算例
第十三章 非黎曼几何及流形简介
13·1 Euler空间张量场的绝对微分
13·2 曲率张量
13·3 线性空间
13·4 仿射联络空间
13·5 非完整变换
13·6 拓扑空间
13·7 微分流形
第十四章 缺陷连续统的非线性理论
14·1 非Niemann物质流形的构造
14·2 缺陷的几何意义
14·3 缺陷连续统的弹性理论
14·4 缺陷连续统的塑性理论
14·5 晶体塑性位错理论
第十五章 理性力学若干应用
15·1 有限变形的精确描述
15·2 曲线坐标的相应公式
15·3 本构方程的客观性原理
15·4 物质对称性
15·5 主轴法
15·6 客观应力率
附录 曲线坐标
1 基向量与度量张量
2 逆变导数
3 应力张
4 运动方程
Experimental particle dispersion patterns in a plane wake flow at a high Reynolds number have been predicted numerically by discrete vortex method (Phys. Fluids A 1992; 4:2244-2251; Int. J. Multiphase Flow 2000; 26:1583-1607). To address the particle motion at a moderate Reynolds number, spectral element method is employed to provide an instantaneous wake flow field for particle dynamics equations, which are solved to make a detail classification of the patterns in relation to the Stokes and Froude numbers. It is found that particle motion features only depend on the Stokes number at a high Froude number and depend on both numbers at a low Froude number. A ratio of the Stokes number to squared Froude number is introduced and threshold values of this parameter are evaluated that delineate the different regions of particle behavior. The parameter describes approximately the gravitational settling velocity divided by the characteristic velocity of wake flow. In order to present effects of particle density but preserve rigid sphere, hollow sphere particle dynamics in the plane wake flow is investigated. The evolution of hollow particle motion patterns for the increase of equivalent particle density corresponds to that of solid particle motion patterns for the decrease of particle size. Although the thresholds change a little, the parameter can still make a good qualitative classification of particle motion patterns as the inner diameter changes.
纳米粒子布朗运动特性对Micro-/Nano-PIV的使用和与粒子相关的物理现象的研究有重要意义.观测了200nm荧光粒子的布朗运动,利用单粒子追踪(SPT)算法和自编程序处理图像,获得粒子的均方位移,计算了实验扩散系数D_(exp)为2.09×10~(-12) m~2/s.与Stokes-Einstein公式估计的理论扩散系数D_(th)相比,二者量阶一致,但实验扩散系数的数值偏小约5%.对相关的实验误差进行了分析.