984 resultados para hydrophilic


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The primary objective of this research has been to investigate the interfacial phenomenon of protein adsorption in relation to the bulk and surface structure-property effect s of hydrogel polymers. In order to achieve this it was first necessary to characterise the bulk and surface properties of the hydrogels, with regard to the structural chemistry of their component monomers. The bulk properties of the hydrogels were established using equilibrium water content measurements, together with water-binding studies by differential scanning calorimetry (D.S.C.). Hamilton and captive air bubble-contact angle techniques were employed to characterise the hydrogel-water interface and from which by a mathematical derivation, the interfacial free energy (ðsw) and the surface free energy components (ð psv, ðdsv, ðsv) were obtained. From the adsorption studies using the radio labelled iodinated (125I) proteins of human serum albumin (H.S.A.) and human fibrinogen (H.Fb.), it was Found that multi-layered adsorption was occurring and that the rate and type of this adsorption was dependent on the physico-chemical behaviour of the adsorbing protein (and its bulk concentration in solution), together with the surface energetics of the adsorbent polymer. A potential method for the invitro evaluation of a material's 'biocompatibility' was also investigated, based on an empirically observed relationship between the adsorption of albumin and fibrinogen and the 'biocompatibility' of polymeric materials. Furthermore, some consideration was also given to the biocompatibility problem of proteinaceous deposit formation on hydrophilic soft' contact lenses and in addition a number of potential continual wear contact lens formulations now undergoing clinical trials,were characterised by the above techniques.


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The adsorption of two qroups of nonionic surface active agents and a series of hiqh molecular weiqht hydrophilic polymer fractions onto a polystyrene latex and a drug substance diloxanide furoate B.P. has been investigated. The presence of pores within the drug surface has been demonstrated and this is shown to increase the adsorption of low molecular weight polymer species. Differences in the maximum amount of polymer adsorbed at both solid-solution interfaces have been ascribed to the different hydrophobicities of the surface as determined by contact angle measurements. Adsorbed layer thicknesses of polymer on polystyrene latex have been determined by three techniques: microelectrophoresis, intensity fluctuation spectroscopy and by viscometric means. These results, in combination with adsorption data, were used to interpret the configuration of the adsorbed polymer molecules at the interface. The type of druq suspension produced on adsorbing the different polymers in the absence of electrostatic stabilization was correlated with theoretical prediuctions of suspension characteristics deduced from potential energy diagrams, The agreement was good for the adsorption of short chain length surfactants, but for the polyvinylalcohols, discrepancies were found between experiment and theory. This was attributed to the inappropriate use of a mean segment density approximation within the adsorbed layer to calculate attractive potentials between particles. A maximum in the redispersibility values for suspensions coated with adsorbed nonylphenylethoxylates was attributed to "partial static stabilization" of the particles in conjunction with the attractive forces operating in the sediment between bare surface patches on neighbouring particles. No significant change in the dissolution of the drug was observed when nonylphenylethoxylates were adsorbed due to desorption upon contact with the dissolution medium. Pluronic F68 and all the polyvinylalcohol fractions caused a reduction in the dissolution rate which is explained by the decreased diffusion of drug' through the adsorbed polymer layer.


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The microbial demand for iron is often met by the elaboration of siderophores into the surrounding medium and expression of cognate outer membrane receptors for the ferric siderophore complexes. Conditions of iron limitation, such as those encountered in vivo, cause Pseudomonas aeruginosa to express two high-affinity iron-uptake systems based on pyoverdin and pyochelin. These systems will operate both in the organism's natural habitat, soil and water, where the solubility of iron at neutral pH is extremely low, and in the human host where the availability of free iron is too low to sustain bacterial growth due to the iron-binding glycoproteins transferrin and lactoferrin. Cross-feeding and radiolabelled iron uptake experiments demonstrated that pyoverdin biosynthesis and uptake were highly heterogeneous amongst P.aeruginosa strains, that growth either in the presence of pyoverdin or pyochelin resulted in induction of specific IROMPs, and that induction of iron uptake is siderophore-specific. The P.aeruginosa Tn5 mutant PH1 is deficient in ferripyoverdin uptake and resistant to pyocin Sa, suggesting that the site of interaction of pyocin Sa is a ferripyoverdin receptor. Additional Tn5 mutants appeared to exploit different strategies to achieve pyocin Sa-resistance, involving modifications in expression of pyoverdin-mediated iron uptake, indicating that complex regulatory systems exist to enable these organisms to compete effectively for iron. Modulation of expression of IROMPs prompted a study of the mechanism of uptake of a semi-synthetic C(7) α-formamido substituted cephalosporin BRL 41897A. Sensitivity to this agent correlated with expression of the 75 kDa ferri-pyochelin receptor and demonstrated the potential of high-affinity iron uptake systems for targeting of novel antibiotics. Studies with ferri-pyoverdin uptake-deficient mutant PH1 indicated that expression of outer membrane protein G (OprG), which is usually expressed under iron-rich conditions and repressed under iron-deficient conditions, was perturbed. Attempts were made to clone the oprG gene using a degenerate probe based on the N-terminal amino acid sequence. A strongly hybridising HindIll restriction fragment was cloned and sequenced, but failed to reveal an open reading frame correspondmg to OprG. However, there appears to be good evidence that a part of the gene codmg for the hydrophilic membrane-associated ATP-binding component of a hitherto uncharacterised periplasmic- binding-protein-dependent transport system has been isolated. The full organisation and sequence of the operon, and substrate for this putative transport system, are yet: to be elucidated,


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Temozolomide is an imidazotetrazinone with antineoplastic properties. It is structurally related to dacarbazine. Temozolomide was not metabolized in vitro by liver fractions. Chemical decomposition appears to play an important r^ole in its in vitro and in vivo disposition. In contrast, 3-methylbenzotriazinone, a structural analogue, was metabolized by hepatic microsomes to afford benzotriazinone and a hydrophilic metabolite. The cytotoxicity of temozolomide, dacarbazine, 5-[3-(hydroxy-methyl-3-methyl-triazen-1-yl]imidazole-5-carboxamide (HMMTIC) and 3-monomethyl-(triazen-1-yl)imidazole-4-carboxamide (MTIC) were investigated in TLX5 murine lymphoma cells. Unlike dacarbazine, which was not toxic, MTIC, HMMTIC and temozolomide were cytotoxic in the absence of microsomes. Decarbazine was only cytotoxic in the presence of microsomes. The formation of MTIC from dacarbazine, HMMTIC and temozolomide was determined by reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography in mixtures incubated under conditions identical to those described before. MTIC was generated chemically from temozolomide and HMMTIC metabolically from dacarbazine. Using [14C]temozolomide, it was found that, in mice, the major route of excretion of the drug is via the kidneys. An acidic metabolite (metabolite I) was found in the urine of mice which had received temozolomide but its identity has not been established. 1H NMR, UV and chemical analyses revealed that Metabolite I possesses an intact NNN linkage and the site of metabolism is at the N3 methyl group. A further acidic metabolite (metabolite II) was found in the urine of patients. Metabolite II was unambiguously identified as the 8-carboxylic acid derivative of temozolomide. In vitro cytotoxicity assay showed that ony metabolite II is cytotoxic but not metabolite I. Pharmacokinetic studies of temozolomide and MTIC in vivo were performed on mice bearing TLX5 tumour. Temozolomide was eliminated from the plasma monophasically with a t1/2 of 0.7hr. MTIC was identified as a product of decomposition. MTIC was eliminated rapidly with a t1/2 of 2min. Though temozolomide shares many biochemical and biological similarities with clinically used dacarbazine, the results obtained in this study show that it differs markedly in its pharmacokinetic properties from dacarbazine, as temozolomide produced relatively sustained plasma levels which were reflected by drug concentrations in the tumour.


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The development of in vitro techniques to model the surface-associated mode of growth is a prerequisite to understanding more fully the physiological changes involved in such a growth strategy. Key factors believed to influence bacterial persistence in chronic infections are those of the biofilm mode of growth and slow growth rate. Methods for controlling Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm population growth rates were investigated in this project. This microorganism was incompatible with the in vitro 47mm diameter membrane filter-based biofilm technique developed for the study of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus epidermidis by Gilbert et al (Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 1989, 55, 1308-1311). Two alternative methods were designed. The first comprised a 25mm diameter cellulose acetate membrane filter supported in an integral holder. This was found to be limited to the study of low microbial population densities with low flow rates. The second, based on a cylindrical cellulose fibre depth filter, permitted rapid flow rates to be studied and allowed growth rate control of biofilm and eluted cells. Model biofilms released cells to the perfusing medium as they grew and divided. The viability of released cells was reduced during, and shortly after, inclusion of ciprofloxacin in the perfusate. Outer membrane profiles of biofilm populations exhibited at least two bands not apparent in planktonic cells grown in batch and chemostat culture, and LPS profiles of biofilm populations showed variation with growth rate. Cell surface hydrophobicity of resuspended biofilm cells varied little with growth rate, whilst it decreased markedly for cells released from the biofilms as growth rate increased. Cells released from the biofilm were more hydrophilic than their sessile counterparts. Differing growth rates, LPS profiles and hydrophobicity are proposed to have a bearing on the release of cells from the adherent population.


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This work has used novel polymer design and fabrication technology to generate bead form polymer based systems, with variable, yet controlled release properties, specifically for the delivery of macromolecules, essentially peptides of therapeutic interest. The work involved investigation of the potential interaction between matrix ultrastructural morphology, in vitro release kinetics, bioactivity and immunoreactivity of selected macromolecules with limited hydrolytic stability, delivered from controlled release vehicles. The underlying principle involved photo-polymerisation of the monomer, hydroxyethyl methacrylate, around frozen ice crystals, leading to the production of a macroporous hydrophilic matrix. Bead form matrices were fabricated in controllable size ranges in the region of 100µm - 3mm in diameter. The initial stages of the project involved the study of how variables, delivery speed of the monomer and stirring speed of the non solvent, affectedthe formation of macroporous bead form matrices. From this an optimal bench system for bead production was developed. Careful selection of monomer, solvents, crosslinking agent and polymerisation conditions led to a variable but controllable distribution of pore sizes (0.5 - 4µm). Release of surrogate macromolecules, bovine serum albumin and FITC-linked dextrans, enabled factors relating to the size and solubility of the macromolecule on the rate of release to be studied. Incorporation of bioactive macromolecules allowed retained bioactivity to be determined (glucose oxidase and interleukin-2), whilst the release of insulin enabled determination of both bioactivity (using rat epididymal fat pad) and immunoreactivity (RIA). The work carried out has led to the generation of macroporous bead form matrices, fabricated from a tissue biocompatible hydrogel, capable of the sustained, controlled release of biologically active peptides, with potential use in the pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries.


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The pneumonia caused by Pneumocystis carinii is ultimately responsible for the death of many acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) patients. Large doses of trimethoprim and pyrimethamine in combination with a sulphonamide and/or pentamidine suppress the infection but produce serious side-effects and seldom prevent recurrence after treatment withdrawal. However, the partial success of the aforementioned antifolates, and also trimetrexate used alone, does suggest dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) as a target for the development of antipneumocystis agents. From the DHFR inhibitory activities of 3'-substituted pyrimethamine analogues it was suggested that the 3'-(3'',3''-dimethyltriazen-1''-yl) substituent may be responsible for the greater activity for the P.carinii over the mammalian enzyme. Crystallographic and molecular modeling studies revealed considerable geometrical and electronic differences between the triazene and the chemically related formamidine functions that may account for the differences in DHFR inhibitory profiles. Structural and electronic parameters calculated for a series of 3'-(3'',3''-disubstitutedtriazen-1''-yl) pyrimethamine analogues did not correlate with the DHFR inhibitory activities. However, the in vitro screening against P.carinii DHFR revealed that the 3''-hydroxyethyl-3''-benzyl analogue was the most active and selective. Models of the active sites of human and P.carinii DHFRs were constructed using DHFR sequence and structural homology data which had identified key residues involved in substrate and cofactor binding. Low energy conformations of the 3'',3''-dimethyl and 3''-hydroxyethyl-3''-benzyle analogues, determined from nuclear magnetic resonance studies and theoretical calculations, were docked by superimposing the diaminopyrimidine fragment onto a previously docked pyrimethamine analogue. Enzyme kinetic data supported the 3''-hydroxyethyl-3''-benzyl moiety being located in the NADPH binding groove. The 3''-benzyl substituent was able to locate to within 3 AA of a valine residue in the active site of P.carinii DHFR thereby producing a hydrophobic contact. The equivalent residue in human DHFR is threonine, more hydrophilic and less likely to be involved in such a contact. This difference may account for the greater inhibitory activity this analogue has for P.carinii DHFR and provide a basis for future drug design. From an in vivo model of PCP in immunosuppressed rats it was established that the 3"-hydroxyethyl-3"-benzyl analogue was able to reduce the.P.carinii burden more effectively with increasing doses, without causmg any visible signs of toxicity. However, equivalent doses were not as effective as pentamidine, a current treatment of choice for Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.


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AIDS dementia complex is a common neurological syndrome thought to result from the invasion of the CNS by HIV. Phosphonoformate has anti-HIV activity but due to its charged nature is excluded from the CNS by the blood-brain barrier. Lipophilic triesters of phosphonoformate designed to improve transport properties are unsuitable prodrugs due to their rapid and complicated hydrolysis, involving competitive P-O and P-C bond cleavage. Diesters, though hydrolytically stable, are considered too polar to passively diffuse into the CNS. Hydrophilic drugs mimicking endogenous nutrients are known to be actively transported across the blood-brain barrier. In this thesis the possibility that diesters of phosphonoformate may be actively transported is investigated. Triesters of phosphonoformate with labile aryl carboxyl esterrs were synthesised and their hydrolysis followed by 31P NMR spectroscopy. The triesters were found to undergo rapid hydrolysis via P-C bond cleavage to the phosphite. Phosphonoformate diesters designed to be analogues of actively transported -keto acids have been synthesised and fully characterised. Tyrosine-phosphonoformate and lipid-phosphonoformate conjugates have also been synthesised and characterised. An in vitro model of the blood-brain barrier utilising confluent monolayers of porcine brain microvessel endothelial cells grown on a permeable support has been established. The presence of enzyme and antigen markers specific to the blood-brain barrier has been demonstrated for the endothelial cells and the diffusional properties of the model investigated with hydrophilic and lipophilic compounds. Active transport systems for -keto acids and large amino acids have been identified in the endothelial cell monolayers using 14C-pyruvate and 3H-L-tyrosine respectively. Temperature and concentration dependence of the two systems have been demonstrated and transport constants calculated. Competition with 14C-pyruvate transport was shown with other monocarboxylic acids including the anti-epileptic drug valproate. Stereospecificity was shown in that L-lactate inhibited pyruvate transport while D-lactate did not. Sodium methyl methoxycarbonylphosphonate, a phosphonoformate diester was shown not to compete for 14C-pyruvate transport indicating that this compound has no affinity for the carrier. Competition with 3H-L-tyrosine transport was shown with other large amino acids, including the anti-Parkinsonian agent L-dopa. Stereospecificity was shown using L- and D-tyrosine and L- and D-dopa. The tyrosine-phosphonoformate conjugate, which was stable under the experimental conditions, was shown to compete with 3H-Ltyrosine transport indicating that it may be actively transported at the blood-brain barrier. Thirty two triesters, diesters and monoesters of phosphonoformate, showed no activity in an anti-HIV screen above that attributable to hydrolysis to the parent compound.


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Previous research has shown that the naturally occurring reactive electrophilic species (RES), 12-oxophytodienoic acid (OPDA), not only serves as a precursor for jasmonic acid but is also a potent antifungal compound. However, both the low amount present in plants and the multistep synthesis required to produce this compound on a scale viable for agrochemical use currently limits its practical value. The aim of this research was to generate a range of molecular mimics of OPDA with a minimum number of synthetic steps and screen for antifungal activity. Synthetic 4-octyl-cyclopentenone containing the cyclopentenone ring and an eight carbon alkyl chain was found to show the highest in vitro antifungal activity against C. herbarum and B. cinerea with minimum inhibition concentration (MIC) of 100-200µM. This indicates that structurally simplified 4-octyl-cyclopentenone can be successfully synthesised to mimic the antifungal activity of OPDA against specific fungal strains. Application of 4-octyl-cyclopentenone could act as surfactant by disrupting and disorganising the lipid membrane non-specifically, resulting in the leakage of potassium ions, which was the proposed mode of action of this compound. However, the sensitivity of fungi to this compound is not correlated to the lipid composition of fungal spores. (E)-2-alkenals were also studied for their antimicrobial activity and (E)-2-undecenal was found to have the highest antimicrobial activity against a range of pathogens. The hydrophilic moiety (the a,ß-unsaturated carbonyl group), common to both (E)-2-undecenal and 4-octyl-cyclentenone is essential to their bioactivity, and the hydrophobic moiety plays an important role in their antimicrobial activities. 4-Octyl-cyclopentenone showed no visible toxicity to the test plant, Arabidopsis thaliana, suggesting that its high antifungal activity against Botrytis and Cladosporium could be exploited for commercialisation as a new generation of agrochemical.


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The work utilising a new material for contact lenses has fallen into three parts: Physioloeical considerations: Since the cornea is devoid of blood vessels, its oxygen is derived from the atmosphere. Early hydrophilic gel contact lenses interrupted the flow of oxygen and corneal insult resulted. Three techniques of fenestration were tried to overcome this problem. High speed drilling with 0.1 mm diameter twist drills. was found to be mechanically successful, but under clinical conditions mucous blockage of the fenestrations occurred. An investigation was made into the amount of oxygen arriving at the corneal interface; related to gel lens thickness. The results indicated an improvement in corneal oxygen as lens thickness was reduced. The mechanism is thought to be a form of mechanical pump. A series of clinical studies con:firmed the experimental work; the use of thin lenses removing the symptoms of corneal hypoxia. Design: The parameters of lens back curvature. lens thickness and lens diameter have been isolated and related to three criteria of vision (a) Visual acuity. (b) Visual stability and (c) Induced astigmatism. From the results achieved a revised and basically successful design of lens has been developed. Comparative study: The developed form of lens was compared with traditional lenses in a controlled survey. Twelve factors were assessed over a twenty week period of wear using a total of eighty four patients. The results of this study indicate that whilst the expected changes were noted with the traditional lens wearers, gel lens wearers showed no discernible change in any of the factors measured. ldth the exception of' one parameter. In addition to a description of' the completed l'iork. further investigations are ·sug~ested l'lhich. it is hoped. l'iould further improve the optical performance of gel lenses.


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This thesis illustrates the development of tailor-made, partially hydrated skin adhesive hydrogels as a vehicle for the topical delivery of moisturising agents. Maintaining an optimum hydration level of the stratum corneum ensures that the barrier properties of the skin are preserved. An unsaturated ionic monomer 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid sodium salt, glycerol, water, a photoinitiator Irgacure 184 and crosslinker Ebacryl II facilitated the production of monophasic sheet skin adhesives using photopolymerisation. The exploration and modification of the hydrogel components coupled with their influence on the adhesive and dynamic mechanical behaviour led to the development of novel monophasic and biphasic hydrogels. Biphasic pregels comprising of a hydrophobic monomer (epoxidised soybean oil acrylate, lauryl acrylate or stearyl acrylate) micellised with a non ionic surfactant Tween 60 allowed a homogeneous distribution throughout a predominantly hydrophilic phase (2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid sodium salt, 4-acryloylmorpholine, glycerol and water). Further development of biphasic hydrogel technology led to the incorporation of preformed commercial O/W emulsions (Acronal, Flexbond 150, DM137 or Texicryl 13056WB) allowing the hydrophobic component to be added without prior stabilisation. The topical release of moisturising agents 2-pyrrolidone-5-carboxylic acid, lactobionic acid and d-calcium pantothenate results in the deposition onto the skin by an initial burst mechanism. The hydration level of the stratum corneum was measured using a Comeometer CM 825, Skin Reader MY810 or FT-ATR. The use of hydrophilic actives in conjunction with lipophilic agents for example Vitamin E or Jojoba oil provided an occlusive barrier, which reduced the rate of transepidermal water loss. The partition coefficients of the release agents provided invaluable information which enabled the appropriate gel technology to be selected. In summary the synthetic studies led to the understanding and generation of transferable technology. This enabled the synthesis of novel vehicles allowing an array of actives with a range of solubilities to be incorporated.


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The Fmoc synthetic strategy was employed to synthesise two identical combinatorial peptide libraries on a hydrophilic PEG-PS resin. One library was appended with boronic acid moieties at two positionally-fixed locations. Successful inclusion of the boronic acid units was confirmed using a novel UV fluorescent colorimetric assay employing carminic acid as the dye compound. A study of the effect had by the resin-bound peptides bearing boronic acid groups on the binding characteristics of vancomycin, a medically relevant antibiotic glycoprotein, was conducted. In all, 132 library compounds were tested for their binding affinity with vancomycin, via immobilisation of the glycopeptide onto the solid support through hydrogen bonding or complexation with the boronic acid moieties. Subsequent cleavage via acidolysis afforded vancomycin containing solutions which were quantified by growth inhibition of methicillin susceptible Staphylococcus aureus. Comparison of the diameters of the resultant zones of inhibition and those produced by vancomycin of known concentrations afforded a means of calculating the vancomycin concentration of the cleavage solutions, and thereby determining the binding affinity of vancomycin to each peptide sequence. Five peptide sequences and twenty one of the peptidyl-boronic acid sequences showed zones of inhibition, demonstrating their reversible affinity for vancomycin. Three peptide sequences showed zones of inhibition in both libraries. The presence of boronic acid was therefore shown to impart, enhance, detract and remove the affinity of vancomycin to a range of resin-bound peptide sequences.


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Background: Atrophy of skeletal muscle in cancer cachexia has been attributed to a tumour-produced highly glycosylated peptide called proteolysis-inducing factor (PIF). The action of PIF is mediated through a high-affinity membrane receptor in muscle. This study investigates the ability of peptides derived from the 20 N-terminal amino acids of the receptor to neutralise PIF action both in vitro and in vivo. Methods: Proteolysis-inducing factor was purified from the MAC16 tumour using an initial pronase digestion, followed by binding on DEAE cellulose, and the pronase was inactivated by heating to 80°C, before purification of the PIF using affinity chromatography. In vitro studies were carried out using C2C12 murine myotubes, while in vivo studies employed mice bearing the cachexia-inducing MAC16 tumour. Results: The process resulted in almost a 23?000-fold purification of PIF, but with a recovery of only 0.004%. Both the D- and L-forms of the 20mer peptide attenuated PIF-induced protein degradation in vitro through the ubiquitin-proteosome proteolytic pathway and increased expression of myosin. In vivo studies showed that neither the D- nor the L-peptides significantly attenuated weight loss, although the D-peptide did show a tendency to increase lean body mass. Conclusion: These results suggest that the peptides may be too hydrophilic to be used as therapeutic agents, but confirm the importance of the receptor in the action of the PIF on muscle protein degradation.


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Introduction: Lower back pain treatment and compensation costs >$80 billion overall in the US. 75% of back pain is due to disc degeneration in the lumbar region of the spine. Current treatment comprises of painkillers and bed rest or as a more radical solution – interbody cage fusion. In the early stages of disc degeneration the patient would benefit from addition of an injectable gel which polymerises in situ to support the degenerated nucleus pulposus. This involves a material which is an analogue of the natural tissue capable of restoring the biomechanical properties of the natural disc. The nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc is an example of a natural proteoglycan consisting of a protein core with negatively charged keratin and chondroitin sulphate attached. As a result of the high fixed charge density of the proteoglycan, the matrix exerts an osmotic swelling pressure drawing sufficient water into support the spinal system. Materials and Methods: NaAMPs (sodium 2- acrylamido 2-methyl propane sulphonic acid) and KSPA (potassium 3- sulphopropyl acrylate) were selected as monomers, the sulphonate group being used to mimic the natural sulphate group. These are used in dermal applications involving chronic wounds and have acceptably low cytotoxicity. Other hydrophilic carboxyl, amide and hydroxyl monomers such as 2-hydroxyethyl acrylamide, ß-carboxyethyl acrylate, acryloyl morpholine, and polyethylene glycol (meth)acrylate were used as diluents together with polyethyleneglycol di(meth)acrylate and hydrophilic multifunctional macromers as cross-linker. Redox was the chosen method of polymerisation and a range of initiators were investigated. Components were packaged in two solutions each containing a redox pair. A dual syringe method of injection into the cavity was used, the required time for polymerisation is circa 3-7 minutes. The final materials were tested using a Bohlin CVO Rheometer cycling from 0.5-25Hz at 37oC to measure the modulus. An in-house compression testing method was developed, using dialysis tubing to mimic the cavity, the gels were swelled in solutions of various osmolarity and compressed to ~ 20%. The pre-gel has also been injected into sheep spinal segments for mechanical compression testing to demonstrate the restoration of properties upon use of the gel. Results and Discussion: Two systems resulted using similar monomer compositions but different initiation and crosslinking agents. NaAMPs and KSPA were used together at a ratio of ~1:1 in both systems with 0.25-2% crosslinking agent, diacrylate or methacrylate. The two initiation systems were ascorbic acid/oxone, and N,N,N,N - tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED)/ potassium persulphate. These systems produced gelation within 3-7 and 3-5 minutes respectively. Storage of the two component systems was shown to be stable for approximately one month after mixing, in the dark, refrigerated at 1-4oC. The gelation was carried out at 37oC. Literature values for the natural disc give elastic constants ranging from 3-8kPa. The properties of the polymer can be tailored by altering crosslink density and monomer composition and are able to match those of the natural disc. It is possible to incorporate a radio-opaque (histodenz) to enable x-ray luminescence during and after injection. At an inclusion level of 5% the gel is clearly visible and polymerisation and mechanical properties are not altered. Conclusion: A two-pac injection system which will polymerise in situ, that can incorporate a radio-opaque, has been developed. This will reinforce the damaged nucleus pulposus in degenerative disc disease restoring adequate hydration and thus biomechanical properties. Tests on sheep spine segments are currently being carried out to demonstrate that a disc containing the gel has similar properties to an intact disc in comparison to one with a damaged nucleus.


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The effect of organically modified clay on the morphology, rheology and mechanical properties of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and polyamide 6 (PA6) blends (HDPE/PA6 = 75/25 parts) is studied. Virgin and filled blends were prepared by melt compounding the constituents using a twin-screw extruder. The influence of the organoclay on the morphology of the hybrid was deeply investigated by means of wide-angle X-ray diffractometry, transmission and scanning electron microscopies and quantitative extraction experiments. It has been found that the organoclay exclusively places inside the more hydrophilic polyamide phase during the melt compounding. The extrusion process promotes the formation of highly elongated and separated organoclay-rich PA6 domains. Despite its low volume fraction, the filled minor phase eventually merges once the extruded pellets are melted again, giving rise to a co-continuous microstructure. Remarkably, such a morphology persists for long time in the melt state. A possible compatibilizing action related to the organoclay has been investigated by comparing the morphology of the hybrid blend with that of a blend compatibilized using an ethylene–acrylic acid (EAA) copolymer as a compatibilizer precursor. The former remains phase separated, indicating that the filler does not promote the enhancement of the interfacial adhesion. The macroscopic properties of the hybrid blend were interpreted in the light of its morphology. The melt state dynamics of the materials were probed by means of linear viscoelastic measurements. Many peculiar rheological features of polymer-layered silicate nanocomposites based on single polymer matrix were detected for the hybrid blend. The results have been interpreted proposing the existence of two distinct populations of dynamical species: HDPE not interacting with the filler, and a slower species, constituted by the organoclay-rich polyamide phase, which slackened dynamics stabilize the morphology in the melt state. In the solid state, both the reinforcement effect of the filler and the co-continuous microstructure promote the enhancement of the tensile modulus. Our results demonstrate that adding nanoparticles to polymer blends allows tailoring the final properties of the hybrid, potentially leading to high-performance materials which combine the advantages of polymer blends and the merits of polymer nanocomposites.