999 resultados para human adenovirus


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We report one case of parasitism by Phagicola sp. (Trematoda, Heterophyidae) in a 31 years-old woman who, in 1987, travelled and stayed several months in the municipality of Cananéia (SP), where she ingested, in various occasions, raw mullet (Mugil sp.). The patient refered mild intestinal pain and laboratory examinations showed eggs of Phagicola sp. in the stools and a slight increase in eosinophil blood levels (8%). After treatment with praziquantel (75 mg/kg per day for three days) all the symptoms and signs disappeared. This is, certainly, the first record of human infection by Phagicola sp. in Brazil and, perhaps, in countries other than the U.S.A. where unclear references to a few human cases were reported in the South-eastern region.


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A dot enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DOT-ELISA) was developed to detect specific antibodies in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for human neurocysticercosis immunodiagnosis, with Cysticercus cellulosae antigen dotted on a new solid-phase. This was represented by sheets of a synthetic polyester fabric impregnated with a polymerized resin (N-methylol-acrylamide). A very stable preparation was thus obtained, the antigen being covalently bound by cross-linking with free N-methylol groups on the resin. Since robust, no special care was necessary for handling the solid-phase. The test could be performed at room-temperature. From 30 CSF samples assayed, 14 were positive, from a group of 15 cases of neurocysticercosis, with titers from 1 to 128; 15 other samples, from normals or other neurological diseases, were all negative. Test characteristics seem to indicate it as adequate for epidemiological surveys. A more detailed study on sensitivity, specificity, reproducibility and the use in serum samples is being conducted.


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Human term placental villi cultured ''in vitro" were maintained with bloodstream forms of Trypanosoma cruzi during various periods of time. Two different concentrations of the parasite were employed. Controls contained no T. cruzi. The alkaline phosphatase activity was determined in placental villi by electron microscopy and its specific activity in the culture medium by biochemical methods. Results showed that the hemoflagellate produces a significant decrease in enzyme activity as shown by both ultracytochemical and specific activity studies and this activity was lower in cultures with high doses of parasites. The above results indicate that the reduction in enzyme activity coincides with the time of penetration and proliferation of T. cruzi in mammalian cells. These changes may represent an interaction between human trophoblast and T. cruzi.


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Serum sample obtained from a male, 12 year old patient suffering from Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) was positive for human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV-I) antibody by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the Western Blot analysis (WB). Attempts to isolate enteroviruses (including poliovirus) from faecal material in both tissue culture and suckling mice were unsuccessful; in addition, acute and convalescent paired serum samples did not show any evidence of recent poliovirus infection when tested against the three serotypes. Specific tests for detection of Epstein-Barr virus infection were not performed; however, the Paul-Bunnel test yielded negative results. ELISA for detection of anti-cytomegalovirus IgM was also negative. The concomitant occurrence of either adult T cell leukemia (ATL) or lymphoma was not recorded in this case.


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An Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ELISA was evaluated for the detection of IgA antibodies in the human leptospirosis. The assay proved to be sensitive and specific when compared with the ELISA-IgM, in the examinated serum samples. The results found suggest that IgA antibodies became positive later in leptospirosis, and will can be an evolutive indicator in the development of the disease


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Optical and electron microscopical evidences of focal matrix degradation were frequently seen in liver sections of periportal fibrosis caused by schistosomiasis mansoni in man. The material came from 14 wedge hepatic biopsies taken from patients with chronic advanced hepatosplenic disease and undergoing operations for the relief of portal hypertension. Besides the presence of focal areas of rarefaction, fragmentation and dispersion of collagen fibers, the enlarged portal spaces also showed hyperplasia of elastic tissue and disarray of smooth muscle fibers following destruction of portal vein branches. Eggs were scanty in the tissue sections, and matrix degradation probably represented involuting changes related to the progressive diminution of parasite-related aggression, which occurs spontaneously with age or after cure by chemotherapy. The changes indicative of matrix degradation now described are probably the basic morphological counterpart of periportal fibrosis involution currently being documented by ultrasonography in hepatosplenic patients submitted to curative chemotherapy.


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Specimens from cervical dysplasias or carcinomas and genital condylomata acuminata were retrospectively analysed by in situ hybridization (ISH) with bioti-nylated DNA probes for human papillomavirus (HPV) types 6, 11, 16 and 18. In the control group no case was positive for HPV DNA. In mild/moderate dysplasias, 4 cases (14%) were positive for HPV 6 or 11 and 2 cases (7%), for HPV 16. In the severe dysplasia/in situ carcinoma group, 9 cases (31%) showed presence of DNA of HPV types 16 or 18. Six invasive carcinomas (20%) were positive for HPV type 16 or 18. Among condylomata acuminata, 22 cases (73%) were positive for HPV types 6 or 11. In all ISH-positive cases only one viral type was detected. No correlation between HPV DNA positivity and histological findings of HPV infection was observed. Although less sensitive than some other molecular biology techniques, in situ hybridization with biotinylated DNA probes proved to be simple and useful for detecting and typing HPV in samples routinely received for histopathological analysis.


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Background: The role of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) with endocrine disrupting activity in the aetiology of obesity and other metabolic dysfunctions has been recently highlighted. Adipose tissue (AT) is a common site of POPs accumulation where they can induce adverse effects on human health. Objectives: To evaluate the presence of POPs in human visceral (vAT) and subcutaneous (scAT) adipose tissue in a sample of Portuguese obese patients that underwent bariatric surgery, and assess their putative association with metabolic disruption preoperatively, as well as with subsequent body mass index (BMI) reduction. Methods: AT samples (n=189) from obese patients (BMI ≥35) were collected and the levels of 13 POPs were determined by gas chromatography with electron-capture detection (GC-ECD). Anthropometric and biochemical data were collected at the time of surgery. BMI variation was evaluated after 12 months and adipocyte size was measured in AT samples. Results: Our data confirm that POPs are pervasive in this obese population (96.3% of detection on both tissues), their abundance increasing with age (RS=0.310, p<0.01) and duration of obesity (RS=0.170, p<0.05). We observed a difference in AT depot POPs storage capability, with higher levels of ΣPOPs in vAT (213.9±204.2 compared to 155.1±147.4 ng/g of fat, p<0.001), extremely relevant when evaluating their metabolic impact. Furthermore, there was a positive correlation between POP levels and the presence of metabolic syndrome components, namely dysglycaemia and hypertension, and more importantly with cardiovascular risk (RS=0.277, p<0.01), with relevance for vAT (RS=0.315, p<0.01). Finally, we observed an interesting relation of higher POP levels with lower weight loss in older patients. Conclusion: Our sample of obese subjects allowed us to highlight the importance of POPs stored in AT on the development of metabolic dysfunction in a context of obesity, shifting the focus to their metabolic effects and not only for their recognition as environmental obesogens.


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De junho/1987 a julho/1990 foram estudadas 557 amostras fecais de crianças hospitalizadas de 0-5 anos de idade, na cidade de Goiânia-GO., para detecção de rotavírus e adenovírus. Destas, 291 provinham de crianças diarréicas e 266 de não diarréicas. Das amostras não diarréicas, 64 eram provenientes de crianças de berçário. Das 557 amostras, 261 foram analisadas pela imunomicroscopia eletrônica (IME), eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida (EGPA-SDS) e ensaio imunoenzimático para rotavírus e adenovírus (EIARA) e as demais apenas pela EGPA e EIARA. Rotavírus e adenovírus mostraram positividade de 17,2% e 2,1% respectivamente, e na condição de diarréia ou não, observou-se percentuais de 29,2% e 4,1% respectivamente para rotavírus (p<0,05) e 2,4% e 1,5% para adenovírus. Rotavírus foram mais prevalentes entre as crianças de 1-11 meses de idade e não foram vistos em nenhum recém-nato de berçário. Os adenovírus ocorreram na faixa de 1-3 anos. Rotavírus apresentaram maior circulação entre os meses de maio a agosto (p<0,05), não sendo encontrados de dezembro a fevereiro.


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Specific anti-B19 IgM was demonstrated in sera from three children showing transient aplastic crisis. A two years-old boy living in Rio de Janeiro suffering from sickle-cell anaemia showed the crisis during August, 1990. Two siblings living in Santa Maria, RS, developed aplastic crisis during May, 1991, when they were also diagnosed for hereditary spherocytosis. For a third child from this same family, who first developed aplastic crisis no IgM anti-B19 was detected in her sera.


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FCM: UC Bioquímica I - PhD Thesis


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PURPOSE: To determine how often and by what means an indentifiable pulmonary pathogen can be recognized in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected patients with respiratory disorders in Brazil, which are the most frequently observed microorganisms and what impact specific therapy has on these agents. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Thirty-five HIV seroposiüve subjects with respiratory complaints were studied. All patients had a complete history, physical examination and blood counts. The pulmonary assessment included chest radiograms; sputum examination for bacterial and fungal pathogens; bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage and transbronchial biopsy. Patients with treatable complications received standard antimicrobial therapy. RESULTS: One or more microorganisms were found in 24 subjects and another 3 individuals showed nonspecific interstitial pneumonitis. The sputum examination identified the pulmonary pathogens in 7 cases. The bronchoalveolar lavage and the histopathologic examination were diagnostic in 14% and 83%, respectively, of the 28 individuals that were submitted to bronchoscopy. The most frequently identified microorganism was P. carinii (55%), followed by M. tuberculosis (41%) and cytomegalovirus (8%). The clinical, laboratory and radiographic findings failed to distinguish the specific pulmonary pathogens. Twenty-three individuals with P. carinii pneumonitis and/or tuberculosis received specific therapy; among the evaluable patients the therapeutic response rates were 79% for PCP and 100% for TB. CONCLUSIONS: We have determined that tuberculosis, P. carinii and cytomegalovirus pneumonitis are the most common respiratory opportunistic diseases in Brazilian patients infected with HIV. The histologic evaluation was crucial in order to identify the pulmonary pathogens. Tuberculosis in AIDS individuals displayed clinical and radiographic findings atypical for reactivation disease. However, most of the features observed in HIV infected patients had been previously described in infection of the normal host. Furthermore, the AIDS subjects showed a good therapeutic response to anti-tuberculous drugs.


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The surface of human syncytiotrophoblast does not induce maternal blood platelet aggregation even though it is not an endothelium. It can be surmised that as occurs in endothelial injury the subcellular components of the syncytiotrophoblast may have pro-or antiaggregatory activity. During congenital Chagas' disease which is associated to trophoblast lesions, platelets may play a role in the development of T. cruzi-induced placentitis. In the present work the aggregatory behaviour of normal human blood platelets was recorded after their challenging with subcellular fractions of syncytiotrophoblast isolated from normal and chagasic women. Nuclear, Mitochondrial, Microsomal and Supernatant fractions isolated from normal and chagasic syncytiotrophoblast failed to induce per se any aggregatory reaction on platelets. When samples of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) were preincubated with normal and chagasic nuclear fractions and then stimulated with collagen at threshold level (CT-PRP) an inhibition of the aggregatory response was observed. Treatment of CT-PRP with normal and chagasic mitochondrial fractions induced inhibition of platelet aggregation whereas only chagasic fraction reduced latency time. Microsornal fraction from normal placentas showed no significant effects on platelet aggregation. It is concluded that subcellular fractions of normal human syncytiotrophoblast do not exhibit any effect on platelet aggregation, whereas those subcellular fractions enriched in intracellular membrane components isolated from chagasic placentas inhibit platelet aggregation.