989 resultados para hierarchical position


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ust-Noticeable-Differences (JND) as a dead-band in perceptual analysis has been widely used for more than a decade. This technique has been employed for data reduction in hap tic data transmission systems by several researchers. In fact, researchers use two different JND coefficients that are JNDV and JNDF for velocity and force data respectively. For position data, they usually rely on the resolution of hap tic display device to omit data that are unperceivable to human. In this paper, pruning undesirable position data that are produced by the vibration of the device or subject and/or noise in transmission line is addressed. It is shown that using inverse JNDV for position data can prune undesirable position data. Comparison of the results of the proposed method in this paper with several well known filters and some available methods proposed by other researchers is performed. It is shown that combination of JNDV could provide lower error with desirable curve smoothness, and as little as possible computation effort and complexity. It also has been shown that this method reduces much more data rather than using forward-JNDV.


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In this paper we describe a novel framework for the discovery of the topical content of a data corpus, and the tracking of its complex structural changes across the temporal dimension. In contrast to previous work our model does not impose a prior on the rate at which documents are added to the corpus nor does it adopt the Markovian assumption which overly restricts the type of changes that the model can capture. Our key technical contribution is a framework based on (i) discretization of time into epochs, (ii) epoch-wise topic discovery using a hierarchical Dirichlet process-based model, and (iii) a temporal similarity graph which allows for the modelling of complex topic changes: emergence and disappearance, evolution, splitting and merging. The power of the proposed framework is demonstrated on the medical literature corpus concerned with the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) - an increasingly important research subject of significant social and healthcare importance. In addition to the collected ASD literature corpus which we made freely available, our contributions also include two free online tools we built as aids to ASD researchers. These can be used for semantically meaningful navigation and searching, as well as knowledge discovery from this large and rapidly growing corpus of literature.


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Electronic Medical Record (EMR) has established itself as a valuable resource for large scale analysis of health data. A hospital EMR dataset typically consists of medical records of hospitalized patients. A medical record contains diagnostic information (diagnosis codes), procedures performed (procedure codes) and admission details. Traditional topic models, such as latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) and hierarchical Dirichlet process (HDP), can be employed to discover disease topics from EMR data by treating patients as documents and diagnosis codes as words. This topic modeling helps to understand the constitution of patient diseases and offers a tool for better planning of treatment. In this paper, we propose a novel and flexible hierarchical Bayesian nonparametric model, the word distance dependent Chinese restaurant franchise (wddCRF), which incorporates word-to-word distances to discover semantically-coherent disease topics. We are motivated by the fact that diagnosis codes are connected in the form of ICD-10 tree structure which presents semantic relationships between codes. We exploit a decay function to incorporate distances between words at the bottom level of wddCRF. Efficient inference is derived for the wddCRF by using MCMC technique. Furthermore, since procedure codes are often correlated with diagnosis codes, we develop the correspondence wddCRF (Corr-wddCRF) to explore conditional relationships of procedure codes for a given disease pattern. Efficient collapsed Gibbs sampling is derived for the Corr-wddCRF. We evaluate the proposed models on two real-world medical datasets - PolyVascular disease and Acute Myocardial Infarction disease. We demonstrate that the Corr-wddCRF model discovers more coherent topics than the Corr-HDP. We also use disease topic proportions as new features and show that using features from the Corr-wddCRF outperforms the baselines on 14-days readmission prediction. Beside these, the prediction for procedure codes based on the Corr-wddCRF also shows considerable accuracy.


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A improbidade administrativa é um fenômeno antigo na história do Brasil, tendo suas raízes estranhadas na própria colonização do país. Nesse sentido, tornou-se indispensável a implementação de medidas para o combate à corrupção lato sensu1, mobilizando as diversas áreas do direito para tal finalidade. A promulgação da Constituição Federal da Republica de 1988 (CRFB/1988) conferiu rigidez constitucional aos meios de coibição à improbidade administrativa, estabelecendo peremptoriamente princípios e normas pertinentes ao tema, evidenciando a importância do controle dos atos praticados pelos agentes públicos. Todavia, ficou a cargo do legislador infraconstitucional regulamentar as ações de improbidade administrativa, o que ocorreu com a promulgação da Lei nº 8429/1992 (Lei de Improbidade Administrativa – LIA). A Lei regulou seus aspectos materiais, quais sejam: seus sujeitos (art. 1º e 2º), atos (art. 9, 10 e 11) e sanções (art. 12); como também seus aspectos procedimentais (art. 17). O tema central do estudo refere-se ao juízo competente para julgamento e processamento dos agentes públicos nas ações de improbidade administrativa, por eles gozarem de foro por prerrogativa de função no julgamento dos crimes comuns (responsabilidade penal) e de responsabilidade (responsabilidade política), e este ser um benefício relacionado exclusivamente com o cargo ocupado pelo agente. Neste sentido, por a ação de improbidade ser essencialmente sancionatória e dotada de aspectos políticos-administrativos, possuindo peculiaridades das duas esferas, muitos questionam a extensão da aplicação do benefício em questão levando em consideração o silêncio da lei. Visto isso, aprofundarei a discussão especificamente no que se refere aos agentes públicos, dividindo-a em dois aspectos: (1) os agentes políticos respondem por improbidade administrativa, visto já responderam no âmbito político-administrativo por crimes de responsabilidade? (2) em caso positivo, aplica-se foro de prerrogativa de função? Essas questões levantadas são alvo de bastante divergência na doutrina e, principalmente, na jurisprudência. Desta forma, o trabalho objetiva analisar se se estenderia a prerrogativa de foro às ações de improbidade administrativa visto que, mesmo constitucionalmente consagrada como ação civil, é uma ação dotada de peculiaridades relevantes, seja pelo forte conteúdo sancionatório, principalmente no que tange às penas previstas que ultrapassam as reparações pecuniárias do direito civil, seja por envolver interesses político e posições hierárquicas. Ultrapassada a questão, ainda busca analisar o ajuizamento destas ações em face dos agentes políticos, tanto em razão de sua possibilidade (visto já responderem por crimes de responsabilidade) quanto ao órgão jurisdicional competente para julgá-los (esbarrando novamente na questão da aplicação ou não da prerrogativa de foro).


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One of the challenges presented by the current conjecture in Global Companies is to recognize and understand that the culture and levels in structure of the Power Distance in Organizations in different countries contribute, significantly, toward the failure or success of their strategies. The alignment between the implementation and execution of new strategies for projects intended for the success of the Organization as a whole, rather than as an individual part thereof, is an important step towards reducing the impacts of Power Distance (PDI) on the success of business strategies. A position at odds with this understanding by Companies creates boundaries that increase organizational chasms, also taking into consideration relevant aspects such as, FSAs (Firm-Specific Advantages) and CSAs (Country-Specific Advantages). It is also important that the Organizations based in countries or regions of low Power Distance (PDI) between its individuals be more flexible and prepared to ask and to hear the suggestions from Regional and Local Offices. Thus, the purpose of this study is to highlight the elements of effective strategy implementation considering the relevant aspects at all levels of global corporate culture that justify the influences of power distance when implementing new strategies and also to minimize the impacts of this internal business relationship. This study also recognizes that other corporate and cultural aspects are relevant for the success of business strategies so consider, for instance, the lack of alignment between global and regional/local organizations, the need for competent leadership resources, as well as the challenges that indicate the distance between the hierarchical levels ─ Headquarters and Regional Office ─ as some of the various causes that prevent the successful execution of global strategies. Finally, we show that the execution of the strategy cannot be treated as a construction solely created by the Headquarters or by only one Board and that it needs to be understood as a system aimed at interacting with the surroundings.


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R.R.M. de Sousa et al. Nitriding in cathodic cage of stainless steel AISI 316: Influence of sample position. Vacuum, [s.l.], n.83, 2009. Disponivel em: . Acesso em: 04 out.2010.


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Hierarchical structure with nested nonlocal dependencies is a key feature of human language and can be identified theoretically in most pieces of tonal music. However, previous studies have argued against the perception of such structures in music. Here, we show processing of nonlocal dependencies in music. We presented chorales by J. S. Bach and modified versions inwhich the hierarchical structure was rendered irregular whereas the local structure was kept intact. Brain electric responses differed between regular and irregular hierarchical structures, in both musicians and nonmusicians. This finding indicates that, when listening to music, humans apply cognitive processes that are capable of dealing with longdistance dependencies resulting from hierarchically organized syntactic structures. Our results reveal that a brain mechanism fundamental for syntactic processing is engaged during the perception of music, indicating that processing of hierarchical structure with nested nonlocal dependencies is not just a key component of human language, but a multidomain capacity of human cognition.


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The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the role of Public Powers in the enforcement of fundamental social rights, according to the principle of prohibition to social regression. The Federal Constitution of Brazil, situated in a position normative hierarchical superior, disciplines the legal and political process of the country, determining how Public Powers (Legislative, Executive and Judiciary) should act to enforce fundamental rights (social). Thus, features a cast of fundamental rights that aim to ensure social justice, highlighting the concern to ensure social values aimed at reducing social inequalities. The will of the state should be prevented by controlling the constitutionality of measures which restrict fundamental social rights, assuming the principle of human dignity, pillar of Social and Democratic State of Right, a dual role in the brazilian legal system, acting as the presupposition of jurisdictional control of the constitutionality of restrictive acts and as supervisory of omission or insufficient action of the State in the fulfillment of their fundamental duties. The constitutional determinations remove from the legislator the option to create or not the law that prints effectiveness to the social rights, as well as from the Executive the option of to execute or not rules directed at realization of the constitutional parameters, and Judiciary to behave or not in accordance with the Constitution, being given to the Powers only the arbitrariness of "how" to do, so that all functions performed by public actors to use the Constitution as a repository of the foundational values of the collectivity. Any situation that does not conform the principle of proportionality in relation to the enforcement of fundamental rights, especially the social, represents an unacceptable social regression unconstitutional. The constitutional rules and principles postulated by the realization of the rights, freedoms and guarantees of the human person, acting the principle of prohibition to social regression to regulate a concrete situation, whenever it is intended to change, reducing or deleting, the content of a social right. This paper of limit of state action serves to provide to the society legal security and protection of trust, ensuring the core of every social right. This should be effected to be sheltered the existential minimum, as a guarantee of the inviolability of human life, respecting the constitutional will, not falling into social regression


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A madeira roliça possui grande emprego nas construções civis, desempenhando a função de vigas, colunas, fundações, postes para distribuição de energia elétrica, entre outras, apresentando a vantagem de não ser processada, como é o caso da madeira serrada. O projeto envolvendo elementos roliços requer, além de outras variáveis estruturais, o conhecimento do módulo de elasticidade. No Brasil, os documentos normativos que tratam da determinação das propriedades de rigidez e resistência para peças roliças de madeira estão em vigência há mais de vinte anos sem revisão técnica. A madeira roliça, por geralmente possuir eixo com curvatura não nula, pode apresentar, segundo a posição da peça no ensaio de flexão, valores diferentes do módulo de elasticidade. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisara influência da posição de peças roliças de madeira de Eucalyptus grandis na determinação do módulo de elasticidade na flexão. O ensaio de flexão utilizado é o de três pontos, sendo cada peça avaliada em duas posições distintas, definidas mediante o giro da seção transversal em torno do eixo. Os resultados encontrados indicam a necessidade do ensaio de flexão em, pelo menos, duas posições distintas da peça.


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The present study examined the relations of power in the management of the Escola Estadual Presidente Kennedy, including the deliberate decisions on the School Council and School Fund, which guided the organization of the school. We sought to understand the management models that influenced the school organization, promoting contradictions in the decision making process. The school management is intensely marked by management models from the business logics as in the case of managerialism of bureaucracy. The formulation of educational policies based on managerialism has proposed a school-centered management with intense accountability of the school community in planning and monitoring the public services. The influences of these models subsidize hierarchical power relations that undermine the actions of decision-making of the collegiate bodies for the democratization of school management. To develop a research on the power, the investigation was based on studies of Bourdieu and Foucault. These authors understand the power in a relational system in a double sense, both in terms of discipline and the possibility of resistance. A theoreticalmethodological matrix was developed focusing on literature review, document analysis, structured interviews with twelve representatives of the segments belonging to the School Council and School Fund, as well as observations in meetings with the production of field notes. It was found that power relations experienced in the organization and activities of the school boards are marked by changes in public management over the years, promoting the contradictions between the concepts of corporate management originated in the business logics and the perspective of democratic management subsidized by official legislative documents at the national and state levels. The observations in meetings and analysis of the records showed that representatives related to management (president and manager of the school) have a privileged position with regard to exposure of their propositions, and are more likely to take a position in the political game of the collegiate bodies of work. It was also seen that the irregularity of meetings, particularly of the School Fund meetings, limits the experience of operation of the representatives in discussions concerning the planning and monitoring the actions of school management. Reports from representatives of the School Council showed that certain segments related to the management recognize their power of decision, however others have little interfere in the decision-making process in order to expound the desires of those who are represented by them. In the School Fund, the analysis of the records and interviews showed restricted moments of the meeting of representatives, and these only being aimed at choice or approval of the implementation plan prepared by the school management. The results showed no indications of moments of reflection to study the best chance for applicability of resources. This collegiate body (School Fund) has a questionable action when planning and monitoring the applicability of the financial resources of the School. To sum up, it was found that the Escola Estadual Presidente Kennedy still lives hierarchical power relations that undermine the institutionalization of democratic management in the various representative segments may take place in the game of political decision-making processes necessary for the organization of the school


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work deals with the development of a prototype of a helicopter quadrotor for monitoring applications in oil facilities. Anomaly detection problems can be resolved through monitoringmissions performed by a suitably instrumented quadrotor, i.e. infrared thermosensors should be embedded. The proposed monitoring system aims to reduce accidents as well as to make possible the use of non-destructive techniques for detection and location of leaks caused by corrosion. To this end, the implementation of a prototype, its stabilization and a navigation strategy have been proposed. The control strategy is based on dividing the problem into two control hierarchical levels: the lower level stabilizes the angles and the altitude of the vehicle at the desired values, while the higher one provide appropriate references signals to the lower level in order the quadrotor performs the desired movements. The navigation strategy for helicopter quadrotor is made using information provided by a acquisition image system (monocular camera) embedded onto the helicopter. Considering that the low-level control has been solved, the proposed vision-based navigation technique treats the problem as high level control strategies, such as, relative position control, trajectory generation and trajectory tracking. For the position control we use a control technique for visual servoing based on image features. The trajectory generation is done in a offline step, which is a visual trajectory composed of a sequence of images. For the trajectory tracking problem is proposed a control strategy by continuous servovision, thus enabling a navigation strategy without metric maps. Simulation and experimental results are presented to validate the proposal