936 resultados para health and social services sector


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BACKGROUND: Childlessness is a growing phenomenon. Previous research examining health and well-being differentials between women with and without children has produced conflicting results. Most of this research has been conducted in the United States or parts of Europe. There has been limited research in Australia that has examined the health and well-being of women with and without children across the life course. The aim of the current study was to examine the association between motherhood status and general physical and mental health and well-being over a 10-year time period. METHODS: Using 10 waves of data from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia study, longitudinal linear mixed models with time varying variables (both dependent and independent) were constructed to assess the effect of childlessness on health and well-being based on the Short Form-36 Health Survey Version 1 (n=52,381 observations). FINDINGS: Findings suggest that childless women experience poorer physical and mental health and well-being during the peak reproductive years; however, this trend is reversed for women aged 65 years or more. Although never-married, childless women experienced better health and well-being compared with mothers, this was not the case for childless women who were divorced, separated, or widowed or in a relationship. CONCLUSION: The findings support the notion that whether or not a woman has children does have consequences for her health and well-being; however, this differs across the life course.


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Responding to an emergency alarm poses a significant risk to firefighters' health and safety, particularly to cardiovascular health, physical and psychological stress, and fatigue. These risks have been largely categorised for salaried firefighters working 'on station'. Less is known about the factors that contribute to these risks for the vast number of non-salaried personnel who serve in retained roles, often deploying from home. The present study investigated the alarm response procedure for Australian metropolitan fire fighters, identifying common and divergent sources of risk for salaried and retained staff. There were significant differences in procedure between the two workgroups and this resulted in differences in risk profile between groups. Sleep and fatigue, actual response to the alarm stimulus, work-life balance and trauma emerged as sources of risk experienced differently by salaried and retained firefighters. Key findings included reports of fatigue in both groups, but particularly in the case of retained firefighters who manage primary employment as well as their retained position. This also translated into a poor sense of work-life balance. Both groups reported light sleep, insufficient sleep or fragmented sleep as a result of alarm response. In the case of salaried firefighters, this was associated with being woken on station when other appliances are called. There were risks from physical and psychological responses to the alarm stimulus, and reports of sleep inertia when driving soon after waking. The findings of this study highlight the common and divergent risks for these workgroups, and could be used in the ongoing management of firefighters' health and safety.


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 This research explores personal stories of 16 Australian women aged 57 years and older who have experienced childhood sexual abuse. It privileges their views and examines how they managed the impact during their lives. The project contributes to professional knowledge by developing anti-ageist practices for social work and human services.


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O crescimento do emprego no setor terciário - comercio e serviços - tem se configurado como uma tendência histórica. Há tempos este setor vem sendo o grande absorvedor da mão-de-obra liberada pelos demais ramos da economia. Será ele, porém, capaz de gerar empregos na medida exata para possibilitar tal absorção? E quanto à qualidade das vagas criadas? O presente trabalho objetiva fornecer uma resposta a tais questões. Para tanto, procede-se à minuciosa análise do setor terciário. O primeiro capítulo começa por elencar as características de um serviço e seus impactos para a mensuração do produto da atividade e do agregado em nível setorial. No segundo capítulo busca-se compreender a expansão da participação dos serviços no produto e no emprego da economia mundial. Cinco hipóteses poderiam explicar o fenômeno: elasticidade-renda da demanda superior à unidade, menor produtividade do trabalho no setor terciário, crescente integração entre indústria e serviços, maior demanda por serviços coletivos e, por fim, o papel de "colchão" social desempenhado pelo setor. O capítulo seguinte examina o caso brasileiro e conclui que o processo de urbanização desenfreada, bem como o agravamento. dos conflitos sociais demandaram uma política ativa de contratação de mão-de-obra por parte do Estado. Estes fatores fizeram com que o emprego terciário se expandisse, mas muitos migrantes podem ter sido relegados à execução de funções de baixa qualificação. Em função disso, o quarto e último capítulo analisa a qualidade dos postos de trabalho terciários na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. Percebe-se a existência de um trade-off entre geração e qualidade do emprego. Enquanto os serviços especializados, de educação e saúde parecem os mais adequados para a aplicação de políticas de emprego, pois aliam postos de excelente qualidade e alguma capacidade de geração, 73% do emprego terciário da região encontra-se em ramos com vagas de baixa qualidade. E o que é pior: estes ramos foram responsáveis por 93% dos postos gerados no triênio 1995/97, o que representa grande preocupação para a "saúde" de nosso mercado de trabalho.


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Brazil has a substantial share – about 60% by some measures - of its employees working without labor registry and 62% of its private sector workers not contributing to social security. Informality is important because its job precaurioness, social desprotection consequences, and it is also very correlated with poverty and other social welfare concepts measured at a family level. 58% of the country population that is found below the indigent line live in families headed by informal workers. The complexity of the informal sector is derived from the multiple relevant dimensions of jobs quality. The basis used for guiding policy interventions depends on which effect of informality one is interested such: as lowering job precaurioness, increasing occupational risks, increasing the degree of protection against adverse shocks, allowing that good oportunities to be taken by the credit provision, improving informal workers families living conditions, implementing afirmative actions, reducing tax evasion etc. This report gauges various aspects of the informal sector activities in Brazil over the last decades. Our artistic constraint are the available sources of information. The final purpose is to help the design of policies aimed to assist those that hold “indecent” jobs


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Marketing as a social product, has been created, raised and spread alI over the world mainly as a tool to serve private, micro-economic, l?rofit, short run interests. Over the last twenty years,a steadly growing trend has been noticed in this field,due to the evidences that marketing has not delivered what it had promissed: society's needs fullfillment. Several American theorists and practioners marketino and non marketing specialists - are considered to have contributed to this evaluation of the marketing concept which has led to consolidate new "sub-disciolines" in the core o f marketing, name ly: "non business" (not for profi ti non orofit organizations, public services, government) "political candidates", "health, education, social services'; "ideas and social causes" marketing. This paper deals with the latter marketing subdiscipline , that applied to social causes and i ts oocasional contributions to Brazilian socio-economic development, considering both marketing and moral/ethical frameworks. The work suggests that are, have been and will be several possibilities of applying social marketing as a planning and implementing tool for both theorists and practioners of administration.