958 resultados para guard-rail
Abstract Transport is the foundation of any economy: it boosts economic growth, creates wealth, enhances trade, geographical accessibility and the mobility of people. Transport is also a key ingredient for a high quality of life, making places accessible and bringing people together. The future prosperity of our world will depend on the ability of all of its regions to remain fully and competitively integrated in the world economy. Efficient transport is vital in making this happen. Operations research can help in efficiently planning the design and operating transport systems. Planning and operational processes are fields that are rich in combinatorial optimization problems. These problems can be analyzed and solved through the application of mathematical models and optimization techniques, which may lead to an improvement in the performance of the transport system, as well as to a reduction in the time required for solving these problems. The latter aspect is important, because it increases the flexibility of the system: the system can adapt in a faster way to changes in the environment (i.e.: weather conditions, crew illness, failures, etc.). These disturbing changes (called disruptions) often enforce the schedule to be adapted. The direct consequences are delays and cancellations, implying many schedule adjustments and huge costs. Consequently, robust schedules and recovery plans must be developed in order to fight against disruptions. This dissertation makes contributions to two different fields: rail and air applications. Robust planning and recovery methods are presented. In the field of railway transport we develop several mathematical models which answer to RENFE’s (the major railway operator in Spain) needs: 1. We study the rolling stock assignment problem: here, we introduce some robust aspects in order to ameliorate some operations which are likely to fail. Once the rolling stock assignment is known, we propose a robust routing model which aims at identifying the train units’ sequences while minimizing the expected delays and human resources needed to perform the sequences. 2. It is widely accepted that the sequential solving approach produces solutions that are not global optima. Therefore, we develop an integrated and robust model to determine the train schedule and rolling stock assignment. We also propose an integrated model to study the rolling stock circulations. Circulations are determined by the rolling stock assignment and routing of the train units. 3. Although our aim is to develop robust plans, disruptions will be likely to occur and recovery methods will be needed. Therefore, we propose a recovery method which aims to recover the train schedule and rolling stock assignment in an integrated fashion all while considering the passenger demand. In the field of air transport we develop several mathematical models which answer to IBERIA’s (the major airline in Spain) needs: 1. We look at the airline-scheduling problem and develop an integrated approach that optimizes schedule design, fleet assignment and passenger use so as to reduce costs and create fewer incompatibilities between decisions. Robust itineraries are created to ameliorate misconnected passengers. 2. Air transport operators are continuously facing competition from other air operators and different modes of transport (e.g., High Speed Rail). Consequently, airline profitability is critically influenced by the airline’s ability to estimate passenger demands and construct profitable flight schedules. We consider multi-modal competition including airline and rail, and develop a new approach that estimates the demand associated with a given schedule; and generates airline schedules and fleet assignments using an integrated schedule design and fleet assignment optimization model that captures the impacts of schedule decisions on passenger demand.
El deporte de la esgrima no siempre ha sido considerado como actualmente se conoce, ni tampoco el empleo de las armas ha sido el mismo en las diferentes épocas de la historia. Si nos centramos en la española, podemos decir que se hablaba de una forma particular de hacer esgrima, la cual era muy apreciada por el resto de los países europeos. También lo era la que se hacía en Italia. Como cualquier actividad que se desarrolla a lo largo del tiempo debe generarse desde unos comienzos. Estos comienzos siempre están en relación a alguna causa. Para centrarnos en nuestro estudio, los comienzos del manejo de la espada, de una manera lógica y razonada, se une en la persona y en la vida de Jerónimo Sánchez Carranza porque hasta que él no se decide a estudiar en profundidad la ciencia de las armas, no se ve con claridad si todo lo que se hacía con ellas era correcto o no y si todo lo que la inmensa mayoría hacía cuando tenía que utilizarlas estaba revestido de cierta coherencia y fundamento, es decir, tenía su verdad que se pudiera demostrar. Carranza estudia la esgrima que se empleaba en su época y en las anteriores y se da cuenta que tiene que dar una nueva visión de la forma de usar las armas, diferente a lo que la gran mayoría entendía hasta entonces. A Carranza se le ha considerado por muchos autores como el inventor de la esgrima española, hecho que se puede leer con bastante facilidad si se hojea algún tratado que hable de la esgrima española, sin embargo también se habla de Luis Pacheco de Narváez asignándole el mismo calificativo, aunn- ;o es posteriora Carranza. or tanto nuestro estudio se ha centrado en la vida de Jerónimo Sánchez Carranza y en ueva forma de emplear las armas por lo que hace que la tesis sea una tesis biográfica de dicho personaje, donde se ha resaltado mucho más el aspecto del manejo de las armas, de la Destreza. Partimos de las siguientes hipótesis: Carranza es el que sienta los principios técnicos dando forma y coherencia a la escuela de esgrima española gracias a sus aportaciones en los distintos aspectos metodológicos, técnicos y tácticos. La escuela de esgrima española tiene una estructura interna, responde a unas características determinadas y sirve de base a la esgrima que posteriormente se practica. Para que el estudio se pudiera llevar a cabo tuvimos que diseñar un esquema donde se pudieran recoger todos los aspectos que estuvieran relacionados con nuestro autor, de ahí surge el porqué de cada uno de los capítulos que hemos confeccionado. Dicho esquema responde a la visión actual de diferentes facetas de lo que hoy se estudia en diversas ciencias y que cuando Carranza vivía aún no se conocían. Para recoger información sobre su persona y su obra tuvimos en cuenta los distintos lugares donde se podía localizar la documentación necesaria, sobre todo Bibliotecas y Archivos, para ir confeccionando el método de trabajo que consistió en la recopilación de fuentes de todo tipo referidas al tema, pasando luego a la interpretación de las mismas. Esto nos dio una visión de conjunto que hizo que nos adentráramos en aquellos aspectos que más tarde tendríamos que analizar con mucho más detenimiento. En la tesis se puede observar dos partes bien diferenciadas que son las relacionadas; por un lado, a su vida y su tratado y, por otro, al contenido de sus teorías que son realmente las que se deben analizar necesariamente bajo unos conocimientos específicos de la actividad de la esgrima. En cuanto a su vida, se han destacado y estudiado los hechos más importantes de los que hay que resaltar, sobre todo, el que fuera considerado como el inventor de la destreza y de la manera tan particular de concebir dicho arte, diferente a lo que hasta ahora se venía haciendo y que dio paso a lo que se entendió por esgrima científica, quedando plasmada de tal manera que dio pie a la creación de una doctrina y una nueva forma de entender la esgrima la cual generó una línea de actuación que fue continuada por numerosos seguidores. Para todo ello tuvo mucho que ver el que Carranza fuera militar, la cultura y los estudios que poseía, así como la situación en la que se encontraba España además de la gente con quien se relacionaba, que por lo general, era gente culta y de clase social alta. Se ha estudiado también dentro del mismo apartado de su vida unos hechos que se le imputan y que en nuestra opinión son erróneos. Hemos considerado como más relevantes el que Carranza no fue quien riñó con Quevedo como se afirma en algunas de las obras que hemos tratado, sino que fue Pacheco quien tuvo dicha riña, ya que más bien Quevedo se mostraba partidario de las enseñanzas de Carranza, estando en contra de Pacheco. Tampoco fue quien inventó el florete como se dice en algunas ocasiones, ya que el florete aparece posteriormente como un arma de estudio de la técnica de la esgrima. Con respecto al apartado de su obra, se debe decir que tan solo escribió un único tratado que se publicó en 1582, aunque estaba acabado desde el año 1569. En el apartado de su escuela se debe destacar los fundamentos en los que basó sus postulados para que la destreza alcanzara el mismo nivel de las demás artes liberales y que lo hizo a través del estudio de la propia destreza. A lo largo del estudio que hemos realizado se puede apreciar cómo se está generando un arte que hasta ahora no había sido estudiado, viéndose los problemas que ello suponía, desde la organización de la materia a tratar, hasta cómo se debía enseñar, pasando a veces a tener que denominar conceptos de nueva aparición o renombrar y modificar antiguos que estaban anclados en puntos de partida equivocados, siendo éstos los que mayor trabajo le supuso. Diferencia bien dos aspectos básicos que debían existir en cualquier arte y más concretamente en la destreza que son: la teoría y la práctica, ambas deben estar en base a la razón ya que sería una de las formas por la que la destreza perduraría en el tiempo, junto con que esta razón estuviera apoyada en otras ciencias y con los principios de ellas. Carranza fue de la opinión de que el diestro debía conocer mediante el estudio, los elementos fundamentales con los que había que trabajar la destreza, estos elementos son el cuerpo del diestro y las armas, porque ambos van a intervenir en cualquier gesto o acción que se vaya a realizar. Del cuerpo estudió cada una de las partes que más importancia tiene cada vez que el diestro interviene y lo hace sobre todo en base a la medicina, relacionándolo con las matemáticas para poder sacar el máximo provecho, aconsejando que por el conocimiento del propio cuerpo, como el del contrario, se podrá emplear en determinadas situaciones, que si no se supiera de ello, no se sacaría el mismo resultado. De las armas lo que más resaltó fue, por un lado, que la espada debía ser el único arma que el diestro debía utilizar y, por otro, el hecho de que la espada la graduara para poder demostrar que no se hacia todo igual con las distintas partes de la misma porque no todo el arma tenía las mismas propiedades cuando se actuaba con ella. Una de las recomendaciones que dio fue que con la parte más próxima a la empuñadura se debía practicar la defensa por tener más fuerza con esta parte que con la punta y lo demostró con principios matemáticos. Se puede ver con la lectura de la tesis cómo Carranza aporta una nueva forma de trabajo en la que le da mucha importancia a la aplicación de los conocimientos, que previamente se han adquirido y para ello, es importante conocer bien los puntos fuertes y débiles del adversario. La adquisición de la práctica se debe realizar a través de la repetición para crear el hábito necesario que haga que el gesto salga fluido en cada uno de los movimientos que el diestro ejecute. Todo esto no sería posible si quien lo enseña no conoce cada uno de los elementos que intervienen en la destreza, por tanto, a la figura del maestro le da un lugar de una gran relevancia, ya que va a ser él quien tenga que guiar a los alumnos que enseñe. Lo primero que debe hacer los maestros es procurar saber lo máximo de la materia que va a enseñar, por lo que el maestro debe saber casi todo sobre la teoría y la práctica de la destreza, pero además esta teoría y práctica debe ser la correcta. Carranza persigue con su estudio, establecer los principios de la destreza, por lo menos, los más importantes, aunque fueran elementales, para que posteriormente se siguiera trabajando sobre ellos y poder conseguir que la destreza tenga cuerpo y forma de arte liberal, pudiéndose estudiar como cualquier otra, así de esta manera se haría un bien público, ya que los jóvenes se instruirían eficazmente en el uso de las armas, aunque el verdadero fin se encuentra en la conservación de la vida como manda la Fe Católica, siendo la destreza uno de los medios más eficaces para conseguirlo. Hemos dedicado un apartado de técnica y de táctica donde se refleja todo lo relacionado con las posiciones y movimientos que debe realizar el diestro para llegar a conseguir su objetivo, que es herir sin ser herido. Se han analizado las distintas tretas y el porqué de cada una desde el punto de vista del gesto y del movimiento. Si lo que se hace en destreza se relaciona con el adversario, nos adentramos en el terreno de la táctica donde se han estudiado como más importantes los conceptos del tiempo y la distancia, así como las energías que debe conservar el diestro para poder llevar a cabo un combate y del mismo salir victorioso sin llegar al agotamiento. Concluimos diciendo que de todo el estudio que se ha realizado, se ha podido comprobar que Carranza fue quien dotó a la destreza de unos principios técnicos, tácticos y metodológicos, por su forma de concebir este nuevo arte, así como que por la manera en que estableció sus teorías hizo que la destreza que se practicaba en España disfrutara de una estructura interna coherente que perduró a través de los años. SUMMARY The sport of fencing has not always been the respected sport that we know it to be today ñor has the use of weapons been the same throughout history. If we concéntrate on Spainish weapons, we can say that one particular type of sword ¡s spoken about. this sword being very respected by outher European countries, it was also the one that was respected and used in Italy. As with any activity that develops in time, it must evlove from some simple beginnings. Such basics beginnings are always in relation to a cause. To concéntrate on our study, the beginnings are, the use of the sword in a reasoned and logical manner, brought together in the life and times of Jerónimo Sánchez Carranza because until he decided to study in depth the science of weapons, we cannot see with calrity if their use was correct or not and if the vast majority , when they had to use them, used any foundation or coherence, that ¡s to say if any exactness of logical use could be demonstrated. Carranza studied the sword used in his time and those that had gone before, bearing in mind that he had a new visión of the form of use of weapons, different to what the vast majority had until then understood. Carranza has been considered by many historians as the inventor of the Spanish sword, a fact which can be seen with relative ease if one flicks through any work which deals with the Spanish sword, however, they also speak of Luis Pacheco de Narváez affording him the same title, even though he followed Carranza. In ar H our study has been centred on the life of Jerónimo Sánchez Carranza and his ne-" use of weapons. In effect this thesis is a biographical thesis of the said wherein the aspect of the use of weapons stands out more than their mastery. Given the following hypothesis: It was Carranza who evolved the first techniques giving form and coherence to the .Spanish School of Fencing, thanks to his contributions to the different aspects of method, íechnique and tactic. The Spanish School of Fencing had an ¡nternal structure anaswerable to pre-detremined characteristics and served as a base for the fencing that was to, in later days, be practised. For this study to come to a head, we had to design a plan wherein we could collate all of the aspects we could, related to our inventor. From there springs the reason for each of the chapters that we have put together. The said plan responding to the actual visión of different facets that are studied today in different sciences, that were not known in Carranza's lifetime. To collect information on his person and his works we bore in mind the different places in which we could lócate the necessary documentation, above all in libraries and archives. Developing the work-method that consisted in extracing from every source, every thing relative to the theme, re-writing later our interpretation of the same. This brought us closer and made us focus of those aspects that much later we would have to analize in greater detail. In the thesis one can observe two defferent parts that are related; on the one hand his life and works and on the other his theories, which are those that should be really analised and as such, necessarily analised within the confines of a specific knowledge of fencing. In that his life has been isolated and studied the most important facts that stand out above all, is that he was considered to be the inventor of swordmanship and the particular manner of interpreting the said art, different to its interpretaion uptil then. It gave a footing to what they understood as scientific fencing, giving shape and form to the creation of a doctrine and a new form of fencing which developed a line of action that was continued by numerious followers. For all that, much had to do with the facts that Carranza was a military man, the culture, the level of studies he had and the situation in which he found himself. What's more the people with whom he mixed were, in general, cultured and of high social standing. We have also seen in the same article on his life some dubious facts which in our opinión are erróneos. We have considered the most relevent to be that it wasnt Carranza who was in dispute with Quevedo as is stated in some of the works with which we have dealt but rather it was with Pacheco he had such disputes. What's more Quevedo demonstrated his partiality to the teachings of Carranza, going against Pacheco ñor was it him who invented The Florete, a famous Spanish sword, as was said on some ocassions, eventhough the florete appeared later as a weapon in the study of fencing technique. With respect to the article on his works, we must say that there was only one article which was published in 1582, even though it was finished in 1569. In the article on his life one must distinguish between the foundations on which he based his teachings in which swordmanship reached the same levéis as other libral art forms and what he did through the study of the self same mastery. Throughout the study which we have done, one can appreciate how he was developing an art which uptill then had not been studied, seeing for himself the problems he had fortold, from the organisation of materials at hand to how it should be taught, at times having to domínate comparative concepts again or clarify and modify ones which were anchored in erróneos points of a fencing match, feeling these to be the main forseeable jobs-at-hand. Differenciating between two basic concepts which must exist in whatever arte form and more concretly in the skill that is; the theory and practice , both being fundamental to the reason why the skill endured through time, together with this reason he was supported by other sciences and the beginnings of such. Carranza was of the opinión that the swordsman must acquired by way of study, the fundemental elements with which he had to work, these elements being the body of the swordsman and the weapons, because both were going to intervene in whatever movement or action that was going to be taken. The body studied, each of the parts having more importance each time the skill intervened and above all what it did based on medicne relating it to matemathics to exact the máximum advantage, one could employ in certain circumstances, that if they were not employed, the same advantages would not result. On weapons, what resulted best was, on the one hand, the sword should be the only weapon that the swordsman should use and on the other hand, the sword should be graded to show that one cannot do the same with the different parts of the same because not all of the weapon had the same properties when used. One of the recomendations he made was that the part nearest to the hand-guard should be used for defence because one could use more forcé with it than the point and he demonstrated this with mathematical principies. One can see on reading this thesis how Carranza brought forth a new work form, in which he put much importance on the application of experience that had previously been acquired and because of it, it was important to know well the strenghts and weaknesses of an adversery. The acquisition of technique should be realised through repetition to form the habit necessary for movement to flow freely each time the swordsman executed a movement. None of this would be possible if whoever was teaching did not know each one of the elements that intervened, affording the fencing master a great reverence, in that it was he who had to guide the students he was to teach. The first thing that the master had to do was to make sure he had the maximun knowledge over which he was going to teach, to that end, the master had to know almost everything about the theory and practice of the skill of fencing but what's more that such theory and practice had to be the correct one. Carranza persued his studies, establishing the principies of technique, at least, the most important ones even though they were elementary, so that later they could continué working on them and it could be seen that the technique had a shape and form of any other art form, allowing it to be studied like any other form, as such it had a good following, even young people could be instructed in the correct use of weapons, however the real end could be found in the conservaron of life as ordered by the Catholic Church, feeling that skill with the sword was one of the most effective methods for assuring it. We have dedicated an article to technique and tactics wherein is reflected everything related to positions and movement that the swordsman must do to achieve his objective, that is, wound without being wounded. We have analised the different tricks and the reasons from every point of view of movement and action. If what is done by technique is related with the adversery we enter in the territory of tactics wherein we have studied, most importantly, the concepts of time and distance just as, the energy the swordsman muse conserve to bring to a head a bout and arrive victorious without being exhausted. We conclude by saying that everything that has been realised by this study, has shown that it was Carranza who gave to the skill, the first basic techniques, tactics and methodology, by his conception of this new art form, just as the manner in which he established his theories, made possible the tecnhiques practiced in Spain would enjoy an intemal coherent structure, which would endure throughout the years.
This paper studies the external costs of surface freight transport in Spain and finds that a reduction occurred over the past 15 years. The analysis yields two conclusions: trucks have experienced a reduction in external costs, and rail has lower externalities. The external costs of road freight transport decrease between 1993 and 2007 (44%). The external costs of rail freight increase by 12%. During this period, the external costs of road freight related to climate increase by 16%, oppositely than those from air pollution and accidents (51 and 44%). The external costs of rail related to pollutant emissions and climate increase by 4% and 43%. Oppositely, the external costs related to accidents decrease by 27%. Road freight generates eight times the external costs of rail, 2.35 Euro cents per tonne kilometre in 2005 (5.6% accidents, 74.7% air pollution and 19.7% climate) vs. 0.28 (13.4% accidents, 53.9% air pollution and 32.7% climate).
This paper focuses on the railway rolling stock circulation problem in rapid transit networks where the known demand and train schedule must be met by a given fleet. In rapid transit networks the frequencies are high and distances are relatively short. Although the distances are not very large, service times are high due to the large number of intermediate stops required to allow proper passenger flow. The previous circumstances and the reduced capacity of the depot stations and that the rolling stock is shared between the different lines, force the introduction of empty trains and a careful control on shunting operation. In practice the future demand is generally unknown and the decisions must be based on uncertain forecast. We have developed a stochastic rolling stock formulation of the problem. The computational experiments were developed using a commercial line of the Madrid suburban rail network operated by RENFE (The main Spanish operator of suburban trains of passengers). Comparing the results obtained by deterministic scenarios and stochastic approach some useful conclusions may be obtained.
Este proyecto aborda el estudio geotécnico para la cimentación del terraplén de acceso a un paso superior sobre el tramo Albatera-Elche, incluido en la Línea de Alta Velocidad Madrid-Castilla La Mancha-Comunidad Valenciana-Región de Murcia. Con el fin de identificar y clasificar los materiales del terreno de cimentación, se analiza el marco geológico regional y local del área de estudio. En el proyecto se presentan los resultados obtenidos en la campaña de reconocimiento de campo y en los ensayos realizados en laboratorio, a partir de los cuales se realiza la caracterización geotécnica de los materiales y se determinan sus parámetros geotécnicos. Asimismo, se considera la singular problemática geotécnica de la zona de estudio, por lo que se analiza la estabilidad global del terraplén, los tiempos de consolidación del terreno y se realiza una estimación de asientos. De acuerdo a todos los cálculos y consideraciones realizadas, se determinan los tratamientos de mejora y refuerzo del terreno de cimentación. Por último, se evalúan los costes derivados de la campaña de reconocimiento geotécnico y de la redacción del presente estudio. ABSTRACT This project is a geotechnical report for the foundation of the access embankment to an overpass in the railway section Albatera-Elche, included in the High Speed Rail line Madrid-Castilla La Mancha-Comunidad Valenciana-Región de Murcia. In order to identify and classify the foundation soil materials, the regional and local geological frame of the study area is analyzed. The results of the field survey and laboratory tests performed are displayed in the project, from which the geotechnical characterization of materials is made and geotechnical parameters have been determined. It is also considered the special geotechnical problems in the study area, so the overall stability of the embankment and ground consolidation times are analyzed, as well as an estimate of ground settlement is also made. According to all calculations and considerations made, treatments to improve and strengthen the foundation soil are determined. Finally, the costs of the geotechnical campaign and the elaboration of this report are evaluated.
In a crosswind scenario, the risk of high-speed trains overturning increases when they run on viaducts since the aerodynamic loads are higher than on the ground. In order to increase safety, vehicles are sheltered by fences that are installed on the viaduct to reduce the loads experienced by the train. Windbreaks can be designed to have different heights, and with or without eaves on the top. In this paper, a parametric study with a total of 12 fence designs was carried out using a two-dimensional model of a train standing on a viaduct. To asses the relative effectiveness of sheltering devices, tests were done in a wind tunnel with a scaled model at a Reynolds number of 1 × 105, and the train’s aerodynamic coefficients were measured. Experimental results were compared with those predicted by Unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) simulations of flow, showing that a computational model is able to satisfactorily predict the trend of the aerodynamic coefficients. In a second set of tests, the Reynolds number was increased to 12 × 106 (at a free flow air velocity of 30 m/s) in order to simulate strong wind conditions. The aerodynamic coefficients showed a similar trend for both Reynolds numbers; however, their numerical value changed enough to indicate that simulations at the lower Reynolds number do not provide all required information. Furthermore, the variation of coefficients in the simulations allowed an explanation of how fences modified the flow around the vehicle to be proposed. This made it clear why increasing fence height reduced all the coefficients but adding an eave had an effect mainly on the lift force coefficient. Finally, by analysing the time signals it was possible to clarify the influence of the Reynolds number on the peak-to-peak amplitude, the time period and the Strouhal number.
Debido a sus características de seguridad, los sistemas de señalización ferroviarios requieren una gran cantidad de pruebas para su verificación y validación durante las diferentes etapas de su ciclo de vida, y en particular durante la instalación y puesta en marcha de una nueva línea o rehabilitación de una línea existente, siendo esta última aún más complicada debido a los cortos períodos de tiempo disponibles durante la noche para los trabajos. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo desarrollar una herramienta para reducir los esfuerzos antes mencionados mediante la simulación de los diferentes subsistemas de una línea equipada con sistema CBTC, el cumplimiento de las interfaces entre los subsistemas y el uso dentro de la simulación de equipos reales. Con estas premisas se desarrolló un entorno de pruebas para equipos y datos de señalización para líneas equipadas con el sistema CBTC. Los objetivos del proyecto que fueron establecidos en el inicio del desarrollo y han sido cumplidos con el desarrollo que se presenta en este artículo son los siguientes: • Poder realizar ensayos reales de equipos CBTC y su integración: equipos embarcados, equipos de control de área, etc. • Poder realizar ensayos reales con otros elementos de señalización y su integración: enclavamientos y ATS. • Poder realizar validación de datos vía CBTC. Para lograr estos objetivos se han desarrollado diversas aplicaciones de simulación, de las cuales, los más importantes son las siguientes: infraestructura, trenes automáticos, simulación de sistemas de tren, herramienta de gestión de los escenarios de simulación, etc Este sistema ha sido desarrollado y está añadiendo actualmente nuevos módulos y funcionalidades para las empresas del Grupo Invensys: Westinghouse Rail Systems en el Reino Unido y Dimetronic Signals en España, y está en uso en las nuevas líneas CBTC bajo su responsabilidad.
Modern Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are power packed with features to facilitate designers. Availability of features like huge block memory (BRAM), Digital Signal Processing (DSP) cores, embedded CPU makes the design strategy of FPGAs quite different from ASICs. FPGA are also widely used in security-critical application where protection against known attacks is of prime importance. We focus ourselves on physical attacks which target physical implementations. To design countermeasures against such attacks, the strategy for FPGA designers should also be different from that in ASIC. The available features should be exploited to design compact and strong countermeasures. In this paper, we propose methods to exploit the BRAMs in FPGAs for designing compact countermeasures. BRAM can be used to optimize intrinsic countermeasures like masking and dual-rail logic, which otherwise have significant overhead (at least 2X). The optimizations are applied on a real AES-128 co-processor and tested for area overhead and resistance on Xilinx Virtex-5 chips. The presented masking countermeasure has an overhead of only 16% when applied on AES. Moreover Dual-rail Precharge Logic (DPL) countermeasure has been optimized to pack the whole sequential part in the BRAM, hence enhancing the security. Proper robustness evaluations are conducted to analyze the optimization for area and security.
The 6 cylinder servo-hydraulic loading system of CEDEX's track box (250 kN, 50 Hz) has been recently implemented with a new piezoelectric loading system (±20 kN, 300 Hz) allowing the incorporation of low amplitude high frequency dynamic load time histories to the high amplitude low frequency quasi-static load time histories used so far in the CEDEX's track box to assess the inelastic long term behavior of ballast under mixed traffic in conventional and high- speed lines. This presentation will discuss the results obtained in the first long-duration test performed at CEDEX's track box using simultaneously both loading systems, to simulate the pass-by of 6000 freight vehicles (1M of 225 kN axle loads) travelling at a speed of 120 km/h over a line with vertical irregularities corresponding to a medium quality lin3e level. The superstructure of the track tested at full scale consisted of E 60 rails, stiff rail pads (mayor que 450 kN/mm), B90.2 sleepers with USP 0.10 N/mm and a 0.35 m thick ballast layer of ADIF first class. A shear wave velocity of 250 m/s can be assumed for the different layers of the track sub-base. The ballast long-term settlements will be compared with those obtained in a previous long-duration quasi- static test performed in the same track, for the RIVAS [EU co-funded] project, in which no dynamic loads where considered. Also, the results provided by a high diameter cyclic triaxial cell with ballast tested in full size will be commented. Finally, the progress made at CEDEX's Geotechnical Laboratory to reproduce numerically the long term behavior of ballast will be discussed.
The Safety Certification of Software-Intensive Systems with Reusable Components project, in short SafeCer (www.safecer.eu),is targeting increased efficiency and reduced time-to-market by composable safety certification of safety- relevant embedded systems. The industrial domains targeted are within automotive and construction equipment, avionics, and rail. Some of the companies involved are: Volvo Tech- nology, Thales, TTTech, and Intecs among others. SafeCer includes more than 30 partners in six different countries and has a budget of e25.7 millions. A primary objective is to provide support for system safety arguments based on arguments and properties of system components as well as to provide support for generation of corresponding evidence in a similar compositional way. By providing support for efficient reuse of certification and stronger links between certification and development, compo- nent reuse will be facilitated, and by providing support for reuse across domains the amount of components available for reuse will increase dramatically. The resulting efficiency and reduced time to market will, together with increased quality and reduced risk, increase competitiveness and pave the way for a cross-domain market for software components qualified for certification.
In the context of the present conference paper culverts are defined as an opening or conduit passing through an embankment usually for the purpose of conveying water or providing safe pedestrian and animal crossings under rail infrastructure. The clear opening of culverts may reach values of up to 12m however, values around 3m are encountered much more frequently. Depending on the topography, the number of culverts is about 10 times that of bridges. In spite of this, their dynamic behavior has received far less attention than that of bridges. The fundamental frequency of culverts is considerably higher than that of bridges even in the case of short span bridges. As the operational speed of modern high-speed passenger rail systems rises, higher frequencies are excited and thus more energy is encountered in frequency bands where the fundamental frequency of box culverts is located. Many research efforts have been spent on the subject of ballast instability due to bridge resonance, since it was first observed when high-speed trains were introduced to the Paris/Lyon rail line. To prevent this phenomenon from occurring, design codes establish a limit value for the vertical deck acceleration. Obviously one needs some sort of numerical model in order to estimate this acceleration level and at that point things get quite complicated. Not only acceleration but also displacement values are of interest e.g. to estimate the impact factor. According to design manuals the structural design should consider the depth of cover, trench width and condition, bedding type, backfill material, and compaction. The same applies to the numerical model however, the question is: What type of model is appropriate for this job? A 3D model including the embankment and an important part of the soil underneath the culvert is computationally very expensive and hard to justify taking into account the associated costs. Consequently, there is a clear need for simplified models and design rules in order to achieve reasonable costs. This paper will describe the results obtained from a 2D finite element model which has been calibrated by means of a 3D model and experimental data obtained at culverts that belong to the high-speed railway line that links the two towns of Segovia and Valladolid in Spain
El objetivo de este Proyecto Fin de Grado es el diseño de megafonía y PAGA (Public Address /General Alarm) de la estación de tren Waipahu Transit Center en la ciudad de Honolulú, Hawái. Esta estación forma parte de una nueva línea de tren que está en proceso de construcción actualmente llamada Honolulu Rail Transit. Inicialmente la línea de tren constará de 21 estaciones, en las que prácticamente todas están diseñadas como pasos elevados usando como referencia las autopistas que cruzan la isla. Se tiene prevista su fecha de finalización en el año 2019, aunque las primeras estaciones se inaugurarán en 2017. Se trata en primer lugar un estudio acústico del recinto a sonorizar, eligiendo los equipos necesarios: conmutadores, altavoces, amplificadores, procesador, equipo de control y micrófonos. Este primer estudio sirve para obtener una aproximación de equipos necesarios, así como la posible situación de estos dentro de la estación. Tras esto, se procede a la simulación de la estación mediante el programa de simulación acústica y electroacústica EASE 4.4. Para ello, se diseña la estación en un modelo 3D, en el que cada superficie se asocia a su material correspondiente. Para facilitar el diseño y el cómputo de las simulaciones se divide la estación en 3 partes por separado. Cada una corresponde a un nivel de la estación: Ground level, el nivel inferior que contiene la entrada; Concourse Level, pasillo que comunica los dos andenes; y Platform Level, en el que realizarán las paradas los trenes. Una vez realizado el diseño se procede al posicionamiento de altavoces en los diferentes niveles de la estación. Debido al clima existente en la isla, el cual ronda los 20°C a lo largo de todo el año, no es necesaria la instalación de sistemas de aire acondicionado o calefacción, por lo que la estación no está totalmente cerrada. Esto supone un problema al realizar las simulaciones en EASE, ya que al tratarse de un recinto abierto se deberán hallar parámetros como el tiempo de reverberación o el volumen equivalente por otros medios. Para ello, se utilizará el método Ray Tracing, mediante el cual se halla el tiempo de reverberación por la respuesta al impulso de la sala; y a continuación se calcula un volumen equivalente del recinto mediante la fórmula de Eyring. Con estos datos, se puede proceder a calcular los parámetros necesarios: nivel de presión sonora directo, nivel de presión sonora total y STI (Speech Transmission Index). Para obtener este último será necesario ecualizar antes en cada uno de los niveles de la estación. Una vez hechas las simulaciones, se comprueba que el nivel de presión sonora y los valores de inteligibilidad son acordes con los requisitos dados por el cliente. Tras esto, se procede a realizar los bucles de altavoces y el cálculo de amplificadores necesarios. Se estudia la situación de los micrófonos, que servirán para poder variar la potencia emitida por los altavoces dependiendo del nivel de ruido en la estación. Una vez obtenidos todos los equipos necesarios en la estación, se hace el conexionado entre éstos, tanto de una forma simplificada en la que se pueden ver los bucles de altavoces en cada nivel de la estación, como de una forma más detallada en la que se muestran las conexiones entre cada equipo del rack. Finalmente, se realiza el etiquetado de los equipos y un presupuesto estimado con los costes del diseño del sistema PAGA. ABSTRACT. The aim of this Final Degree Project is the design of the PAGA (Public Address / General Alarm) system in the train station Waipahu Transit Center in the city of Honolulu, Hawaii. This station is part of a new rail line that is currently under construction, called Honolulu Rail Transit. Initially, the rail line will have 21 stations, in which almost all are designed elevated using the highways that cross the island as reference. At first, it is treated an acoustic study in the areas to cover, choosing the equipment needed: switches, loudspeakers, amplifiers, DPS, control station and microphones. This first study helps to obtain an approximation of the equipments needed, as well as their placement inside the station. Thereafter, it is proceeded to do the simulation of the station through the acoustics and electroacoustics simulation software EASE 4.4. In order to do that, it is made the 3D design of the station, in which each surface is associated with its material. In order to ease the design and calculation of the simulations, the station has been divided in 3 zones. Each one corresponds with one level of the station: Ground Level, the lower level that has the entrance; Concourse Level, a corridor that links the two platforms; and Platform Level, where the trains will stop. Once the design is made, it is proceeded to place the speakers in the different levels of the station. Due to the weather in the island, which is about 20°C throughout the year, it is not necessary the installation of air conditioning or heating systems, so the station is not totally closed. This cause a problem when making the simulations in EASE, as the project is open, and it will be necessary to calculate parameters like the reverberation time or the equivalent volume by other methods. In order to do that, it will be used the Ray Tracing method, by which the reverberation time is calculated by the impulse response; and then it is calculated the equivalent volume of the area with the Eyring equation. With this information, it can be proceeded to calculate the parameters needed: direct sound pressure level, total sound pressure level and STI (Speech Transmission Index). In order to obtain the STI, it will be needed to equalize before in each of the station’s levels. Once the simulations are done, it is checked that the sound pressure level and the intelligibility values agree with the requirements given by the client. After that, it is proceeded to perform the speaker’s loops and the calculation of the amplifiers needed. It is studied the placement of the microphones, which will help to vary the power emitted by the speakers depending on the background noise level in the station. Once obtained all the necessary equipment in the station, it is done the connection diagram, both a simplified diagram in which there can be seen the speaker’s loops in each level of the station, or a more detailed diagram in which it is shown the wiring between each equipment of the rack. At last, it is done the labeling of the equipments and an estimated budget with the expenses for the PAGA design.
This paper studies the disruption management problem of rapid transit rail networks. Besides optimizing the timetable and the rolling stock schedules, we explicitly deal with the effects of the disruption on the passenger demand. We propose a two-step approach that combines an integrated optimization model (for the timetable and rolling stock) with a model for the passengers’ behavior. We report our computational tests on realistic problem instances of the Spanish rail operator RENFE. The proposed approach is able to find solutions with a very good balance between various managerial goals within a few minutes. Se estudia la gestión de las incidencias en redes de metro y cercanías. Se optimizan los horarios y la asignación del material rodante, teniendo en cuenta el comportamiento de los pasajeros. Se reallizan pruebas en varias líneas de la red de cercanías de Madrid, con resultados satisfactorios.
The study of lateral dynamics of running trains on bridges is of importance mainly for the safety of the traffic, and may be relevant for laterally compliant bridges. These studies require threedimensional coupled vehicle-bridge models, wheree consideration of wheel to rail contact is a key aspect. Furthermore, an adequate evaluation of safety of rail traffic requires nonlinear models. A nonlinear coupled model is proposed here for vehicle-structure vertical and lateral dynamics. Vehicles are considered as fully three-dimensional multibody systems including gyroscopic terms and large rotation effects. The bridge structure is modeled by means of finite elements which may be of beam, shell or continuum type and may include geometric or material nonlinearities. The track geometry includes distributed track alignment irregularities. Both subsystems (bridge and vehicles) are described with coordinates in absolute reference frames, as opposed to alternative approaches which describe the multibody system with coordinates relative to the base bridge motion. The wheelrail contact employed is a semi-Hertzian model based on realistic wheel-rail profiles. It allows a detailed geometrical description of the contact patch under each wheel including multiple-point contact, flange contact and uplift. Normal and tangential stresses in each contact are integrated at each time-step to obtain the resultant contact forces. The models have been implemented within an existing finite element analysis software with multibody capabilities, Abaqus (Simulia Ltd., 2010). Further details of the model are presented in Antolín et al. (2012). Representative applications are presented for railway vehicles under lateral wind action on laterally compliant viaducts, showing the relevance of the nonlinear wheel-rail contact model as well as the interaction between bridge and vehicle.
This article presents a new and computationally efficient method of analysis of a railway track modelled as a continuous beam of 2N spans supported by elastic vertical springs. The main feature of this method is its important reduction in computational effort with respect to standard matrix methods of structural analysis. In this article, the whole structure is considered to be a repetition of a single one. The analysis presented is applied to a simple railway track model, i.e. to a repetitive beam supported on vertical springs (sleepers). The proposed method of analysis is based on the general theory of spatially periodic structures. The main feature of this theory is the possibility to apply Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) in order to reduce a large system of q(2N + 1) linear stiffness equilibrium equations to a set of 2N + 1 uncoupled systems of q equations each. In this way, a dramatic reduction of the computational effort of solving the large system of equations is achieved. This fact is particularly important in the analysis of railway track structures, in which N is a very large number (around several thousands), and q = 2, the vertical displacement and rotation, is very small. The proposed method allows us to easily obtain the exact solution given by Samartín [1], i.e. the continuous beam railway track response. The comparison between the proposed method and other methods of analysis of railway tracks, such as Lorente de Nó and Zimmermann-Timoshenko, clearly shows the accuracy of the obtained results for the proposed method, even for low values of N. In addition, identical results between the proposed and the Lorente methods have been found, although the proposed method seems to be of simpler application and computationally more efficient than the Lorente one. Small but significative differences occur between these two methods and the one developed by Zimmermann-Timoshenko. This article also presents a detailed sensitivity analysis of the vertical displacement of the sleepers. Although standard matrix methods of structural analysis can handle this railway model, one of the objectives of this article is to show the efficiency of DFT method with respect to standard matrix structural analysis. A comparative analysis between standard matrix structural analysis and the proposed method (DFT), in terms of computational time, input, output and also software programming, will be carried out. Finally, a URL link to a MatLab computer program list, based on the proposed method, is given