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An orange-pigmented, Gram-negative, nonmotile, strictly aerobic and oxidase- and catalase-positive bacterium (SM-A87(T)) was isolated from the deep-sea sediment of the southern Okinawa Trough area. The main fatty acids were i15 : 0, i17 : 0 3OH, i15 : 1 G, i17 : 1 omega 9c, 15 : 0, i15 : 0 3OH and summed feature 3 (comprising i-15 : 0 2OH and/or 16 : 1 omega 7c). MK-6 was the predominant respiratory quinone. DNA G+C content was 35.8 mol%. Flexirubin-type pigments were absent. Phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that strain SM-A87(T) formed a distinct lineage within the family Flavobacteriaceae, with < 93% sequence similarity to the nearest strain of genus Salegentibacter. Moreover, strain SM-A87(T) could be distinguished from the nearest phylogenetic neighbors by a number of chemotaxonomic and phenotypic properties. On the basis of polyphasic analyses, it is proposed that strain SM-A87(T) be classified in a novel genus and a new species in the family Flavobacteriaceae, designated Wangia profunda gen. nov., sp. nov. The type strain is SM-A87(T) (CCTCC AB 206139(T)=DSM 18752).


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A Gram-negative, nonmotile, aerobic and oxidase- and catalase-positive bacterium,, designated D25(T), was isolated from the deep-sea sediments of the southern Okinawa Trough area. Phylogenetic analyses of 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that strain D25(T), fell within the genus Myroides, with 99.2%, 96.0% and 93.4% sequence similarities to the only three recognized species of Myroides. However, the DNA-DNA similarity Value between strain D25(T) and its nearest neighbour Myroides odoratimimus JCM 7460(T) was only 49.9% ( < 70%). Several phenotypic properties could be used to distinguish strain D25(T) from other Myroides species. The main cellular fatty acids of strain D25(T) were iso-C-15:0, iso-C-17:1 omega 9C, iso-C(17:0)3-OH and Summed Feature 3 (comprising C-16:1 omega 7c and/or iso-C(15:0)2-OH). The major respiratory quinone was MK-6. The DNA G+C content was 33.0 mol%. The results of the polyphasic taxonomy analysis suggested that strain D251(T) represents a novel species of the genus Myroides, for which the name Myroides profundi sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is D25(T) (=CCTCC M 208030(T) = DSM 19823(T)).


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Based on the second-order random wave solutions of water wave equations in finite water depth, a statistical distribution of the wave-surface elevation is derived by using the characteristic function expansion method. It is found that the distribution, after normalization of the wave-surface elevation, depends only on two parameters. One parameter describes the small mean bias of the surface produced by the second-order wave-wave interactions. Another one is approximately proportional to the skewness of the distribution. Both of these two parameters can be determined by the water depth and the wave-number spectrum of ocean waves. As an illustrative example, we consider a fully developed wind-generated sea and the parameters are calculated for various wind speeds and water depths by using Donelan and Pierson spectrum. It is also found that, for deep water, the dimensionless distribution reduces to the third-order Gram-Charlier series obtained by Longuet-Higgins [J. Fluid Mech. 17 (1963) 459]. The newly proposed distribution is compared with the data of Bitner [Appl. Ocean Res. 2 (1980) 63], Gaussian distribution and the fourth-order Gram-Charlier series, and found our distribution gives a more reasonable fit to the data. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor, VEGF)是一种多功能的细胞因子,其主要作用是促进血管内皮细胞增殖和增加血管通透性,是肿瘤及正常组织血管生成的中心调控因素,以VEGF为靶点的肿瘤血管靶向性治疗成为近几年肿瘤治疗的新途径。RNAi是近年来新发展的一项反向遗传学技术,是一种研究基因功能的有力工具。斑马鱼作为一种重要的模式生物,被广泛用于胚胎的分子发育机制、疾病模型的构建以及药物筛选等研究中。然而在斑马鱼中运用RNAi技术进行基因功能研究是一个相对较新的领域,研究资料较少,并且目前进行的斑马鱼RNAi实验中,siRNA大都是通过化学方法或体外转录合成的。体外合成的siRNA在进入体内后会被降解而无法达到持久阻抑基因表达的目的。因此本研究旨在探讨VEGF特异性siRNA表达载体对斑马鱼VEGF基因的沉默作用,通过分析表型及相关细胞因子的变化,阐明VEGF对斑马鱼胚胎血管生成的影响及作用机制。 研究通过计算机辅助设计软件,针对斑马鱼VEGF mRNA不同位点设计合成了4段含siRNA特异序列的DNA单链,经退火,克隆入pSilencer 4.1-CMV neo载体CMV启动子下游,构建了重组质粒pS1-VEGF、pS2-VEGF、pS3-VEGF及pS4-VEGF。 通过显微注射的方法将载体导入1-2细胞期斑马鱼体内,于胚胎发育的48 h采用RT-PCR的方法检测VEGF基因的表达量,研究不同干扰序列对VEGF基因表达的干涉作用。结果显示,针对不同位点的表达载体对VEGF基因表达的抑制效率有显著差异。它们对VEGF mRNA的抑制率分别为80.5%,42.8%,12.5%,40.7%。通过筛选我们得到了一条具有高效抑制作用的载体pS1-VEGF,该载体的相应序列靶向斑马鱼两个主要异构体VEGF165和VEGF121的共有外显子序列。 形态学检测结果显示,注射了pS1-VEGF的胚胎出现了心包膜水肿、血流速度减慢、循环红细胞堆积等症状。定量碱性磷酸酶染色显示,注射pS1-VEGF能够抑制斑马鱼胚胎新生血管的形成,当注射剂量为0.4 ng时,血管生成的抑制率为31.8%。NBT/BCIP血管染色显示,注射该载体后72 h,50%的斑马鱼肠下静脉、节间血管以及其它血管的发育受到不同程度的抑制。随着注射剂量的加大,血管发育受抑制的情况也随之加重,当注射剂量为1 ng时,只有心脏、头部及卵黄有血液循环。对干扰效果的特异性进行了研究,结果表明pS1-VEGF对斑马鱼内源基因胸苷酸合成酶(thymidylate synthase, TS)基因的表达没有明显的抑制作用。针对TS基因的shRNA表达载体及与斑马鱼没有同源性的对照载体对VEGF基因表达也没有明显的抑制作用。浓度梯度实验表明在0-1.2 ng的范围内干扰效果具有剂量依赖性。 以胚胎整体原位杂交的方法检测质粒对VEGF基因受体NRP1基因表达的影响,发现VEGF特异性shRNA表达载体能够引起NRP1基因表达的降低,说明斑马鱼中VEGF所介导的血管生成作用至少在部分上是依赖于NRP通路所调节的。 本研究工作为进一步研究斑马鱼基因功能、VEGF调控网络提供了一个快速、有效的手段,为阐明斑马鱼的血管生成机制提供了新的资料,为采用RNAi技术,以VEGF为靶点,以斑马鱼为模型对肿瘤进行基因治疗研究奠定了基础。


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用平板画线法从患病栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)体内分离到了一种原核生物(简称QDP)。QDP可以在改进的液体培养基MEM(含2.2%NaCl,5%小牛血清)和脑心浸液(含2.2% NaCl)中生长;菌落在显微镜下(150×)为无色、透明的小点状;革兰氏染色阴性;菌体为圆形或近似圆形。QDP在发育过程中有两种状态,一种为未成熟阶段,直径小于100nm;另一种为成熟阶段,直径变化很大,最小约60nm,最大可达4µm以上。较小的个体有拟核、核糖体和新月状的空泡,未见细胞壁;较大的个体有细胞壁,胞内大部分被空泡充满,未见拟核和核糖体。栉孔扇贝组织超簿切片电镜观查证实QDP的存在。QDP的密度随着生长发育时间的不同而有所变化,繁殖高峰期密度较大。 建立了密度梯度离心结合滤膜过滤分离技术,优化人工培养条件。最适生长温度为23℃,最适生长pH值为7.4,最适生长盐度相当于细胞培养液所需的盐浓度(0.85%NaCl)。 提取的QDP核酸能被RNase A 降解,且没有检测到DNA。以PCR、RT-PCR扩增其16SrRNA基因序列片段,PCR反应没有扩增出扩增子,而RT-PCR则扩增出了16S rRNA基因序列片段,经测定其序列全长度为1430bp,经与GENEBANK中的16S rRNA片段比较分析,与6种不同科的微生物的同源率最高的为95%-95.47%。 采用温度梯度和病原浓度梯度回归感染实验方法,较为系统地研究了QDP的致病性。研究结果表明:QDP对栉孔扇贝有强烈的致病作用,高温(23℃以上)是其致病的必要条件,证实DQP是栉孔扇贝大规模死亡的病原体之一。


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采用乙酸地衣红染色技术(Acetic orcein staining technique)较系统地研究了长牡蛎 Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg)三倍体产生的卵子在受精且第一极体释放受抑制后的减数分裂过及染色体的分离行为以阐明可存活四倍体的产生体的机制。用浓度为0.5 mg/L的细胞松驰素B (CB)处理受卵以抑制其第一极体的释放。在观察到个别受精卵出现第一极体时开始CB处理,持续至对照组中50%的受精卵出现的第一极体。对处理组和对照组的受精卵从受精后隔5分钟取样一次,用卡诺氏液(Carnoy's fixative, 冰醋酸和甲醇按1:3的体积比充分混合)固家样品。采用0.5%的乙酸-地衣红染料进行受精卵的染色,而后压片观察受精卵染色体行为。长牡蛎三倍体产生的卵子,中期I同源染色体构型呈现单价体(Univalents),二价体(Bivalents)、三价体(Trivalents)以及大于三价体的多价体(Multivalents)混合出更的特征。在第一极体释放受抑制的受精卵的第二次减数分裂过程中,可确认四种染色体分离类型:三极分离(Tripolar segregation) (54.5%)、联合二极分离(United bipolar segregation) (12%)、独立二级分离(Incomplete united bipolar segregation)(4%)。其余卵子的染色体分离行为(23%)不规律,呈现不同程度的紊乱,但总体看来介于上述四种分离类型之间。此外,某些特定的独立二级也可能是四位体形成的最主要的细胞遗传学体制。此外,某些特定的独立二极分离也可能产生四倍体。轻细胞体驰素B 处理的受精卵的减数分裂过程具有显著的不同步性,表现在三个方面:第一,在两个重复组之间,即两个雌体之间,存在第二次减数分裂的时间进程的不同步性;第二,同一个雌体产生的卵子之间的发育速度不同步性,表现为不同的卵子进入第一次减数分裂的时间不同;第三,同一卵子内的染色体之间,其行为有时存在的不同步性。另外,探讨了中心类在支配第二减数分裂时各种染色体分离行为的可能机制。以长牡蛎二倍体与近江牡蛎二倍体的染交作为对照,探讨了能长牡蛎四倍体与近江牡蛎二倍体杂并诱导异源三倍体的可行性。长牡蛎Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg)四倍体和二倍体与近江牡蛎Crassostrea rivularis (Gould)二倍体的杂交以及相应的对照组共进行了三批重复实验,杂交实验采用高密度的精子。研究结果表明,自交组平均受精率依次为94%(GG)、77% (RR),88% (G/GG)和85% (GG/G)。双方差分析(ANOVA)表明,各自交组之间受精率没有显著差异(F=3.118, P=0.132)。在杂交组,直接授精后180分钟,尚未观察到受精迹象,因而无法估计受精率。授精后48小时的孵化率各组之间差异很大,并经双方差分析(ANOVA)表明存在显著性差异,(F=3.188, P=0.018)。其中GGR和RGG组的孵化率相近似,产生的幼虫数量明显少于对照组。在四种类型的杂交实验中,二倍体C. gigas (雌体) * 二倍体 C. rivularis (雌体)(GR)早最成功的。虽基GR组幼虫的生长率低于对照组,但其存活率接近于对照组。长牡蛎四倍体与近江牡蛎二倍体杂交组(GR),在授精后两天的孵化率较低,但幼虫的生长状况与对照组接近。另外两个杂交组,即近江牡蛎二倍体与长牡蛎四倍体(RGG),二倍体近江牡蛎江与二倍体长牡蛎(RG),授精后两天的孵化率很低,幼虫生长得缓慢。三个重复组的GR杂交组和一个重复组的GGR杂交组获得稚贝。聚合酶链式反应/限制性酶切片段长度的多态性(PCR/PFLP)检支分析结果证实这些稚贝均是杂交种;流式细胞术分析结果证明GGR获得的稚贝是三倍体,从而证明获得了长牡蛎与近江牡蛎的异源三倍体。有迹象表明三倍体与二倍体杂交种之间(GGR对GR)存在生长上的差异。首先,GGR的眼点幼虫大约比GR组早出现5-7天即仅次于对照组GG,G/GG,和GG/G;第二,尽管仅获得少量GGR幼贝,这些幼贝在授精后90天的大小显著大于GR组的个体。在RGG和RG组中,幼虫没能存活到眼点幼点阶段。细胞学检查结果表明,杂交组的绝大多数卵子发育停滞在第一次减数分裂中期(Metaphase I),这一过程至少持续到授精后180分钟。仅有2%的GGR 组的卵子在授精后180分钟进入第一次减数分裂后期)(Anaphase I). 而在此时期,GR,RGG和RG组的卵子中,仍只观察到10第二价体(Bivalents).


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Accumulation and distributions of aliphatic and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heavy metals were measured in tissues of the clam Ruditapes philippinarum collected from 5 sites in Jiaozhou Bay, Qingdao, China. The concentrations of total aliphatic hydrocarbon and PAHs ranged from 570 to 2 574 ng/gdw (gram dry weight) and from 276 to 939 ng/gdw, in the most and least polluted sites, respectively. The bio-accumulation of hydrocarbons and PAHs in the clams appeared to be selective. Aliphatic hydrocarbons were predominantly represented by short chain (< nC(23)) n-alkanes, suggesting that petroleum hydrocarbons were likely the major contamination source. The selective uptake of 3 and 4 ring PAHs, such as naphthalene, fluorene, phenanthrene, fluoranthene and pyrene, by the clams was probably related to the physiological and bio-kinetic processes that were energetically favorable for uptake of compounds with fewer rings. Accumulation of the metals Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr, Hg, and As in the clam tissues also showed high variability, ranging from 0.043 to 87 A mu g/gdw. Among the 7 detected metals, Zn, Cd, Cu, and As had a particularly high potential of accumulation in R. philippinarum. In general, a positive correlation was found between the tissue concentrations and sediment concentrations of hydrocarbons and of some metals. Our study suggests that moderate contamination with polyaromatic hydrocarbons, and low to moderate contamination with metals, currently exists for clam R. philippinarum in Jiaozhou Bay, in comparison with other regional studies. A long-term monitoring program is certainly needed for assessment of the potential ecological influence and toxicity of these contaminants of R. philippinarum in Jiaozhou Bay.


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Bacteria isolated from a highly toxic sample of gastropod Nassarius semiplicatus in Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province in July 2007, were studied to probe into the relationship between bacteria and toxicity of nassariid gastropod. The toxicity of the gastropod sample was 2 x 10(2) mouse unit (MU) Per gram Of tissue (wet weight). High concentration of tetrodotoxin (TTX) and its analogues (TTXs) were found in the digestive gland and muscle of the gastropod, using high performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass chromatography (LC-MS). Bacterial strains isolated from the digestive gland were cultured and screened for TTX with a competitive ELISA method. Tetrodotoxin was detected in a proportion of bacterial strains, but the toxin content was low. Partial 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) of the TTX-producing strains was then sequenced and compared with those published in the GenBank to tentatively identify the toxic strains. It was found that most of the toxic strains were closely affiliated with genus Vibrio, and the others were related to genus Shewanella, Marinomonas, Tenacibaculum and Aeromonas. These findings suggest that tetrodotoxin-producing bacteria might play an important role in tetrodotoxin accumulation/production in N. semiplicatus. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The ciliate community structure and seasonal dynamics in a solar saltern of the Yellow Sea were studied based oil 4 sampling dates and 8 stations with salinities from 27.7 parts per thousand to 311.0 parts per thousand. The effects of the type and concentration of the fixative used (Lugol's and Bouin's) were tested at the first sampling date. Fixative type and fixative concentration had significant effects on ciliate abundance and blovolume, with 1% Lugol's giving the best results. A detailed investigation using live observations and protargol staining techniques revealed a total of 98 morphospecies from 8 sampling stations. There was obvious seasonal variation in species composition at most of the stations, but this tended to be less distinct with increasing salinity, as the dominant ciliate group shifted from oligotrichs to heterotrichs. Ciliate abundance varied from 4.40 x 10(1) to 2.11 x 10(5) cells l(-1) and biomass ranged between 2.39 and 9.87 x 10(3) mu g Cl-1 (at a salinity of 147.6 parts per thousand). Both abundance and biomass decreased abruptly when salinity exceeded 100-150 parts per thousand. Statistical analyses Suggested that the dynamics of ciliate abundance and biomass were regulated by both salinity and by season, but those of diversity and species richness were mainly controlled by salinity and both significantly decreased with increasing salinity. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Chromosome segregation in fertilized eggs from triploid Pacific oysters, following inhibition of the first polar body (PB1), was studied with acetic orcein staining techniques. To block the release of PB1, fertilized eggs were treated with 0.5 mg/l of cytochalasin B (CB). Four types of segregation were observed, namely, ''tripolar segregation'' (54.5%), ''united bipolar segregation'' (12%), ''separated bipolar segregation'' (2.5%), and ''incomplete united bipolar segregation'' (4%). The remaining 23% could not be classified because of chromosome disorganization, but appeared to be variants of the above. It seemed clear that the predominant pattern that gave rise to tetraploids was united bipolar segregation, although certain separated bipolar segregations might also lead to the formation of tetraploids. The sequential events of meioses observed in CB-treated eggs are described. The asynchrony of meiotic events and possible mechanisms for the various types of chromosome segregation are discussed.


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A natural lectin from the serum of the shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei was purified to homogeneity by a single-step affinity chromatography using fetuin-coupled agarose. The purified serum lectin (named LVL) showed a strong affinity for human A/B/O erythrocytes (RBC), mouse RBC, chicken RBC and its haemagglutinating (HA) activity was specifically dependent on Ca2+ and reversibly sensitive to EDTA. LVL inactive form had a molecular mass estimate of 172 kDa and was composed of two non-identical subunits (32 and 38 kDa) cross-linked by interchain disulphide bonds. Significant LVL activity was observed between pH 7 and 11. In HA-inhibition assays performed with several carbohydrates and glycoproteins, LVL showed a distinct and unique specificity for GalNAc/GluNAc/NeuAc which had an acetyl group, while glycoproteins fetuin and bovine submaxillary mucin (BSM) had sialic acid. Moreover, this agglutinin appeared to recognise the terminal N- and O-acetyl groups in the oligosaccharide chain of glycoconjugates. The HA activity of L. vannamei lectin was also susceptible to inhibition by lipopolysaccharides from diverse Gram-negative bacteria, which might indicate a significant in vivo role of this humoral agglutinin in the host immune response against bacterial infections. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A natural lectin from the plasma of the shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis was purified by singlestep affinity chromatography using fetuin-coupled agarose. The purified plasma lectin showed a strong affinity for human A/B/O erythrocytes (RBC), mouse RBC and chicken RBC. The hemagglutinating (HA) activity of the lectin was dependent on Ca2+ and reversibly sensitive to EDTA. This lectin was named FC-L and its inactive form had a molecular mass estimate of 168 kDa. Fifteen N-terminal amino acid sequences of this protein were determined. We performed HA-inhibition assays with several carbohydrates and glycoproteins. FC-L showed a distinct and unique specificity to N-acetylated sugars, particularly sialic acid and sialoproteins. The FC-L also has binding activity to some Gram-negative bacteria which caused disease in shrimp and fish. The activity of FC-L was inhibited at temperatures greater than 75 degrees C and at a pH less than 7 or greater than 11. These results suggest that FC-L may play a role as pattern recognition proteins in the reorganization and clearance of invaders in shrimp F. chinensis. Crown Copyright (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In many plant species, leaf morphology varies with altitude, an effect that has been attributed to temperature. It remains uncertain whether such a trend applies equally to juvenile and mature trees across altitudinal gradients in semi-arid mountain regions. We examined altitude-related differences in a variety of needle characteristics of juvenile (2-m tall) and mature (5-m tall) alpine spruce (Picea crassifolia Kom.) trees growing at altitudes between 2501 and 3450 m in the Qilian Mountains of northwest China. We found that stable carbon isotope composition (delta C-13), area- and mass-based leaf nitrogen concentration (N-a, N-m), number of stomata per gram of nitrogen (St/N), number of stomata per unit leaf mass (St/LM), projected leaf area per 100 needles (LA) and leaf mass per unit area (LMA) varied nonlinearly with altitude for both juvenile and mature trees, with a relationship reversal point at about 3 100 m. Stomatal density (SD) of juvenile trees remained unchanged with altitude, whereas SD and stomatal number per unit length (SNL) of mature spruce initially increased with altitude, but subsequently decreased. Although several measured indices were generally found to be higher in mature trees than in juvenile trees, N-m, leaf carbon concentration (C.), leaf water concentration. (LWC), St/N, LA and St/LM showed inconsistent differences between trees of different ages along the altitudinal gradient. In both juvenile and mature trees, VC correlated significantly with LMA, N-m, N-a, SNL, St/LM and St/N. Stomatal density, LWC and LA were only significantly correlated with delta C-13 in mature trees. These findings suggest that there are distinct ecophysiological differences between the needles of juvenile and mature trees that determine their response to changes in altitude in semi-arid mountainous regions. Variations in the fitness of forests of different ages may have important implications for modeling forest responses to changes in environmental conditions, such as predicted future temperature increases in high attitude areas associated with climate change.


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The ptsH gene, encoding the phosphotransferase protein HPr, from Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824 was identified from the genome sequence, cloned and shown to complement a ptsH mutant of Escherichia coli. The deduced protein sequence shares significant homology with HPr proteins from other low-GC gram-positive bacteria, although the highly conserved sequence surrounding the Ser-46 phosphorylation site is not well preserved in the clostridial protein. Nevertheless, the HPr was phosphorylated in an ATP-dependent manner in cell-free extracts of C. acetobutylicum. Furthermore, purified His-tagged HPr from Bacillus subtilis was also a substrate for the clostridial HPr kinase/phosphorylase. This phosphorylation reaction is a key step in the mechanism of carbon catabolite repression proposed to operate in B. subtilis and other low-GC gram-positive bacteria. Putative genes encoding the HPr kinase/phosphorylase and the other element of this model, namely the catabolite control protein CcpA, were identified from the C. acetobutylicum genome sequence, suggesting that a similar mechanism of carbon catabolite repression may operate in this industrially important organism.


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Although the acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE) fermentation of Clostridium acetobutylicum is currently uneconomic, the ability of the bacterium to metabolise a wide range of carbohydrates offers the potential for revival based on the use of cheap, low grade substrates. We have investigated the uptake and metabolism of lactose, the major sugar in industrial whey waste, by C. acetobutylicum ATCC 824. Lactose is taken up via a phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)-dependent phosphotransferase system (PTS) comprising both soluble and membrane-associated components, and the resulting phosphorylated derivative is hydrolysed by a phospho--galactosidase. These activities are induced during growth on lactose, but are absent in glucose-grown cells. Analysis of the C. acetobutylicum genome sequence identified a gene system, lacRFEG, encoding a transcriptional regulator of the DeoR family, IIA and IICB components of a lactose PTS, and phospho--galactosidase. During growth in medium containing both glucose and lactose, C. acetobutylicum exhibited a classical diauxic growth, and the lac operon was not expressed until glucose was exhausted from the medium. The presence upstream of lacR of a potential catabolite responsive element (cre) encompassing the transcriptional start site is indicative of the mechanism of carbon catabolite repression characteristic of low-GC Gram-positive bacteria. A pathway for the uptake and metabolism of lactose by this industrially important organism is proposed.