977 resultados para genomic sequence


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Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) analysis was used to assess genetic diversity among 10 pairs of male and female Laminaria gametophytes. A total of 58 amplification loci was obtained from 10 selected ISSR primers, of which 34 revealed polymorphism among the gametophytes. Genetic distances were calculated with the Dice coefficient ranging from 0.006 to 0.223. A dendrogram based on the unweighted pair-group method arithmetic (UPGMA) average showed that most male and female gametophytes of the same species were clustered together and that 10 pairs of gametophytes were divided into four groups. This was generally consistent with the taxonomic categories. The main group consisted of six pairs of gametophytes, which were selected from Laminaria japonica Aresch. by intensive inbreeding through artificial hybridization. One specific marker was cloned, but was not converted successfully into a sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of applying ISSR markers to evaluate Laminaria germplasm diversities.


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A large-DNA-fragment library is necessary for research into the Porphyra genome. In this study, a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library of Porphyra yezoensis was constructed and characterized. The library contains 54,144 BAC clones with an average insert size of about 65 kb and fewer than 0.7% of clones without large inserts. Therefore, its capacity is more than 6.6 P. yezoensis genome equivalents, and the probability of recovering any nuclear DNA sequence from the library is higher than 99%. The library shows good fidelity and stability. A putative trehalose-6-phosphate synthase (TPS) gene was successfully screened out from the library. The above results show that the library is useful for gene cloning and genomic research in P. yezoensis.


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A molecular phylogeny is presented for the subfamily Dorippinae (including 9 individuals, representing 5 species and 4 genera), based on the sequence data from 16S rRNA gene. Two-cluster test between lineages in these phylogenetic trees has been performed. On the basis of rate constancy, the rate of nucleotide substitutions of 16S rDNA sequence data is estimated as 0.27% per million years. The analysis strongly supports the recognition of the Dorippinae as a monophyletic subfamily. Phylogenetic tree indicates that the subfamily Dorippinae is divided into two main clades, and genus Dorippe appears basal in the subfamily, diverging from other species 36.6 Ma ago. It is also clear that the Heikea is closely related to the genus Neodorippe. The divergence time between them is 15.8 Ma.


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The expressed sequence tags (EST) has been proved to be a useful tool for discovering and identifying functional genes, especially in some species whose genetic information is unavailable. A total of 180 ESTs have been generated from a cDNA library of gametophytic Gracilaria lemaneiformis in this study. These clones are clustered into 151 groups, among which 8 groups are highly homologous to chloroplast genes and are abundant in the library. After searching for matches in the EST database of red alga, 22 groups are found to match with the registered ESTs of Rhadophyta and 6 with Gracilaria. Searching in the protein database reveal that 73 non-redundant clones have significant similarity to some known sequences, the majority of which are involved in photosynthesis, DNA transcription or translation, and 6, 4 and 3 clones are associated with growth or development, signal transduction and stress or defense response, respectively.


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A highly repetitive satellite sequence was previously identified in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas Thunberg. The sequence has 168 bp per unit, present in tandem repeats, and accounts for 1% to 4% of the genome. We studied the chromosomal location of this satellite sequence by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), A probe was made by polymerase chain reaction and incorporation of digoxigenin-11-dUTP. Hybridization was detected with fluorescein-labeled antidigoxigenin antibodies. FISH signals were located at centromeric regions of 7 pairs of the Pacific oyster chromosomes. No interstitial site was found. Signals were strong and consistent on chromosomes 1, 2, 4, and 7, but weak or variable oil chromosomes 5, 8, and 10. No signal was observed on chromosomes 3, 6, and 9. Our results showed that this sequence is clearly a centromeric satellite, disputing its previous assignment to the telomeric and submetacentric regions of 2 chromosomes. No signal was detected in the American oyster (Crassostrea virginica Gmelin).


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Growth hormone (GH), prolactin (PRL) and somatolactin (SL) were purified simultaneously under alkaline condition (pH 9.0) from pituitary glands of sea perch (Lateolabrax japonicas) by a two-step procedure involving gel filtration on Sephadex G-100 and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (rpHPLC). At each step of purification, fractions were monitored by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and by immunoblotting with chum salmon GH. PRL and SL antisera. The yields of sea perch GH, PRL and SL were 4.2, 1.0 and 0.28 mg/g wet tissue, respectively. The molecular weights of 19,200 and 20,370 Da were estimated by SDS-PAGE for sea perch GH and PRL, respectively. Two forms of sea perch SL were found: one (28,400 Da) is probably glycosylated, while the other one (23,200 Da) is believed to be deglycosylated. GH bioactivity was examined by an in vivo assay. Intraperitoneal injection of sea perch GH at a dose of 0.01 and 0.1 mug/g body weight at 7-day intervals resulted in a significant increase in body weight and length of juvenile rainbow trout. The complete sea-perch GH amino acid sequence of 187 residues was determined by sequencing fragments cleaved by chemicals and enzymes. Alignment of sea-perch GH with those of other fish GHs revealed that sea-perch GH is most similar to advanced marine fish, such as tuna, gilthead sea bream, yellowfin porgy, red sea bream, bonito and yellow tail with 98.4, 96.2%, 95.7%, 95.2%, 94.1% and 91% sequence identity, respectively. Sea-perch GH has low identity to Atlantic cod (76.5%), hardtail (73.3%), flounder (68.4%), chum salmon (66.3%), carp (54%) and blue shark (38%). Partial amino-acid sequences of 127 of sea-perch PRL and the N-terminal of 16 amino-acid sequence of sea-perch SL have been determined. The data show that sea-perch PRL has a slightly higher sequence identity with tilapia PRL( 73.2%) than with chum salmon PRL(70%) in this 127 amino-acid sequence. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Histone H2A is reported to participate in host defense response through producing novel antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) from its N-terminus in vertebrates and invertebrates, while the AMPs derived from H2A have not to our knowledge been reported in mollusca. In the present study, gene cloning, mRNA expression of H2A from scallop Chlamys farreri, and the recombinant expression of its N-terminus were conducted to investigate whether a similar mechanism exists in mollusca. The full-length DNA of H2A was identified by the techniques of homology cloning and genomic DNA walking, The full-length DNA of the scallop H2A was 696 bp long, including a 5'-terminal untranslated region (UTR) of 90 bp, a 3'-terminal UTR of 228 bp with a stem-loop structure and a canonical polyadenylation signal sequence AATAAA, and an open reading frame of 375 bp encoding a polypeptide of 125 amino acids. The mRNA expression of H2A in the hemocytes of scallop challenged by microbe was measured by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. The expression of H2A was not upregulated after stimulation, suggesting that H2A did not participate in immunity response directly. The DNA fragment of 117 bp encoding 39 amino acids corresponding to the N-terminus of scallop H2A, which was homologous to buforin I in vertebrates, was cloned into Pichia pastoris GS115. The transformants (His(+) Mut(+)) containing multi-copy gene insertion were selected with increasing concentration of antibiotic G418. The peptide of 39 amino acids was expressed by induction of 0.5% methanol. The recombinant product exerted antibacterial activity against both Gram-positive (G(+)) and Gram-negative (G(-)) bacteria. The antibacterial activity toward G(+) bacteria was 2.5 times more than that against G(-) bacteria. The results elucidated that N-terminus of H2A was a potential AMP and provided a promising candidate for a new antibiotic screening. However, whether H2A is really involved in scallop immune response mechanisms needs to be further investigated. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) is a novel molecular marker technique designed to amplify open reading frames (ORFs). The SRAP analytic system was set up and applied to Porphyra germplasm identification in this study for the first time. Sixteen Porphyra lines were screened by SRAP technique with 30 primer combinations. In the analysis, 14 primer combinations produced stable and reproducible amplification patterns in three repetitive experiments. Among the total 533 amplified fragments, 522 (98%) were polymorphic, with an average of 38 fragments for each primer combination, ranging in size from 50 to 500 bp. The 533 fragments were visually scored one by one and then used to develop a dendrogram with Unweighted Pair-Group Method Arithmetic Average (UPGMA), and the 16 Porphyra lines were divided into two major groups at the 0.68 similarity level. From the total 533 fragments, I I amplified by two primer combinations, ME1/EM1 and ME4/EM6, were used to develop the DNA fingerprints of the 16 Porphyra lines. The DNA fingerprints were then converted into binary codes, with I and 0 representing presence and absence of the corresponding amplified fragment, respectively. In the DNA fingerprints, each of the 16 Porphyra lines has its unique binary code and can be easily distinguished from the others. This is the first report on the development of SRAP technique and its utilization in germplasm identification of seaweeds. The results demonstrated that SRAP is a simple, stable, polymorphic and reproducible molecular marker technique for the classification and identification of Porphyra lines. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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ISSR analysis was used to investigate genetic variations of 184 haploid and diploid samples from nine North Atlantic Chondrus crispus Stackhouse populations and one outgroup Yellow Sea Chondrus ocellatus Holmes population. Twenty-two of 50 primers were selected and 163 loci were scored for genetic diversity analysis. Genetic diversity varied among populations, percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB) ranged from 27.0 to 55.8%, H(Nei's genetic diversity) ranged from 0.11 to 0.20 and I(Shannon's information index) ranged from 0.16 to 0.30. Estimators PPB, H and I had similar values in intra-population genetic diversity, regardless of calculation methods. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) apportioned inter-population and intra-population variations for C crispus, showing more genetic variance (56.5%) occurred in intra-population, and 43.5% variation among nine populations. The Mantel test suggested that genetic differentiation between nine C. crispus populations was closely related with geographic distances (R = 0.78, P = 0.002). Results suggest that, on larger distance scale (ca. > 1000 km), ISSR analysis is useful for determining genetic differentiations of C crispus populations including morphologically inseparable haploid and diploid individuals. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A molecular approach was developed to distinguish species of red snappers among commercial salted fish products. The specific fragments of the mitocliondrial 12S rRNA gene, which were about 450 bp, were obtained using the semi-nested polymerase chain reaction (semi-nested PCR). Subsequently, PCR amplicons were sequenced, aiming to select restriction endonucleases that generated species-specific restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) profiles. Discrimination of red snappers Lutjanus sanguineus, L. erythopterus from L. argentintaculatus, L. malabarius and other morphologically similar fishes such as Lethrinus leutjanus and Pinjalo pinjalo was feasible by one restriction digestion reaction with three endonucleases Hae III, Sca I and SnaB I, however, for differentiation of L. sattguineus and L. erythopterus, another restriction digestion reaction with single restriction endonuclease Mae II was needed. The seminested PCR-RFLP was demonstrated to be reliable in species identification of salted fish products in this study. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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To develop genetic and physical maps for shrimp, accurate information on the actual number of chromosomes and a large number of genetic markers is needed. Previous reports have shown two different chromosome numbers for the Pacific whiteleg shrimp, Penaeus vannamei, the most important penaeid shrimp species cultured in the Western hemisphere. Preliminary results obtained by direct sequencing of clones from a Sau3A-digested genomic library of P. vannamei ovary identified a large number of (TAACC/GGTTA)-containing SSRs. The objectives of this study were to (1) examine the frequency of (TAACC)(n) repeats in 662 P. vannamei genomic clones that were directly sequenced, and perform homology searches of these clones, (2) confirm the number of chromosomes in testis of P. vannamei, and (3) localize the TAACC repeats in P. vannamei chromosome spreads using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Results for objective I showed that 395 out of the 662 clones sequenced contained single or multiple SSRs with three or more repeat motifs, 199 of which contained variable tandem repeats of the pentanucleotide (TAACC/GGTTA),, with 3 to 14 copies per sequence. The frequency of (TAACC)n repeats in P. vannamei is 4.68 kb for SSRs with five or more repeat motifs. Sequence comparisons using the BLASTN nonredundant and expressed sequence tag (EST) databases indicated that most of the TAACC-containing clones were similar to either the core pentanucleotide repeat in PVPENTREP locus (GenBank accession no. X82619) or portions of 28S rRNA. Transposable elements (transposase for Tn1000 and reverse transcriptase family members), hypothetical or unnamed protein products, and genes of known function such as 18S and 28S rRNAs, heat shock protein 70, and thrombospondin were identified in non-TAACC-containing clones. For objective 2, the meiotic chromosome number of P. vannamei was confirmed as N = 44. For objective 3, four FISH probes (P1 to P4) containing different numbers of TAACC repeats produced positive signals on telomeres of P. vannamei chromosomes. A few chromosomes had positive signals interstitially. Probe signal strength and chromosome coverage differed in the general order of P1 > P2 > P3 > P4, which correlated with the length of TAACC repeats within the probes: 83, 66, 35, and 30 bp, respectively, suggesting that the TAACC repeats, and not the flanking sequences, produced the TAACC signals at chromosome ends and TAACC is likely the telomere sequence for P. vannamei.


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The thymidylate synthase (TS), an important target for many anticancer drugs, has been cloned from different species. But the cDNA property and function of TS in zebrafish are not well documented. In order to use zebrafish as an animal model for screening novel anticancer agents, we isolated TS cDNA from zebrafish and compared its sequence with those from other species. The open reading frame (ORF) of zebrafish TS cDNA sequence was 954 nucleotides, encoding a 318-amino acid protein with a calculated molecular mass of 36.15 kDa. The deduced amino acid sequence of zebrafish TS was similar to those from other organisms, including rat, mouse and humans. The zebrafish TS protein was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity. The purified zebrafish TS showed maximal activity at 28 degrees C with similar K-m value to human TS. Western immunoblot assay confirmed that TS was expressed in all the developmental stages of zebrafish with a high level of expression at the 1-4 cell stages. To study the function of TS in zebrafish embryo development, a short hairpin RNA (shRNA) expression vector, pSilencer 4.1-CMV/TS, was constructed which targeted the protein-coding region of zebrafish TS mRNA. Significant change in the development of tail and epiboly was found in zebrafish embryos microinjected pSilencer4.1-CMV/TS siRNA expression vector.


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Serine proteinase homologues (SPHs), as one of prophenoloxiase-activating factors (PPAFs), play critical roles in innate immunity of crabs. Based on an EST from the eyestalk full length cDNA library, the complete cDNA (designated as PtSPH) and genomic DNA of SPH from the swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus were cloned in this study. The estimated molecular weight of mature PtSPH (354 amino acids) was 38.7 kDa and its isoelectric point was 5.08. Multiple sequence alignment revealed that PtSPH lacked a catalytic residue with a substitution of Ser in the active site triad to Gly. Phylogenetic analysis indicated PtSPH together with PPAFs of Callinectes sapidus (AAS60227), Eriocheir sinensis (ACU65942), Penaeus monodon (ABE03741, ACP19563) and Pacifastacus leniusculus (ACB41380), formed a distinct cluster which only included clip-SPHs. As the first analyzed genomic structure of PPAFs in crustaceans, two introns were found in the open reading frame region of this gene. The mRNA transcripts of PtSPH could be detected in all the examined tissues, and were higher expressed in the eyestalk than that in gill, hepatopancreas, haemocytes and muscle. Accompanied with the change in phenoloxidase (PO) activity and total haemocyte counts, the temporal expression of PtSPH gene in haemocytes after Vibrio alginolyticus challenge demonstrated a clear time-dependent expression pattern with two peaks within the experimental period of 32 h. These findings suggest that PtSPH is involved in the antibacterial defense mechanism of Portunus tritubercualtus crab. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Antimicrobial peptides play a major role in innate immunity. The penaeidins, initially characterized from the shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei, are a family of antimicrobial peptides that appear to be expressed in all penaeid shrimps. As of recent, a large number of penaeid nucleotide sequences have been identified from a variety of penaeid shrimp species and these sequences currently reside in several databases under unique identifiers with no nomenclatural continuity. To facilitate research in this field and avoid potential confusion due to a diverse number of nomenclatural designations, we have made a systematic effort to collect, analyse, and classify all the penaeidin sequences available in every database. We have identified a common penaeidin signature and subsequently established a classification based on amino acid sequences. In order to clarify the naming process, we have introduced a 'penaeidin nomenclature' that can be applied to all extant and future penaeidins. A specialized database, PenBase, which is freely available at http://www.penbase.immunaqua.com, has been developed for the penaeidin family of antimicrobial peptides, to provide comprehensive information about their properties, diversity and nomenclature. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The bay scallop, Argopecten irradians irradians, introduced from North America, has become one of the most important aquaculture species in China. Inan effort to identify scallop genes involved in host defense, a high-quality cDNA library was constructed from whole body tissues of the bay scallop. A total of 5828 successful sequencing reactions yielded 4995 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) longer than 100 bp. Cluster and assembly analyses of the ESTs identified 637 contigs (consisting of 2853 sequences) and 2142 singletons, totaling 2779 unique sequences. Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) analysis showed that the majority (73%) of the unique sequences had no significant homology (E-value >= 0.005) to sequences in GenBank. Among the 748 sequences with significant GenBank matches, 160 (21.4%) were for genes related to metabolism, 131 (17.5%) for cell/organism defense, 124 (16.6%) for gene/protein expression, 83 (11.1%) for cell structure/motility, 70 (9.4%) for cell signaling/communication, 17 (2.3%) for cell division, and 163 (21.8%) matched to genes of unknown functions. The list of host-defense genes included many genes with known and important roles in innate defense such as lectins, defensins, proteases, protease inhibitors, heat shock proteins, antioxidants, and Toll-like receptors. The study provides a significant number of ESTs for gene discovery and candidate genes for studying host defense in scallops and other molluscs.