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The exhibition was of sketches and a photograph from my PhD practice research. The practice-research was comprised of observing opera singers in rehearsal and sketching them as they moved. As well as records of body position, and to some degree dynamic flow, the exhibited sketches were regarded as kinaesthetic responses in and of themselves – responses to the environment of the rehearsal, in particular responding to the sounds of the orchestra. These sketches were, in part, generated through an embodiment of the music, which was occurring in the same moment as the singer was engaged in embodying the music. These sketches were then used as tools that therefore contained kinaesthetic information which could be unlocked through a process of Butoh derived embodiment techniques alongside reference to the sketched image. This ultimately allowed me to move from a spectatorial position to a performance maker position, bringing a sense of the operatic into the non-singing body, whether that was my own or the bodies of other performers. In this way, and combined with rigorous observation of the corporeal restrictions of singing operatically, choreographies were created that employed operatic ways of moving in non-singing bodies and the operatic was extracted from opera and employed in movement based practice. The aspect of the practice-research exhibited is the correspondence between sketched documentation of the singers in rehearsal and photographic documentation of the dancer (researcher) in performance.
Although only a fraction of Iowans are Medicaid members, the changes coming to Iowa’s Medicaid system have the potential to significantly impact all Iowans, especially those who are dependent on others for care or assistance with daily activities. That’s because Iowa’s ability to transition to managed care is contingent upon ensuring that Medicaid members have an advocate when it comes to protecting their rights, health, safety and quality of care. Managed Care Ombudsman Program prepares to advocate for Iowa's Medicaid members. Iowa's Office of Substitute Decision Maker provides education, assistance.
Originalmente presentada como tesis del autor (Dr. en Ciencias Económicas -- Universidad de San Gall. Facultad de Ciencias Ecómicas y Sociales, 1982).
L’informazione in campo ambientale assume un’importanza fondamentale in relazione all’obiettivo di accrescere il livello di consapevolezza e di sensibilità in relazione al concetto di ambiente, sia al fine di promuovere comportamenti coerenti con il principio di sviluppo sostenibile, sia per contribuire allo sviluppo di una responsabilità individuale e collettiva. Le tecnologie mobili nascono e si evolvono a partire dalla necessità dell’uomo di espandere i propri limiti e dall’esigenza di avere la possibilità di comunicare e accedere alle informazioni in maniera diretta e immediata. L'utilizzo di dispositivi mobili, quali smartphone e tablet, è in netta crescita in tutte le categorie di utenza e nei differenti contesti sociali. Possedere un dispositivo mobile dotato di accesso alla rete internet permette di avere il sapere a portata di mano e di comunicare con utenti in tutto il modo senza barriere fisiche e temporali. Inoltre, possono essere strumenti di grande aiuto, sia nel campo lavorativo che nel tempo libero, grazie all’utilizzo di innumerevoli applicazioni create ad hoc per l'acquisizione di informazioni e la loro fruizione. L’aspirazione del progetto, inserito nel Sistema di Comunicazione, Informazione e Diffusione dell’Osservatorio della Biodiversità della Sicilia, è la realizzazione di una applicazione che permetta ai visitatori di approfondire e consolidare i luoghi e forme della conoscenza offerti, durante la visita dell’Osservatorio della Biodiversità Regione Sicilia, dal personale qualificato rivestito dalle figure di ricercatori e tecnologi dell’IAMC CNR della sede di Capo Granitola. Gli scopi principali sono la comunicazione, l’informazione e l’educazione per lo sviluppo di conoscenze e sensibilità sul tema della Biodiversità per spronare gli utenti alla salvaguardia del territorio, rendendo facilmente accessibile l’approfondimento dei concetti riguardanti numerose specie e habitat del nostro territorio, attraverso una dimensione scientifica di stampo ludico.
Il progetto all’interno del quale si è inserita l' attività "Sperimentare in acquacoltura il novellame di Sardina pilchardus" è il Progetto Ritmare (La Ricerca Italiana per il Mare). Il progetto Ritmare è un progetto strategico per la ricerca sul mare in Italia, che vuole coniugare le risorse ambientali del mare con l’uso connesso alle attività produttive e allo sfruttamento energetico delle sue risorse, sviluppando tecnologie ed innovazione e, al tempo stesso, promuovendone la sua conoscenza e il rispetto. In tale contesto il progetto mira a sperimentare in acquacoltura il novellame di sardina, prodotto agroalimentare tradizionalmente consumato e molto richiesto nei paesi rivieraschi del Mediterraneo. ll novellame per anni è stato pescato in modo puntuale ma per la bassissima sostenibilità e per l’impatto sugli stock adulti, la comunità europea ne ha deciso la sospensione. Il progetto vuole tentare di reintegrare il prodotto sul mercato attraverso una produzione sostenibile, evitando la perdita culturale. Saranno indagate le caratteristiche organolettiche del prodotto per promuoverne il consumo e verificate le ricadute industriali attraverso la realizzazione di un Business plan.
Knowledge on human behaviour in emergency is crucial to increase the safety of buildings and transportation systems. Decision making during evacuations implies different choices, of which one of the most important concerns the escape route. The choice of a route may involve local decisions between alternative exits from an enclosed environment. This work investigates the influence of environmental (presence of smoke, emergency lighting and distance of exit) and social factors (interaction with evacuees close to the exits and with those near the decision-maker) on local exit choice. This goal is pursued using an online stated preference survey carried out making use of non-immersive virtual reality. A sample of 1,503 participants is obtained and a Mixed Logit Model is calibrated using these data. The model shows that presence of smoke, emergency lighting, distance of exit, number of evacuees near the exits and the decision-maker, and flow of evacuees through the exits significantly affect local exit choice. Moreover, the model points out that decision making is affected by a high degree of behavioural uncertainty. Our findings support the improvement of evacuation models and the accuracy of their results, which can assist in designing and managing building and transportation systems. The main contribution of this work is to enrich the understanding of how local exit choices are made and how behavioural uncertainty affects these choices.
O processo da Internacionalização pode ser definido como a execução de operações no estrangeiro conducentes a movimentos de fatores de produção de um país para outro. A globalização dos mercados e a frequente instabilidade da realidade macroeconómica do mercado interno, em concomitância com a sua reduzida dimensão, têm levado a que muitas empresas portuguesas iniciem uma política de expansão internacional. De facto, a exploração de mercados internacionais revelou-se, do ponto de vista das empresas, crucial no sentido de contornar os constrangimentos decorrentes de um mercado interno restrito e cada vez mais saturado. No entanto, a decisão da companhia em internacionalizar, requer do respetivo decisor de topo uma análise cuidada de toda a informação relativa ao processo de internacionalização, incluindo a escolha dos mercados, as estratégias, formas de entrada e os obstáculos. Neste relatório, depois de sistematizar o conhecimento relacionado com a internacionalização, é efetuada uma aplicação deste conhecimento num caso de estudo relacionado com uma empresas portuguesa que presta serviços na área das tecnologias de informação e comunicação e que se tenciona expandir para mercados no estrangeiro.
A decision-maker, when faced with a limited and fixed budget to collect data in support of a multiple attribute selection decision, must decide how many samples to observe from each alternative and attribute. This allocation decision is of particular importance when the information gained leads to uncertain estimates of the attribute values as with sample data collected from observations such as measurements, experimental evaluations, or simulation runs. For example, when the U.S. Department of Homeland Security must decide upon a radiation detection system to acquire, a number of performance attributes are of interest and must be measured in order to characterize each of the considered systems. We identified and evaluated several approaches to incorporate the uncertainty in the attribute value estimates into a normative model for a multiple attribute selection decision. Assuming an additive multiple attribute value model, we demonstrated the idea of propagating the attribute value uncertainty and describing the decision values for each alternative as probability distributions. These distributions were used to select an alternative. With the goal of maximizing the probability of correct selection we developed and evaluated, under several different sets of assumptions, procedures to allocate the fixed experimental budget across the multiple attributes and alternatives. Through a series of simulation studies, we compared the performance of these allocation procedures to the simple, but common, allocation procedure that distributed the sample budget equally across the alternatives and attributes. We found the allocation procedures that were developed based on the inclusion of decision-maker knowledge, such as knowledge of the decision model, outperformed those that neglected such information. Beginning with general knowledge of the attribute values provided by Bayesian prior distributions, and updating this knowledge with each observed sample, the sequential allocation procedure performed particularly well. These observations demonstrate that managing projects focused on a selection decision so that the decision modeling and the experimental planning are done jointly, rather than in isolation, can improve the overall selection results.
Apparitions of empire and imperial ideologies were deeply embedded in the International Exhibition, a distinct exhibitionary paradigm that came to prominence in the mid-nineteenth century. Exhibitions were platforms for the display of objects, the movement of people, and the dissemination of ideas across and between regions of the British Empire, thereby facilitating contact between its different cultures and societies. This thesis aims to disrupt a dominant understanding of International Exhibitions, which forwards the notion that all exhibitions, irrespective of when or where they were staged, upheld a singular imperial discourse (i.e. Greenhalgh 1988, Rydell 1984). Rather, this thesis suggests International Exhibitions responded to and reflected the unique social, political and economic circumstances in which they took place, functioning as cultural environments in which pressing concerns of the day were worked through. Understood thus, the International Exhibition becomes a space for self-presentation, serving as a stage from which a multitude of interests and identities were constructed, performed and projected. This thesis looks to the visual and material culture of the International Exhibition in order to uncover this more nuanced history, and foregrounds an analysis of the intersections between practices of exhibition-making and identity-making. The primary focus is a set of exhibitions held in Glasgow in the late-1880s and early-1900s, which extends the geographic and temporal boundaries of the existing scholarship. What is more, it looks at representations of Canada at these events, another party whose involvement in the International Exhibition tradition has gone largely unnoticed. Consequently, this thesis is a thematic investigation of the links between a municipality routinely deemed the ‘Second City of the Empire’ and a Dominion settler colony, two types of geographic setting rarely brought into dialogue. It analyses three key elements of the exhibition-making process, exploring how iconographies of ‘quasi-nationhood’ were expressed through an exhibition’s planning and negotiation, its architecture and its displays. This original research framework deliberately cuts across strata that continue to define conceptions of the British Empire, and pushes beyond a conceptual model defined by metropole and colony. Through examining International Exhibitions held in Glasgow in the late-Victorian and Edwardian periods, and visions of Canada in evidence at these events, the goal is to offer a novel intervention into the existing literature concerning the cultural history of empire, one that emphasises fluidity rather than fixity and which muddles the boundaries between centre and periphery.
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is known to involve the gastrointestinal tract, but gallbladder involvement is rare. The authors report the case of a 26-year-old postpartum female who presented with acute right upper quadrant abdominal pain and was diagnosed with acute acalculous cholecystitis (AAC). In the presence of concomitant features of nephritis, pericardial effusion, anaemia and positive ANA titre, the diagnosis of SLE was confirmed during hospitalisation. Histopathological analysis of the gall bladder revealed evidence of vasculitis. Although rare, AAC can be the first presentation of patients diagnosed with SLE. Prompt diagnosis and management results in a better patient outcome.
Over the past decade Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) techniques have been applied to the measurement of numerous analytes. In this article, an SPR biosensor system deployed from an oceanographic vessel was used to measure dissolved domoic acid (DA), a common and harmful phycotoxin produced by certain microalgae species belonging to the genus Pseudo-nitzschia. During the biosensor deployment, concentrations of Pseudo-nitzschia cells were very low over the study area and measured DA concentrations were below detection. However, the in situ operational detection limit of the system was established using calibrated seawater solutions spiked with DA. The system could detect the toxin at concentrations as low as 0.1 ng mL−1 and presented a linear dynamic range from 0.1 ng mL−1 to 2.0 ng mL−1. This sensor showed promise for in situ detection of DA.
Depuis 1992, la surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins du littoral français est assurée par le réseau de Pathologie des Mollusques (Repamo). Ses activités s’inscrivent dans le cadre de la Directive Européenne 2006/88/CE. Depuis son évaluation par la plateforme nationale d’épidémiosurveillance en santé animale en 2012, l’objectif de surveillance est la détection précoce des infections dues à des organismes pathogènes exotiques et émergents affectant les mollusques marins sauvages et d’élevage. L’année 2015 est la première année de transition pour laquelle un début d’évolution des modalités de surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins animées par l’Ifremer a été amorcé. Un dispositif hybride de surveillance a été mis en place, s’appuyant sur l’existant et intégrant des débuts d’évolution. La surveillance événementielle a constitué l’activité principale du dispositif en 2015 et s’est appuyée sur des réseaux existants : (1) la surveillance des mortalités observées sur des animaux sentinelles déployés sur les sites ateliers des réseaux Ifremer RESCO 2 (12 sites) pour l’huître creuse Crassostrea gigas et MYTILOBS 2 (8 sites) pour la moule bleue Mytilus edulis. Pour l’huître creuse Crassostrea gigas, la mortalité cumulée moyenne était de 50,3% (écart-type 10,9%) pour le naissain standardisé Ifremer (NSI), de 11,0% (écart-type 9,1%) pour les huîtres de 18 mois et de 7,3% (écart-type 5,6%) pour les huîtres de 30 mois. Les mortalités ont été observées principalement entre le début du mois de mai et la mi-juillet. Lors de ces épisodes de mortalité, des prélèvements d’animaux ont été réalisés en vue d’analyses diagnostiques : 7 prélèvements pour le NSI, 2 pour les huîtres de 18 mois et 1 pour les huîtres de 30 mois. Aucun agent réglementé n’a été détecté dans les échantillons d’huîtres creuses prélevés et analysés. Le virus OsHV-1 a été détecté dans les 7 échantillons analysés de NSI, dans 2 échantillons analysés d’huîtres de 18 mois et dans 1 échantillon analysé d’huîtres de 30 mois. La bactérie Vibrio aestuarianus a été détectée dans 5 échantillons analysés de NSI, dans 1 échantillon d’huîtres de 18 mois et dans 1’échantillon d’huîtres de 30 mois. Pour la moule bleue Mytilus edulis, des mortalités cumulées variant de 9% sur le site du Vivier à 51% sur le site des filières du Pertuis Breton ont été estimées. Les mortalités ont été observées au printemps sur des moules âgées d’une année et en automne sur des moules plus jeunes. Lors de ces épisodes de mortalités, des prélèvements d’animaux ont été réalisés en vue d’analyses diagnostiques : 2 prélèvements pour les moules d’une année et 1 pour les jeunes moules. Ces prélèvements ont eu lieu dans le Pertuis Breton. Aucun agent réglementé n’a été détecté dans les échantillons de moules prélevés et analysés. Des bactéries du groupe Splendidus ont été détectées dans les 3 échantillons de moules analysés. (2) la surveillance s’appuyant sur les déclarations de mortalités de mollusques par les conchyliculteurs et pêcheurs à pied professionnels auprès des Directions départementales des territoires et de la mer (DDTM). Cette modalité s’applique aux huîtres creuses et aux moules bleues lorsqu’il n’existe pas de site atelier RESCO 2 ou MYTILOBS 2 dans la zone où des mortalités sont déclarées par les conchyliculteurs ou pêcheurs à pied. Le réseau REPAMO 2 a réalisé 22 interventions, dont 15 pour les moules Mytilus edulis, 4 pour les coques Cerastoderma edule, 2 pour les palourdes Ruditapes sp. et 1pour les coquilles saint Jacques Pecten maximus. La recherche d’agents infectieux dans ces espèces de mollusques prélevés lors de hausse de mortalité a permis de mettre en évidence les parasites réglementés Perkinsus olseni dans 1 lot de palourdes, et Marteilia refringens dans 4 lots de moules, ainsi que le virus OsHV-1 dans 1 lot de palourdes et 1 lot de coques, la bactérie Vibrio aestuarianus dans 3 lots de coques, et des bactéries du groupe Splendidus dans 3 lots de coques et dans 13 lots de moules. L’année 2015 a également permis la démonstration sur un site atelier d’un exercice de surveillance programmée, ciblée et fondée sur les risques d’introduction et d’installation d’un organisme pathogène exotique. Elle a concerné le parasite Mikrocytos mackini de l’huître creuse Crassostrea gigas, sur un site atelier de la Charente-Maritime, suivi par le réseau RESCO 2. Le parasite Mikrocytos mackini n’a pas été détecté. En revanche, le parasite Marteilia refringens a été détecté dans ¾ des prélèvements d’huîtres réalisés. Dans le cadre du soutien scientifique et technique de l’évolution de la surveillance événementielle, l’année 2015 a également permis de poursuivre la démarche relative aux développements méthodologiques en lien avec la surveillance événementielle des mortalités de mollusques marins. Une étude de faisabilité de la recherche prospective de regroupements spatio-temporels d’événements de mortalités d’huîtres creuses a été préparée en collaboration avec tous les acteurs de la santé des mollusques marins en Normandie. Un outil de collecte et d’analyse des données de signalements des mortalités, automatisé, simple d’utilisation et flexible, a été élaboré.
This article focuses on the public experience of science by studying the exhibition practice of a small popular anatomy museum. The owner, Gustav Zeiller, a little-known German model maker and entrepreneur, opened his private collection in Dresden in 1888 with the aim of providing experts and laymen alike with a scientific education on bodily matters and health care. The spatial configuration of his museum environment turned the wax models into didactic instruments. Relying on the possible connexion between material culture studies and history of the emotions, this article highlights how Zeiller choreographed the encounter between the museum objects and its visitors. I argue that the spatial set up of his museum objects entailed rhetorical choices that did not simply address the social utility of his museum. Moreover, it fulfilled the aim of modifying the emotional disposition of his intended spectatorship. I hope to show that studying the emotional responses toward artefacts can offer a fruitful approach to examine the public experience of medicine.