972 resultados para field theory at finite temperature
Este trabajo tiene como propósito presentar algunos potenciales aportes de la Teoría del Campo de Pierre Bourdieu en tres niveles de lectura: El de los fenómenos a estudiar en el marco de un proyecto de investigación, el del estatuto de esta teoría dentro de la Teoría Social Contemporánea y, finalmente, el de la posición del que escribe dentro del campo de investigación. El énfasis va a ponerse en el nivel de los fenómenos que es posible reconstruir a partir del análisis de fragmentos de documentos producidos en el trabajo de campo. Finalmente se harán algunas conclusiones sobre el uso de la categoría capital corporal para designar una subespecie de capital simbólico en el dominio de las prácticas corporales parte de la intervención de la Educación Física en una cárcel de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.
This study investigated CO2 degassing and related carbon isotope fractionation effects in the Wiesent River that drains a catchment in the karst terrain of the Fraconian Alb, Southern Germany. The river was investigated by physico-chemical and stable isotope analyses of water and dissolved inorganic carbon during all seasons in 2010 along 65 km long downstream transects between source and mouth. This data set contains the results of field and solute parameters (temperature, conductivity, pH, total alkalinity, total CO2, and pCO2) and stable isotope analyses (d2H-H2O, d18O-H2O, d13C-DIC) for the Wiesent River and major tributaries.
Screw dislocations in bcc metals display non-planar cores at zero temperature which result in high lattice friction and thermally-activated strain rate behavior. In bcc W, electronic structure molecular statics calculations reveal a compact, non-degenerate core with an associated Peierls stress between 1.7 and 2.8 GPa. However, a full picture of the dynamic behavior of dislocations can only be gained by using more efficient atomistic simulations based on semiempirical interatomic potentials. In this paper we assess the suitability of five different potentials in terms of static properties relevant to screw dislocations in pure W. Moreover, we perform molecular dynamics simulations of stress-assisted glide using all five potentials to study the dynamic behavior of screw dislocations under shear stress. Dislocations are seen to display thermally-activated motion in most of the applied stress range, with a gradual transition to a viscous damping regime at high stresses. We find that one potential predicts a core transformation from compact to dissociated at finite temperature that affects the energetics of kink-pair production and impacts the mechanism of motion. We conclude that a modified embedded-atom potential achieves the best compromise in terms of static and dynamic screw dislocation properties, although at an expense of about ten-fold compared to central potentials.
This paper describes the new anechoic chamber available at The University of Kent, UK. This facility includes a spherical near/far field, planar near field, cylindrical near field and a compact range. The facility allows measurement from 600 MHz up to 110 MHz. The spherical, planar and cylindrical ranges covers up to 40 GHz and the compact range is available from 50 GHz up to 110 MHz. Immediate plans are to use the new facility to measure body-centric antennas and sensing nodes together with near field sampling of finite sized Frequency Selective Surfaces.
This paper aims to set out the influence of the flow field around high speed trains in open field. To achieve this parametric analysis of the sound pressure inside the train was performed. Three vibroacoustic models of a characteristic train section are used to predict the noise inside the train in open field by using finite element method FEM, boundary element method (BEM) and statistical energy analysis (SEA) depending on the frequency range of analysis. The turbulent boundary layer excitation is implemented as the only airborne noise source, in order to focus on the study of the attached and detached flow in the surface of the train. The power spectral densities of the pressure fluctuation in the train surface proposed by [Cockburn and Roberson 1974, Rennison et al. 2009] are applied on the exterior surface of the structural subsystems in the vibroacoustic models. An increase in the sound pressure level up to10 dB can be appreciated due to the detachment of the flow around the train. These results highlight the importance to determine the detached regions prediction, making critical the airborne noise due to turbulent boundary layer.
We introduce a computational method to optimize the in vitro evolution of proteins. Simulating evolution with a simple model that statistically describes the fitness landscape, we find that beneficial mutations tend to occur at amino acid positions that are tolerant to substitutions, in the limit of small libraries and low mutation rates. We transform this observation into a design strategy by applying mean-field theory to a structure-based computational model to calculate each residue's structural tolerance. Thermostabilizing and activity-increasing mutations accumulated during the experimental directed evolution of subtilisin E and T4 lysozyme are strongly directed to sites identified by using this computational approach. This method can be used to predict positions where mutations are likely to lead to improvement of specific protein properties.
In this work we review the basic principles of the theory of the relativistic bosonic string through the study of the action functionals of Nambu-Goto and Polyakov and the techniques required for their canonical, light-cone, and path-integral quantisation. For this purpose, we briefly review the main properties of the gauge symmetries and conformal field theory involved in the techniques studied.
Pseudoscalar susceptibilities and quark condensates: chiral restoration and lattice screening masses
We derive the formal Ward identities relating pseudoscalar susceptibilities and quark condensates in three-flavor QCD, including consistently the 77-n' sector and the U-A(1) anomaly. These identities are verified in the low-energy realization provided by ChPT, both in the standard SU(3) framework for the octet case and combining the use of the SU(3) framework and the large-Nc expansion of QCD to account properly for the nonet sector and anomalous contributions. The analysis is performed including finite temperature corrections as well as the calculation of U(3) quark condensates and all pseudoscalar susceptibilities, which together with the full set of Ward identities, are new results of this work. Finally, the Ward identities are used to derive scaling relations for pseudoscalar masses which explain the behavior with temperature of lattice screening masses near chiral symmetry restoration.
In this contribution the line flow method is applied to an optimized secondary optics in a photovoltaic concentration system where the primary optics is already defined and characterized. This method is a particular application of photic field theory. This method uses the parameterization of a given primary optics, including actual tolerances of the manufacturing process. The design of the secondary optics is constrained by the selection of primary optics and maximizes the concentration at a previously specified collection area. The geometry of the secondary element is calculated by using a virtual source, which sends light in a first concentration step. This allows us to calculate the line flow for this specific case. This concept allows designing more compact and efficient secondary optics of photovoltaic systems.
Esta pesquisa investiga o contexto social do desenvolvimento da produção científica contábil brasileira, defendendo a tese de que os agentes, no decorrer do processo de divulgação de suas investigações, estão priorizando aspectos produtivistas e quantitativos e, consequentemente, deixando em segundo plano a preocupação qualitativa e epistemológica [vigilância crítica] de tal produção. Fundamentado na Teoria de Campos de Pierre Bourdieu, este estudo busca relacionar a socialização acadêmica, o habitus dos agentes imbricados no campo, a distribuição do capital científico na área contábil e as características epistemológicas das publicações científicas da área, para obtenção das evidências sobre a problemática levantada. Trata-se de um levantamento operacionalizado por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, com uma amostra de 9 respondentes e estudo documental, com uma amostra de 43 artigos. Os dados foram analisados com emprego da técnica de análise de conteúdo. Apoiando-se em Bourdieu (2004, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013) foram encontradas evidências de que as teorias, conceitos, metodologias, técnicas e demais escolhas realizadas pelos pesquisadores da área contábil, na maioria das vezes, não passam de manobras estratégicas que visam conquistar, reforçar, assegurar ou derrubar o monopólio da autoridade científica, visando a obtenção de maior poder simbólico no campo. Com relação ao habitus dos agentes pertencentes ao campo científico contábil, constatou-se uma tendência ao produtivismo em consequência das determinações dos órgãos reguladores da pesquisa em contabilidade (CAPES) e das lutas simbólicas travadas no campo para obtenção da autoridade científica. No tocante à socialização acadêmica, reforçou-se a presença de condutas produtivistas, por meio dos programas de pós-graduação stricto sensu, que repassam aos agentes as regras do jogo científico, doutrinando-os na maneira de publicar grande quantidade de comunicações em pouco tempo e com menos custos. As análises epistemológicas puderam triangular os dois últimos constructos, a fim de lhes dar validade, e evidenciaram uma preferência por temáticas que envolvem a contabilidade destinada aos usuários externos e procedimentos contábeis destinados ao mercado financeiro, privilegiando a utilização de dados secundários, por meio de pesquisas documentais. Em termos metodológicos, constatou-se a presença unânime de estudos positivistas, com alguns aspectos empiristas, mostrando uma ausência de inovação em termos de pesquisas norteadas por abordagens metodológicas alternativas e utilização de modelos econométricos para explicar a realidade observada sem teoria para embasar e explicar esses modelos. Por fim, a distribuição do capital simbólico no campo, mostrou que individualmente nenhum agente desponta com maior capital científico, mas, institucionalmente, a FEA/USP ocupa essa posição de destaque. Por conseguinte, pôde-se concluir que o campo científico contábil permanece estagnado e sem grandes modificações teóricas, pelo fato do produtivismo e das lutas simbólicas no interior do campo; fatos esses que, de certa maneira, motivaram a criação de uma espécie de \"receita mágica para publicar\" ou \"formato ideal\" legitimado, institucionalizado e difícil de ser modificado, a não ser que ocorra uma revolução científica que mude o paradigma existente
An electronic phase with coexisting magnetic and ferroelectric order is predicted for graphene ribbons with zigzag edges. The electronic structure of the system is described with a mean-field Hubbard model that yields results very similar to those of density functional calculations. Without further approximations, the mean-field theory is recasted in terms of a BCS wave function for electron-hole pairs in the edge bands. The BCS coherence present in each spin channel is related to spin-resolved electric polarization. Although the total electric polarization vanishes, due to an internal phase locking of the BCS state, strong magnetoelectric effects are expected in this system. The formulation naturally accounts for the two gaps in the quasiparticle spectrun, Δ0 and Δ1, and relates them to the intraband and interband self-energies.
We show that a quasi-two dimensional condensate of optically active excitons emits coherent light even in the absence of population inversion. This allows an unambiguous and clear experimental detection of the condensed phase. We prove that, due to the exciton–photon coupling, quantum and thermal fluctuations do not destroy condensation at finite temperature. Suitable conditions to achieve condensation are temperatures of a few K for typical exciton densities and the use of a pulsed and preferably circularly polarized, laser.
The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) has been measured with low- and high-field methods, in deformed carbonate rocks along the Morcles nappe shear zone (Helvetic Alps). High-field measurements at room temperature and 77 K enable the separation of the ferrimagnetic, paramagnetic and diamagnetic anisotropy. The ferrimagnetic sub-fabric is generally insignificant in these rocks, contributing less than 10% to the total AMS. AMS results for both the separated diamagnetic and paramagnetic subfabrics are consistent with the regional shear movement in the late-stage formation of the Helvetic nappes, as seen in the Morcles nappe, whose inverted limb indicate shear displacement towards the northwest. The diamagnetic anisotropy correlates well quantitatively with the calculated magnetic anisotropy based on the calcite texture. There is a gradational change in the degree of anisotropy related to the strain gradient along the shear zone. A more complex magnetic fabric, resulting from partial overprinting due to displacement along the Simplon–Rhône fault, is evident at one site near the root zone of the nappe. Partial overprinting of the magnetic fabric appears to have taken place in two locations farther up the shear zone as well. This late phase deformation is associated with recent exhumation of the Mont Blanc and Belledonne external massifs and orogen parallel extension, and is reflected by the AMS. Rocks with bulk susceptibility ∼0 SI, and simple mineral compositions are ideal for low temperature high-field torque, as this method helps to enhance the paramagnetic susceptibility and anisotropy, which may otherwise be masked by the mixed magnetic contributions of the composite magnetic fabric.
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