985 resultados para femoral nerve block


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Objective To assess the brachial plexus block in chickens by an axillary approach and using a peripheral nerve stimulator.Study design Prospective, randomized, double-blinded study.Animals Six, 84-week old, female chickens.Methods Midazolam (1 mg kg(-1)) and butorphanol (1 mg kg(-1)) were administered into the pectoralis muscle. Fifteen minutes later, the birds were positioned in lateral recumbency and following palpation of the anatomic landmarks, a catheter was inserted using an axillary approach to the brachial plexus. Lidocaine or bupivacaine (1 mL kg(-1)) was injected after plexus localization by the nerve stimulator. Sensory function was tested before and after blockade (carpus, radius/ulna, humerus and pectoralis muscle) in the blocked and unblocked wings. The latency to onset of motor and sensory block and the duration of sensory block were recorded. A Friedman nonparametric one-way repeated-measures ANOVA was used to compare scores from baseline values over time and to compare the differences between wings at each time point.Results A total of 18 blocks were performed with a success rate of 66.6% (12/18). The latency for motor block was 2.8 +/- 1.1 and 3.2 +/- 0.4 minutes for lidocaine and bupivacaine, respectively. The latencies for and durations of the sensory block were 6.0 +/- 2.5 and 64.0 +/- 18.0 and 7.8 +/- 5.8 and 91.6 +/- 61.7 minutes for lidocaine and bupivacaine, respectively. There was no statistical difference between these times for lidocaine or bupivacaine. Sensory function was not abolished in nonblocked wings.Conclusions and clinical relevance The brachial plexus block was an easy technique to perform but had a high failure rate. It might be useful for providing anesthesia or postoperative analgesia of the wing in chickens and exotic avian species that have similar wing anatomy.


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All methods to detect experimental loss of bone present technique limitations. The sensitivities of image and histological analyses to detect the effects of teriparatide in rats with bone loss after ovariectomy were evaluated. All methods were qualitatively valid.The standardization of methods to assess bone loss after ovariectomy is crucial to establish the degree of experimental osteoporosis. In general, methods per image or histological techniques are used. To validate these two ways to determine the degree of bone loss in ovariectomized rats, we evaluated the sensitivities of bone densitometry, conventional radiography, and histological analysis of the area occupied by collagen, detecting the effects of teriparatide treatment in the femur of ovariectomized rats with bone loss.Wistar rats were divided into three groups: a control group, in which the animals were only subjected to laparotomy; an ovariectomized group, in which bilateral removal of the ovaries was performed; and an ovariectomized + teriparatide group, in which bilateral removal of the ovaries was performed, and the animals were treated with 3 mu g/100 g/day of teriparatide. Three months following the ovariectomy, bone densitometry, radiographic densitometry, and histological analysis of the area occupied by collagen fibers were carried out in the femur diaphysis.The bone densitometry revealed 11.2% reduction in femur density; in the conventional radiography, the loss of bone mass was 14.5%, and with the histological analysis, a 40.9% reduction in the area occupied by collagen was detected in the femur diaphysis.In conclusion, histological analysis could not be quantitatively compared with the methods of bone densitometry and conventional radiography; however, all of these methods were qualitatively valid for assessing the loss of bone stemming from ovariectomy and the therapeutic effect of teriparatide in the prevention of osteoporosis.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Crotoxin (CTX). a neurotoxin isolated from the venom of the South American rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus. induces analgesia. In this study, we evaluated the antinociceptive effect of CTX in a model of neuropathic pain induced by rat sciatic nerve transection. Hyperalgesia was detected 2 h after nerve transection and persisted for 64 days. Immersion of proximal and distal nerve stumps in CTX solution (0.01 mM for 10 s), immediately after nerve transection, blocked hyperalgesia. The antinociceptive effect of CTX was long-lasting, since it was detected 2 h after treatment and persisted for 64 days. CTX also delayed, but did not block, neurectomy-induced neuroma formation. The effect of CTX was blocked by zileuton (100 mg/kg, p.o.) and atropine (10 mg/kg. i.p.), and reduced by yohimbine (2 mg/kg, i.p.) and methysergide (5 mg/kg, i.p.). on the other hand. indomethacin (4 mg/kg, i.v.). naloxone (1 mg/kg, i.p.). and N-methyl atropine (30 mg/kg, i.p.) did not interfere with the effect of CTX. These results indicate that CTX induces a long-lasting antinociceptive effect in neuropathic pain, which is mediated by activation of central muscarinic receptors and partially, by activation of alpha-adrenoceptors and 5-HT receptors. Eicosanoids derived from the lipoxygenase pathway modulate the action of crotoxin. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this study was to assess the temporal relationship between pancreas transplant and the development of electrophysiological changes in the sciatic and caudal nerves of alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Nerve conduction studies were performed in diabetic rats subjected to pancreas transplantation at 4, 12, and 24 weeks after diabetes onset, using nondiabetic and untreated diabetic rats as controls. Nerve conduction data were significantly altered in untreated diabetic control rats up to 48 weeks of follow-up in all time points. Rats subjected to pancreas transplantation up to 4 and 12 weeks after diabetes onset had significantly increased motor nerve conduction velocity with improvement of wave amplitude, distal latency, and temporal dispersion of compound muscle action potential in all follow-up periods (P<0.05); these parameters remained abnormal when pancreas transplantation were performed late at 24 weeks. Our results suggest that early pancreas transplant (at 4-12 weeks) may be effective in controlling diabetic neuropathy in this in vivo model.


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Inferior Alveolar Nerve (IAN) transposition is an option for prosthetic rehabilitation in cases of moderate or even severe bone reabsorption for patients that do not tolerate removable dentures. The aim of the present report is to describe an inferior alveolar nerve transposition with involvement of the mental foramen for implant placement. The surgical procedure was performed under local anesthesia, by the inferior alveolar, lingual and buccal nerve blocking technique. Centripetal osteotomy was performed, and bone tissue was removed, leaving the nerve tissue free in the foramen area. After that, transsection of the incisor nerve was performed, and lateral osteotomy was started from the buccal direction, toward the trajectory of the IAN. The procedure was concluded, by making use of a delicate resin spatula to manipulate the vascular-nervous bundle. The drilling sequence for placing the dental implants was performed, and autogenous bone was harvested using a bone collector attached to the surgical suction appliance. After the implants were placed, the bone tissue previously collected during the osteotomies and drilling processes was placed in order to protect the IAN from contact with the implants. The surgical protocol for inferior alveolar nerve transposition, followed by implant placement presented excellent results, with complete recovery of the sensitivity, seven months after the surgical procedure.


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We present an optimistic neural solution to the depressing challenge of decubitus pressure ulcers in the paraplegic patient. This is a limited study of two paraplegic men followed for several years. Sural nerve grafts, performed end-to-side, successfully bridged the sciatic nerve to intercostal nerves with surprising benefits for both men.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Background: The use of botulinum toxin A (BT-A) for the treatment of lower limb spasticity is common in children with cerebral palsy (CP). Following the administration of BT-A, physical therapy plays a fundamental role in potentiating the functionality of the child. The balance deficit found in children with CP is mainly caused by muscle imbalance (spastic agonist and weak antagonist). Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) is a promising therapeutic modality for muscle strengthening in this population. The aim of the present study is to describe a protocol for a study aimed at analyzing the effects of NMES on dorsiflexors combined with physical therapy on static and functional balance in children with CP submitted to BT-A.Methods/Design: Protocol for a prospective, randomized, controlled trial with a blinded evaluator. Eligible participants will be children with cerebral palsy (Levels I, II and III of the Gross Motor Function Classification System) between five and 12 years of age, with independent gait with or without a gait-assistance device. All participants will receive BT-A in the lower limbs (triceps surae). The children will then be randomly allocated for either treatment with motor physical therapy combined with NMES on the tibialis anterior or motor physical therapy alone. The participants will be evaluated on three occasions: 1) one week prior to the administration of BT-A; 2) one week after the administration of BT-A; and 3) four months after the administration of BT-A (end of intervention). Spasticity will be assessed by the Modified Ashworth Scale and Modified Tardieu Scale. Static balance will be assessed using the Medicapteurs Fusyo pressure platform and functional balance will be assessed using the Berg Balance Scale.Discussion: The aim of this protocol study is to describe the methodology of a randomized, controlled, clinical trial comparing the effect of motor physical therapy combined with NMES on the tibialis anterior muscle or motor physical therapy alone on static and functional balance in children with CP submitted to BT-A in the lower limbs. This study describes the background, hypotheses, methodology of the procedures and measurement of the results.


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Background: Canine hip dysplasia (HD) is characterized by hip joint laxity and subluxation. It is the most common cause of osteoarthritis in dogs, especially in larger breeds. Its management includes nutritional supplements, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy, acupuncture or surgical procedures. Implantation of gold beads in acupuncture points and trigger points around a joint has been used in the treatment of osteoarthritis in dogs for at least 30 years. Gold bead implants(GBI) acts as continuous acupuncture stimulation and trigger point treatment in canine HD with long lasting results. Electrophysiological investigations of trigger points reveal dysfunctional muscle spindles which indicate that the electrical activity of active loci arises from extrafusal motor endplates.Case: This is a report on the use of acupuncture and GBI for bilateral HD in a nine year old female German Shepherd. The patient has a HD non-responsive to anti-inflammatory drugs and was unable to stand up or walk by its own. Radiographs showed marked dysplasia, significant subluxation with the femoral head partly out of a shallow acetabulum and massive secondary arthritic bone changes, mainly on the right side. The animal was submitted to eight acupuncture sessions with seven days interval. After the first acupuncture session the use of NSAID was interrupted. After eight weeks the dog was considered rehabilitated and underwent GBI in acupoints and trigger points as maintenance treatment. During the one-year follow-up period the improvement remained unchanged with no need of analgesics.Discussion: It has been suggested that acupuncture or GBI can treat the chronic pain resulting from osteoarthritis induced by HD. According to AP theory, GBI is permanent and long-lasting acupoint stimulation. Moreover, the method is inexpensive, quick and easy to perform, with no postoperative pain or need of exercise restriction. Although gold is extremely corrosion-resistant, the surface of the gold implants stimulates a reaction from the immune system causing an oxidative liberation of gold ions with anti-inflammatory actions. It is well known that gold ions are effective inhibitors of the respiratory burst of neutrophils and monocytes and the proliferation of lymphocytes. These findings suggest that gold implantation, on a local scale, mimics the anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effect of drugs with chemically bound gold ions. The relatively slow speed of the process results in a limited liberation of gold ions securing that they are taken up almost exclusively by cells close to the implant. The nine year old female German shepherd had a positive response to acupuncture with pain relieve and locomotor rehabilitation. For the nine year old female German shepherd previous acupuncture sessions to GBI resulted in no post-implant worsening period. Indeed, the association acupuncture/GBI does not have the anti-inflammatory drugs undesirable effects and brings long lasting results. In conclusion, GBI therefore should be considered for canine HD when conservative or medical treatments fail to give the desired effect.


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Gingival mucosae of man and the adult Cebus apella monkey were fixed for 3 hr in modified Karnovsky fixative containing 2.5% glutaraldehyde, 2% formaldehyde in 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH=7.4). The specimens were postfixed in 1% osmium tetroxide in 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer at 4°C for 2 hr, dehydrated in a graded alcohol series and embedded in Epon 812. Thick sections of 1-3 μm and ultrathin sections of 40-80 nm in thickness were cut with glass knives on an LKB ultramicrotome. The thick sections were stained with toluidine blue solution, and the grids were stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate and examined under a Philips EM-301 electron microscope. Our observations permitted us to conclude that: both gingival mucosae, of man and the Cebus apella monkey, have lamellar nerve endings; these corpuscles are localized in the papillar space of the epithelium and do not contact closely with the basement membrane; the nerve endings are composed of an afferent fiber which subdivides several times and forms irregular flattened or discoidal expansions; the laminae of the lamellar cells are very thin near the terminal axon and are larger and irregular in shape at the peripheral portion of the corpuscle; the terminal axon shows abundant mitochondria, myelin figures, clear vesicles, and multivesicular bodies; between the axoplasm membrane and adjacent cytoplasmic lamina and between the lamellae, small desmosome type junctions are noted; and the cytoplasmic material of the lamellae cells is characterized by the presence of numerous microfilaments, microtubules, mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and caveolae.


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Compression and section of the facial nerve were performed in 48 rats in order to study the anatomopathological alterations occurring after daily intraperitoneal injections of 100 mg of exogenous gangliosides (Sinaxial®) for 45, 90, 180 days. In groups submitted to nerve compression, the histopathological changes were discrete and in the 180-day subgroups the nerve was practically normal. In animals submitted to section and neurorrhaphy there was formation of an amputation neuroma, a granuloma around the suture, axonal unstructuration and inter and perineural fibrosis. No significant differences were observed between the groups submitted or not to injection of exogenous gangliosides, indicating that the major factors involved in the quality of nerve regeneration were the technique and the formation of fibrosis and of an amputation neuroma.


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The authors report two female patients with chronic sensitive and motor findings in lower limbs caused by compression of distal branches of sciatic nerve by lipoma. Similar eases were not described on literature. Nerve conduction studies allowed to localize the exact site of compression. At surgery, lipomas compressing the deep peroneal nerve (case 1) and the posterior tibial nerve (case 2) were observed. Histologic studies of tumors confirmed the diagnoses.


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Background and Objectives - Pulmonary aspiration of gastric content during induction of anesthesia for emergency surgical procedures is a serious complication; fast endotracheal intubation under these circumstances is of vital importance to secure the airways. Despite its numerous side effects, succinylcholine is used for this purpose. Rocuronium is the most recently introduced aminoesteroid neuromuscular blocking drug with short onset. The objective of this study was to compare the onset time and intubating conditions of rocuronium and succinylcholine. Methods - After informed consent, forty-five patients were randomly allocated into three groups of 15: Group I (GI) = succinylcholine 1 mg.kg-1; Group II (GII) = rocuronium 0.6 mg.kg-1; Group III (GIII) = rocuronium 0.9 mg.kg-1. Every patient was premedicated with midazolam 15 mg per os and induction of anesthesia was made with fentanyl 10 μg.kg-1 and etomidate 0.3 mg.kg-1. The neuromuscular block was monitored with the TOP-Guard neuromuscular transmission monitor. The TOP-Guard neuromuscular monitor uses an accelerometer to measure the response to nerve stimulation. The stimulating electrodes were placed close to the course of the ulnar nerve at the wrist. The onset time was considered as the time between the end of neuromuscular drug injection and the twitch height (T1) decrease to 10%. Heart rate and arterial blood pressure were registered at 6 moments before and after induction of anesthesia. Results - The onset time results were: Group I, 71 s; Group II, 120 s and Group III, 70 s or GI = GIII < GII (F = 8.862; p < 0.01). There were 43 patients exhibiting excellent intubating conditions and 2 with good intubating conditions. Heart rate and arterial blood pressure showed alterations due to induction of anesthesia and intubation. Conclusions - Rocuronium 0.9 mg.kg-1 can be used in rapid sequence induction because it has a short onset time which is similar to that of succnylcholine. It is likely that rocuronium would be a good indication in patients with high intracranial pressure, burns and neuromuscular diseases.