948 resultados para export


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Substantial quantities of green mussels are available on the Kerala coast particularly from Calicut to north. But these are not properly exploited at present. Simple and economic methods of processing like drying and smoking can go a long way towards market promotion and better returns to the fishermen. This paper reports the method of preparation of smoked mussels which have a great potential for export as well as local marketing.


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Fisheries sector contributes about 5.3% to GDP and about 6% of the export earnings of Bangladesh. There are about 4.1 million ha of inland water bodies in Bangladesh. However, over last two decades the catch from inland capture fishery has decreased due to filling of wet lands and other anthropogenic reasons. Accordingly, the production of inland fish has decreased not only for the decrease of water bodies but also due to irrational catch of fish fries, brood fishes and use of current nets for fishing. Significant responses from the fisheries entrepreneurs have not been received for the small loan scheme of the Bangladesh Bank. The bank could not disburse more than Tk. 500 million under the scheme. The total revolving credit under the scheme was Tk. 1,000 million with the assistance from the World Bank. The business houses having fixed assets of value not more than Tk. 10 million will be eligible to borrow from this fund. About Tk. 0.2-5.0 million can be borrowed as term loan and working capital from Bangladesh Bank through commercial banks. The loan was given to the commercial banks at 5% interest (bank rate) and the commercial banks shall also bridge finance to the entrepreneurs at a lower rate of interest. Working capital time limit is for a maximum of 1 year with half yearly rest, mid-term loan maximum of 3 years in 5 installments and with 6 months grace period and long-term loan maximum of 5 years in 9 installments with 6 months grace period.


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India's export earnings from fishery products have touched an all-time record of Rs. 33.07 crores in 1969. The most important items which have contributed to this are processed prawn products, frozen lobster tails and frozen frog legs. Even though frogs are not of marine origin, they are processed and exported along with marine products so that for all practical purposes they are reckoned as seafood. Naturally, it is sure to be of absorbing interest to the processors and technological research workers as well as to the general public to know how many varieties/species of these occur in our country and also the localities where they are available. The following is an exhaustive list of the different species of prawns, lobsters and frogs that are found in our country, together with vernacular names wherever available, parts of India where they occur and the largest size (length) to which they grow. The figures in brackets on the left side show the progressive total. The different genera have been arranged in the order of their commercial importance and not according to any scientific principles.


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The beche-de-mer industry in India is a cent percent export oriented industry being confined to south east coast in Palk Bay and Gulf of Mannar in Tamil Nadu. Chemical quality of 180 trade samples of beche-de-mer of four sizes collected from the beche-de-mer curing centres of Ramanathapuram district was studied. Moisture ranged from 6.2 to 24.4% and sand content from 0.11 to 20.42% for all grades. Mean values of sand content are for grade 1=3.47%, grade 2=4.50%, grade 3=3.68%, grade 4=6.87%. Sodium chloride was almost constant for all grades at 5.7%. TVBN values ranged from 10 to 78.4 mg%. 44 laboratory samples of different grades were prepared following trade practice and examined for chemical quality. Mean moisture values are for grade 1=13.4%, grade 2=12.44%, grade 3=12.62%, grade 4=12.08% and mean values of sand are for grade 1=0.70%, grade 2=0.90%, grade 3=1.16%, grade 4=2.15%. The percentage of shrinkage of the animals ranged from 56% to 60% for dried beche-de-mer of 7.5 cm size and above.


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The concentrations of total cadmium were determined in 448 samples of processed fishery products comprising crustaceans, molluscs, marine fish and brackish water fish. Shrimp product, the major export item, contained on average 0.122 ppm cadmium and 20% of crustaceans analysed did not contain cadmium on detectable level. Average content of cadmium in 68 marine fish of 9 species was 0.153 ppm and 35% of the samples did not contain the element. Of the total number of crustaceans analysed only 2% showed a level > 0.5 ppm. All the 174 samples of molluscan products, except 3 canned oysters, showed cadmium concentration far below the limit allowed. The average cadmium content in molluscan products was 0.552 ppm.


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Present status and future prospects of mackerel and tuna fisheries in Bangladesh were assessed during July 2003-June 2004. The work concentrated on the fishing gears, length of fishes, total landings and market price of the catch and highlighted the prospects of the fishery in Bangladesh. Four commercially important species of mackerels and tuna viz. Scomberomorus guttatus, Scomberomorus commerson, Rastrelliger kanagurta, and Euthynnus affinis were included in the study. About 95% of mackerels and tuna were caught by drift gill nets and the rest were caught by long lines (4%) and marine set-bag-net (1%). Average monthly total landing of mackerels and tunas was about 264 t, of which 147 t landed in Cox's Bazar and 117 t in Chittagong sites. Total catches of the four species in Cox's Bazar and Chittagong sites were found to be 956 and 762 t, respectively. The poor landing was observed during January-February and the peak landing was in November and July. Gross market value of the annual landing of mackerels and tunas (1,718 t) was found to be 1,392 latch taka. Nevertheless, the mackerel and tuna fisheries in Bangladesh are increasingly contributing to the marine fish production of the country and have very good potential for further expansion for both domestic and export market.


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Shrimp culture in Bangladesh has emerged as an important aquaculture industry over the last three decades although its culture in greater parts of the farming area is done in traditional ways. In the meantime, the government of Bangladesh has taken necessary measures along with the private sectors to increase production, upgrade processing industries and to promote export performance. Long supply chain in raw material collection, inadequate infrastructure facilities, poor level of cool chain and lack of adequate HACCP-based training on hygiene and sanitation of different groups of people involved in the field level are the main problems of quality loss of raw materials. Shortage of raw materials results in poor capacity utilization of the processing plants. The growth of bagda (P. monodon) hatchery has expanded rapidly over the last few years, remaining mostly concentrated in Cox's Bazar region is enough to meet the target production. However, there is a shortage of pelleted shrimp feed in Bangladesh. A large number of export processors are now producing increasing amounts of value-added products such as individually quick-frozen, peeled and divined, butterfly cut shrimp, as well as cooked products. The export earnings from value added products is about half of the total export value. About 95% of total fish products are exported to European countries, USA and Japan and the remaining to the Southeast Asia and the Middle East. Most of the EU approved shrimp processing industries have been upgraded with laboratory facilities and provided HACCP training to their workers. As of now, HACCP is applied on the processing plants, but to ensure the quality of raw materials and to reduce risks, shrimp farms are also required to adopt HACCP plan. There is increased pressure time to time from importing countries for fish processors to establish effective quality assurance system in processing plants. Fish Inspection and Quality Control (FIQC) of the Department of Fisheries while having moderately equipped laboratories with chemical, bio-chemical and microbiological testing facilities and qualified technical personnel, the creation of facilities for testing of antibiotics is underway. FIQC mainly supervises quality aspects of the processing plants and has little or no control over raw material supply chains from farm to processing plants. Bangladesh export consignments sometimes face rejection due to reported poor quality of the products. Three types of barriers are reported for export of shrimp to EU countries. These are:(1) government participation in trade and restrictive practices (state aid, countervailing duties, state trading enterprises, government monopoly practices), customs and administrative entry procedures (anti-dumping duties, customs valuation, classification, formalities, rules of origin); (2) technical barriers to trade or TBT (technical regulations, standards, testing, certification arrangement); (3) specific limitations (quantitative restrictions, import licensing, embargoes, exchange control, discriminatory sourcing, export restraints, measures to regulate domestic prices, requirements concerning marking, labeling and packaging).


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Nile perch (Mputa), Lates niloticus was introduced into Lakes Victoria and Kyoga from lake Albert to increase fish production of these lakes by feeding on and converting the small sized haplochromines (Nkejje) which were abundant in these lakes into a larger table fish. It was, however, feared that Nile perch would prey on and deplete stocks of the native fishes and affect fish species diversity. Nile perch became well established and is currently among the three most important commercial species. It is presently the most important export fish commodity from Uganda. Considerable changes have taken place in fishery yield, and in life history characteristics of the Nile perch itself since the predator got established in Lakes Victoria and Kyoga.


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The article discusses the potential for export of value-added shrimp products from developing countries. European Economic Community is considered to be one of the top consumers, while Thailand and India are two of the top producers.


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Although Sri Lanka is endowed with favourable climatic conditions and resources for breeding and rearing ornamental fish for export, a considerable number of ornamental fish producers as well as exporters have given up the industry within a relatively short period of time. This study was conducted to understand the present status of the industry and to identify the problems that have caused these failures. The study was conducted from March to December in the year 2007 and covered Colombo, Kaluthara, Polonnaruwa, Negombo, Wattala, Rathnapura, Avissawella, Kandy, Kegalle, Padukka, and Gampaha areas, where ornamental fish culture is known to be popular. The survey was carried out by interviewing ornamental fish farmers using a structured questionnaire survey that was designed to elicit the required information. Most (75%) of those surveyed were identified as small scale farmers. A majority (56%) of them used only cement tanks for their culture activities. Only 47% of farmers had proper technical knowledge or training on fish culture while 42% directly supplied their fish products to the expo1iers. The most important constraints identified by the study were as follows: (1) the sale price offish not changing in keeping with the increase in the material costs of production - Feed, cement, sand, transport and labour - in recent years. (2) Difficulty to find export markets for newcomers to enter the export market. (3) Lack of quality brooders and information on the most suitable fish varieties for the different climatic and water conditions in different areas in the country (3) Feed availability and cost. (4) Lack of adequate knowledge and technical support with regard to disease control and water quality management. (5) Difficulty to survive in the off season. (6) Difficulty in obtaining credit for expansion and the lack of sufficient involvement of responsible authorities in overcoming all these identified constraints.


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There are about 100 species of abalone in the world, but only 20 are of high commercial importance. In the Philippines, the abalone species are Haliotis asinina, H. varia, H. ovina and H.glabra, but it is the former which has high commercial value. The semi-processed abalone are frozen, dried or canned for export to many countries. An outline is given of the major aquaculture activities and duration of breeding and culture. Abalone hatchery production operations and investment costs and returns are detailed. Particular reference is made to the modular system of abalone culture in floating cages.


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Seaweed farming is the top foreign exchange earner for the Philippines. Kappaphycus constitutes 80% of the Philippine seaweed export. It is sold in both fresh and dried forms; although dried seaweed has a greater demand, fresh seaweed is highly prices in restaurants. The 3 main seaweed products marketed are agar, alginate and carrageenan. A brief outline is given of farming operations and investment costs and returns.


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Catfish rank fifth in the world in terms of fresh and brackishwater fish culture. In Asia and the Pacific, the Clariidae family dominates production, representing nearly 80% of the total catfish production. Among the most cultured species are Clarias batrachus, C. macrocephalus, C. gariepinus. The domestic market generally absorbs catfish produce in Asia, although high-producing countries like Thailand and Vietnam engage in export. There are two basic markets for catfish: live fish and processed fish. Particular details are given of catfish production in Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia.


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In the Philippines at present, milkfish farming in ponds includes a wide range of intensities, systems and practices. To make aquaculture possible, ecosystems are used as sources of energy and resources and as sinks for wastes. The growth of aquaculture is limited by the life-support functions of the ecosystem, and sustainability depends on matching the farming techniques with the processes and functions of the ecosystems, for example, by recycling some degraded resources. The fish farm has many interactions with the external environment. Serious environmental problems may be avoided if high-intensity farms are properly planned in the first place, at the farm level and at the level of the coastal zone where it can be integrated with other uses by other sectors. It is believed that the key to immediate success in the mass production of milkfish for local consumption and for export of value-added forms may be in semi-intensive farming at target yields of 3 tons per ha per year, double the current national average. Intensive milkfish farming will be limited by environmental, resource and market constraints. Integrated intensive farming systems are the appropriate long-term response to the triple needs of the next century: more food, more income, and more jobs for more people, all from less land, less resources, and less non-renewable energy.


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A brief description is given of the milkfish (Chanos chanos) farming industry in the Philippines. Over the past 20 years, the relative importance of milkfish has declined with the expansion of tilapia, tiger shrimp and seaweed farming. In 1975, some 141,461 mt of milkfish made up 10% of the total fish production, whereas in 1995, the total milkfish harvest of 150,858 mt made up only 5.5% of the total fish production. Milkfish are harvested and marketed mostly fresh or chilled, whole or deboned, but some are canned or smoked. The domestic markets, mainly in Metro Manila, absorb most of the production. Milkfish is also absorbed in different product forms: dried, canned, smoked, or marinated. An export market for quick-frozen deboned milkfish fillets has begun to develop and fish processing companies are responding fast. The milkfish farming industry has important linkages with the various sectors that supply the inputs, and those that transport, store, market or process the harvest. For intensive milkfish farming to be both profitable and sustainable, more value-added products must be developed and marketed.