999 resultados para esforço físico


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Considerando-se a qualidade dos fitoterápicos, é importante salientar que a preocupação com esta questão inclui rigoroso acompanhamento das diferentes etapas de desenvolvimento e produção, desde a coleta do vegetal até o produto final. O controle de qualidade de drogas vegetais e seus extratos é essencial quando utilizados como matéria-prima para o desenvolvimento de fitoterápicos. Neste trabalho foram utilizadas diversas técnicas (farmacopeicas e não farmacopeicas) visando estabelecer parâmetros de qualidade dos frutos de Dimorphandra mollis Benth. (Leguminosae), popularmente conhecida como faveiro. Os resultados obtidos determinaram as características físico-químicas da droga vegetal e mostraram que o pó dos frutos e o extrato etanólico 70% de D. mollis apresentam um teor de flavonóides de 10,25% e 17,21%, respectivamente. A análise fitoquímica preliminar dos frutos caracterizou a presença de taninos, saponinas e flavonóides. Na análise microbiológica do extrato não houve crescimento de patógenos entre os testes realizados.


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A rotação estelar é um dos mais importantes observáveis da evolução estelar. Neste sentido, o satélite CoRoT representa uma oportunidade única de medir os períodos rotacionais para uma amostra de estrelas estatisticamente robusta, oferecendo dados absolutamente necessários para o estudo da rotação e seu papel na evolução estelar. Para conseguir isto, um passo fundamental é a caracterização física e química das estrelas observadas pelo CoRoT, especificamente devido ao fato de que o cálculo de períodos rotacionais confiáveis é um trabalho difícil sem a ajuda dos parâmetros estelares. Desta forma, foi elaborado um importante seguimento observacional das estrelas nos campos do CoRoT do anticentro LRa01 e do centro LRc01, permitindo a correta identificação dos períodos que reflitam a modulação rotacional. Nesta tese de doutorado são apresentados os resultados de tal seguimento. Parâmetros físicos e químicos, tais como temperatura efetiva Teff , gravidade superficial log(g), velocidade de microturbulência Vmic, abundância de ferro [Fe/H], velocidade de rotação projetada Vsin(i), e abundância de lítio A(Li) são apresentados para uma amostra de 116 estrelas dos campos CoRoT. Elas se encontram em diferentes estágios evolutivos, desde a sequência principal (SP) até o ramo das gigantes vermelhas (GV). As observações foram feitas utilizando os espectrógrafos UVES (VLT) e HYDRA (CTIO). Para a derivação de tais parâmetros foram utilizados o programa TurboSpectrum e os modelos de atmosfera de MARCS. Paralelamente, velocidades rotacionais Vsin(i) foram obtidas a partir do ajuste dos perfis observados e sintéticos das linhas de ferro e por meio de uma calibração de função de correlação cruzada (CCF). Períodos rotacionais Prot para 77 estrelas da amostra foram obtidos a partir das curvas de luz do satélite CoRoT. Extensas tabelas destes parâmetros e seus respectivos erros são apresentadas. Foram encontradas diferenças nas distribuições de Teff , [Fe/H] e estágios evolutivos entre os diferentes campos do CoRoT, indicando possíveis efeitos de seleção na amostra, assim como a existência de diferentes populações estelares do disco Galáctico. Por outro lado, o comportamento rotacional e as abundâncias de lítio não apresentam diferenças entre estrelas de parâmetros físicos similares, mas que pertencem a diferentes campos do CoRoT. A partir da análise de temperaturas, foi encontrada uma maior extinção por avermelhamento para estrelas do CoRoT localizadas no campo LRc01, assim como um gradiente deste valor em função da distância. Os resultados mostram que as abundâncias de lítio, as velocidades de rotação e os períodos rotacionais apresentam o mesmo comportamento descrito na literatura. Por outro lado, é apresentada pela primeira vez a relação que existe entre o lítio e o período de rotação em diferentes estágios evolutivos, mostrando, tal como era esperado, que ambas as grandezas possuem uma anticorrelação. Também é apresentada a evolução simultânea da rotação e do lítio, e foram calculadas relações que permitem obter valores médios de A(Li) como função da temperatura efetiva e do período rotacional. Os dados apresentados nesta tese de doutorado representam um importante ponto de partida para serem utilizados como uma amostra de calibração para diferentes programas no contexto da missão do satélite CoRoT, uma vez que a lista de estrelas aqui analisadas são parte das mais brilhantes que compõem o campo Exo do CoRoT


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Physical Exercise (PE) is a necessary component in the management in COPD patients, where respiratory symptoms are associated with reduced functional capacity. Even with the increase in the number of studies that have been published and the therapeutics success using aquatic therapy approach, studies using PE in water in COPD patients are so few. Objective: the aim of this present study was to analyze the effects of low intensity water exercise in COPD patients, developed in two different places aquatic and ground. Methods: This is a randomized clinical trial study, 42 patients with moderate to very severe DPOC were recruited for the study, mean age of 63,2  10,9 years old. Randomized in 3 groups: Control Group (CG), Land Group (LG) and Water Group (WG). The PE protocol was performed in a period of 8 weeks, with frequency of 3 times per week. The CG participated in an educational program. All the patients were assessed twice through spirometry, respiratory muscular strength, the 6-min walk test, the quality of life (SF-36 and SGRQ), the LCADL, the MRC, the BODE index and the upper limbs (UP) incremental test. Results: There was a significant difference after the approaches in DP6 from the WG (p=0,02); in VEF1 in LG (p=0,00) and WG (p=0,01); in MIP in LG (p=0,01) and WG (p=0,02); in MEP in LG (p=0,02) and WG (p=0,01); the MRC decreases in WG (p=0,00). there was an increase of the weight supported by the UP in LG (p=0,00) and WG (p=0,01). The LG showed an increase of the quality of life represented by the SGRQ total score (p=0,00). The BODE index decreased in LG (p=0,00) and WG (p=0,01). In LCDAL, the LG showed a decrease. Conclusion: This data in this present study suggest that both approaches of low intensity exercise showed to be beneficial in moderate to very severe COPD patients. The WG showed additional benefits in physical function, pointing to a new therapeutic modality for COPD patients


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This work broaches the participation of the Jewish community in the urban expansion of Recife, Brazil, during the Dutch period (1630-1654). With the arrival of the Dutch, the village of Olinda, former capital of Pernambuco, was destroyed and Recife received the juridical statute of city (stad), becoming the capital of Dutch Brazil or New Holland. It became the main West Indians Company s entrepot in South Atlantic, serving as naval base, port of call for ships, and point of export of the sugar production of Pernambuco, and import of European goods and African slaves. In order to such administrative, military and economic functions be carried out, the sand isthmus where Recife used to stay, and the fluvial island of Antônio Vaz, received improvements of many sort. The Dutch hydraulic technology was put in practice, with a posture of opposition between civilization and nature. Among military works and production of urban equipments, the rivers shores were land-filled, canals were built, bridges were lifted, and hundreds of buildings were erected. The civil Dutch population of Recife engaged in the process of production of physical space, which brought a sense of collective action towards the formation of the urban, or burgher, community. From the physical to the social space, there was an effort towards Dutch cultural standards in the urban environment. The Zur Israel Jewish community, formed by private civilians, it is, nonemployees of the WIC, engaged in those processes. It produced physical space through the land-filling and improvement of non healthy areas, and was also responsible for the construction of a significant section of the town s buildings and some of urban equipments, such as stores, markets and slave-warehouses, making more dynamic their economical activities. But their social traffic was due to the adaptation of their behavior to the standards of Dutch sociability. Thus, the community body made itself part of the social body. Disposing of internal selfregulation, it produced spaces with their cultural references cemetery, synagogue, texts enjoying benefits of the government. Zur Israel inscribed itself in the universal history of the Jews as the first community of Americas, and had a fundamental part on the emancipation of Jews within Western society


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The sleep onset and offset delay at adolescence in relation to childhood. Besides biological causes, some external factors as academic obligations and socialization contributes, increasing the burden of school and socialization. However, morning school schedules reduce sleep duration. Besides light strong effect, studies in humans have indicated that exercise influence circadian synchronization. To evaluate the effect of the morning exercise under sunlight on sleep-wake cycle (SWC) of adolescents, 160 high school students (11th year) were exposed to the following conditions: lesson in usual classroom (Group C), lesson in swimming pool exposed to sunlight (Group E), half of them carrying through physical activity (EE) and the other resting (EL). Each experimental group met two stages: assessment of SWC 1 week before and 1 week during the intervention, which was held in Monday and Wednesday between 7:45 and 8:30 am. In the baseline, there were applied the questionnaires "Health and Sleep" and cronotype evaluation (H & O). In addition, students were evaluated before and during the intervention by "Sleep Diary", "Karolinska Sleepiness Scale" (KSS), Psychomotor Vigilance Test (PVT) and actimetry. During the intervention, there was a delay in wake-up time on the weekend and a trend to greater sleep duration on week for the three groups. At the weekend, only the groups EE and EL increased sleep duration. There was no difference in bedtime, irregularity of sleep schedules and nap variables. The sleepiness showed a circadian pattern characterized by higher alertness levels at 11:30 am and sleepiness levels at bedtime and wake-up time on week. On weekends there were higher levels of alertness in these times. In the days of intervention, there was an increase of sleepiness at 11:30 am for groups EL and EE, which may have been caused by a relaxing effect of contact with the water of the pool. In addition, the group EE showed higher alert levels at 14:30 pm on Monday and at 8:30 am in the Wednesday, possibly caused by exercise arousal effect. The reaction time assessed through the TPV did not vary between the stages. The sleep quality improved in the three groups in the second stage, making impossible the evaluation of intervention effect. However, the sleep quality increased on Monday and Tuesday only on the group EE. From the results, it is suggested that the intervention promoted effects on the sleepiness at some day hours. In other SWC variables there were no effects, possibly due to a large SWC irregularity on weekends. Thus, the evaluation of higher weekly frequency EF is necessary, since only two days were insufficient to promote greater effect on adolescents SWC


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Students, normally, present an irregular sleep pattern characterized by delays in sleep onset and offset from weekdays to weekends, short sleep duration on weekdays and long sleep duration on weekends. The reduction of the necessary sleep and the irregularity in the sleep patterns provoke relevant short- and long-term impairments on performances, for example, in cardiorespiratory function. The cardiorespiratory performance represents, in addition to fitness, traces associated to health conditions and in several studies to pattern and/or individual s sleep quality. The aim of this study was to evaluate the pattern of the sleep-wake cycle and the cardiorespiratory function of medical students under different class schedules. The study was accomplished with two classes of medical students of UFRN, one had classes at 7 am (n = 47) and the second had classes at 8 am (n = 41) during the week. On the first stage of the study all volunteers filled out an anamnesis, the International Physical Activity questionnaire, the Pittsburgh index of sleep quality, the Portuguese version of the Horne and Östberg cronotype questionnaire, the Health and Sleep questionnaire and the Epworth Scale of Somnolence (ESS). On the second stage, 24 students (12 of each class) had their activity rhythm monitored by actimeters set to record activity at a 2-min interval for 14 days concomitant to the completion of the sleep diary. In this same stage, each volunteer performed the effort test (treadmill) only once in the morning period (between 9:00 and 11:00). The students showed an irregular pattern of the sleep-wake cycle and this irregularity is strongly influenced by the class schedules, in addition to the contribution of the academic demand, social activities and endogenous factors. The students who woke up earlier showed greater irregularity in the sleep-wake pattern. The earlier was the class schedule the worse was the sleep quality and the greater was the frequency of students with excessive diurnal somnolence. The classes schedules and the irregular pattern of the sleep-wake cycle did not show effect on the cardiorespiratory performance of the medical students. The performance on the test seems to be affected by other factors, which can be related to the pattern of the sleep-wake cycle or not. Therefore, it is suggested that the late start of classes provokes less irregularity on the pattern of the sleep-wake cycle. However, it was observed that this irregularity and the class schedule seem not to affect the cardiorespiratory performance directly


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While providing physical and psychological benefits, excessive exercise could be or cause a compulsive behavior, making the individual dependent on it. In a parallel discussion, computerized psychological instruments, for a hand, reflects the development of information technology and your applicability to other areas, but also shows little advance for Psychological Assessment. In this perspective, this study aims to adapt the Exercise Dependence Scale (EDS-R) in two formats (paper-and-pencil and computerized) and evaluate evidence of factorial and convergent validity, and reliability of each version and compare them with each other. It is also proposed to observe the relationship of some bio-demographic (Sex, age, frequency, duration and intensity of practice exercise) and the exercise dependence (DEF). For this purpose, 709 regular physical activity practitioners, selected by procedures non-probabilistic sampling, responded a adapted version of EDS-R, Muscle Appearance Satisfaction Scale (MASS), Body Modification Scale (BMS) and a demographic questionnaire, analyzed through Exploratory Factor Analysis, Cronbach's Alpha and not parametric tests. Both the traditional version and the computer showed a seven factors structure, explaining 57 and 62% of the variance, respectively, and Cronbach's alphas of 0.83 and 0.89. Factors were: (1) intentionality, (2) continuity, (3) tolerance, (4) reduction of other activities, (5) lack of control, (6) abstinence and (7) time spent on exercise. Relationships were observed between the Exercise Dependence and the variables: age, diets, consumption of food supplements and medicines for weight change, desire to do plastic surgery and body satisfaction. We observed also a positive correlation between the DEF and the frequency, duration and intensity of exercise, and the factor "Dependence on exercising" from MASS, indicating convergent validity of the EDS-R. Finally, comparisons between the two formats were equivalent, with few changes: computerized version achieved higher DEF scores. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the EDS-R has factorial and convergent validity, reliability, to measure exerceise dependence on traditional e computerized formats. DEF is related to actions used to body modification and behaviors toward exercise. Finally, it was found equivalence between the formats, especially in psychometric parameters, thus suggesting feasibility of a computerized assessment. However, it was observed that the computerized data has sample recruiting strategies more limited


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Recognizing the importance the workplace has on mental health of the individual, the objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between the burnout syndrome and the sources of physical and emotional wear which permeate the work conditions of the urban public transport system of the city of Natal. Although existent in international literature, research on burnout in the professional transport category and studies directed to this category are not a tradition in Brazil. The research was carried out using 412 drivers and money-changers of two transport companies of Natal. To collect the data, two questionnaires and a semi-structured interview were used. The first instrument, developed and validated during the research, investigated the sources of wear and the second, the syndrome of burnout. As its main results, two sources of empirical wear were identified as follows: (1) the Conflict of Values and the Lack of Justice at the Workplace, (2) Union and Reward. Besides these, it was observed that there is an incidence of the syndrome of burnout among the drivers and money-changers of urban transport by bus, not only in the caring occupations studied before in Natal and Brazil and that this incidence is related to the sources of wear which permeate the work conditions of these professionals


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The creation of the Humanization Program of Hospital Care and the increasing number of academic works and journal articles that discuss more humane practices in the health care services express the emphasis given to the theme in Brazil. In these discussions, however, it is not usual to find reference to architecture as a relevant factor in the humanization of hospitals, even though it is known that the physical structure of the building may help the recovering of the patients; elements such as gardens, the use of colors and open spaces may soften the impact caused by the hospital routine on patients. Considering the contribution the architectural project may bring to the humanization of hospitals, the aim of this study was to verify how the architects perceive the hospital humanization process. Besides having searched for subsides in informal interviews with health professionals, in visits to hospitals and in related seminars, the study was based on semi-structured interviews with architects of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, who are specialists in this kind of projects. The content analysis of the interviews showed that physical space and attendance are essential to the humanization process. Those professionals see two humanization tendencies: while private hospitals have the structural physical appearance considered as humanized, public hospitals emphasize the humanization in attendance, fact that illustrates the contradictions in Brazilian health system. The interviewees consider the post-occupancy evaluation of the building as a learning exercise that contributes to new projects, but surprisingly they do not mention the patients opinion as part of it. Two annoying facts have emerged from the interviews, as also seen in preliminary stages of the study: rare are the works that focus on the person-environment relationship, and the definition of humanized hospital environments is still broad and inaccurate. This suggests the need of new studies in order to better understand how the two factors shown in this study attendance and physical space interact towards a true hospital humanization


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Corrosion inhibitors in solution are utilized to minimize processes from corrosion in steel. Of the present dissertation was evaluated the efficiency by inhibition from the surfactant saponified coconut oil (OCS) in the carbon steel 1020 through in linear polarization electrochemistry technique, well as, studied the process from adsorption through from the isotherms from Langmuir, Frumkin and Temkin. The corrosion current was determined through in Tafel extrapolation from the curves in the polarization, and then, was calculated the efficiency in the inhibitor to each concentration and temperature. Were studied four concentrations (12,5 ppm, 25 ppm, 50 ppm, and 75 ppm) in the inhibitor OCS and one in the NaCl salt (10.000 ppm) in six temperatures (301 K, 308 K, 313 K, 318 K, 323 K, and 328 K) in triplicate. By the results obtained observed that the technique applied can evaluated with rapidity and efficiency corrosion inhibitors. In relation to the isotherms, the than best appropriated was the in Langmuir and in the concentrations studied, the that obtained the best efficiency was the concentration of 75 ppm


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Hybrid systems formed from polymers and transition metals have now their physical and chemical properties extensively investigated for use in electronic devices. In this work, Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) from the precursor of titanium tetrabutoxide and the composite system Poly(Ethylene Glycol)-Titanium Dioxide (TiO2-PEG) were synthesized by sol-gel method. The PEG as acquired and TiO2 and composites powders were analyzed by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Spectroscopy in the Infrared region with Fourier transform (IRFT), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). In the XRD analysis were observed in the TiO2 crystal faces of one of its polymorphs - anatase phase, crystal planes in Poly (Ethylene Glycol) with considerable intensity and in the composite systems the mixture of crystal faces of their precursors isolated and reduction of crystallinity. The TG / DTG suggested increasing the thermal instability of PEG in the composite powders as TiO2 is incorporated into the system. Spectral analysis presented in the infrared overlapping bands for the polymer and metal oxide, reducing the intensity of symmetric stretching of ligand groups in the main chain polymer and angular deformations; were observed using SEM micrographs of the morphological changes suffered by composite systems with the variation of the oxide concentration. Analyses by impedance spectroscopy indicated that the increased conductivity in composite occurs in line with the addition of the metal oxide concentration in the composite system


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The study of polymer blends has been an alternative method in the search field of new materials for obtaining materials with improved properties. In this work blends of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) doped with titanium dioxide (TiO2) were studied. The PEO is a polymer semicrystalline structure varying between, 70 and 84% crystallinity, while the PMMA exhibits behavior amorphous in their structure. The use of TiO2 is related to corrosion-resistant of titanium as well as good heat transfer and other characteristics. The study of these polymer blends doped TiO2 gives the properties junction organic (polymer) and inorganic (oxide) which leads to modification of the properties of the resultant material. The blends were doped TiO2 (POE/PMMA/TiO2) in different proportions of the PMMA with the PEO and TiO2 fixed. The ratios were: 90/10/0,1; 85/15/0, 1; 80/20/0,1, 75/25/0,1 and 70/30/0,1. The resulting material was obtained in powder form and being characterized by Fourier Transformed Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). The infrared spectra (IR) for the blends in different ratios showed a band at 1744 cm-1, characteristic of the C=O stretching, which increases in intensity with increasing PMMA composition, while in the spectrum of pure PEO this band is absent. This may suggest that the interaction is occurring between the polymers. In the micrographs of the blends also observed change in their surfaces with variation of the composition of PMMA, contributing to the change of the electrical properties of the material. The EIS data showed that the material exhibited conductivity of the order of 10-6 S.cm-1. The blend in the ratio B2(85/15/0, 1) showed better conductivity, σ = 1.56 x 10-6 S.cm-1. It was observed that the diffusion coefficient for the blends, B5(70/30/0, 1) was the largest, 1.07 x 10-6 m2.s-1. The XRD data showing that, with the variation in the composition of the PMMA blend crystallinity of the material is decreased reaching a minimum B3(80/20/0,1), and then increases again. Thermal analysis suggests that blends made from the material obtained can be applied at room temperature


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The pulps are products that add economic value enjoy the fruits of the surplus productions of the same. Have good market acceptance because of its practicality and diversity of flavors available year round. In order to assess the quality of the fruit pulp through the physical and chemical parameters and the characteristics of manufacturing industry, we analyzed 36 samples of frozen fruit pulp of three brands marketed in RIO Grande do Norte, 14 brand A, 12 of 10 brand B and brand C, which corresponded to 14 different flavors, of which 10 have identity Standards and Quality (ISQ S) established by the Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA), totaling 27 samples with ISQ s. We conducted the following physicalchemical analyzes on samples of fruit pulp: Total solids, total soluble solids, pH, titratable acidity, total sugars and the determination of ascorbic acid. The percentage of failure for each parameter evaluated was 37, 04% in total soluble solids, 22,22% for total solids and titratable acidity, 7,40% in relation to pH. The total sugars were within the requirements demanded by the MAPA and ascorbic acid content, determined only in the pulp of acerola and cashew, presented a non compliance in the pulp of brand B. The percentage of failures of the pulps with ISQ S was 59% with brand A, B and C accounted for 3,70%, 33,33% and 22,22% respectively. The pulps which have no established atandards such as pineapple pulp, showed similar values between brands and literature data unlike the pulp of plum, jackfruit and tamarind which diverged greatly in parameters such as total solids and total soluble solids. The study demonstrates the need for greater quality control by the producers with respect to raw materials, processing, packing, stored and the importance of ISQ S to establish the flavors have not yet covered by existing legislation, but already highly commercialized


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A new self-sustainable film was prepared through the sol-gel modified method, previously employed in our research group; sodium alginate was used as the polymer matrix, along with plasticizer glycerol, doped with titanium dioxide (TiO2) and tungsten trioxide (WO3). By varying WO3 concentration (0,8, 1,6, 2,4 and 3,2 μmol) and keeping TiO2 concentration constant (059 mmol), it was possible to study the contribution of these oxides on the obtained films morphological and electrical properties. Self-sustainable films have analyzed by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), X-Ray Diffraction (XDR), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). By the IR specters, it was possible identify the TiO2, and posteriorly WO3, addition has provided dislocation of alginate characteristics bands to smaller vibrations frequencies indicating an electrostatic interaction between the oxides and the polymer matrix. Diffractograms show predominance of the amorphous phase in the films. SEM, along with EDX, analysis revealed self-sustainable films showed surface with no cracks and relative dispersion of the oxides throughout the polymer matrix. From Impedance analysis, it was observe increasing WO3 concentration to 2,4 μmol provided a reduction of films resistive properties and consequent improvement of conductive properties


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Os solos cultivados intensivamente e inadequadamente são degradados, assim como a construção de obras civis no meio rural executada sem atender à legislação. O trabalho objetivou definir a interferência do lodo de esgoto na recuperação de atributos de um Latossolo Vermelho. O experimento foi implantado em 2004, em Selviria (MS). Os tratamentos utilizados foram: T1-vegetação de cerrado; T2-solo exposto sem tratamento para recuperação; T3-solo cultivado com eucalipto e braquiária sem o uso do lodo de esgoto e adubação mineral; T4-solo cultivado com eucalipto e braquiária com adubação mineral; T5-solo cultivado com eucalipto e braquiária com uso de 30Mg ha-1 de lodo de esgoto e; T6-solo cultivado com eucalipto e braquiária com uso de 60Mg ha-1 de lodo de esgoto. Nas camadas do solo de 0,00-0,05; 0,05-0,10; 0,10-0,20 e de 0,20-0,30m, foram avaliados os atributos físico-hídricos e teor de matéria orgânica. Os tratamentos com adubação mineral e orgânica estão agindo de forma semelhante para a recuperação dos atributos físico-hídricos e do teor de matéria orgânica. em solos degradados pela construção de obras civis a aplicação de 30 a 60mg de lodo de esgoto ha-1 recupera as suas propriedades físico-hídricas.