955 resultados para egg embryonation
Zabrotes subfasciatus is a serious pest of common beans, P. vulgaris L.. In Brazil there are several studies dealing with resistance of bean genotypes to this insect, while other studies have emphasized the utilization of oils and powders from plants to repel their attack. In this paper, fecundity, fertility, pattern of oviposition, life cycle and longevity were evaluated for a Brazilian stock from the Goiás State on P. vulgaris cv. Carioca, at 30ºC and 70% R.H. The mean fecundity was 38 eggs per female and 73% of viability. Egg laying showed an aggregated pattern. Males and females lived an average of 13 and 9 days, respectively. The total life cycle lasted for about 28 days.
Ophyra albuquerquei may often be a potential predator of Musca domestica Linnaeus, 1758 in poultry and pig houses in southern Brazil. Here we address the developmental period of immatures stages and their viability. To obtain eggs, larvae and pupae, a colony was established in the laboratory. Adult flies were fed on a diet comprising two parts dry milk, two parts sugar and one part fish flour. Larval diet comprised one part fish flour and one part sawdust and water. The eggs, larvae and pupae were incubated at 26º ± 1ºC, 75% ± 10% R.H. and 12 h photoperiod. The egg to adult cycle took 573 h with a total viability of 64%. The shortest of the stages was the egg stage, which lasted about 20 h. The larval stage had the lowest viability (about 82%) and longest time interval (279 h). Overall, the results of this study show that O. albuquerquei can be readily maintained in the laboratory.
Egg ultrastructure of two morphologicaly similar species of the Arribalzagia Series, Anopheles (A.) costai Fonseca & Ramos, 1939 and A. (A.) mediopunctatus (Lutz, 1903) are described and illustrated using scanning electron micrographs. Although similar in the adult stage, male genitalia structures and larval and pupal stages, the eggs of these species are distinct. The eggs of A. costai and A. mediopunctatus are compared with that of A. forattinii Wilkerson & Sallum, 1999. Incomplete illustration of egg of A. forattinii is provided for comparison.
Plants attacked by herbivores have evolved different strategies that fend off their enemies. Insect eggs deposited on leaves have been shown to inhibit further oviposition through visual or chemical cues. In some plant species, the volatile methyl salicylate (MeSA) repels gravid insects but whether it plays the same role in the model species Arabidopsis thaliana is currently unknown. Here we showed that Pieris brassicae butterflies laid fewer eggs on Arabidopsis plants that were next to a MeSA dispenser or on plants with constitutively high MeSA emission than on control plants. Surprisingly, the MeSA biosynthesis mutant bsmt1-1 treated with egg extract was still repellent to butterflies when compared to untreated bsmt1-1. Moreover, the expression of BSMT1 was not enhanced by egg extract treatment but was induced by herbivory. Altogether, these results provide evidence that the deterring activity of eggs on gravid butterflies is independent of MeSA emission in Arabidopsis, and that MeSA might rather serve as a deterrent in plants challenged by feeding larvae.
Learning ability can be substantially improved by artificial selection in animals ranging from Drosophila to rats. Thus these species have not used their evolutionary potential with respect to learning ability, despite intuitively expected and experimentally demonstrated adaptive advantages of learning. This suggests that learning is costly, but this notion has rarely been tested. Here we report correlated responses of life-history traits to selection for improved learning in Drosophila melanogaster. Replicate populations selected for improved learning lived on average 15% shorter than the corresponding unselected control populations. They also showed a minor reduction in fecundity late in life and possibly a minor increase in dry adult mass. Selection for improved learning had no effect on egg-to-adult viability, development rate, or desiccation resistance. Because shortened longevity was the strongest correlated response to selection for improved learning, we also measured learning ability in another set of replicate populations that had been selected for extended longevity. In a classical olfactory conditioning assay, these long-lived flies showed an almost 40% reduction in learning ability early in life. This effect disappeared with age. Our results suggest a symmetrical evolutionary trade-off between learning ability and longevity in Drosophila.
Holymenia clavigera (Herbst, 1784) and Anisoscelis foliacea marginella (Dallas, 1852) (Hemiptera, Coreidae) present a remarkable similarity regarding egg and nymphal morphology. On the contrary, their adult stages are remarkably different. This study describes and compares the immature stages of these two coreid species. Excepting for the last instar and the shape of the hind tibia from third to last instar, nymphs of both species were identical in their gross morphologies and ultrastructures. However, H. clavigera was significantly larger than A. foliacea marginella in all stages. Thus, we suggest that these species may have evolved through evolutionary convergence, parsimony between the immature stages after speciation, Müllerian mimicry or genetic drift.
Field surveys were carried during four soybean seasons in Southern Brazil to evaluate the occurrence of parasitoids in eggs of Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner, 1818 and their incidence along the crop season. Eggs were collected by visual search on soybean leaves and from plants kept inside cages where A. gemmatalis moths were allowed to lay eggs. Trichogramma acacioi Brun, Moraes & Soares, 1984 was recorded for the first time in eggs of A. gemmatalis and the citations in the literature of Trichogramma lasallei Pinto, 1998 in Brazil where based on the material collected in this survey. Apart from these species, Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879, Trichogramma rojasi Nagaraja & Nagarkatti, 1973 and Trichogramma atopovirilia Oatman & Platner, 1983 were also collected, all of which have been previously recorded in this host. Parasitized eggs were collected all over the period of occurrence of A. gemmatalis, from January to April each year. Total parasitism ranged from 4.8% in 2000 and 2002, 23.3% in 2001 and 28.9% in 2003. T. pretiosum and T. acacioi accounted for more than 80% of the parasitoids emerged each year, followed by T. atopovirilia, T. rojasi and T. lasallei, with less than 20% of incidence. Both the sex ratio and the mean number of parasitoids/egg did not differ among the species. Searching for A. gemmatalis eggs proved to be time consuming in comparison to the collection of eggs laid by moths inside the cages, which showed to be a useful method to provide qualitative estimates of parasitism in eggs of A. gemmatalis.
Heilipus odoratus sp. nov. (type locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus) is described based on adults reared from seeds of Aniba rosaeodora Ducke (Lauraceae), popularly called "pau-rosa". The species is spermophagous and develops from egg to adult inside the seeds. The new taxon is compared with the similar Heilipus draco (Fabricius, 1801). Illustrations of larva, pupa, adult and of important structures for species identification are given, including the male and female genitalia, figured for the first time for a species of Heilipus.
Juvenile or adult fish can alter their behaviour and rely on an innate and adaptive immune system to avoid/counteract pathogens, while fish embryos have to depend on egg characteristics and may be partly protected by their developing immune system that is building up from a certain age on. We developed an infection protocol that allows testing the reaction of individual whitefish embryos (Coregonus palaea) to repeated exposures to Pseudomonas fluorescens, an opportunistic bacterial fish pathogen. We used a full-factorial in vitro breeding design to separately test the effects of paternal and maternal contributions to the embryos' susceptibility to different kinds of pathogen exposure. We found that a first non-lethal exposure had immunosuppressive effects: pre-exposed embryos were more susceptible to future challenges with the same pathogen. At intermediate and high levels of pathogen intensity, maternal effects turned out to be crucial for the embryos' tolerance to infection. Paternal (i.e. genetic) effects played a significant role at the strongest level of infection, i.e. the embryos' own genetics already explained some of the variation in embryo susceptibility. Our findings suggest that whitefish embryos are largely protected by maternally transmitted substances, but build up some own innate immunocompetence several days before hatching.
The adult and immature stages of two new species of Goeldichironomus are described and figured. Larvae of G. luridus sp. nov., reared in the laboratory from egg masses, are abundant on organically enriched sediments of a chicken slaughter-house effluent treatment lagoon. Larvae of G. petiolicola sp. nov., live inside petioles of aquatic macrophytes such as Eichhornia azurea and Pontederia lanceolata.
Influence of male nutritional conditions on the performance and alimentary selection of wild females of Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart) (Diptera, Tephritidae). The behavior of A. obliqua females is regulated by endogenous and exogenous factors and among these the presence of males. Experiments were carried out to investigate whether the presence of males and their nutritional condition may affect the behavior of self-selection feeding and the performance of A. obliqua females. Females were sorted in groups containing yeast-deprived females and males, and non-yeast-deprived females and males. The females were maintained apart from the males by a transparent plastic screen. Several yeast and sucrose combinations were offered to the females in a single diet block or in separate blocks. Ingestion, egg production, longevity and diet efficiency were determined. The non-yeast-deprived males positively influenced the females performance when the latter were fed with yeast and sucrose in distinct diet blocks. Performance was better in the groups without males and with yeast-deprived males where the females could not select the nutrient proportions (yeast and sucrose in a single diet block).
Larvae and pupae of the cryptic firefly Photuris fulvipes (Blanchard,1837) are described. They were reared to adult stage from eggs laid by a female collected in São Luiz do Paraitinga, São Paulo, Brazil. Additionally, adult diagnosis and some bionomic data observed in the laboratory are presented. The bionomical and morphological characteristics of P. fulvipes were compared to other unidentified species of the genus and to Bycellonycha sp. from literature. At moment, the data are insufficient to propose a diagnosis for the species, but some characteristics appear to define species group or, at least, they may have generic value.
The present study was carried out in three localities of the state of São Paulo, Brazil: Araras (Dec/03-Dec/06), São Carlos (Nov/04-Nov/06) and Rifaina (Jul/04-Dec/06). Trap-nests were distributed among sites in the sampling areas and were collected every 35 days. Data from 295 nests indicate that T. aurifrons is a multivoltine species, with higher rates of nest building and cell production in the warm, rainy season. The trap-nests used by the females ranged from 117 to 467 mm in length and 3.1 to 16.6 mm in diameter. All nests showed deep plugs and a vestibular cell was found in 37% of the complete nests. The number of cells per nest ranged from one to 12. Females were larger than males, emerged from longer cells and their cocoons were significantly larger. A secondary 1:1 sex ratio was found in Araras and Rifaina. No correlation was observed between the diameter of the trap-nest and sex ratio. Males were usually oviposited in the first brood cells. Male and female developmental time from egg to adult was longer in the cold, dry season. Trypoxylon aurifrons provisioned their nests mainly with orb-spiders from the family Araneidae. The most important mortality factor was the death of immature forms, probably due to development failure. The most important parasitoid was Melittobia sp.
In the present work the natural history and immature stages of Gonioterma exquisita Duckworth, 1964 of the Brazilian cerrado region are described. The caterpillars are external folivorous feeders and present a diet restricted to pubescent-leaved host plants of the genus Byrsonima Rich. (Malpighiaceae). They are solitary caterpillars and they build a hard individual shelter that looks like a planorbid shell, made from silk and frass, covered with trichomes and silk, where they develop until the last larval instar on the host plant, and remain inside it until the adult emergence on herbaceous stratum. The larval development presented eight instars. Egg, larval head capsules, instar duration, pupa, shelter, and behavior are also described. Diapause is mentioned for the first time in this species.
Studies in the laboratory tested the suitability of synthetic wool string, cotton string, cheesecloth, and commercial cotton ball as artificial oviposition substrates for the small green stink bug, Piezodorus guildinii (Westwood) (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae). In confined cages, 54% of total egg masses was laid on synthetic wool string, 31% on cotton string, and only 15% on cheesecloth. In an additional test, the best substrate selected, synthetic wool string, received 92% of egg masses compared to 8% on the commonly used substrate, cotton ball. Synthetic wool string received the most egg masses of any size, in particular those in the range 11-20 eggs/mass. Because the eggs of P. guildinii are laid in two parallel double rows, the egg masses fit the wool string perfectly.