990 resultados para destructive crowd


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We examine a mathematical model of non-destructive testing of planar waveguides, based on numerical solution of a nonlinear integral equation. Such problem is ill-posed, and the method of Tikhonov regularization is applied. To minimize Tikhonov functional, and find the parameters of the waveguide, we use two new optimization methods: the cutting angle method of global optimization, and the discrete gradient method of nonsmooth local optimization. We examine how the noise in the experimental data influences the solution, and how the regularization parameter has to be chosen. We show that even with significant noise in the data, the numerical solution is of high accuracy, and the method can be used to process real experimental da.ta..


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Revised version of a paper presented to the Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology Conference, Sydney, 2-3 October 2003 - disproportionate number of indigenous persons in the criminal justice system - the concept of 'just deserts' in regard to indigenous punishment - legislative reforms are needed to empower the judiciary in the sentencing process - must take account of the historical fact of dispossession - destructive effects on indigenous communities.


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The dielectric characteristics of conducting polymer-coated textiles in the frequency range 1–18 GHz were investigated using a non-contact, non-destructive free space technique. Polypyrrole coatings were applied by solution polymerization on fabric substrates using a range of concentrations of para-toluene-2-sulfonic acid (pTSA) as dopant and ferric chloride as oxidant. The conducting polymer coatings exhibited dispersive permittivity behaviour with a decrease in real and imaginary components of complex permittivity as frequency increased in the range tested. Both the permittivity and the loss factor were affected by the polymerization time of the conductive coating. It was found that the total shielding efficiency of these conductive fabrics is significant at short polymerization times and increases to values exceeding 80% with longer polymerization times. The reflection contribution to electromagnetic shielding also increases with polymerization time.


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Of all the relationships in my life, one that has been among the most difficult is the relationship with myself; overcoming low self-confidence is an ongoing struggle. One might contend that self-denigration is a form of self-mutilation, and at times it has been a powerfully destructive force in my life. All too often, low self-esteem has limited the opportunities available to me, and has had an impact on the relationships with significant others in my life, including God. It has even been suggested that it has been one of the inordinateattachments from which I have needed liberating (Exx 23). While the problem is now much less severe than it has been, maintaining a functional level of self-esteem requires ongoing effort. In this paper, it is my aim to tell of my own journey into Ignatian prayer, using illustrations from my own journals, and to explain why it has become important in my efforts to preserve a sense of my own value.


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How do we engage with the pressing challenges of xenophobia, radicalism and security in the age of the "war on terror"? The widely felt sense of insecurity in the West is shared by Muslims both within and outside Western societies. Growing Islamic militancy and resulting increased security measures by Western powers have contributed to a pervasive sense among Muslims of being under attack (both physically and culturally). Islam and Political Violence brings together the current debate on the uneasy and potentially mutually destructive relationship between the Muslim world and the West and argues we are on a dangerous trajectory, strengthening dichotomous notions of the divide between the West and the Muslim world.


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Workplace injuries are common and destructive to persons, organisations, and society. Various instruments presently exist that are designed to assess the factors underlying workplace injury. The study reports on the construct and predictive validity of a 46-item instrument, the safety perception survey (SPS), currently used to assess safety climate in industrial organisations throughout Australia. Initially, factor analysis was conducted on the data from a sample of 1238 employees from nine organisations, which indicated a one-factor solution, was the best fit. A structural equation model (SEM) linking injury rates to the safety climate measure for 16 sub-groups of six industrial organisations indicated that the measure contributed just 23% of the variance in injury rates. Interestingly, the results indicated that the number of employees was a better and more significant predictor of injury (R2 = 0.48). It is proposed that the SPS as is would need to be modified significantly from its current form to produce improvements in validity, as in its current form the survey is no more predictive of injury than organisational size. Future research into safety climate measures should incorporate predictive validity analysis on injury rates, as for many organisations; this is a performance outcome measure.


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At the end of the nineteenth century, white Australians found themselves in a turbulent and rapidly changing world. As British settlers in a vast, often-perplexing and under-populated continent, they were increasingly aware that they lived in a crowded and predominantly Asian neighbourhood. Their supposedly empty spaces seemed to invite the unwanted attention of hostile outsiders, fertile soil for speculation about vulnerable borders, invasion and violation. It was commonplace of the period for white females to be considered at once particularly vulnerable and also innocent symbols of the new nation. They needed to be protected against Asian males allegedly bent on conquest and violation. It does not follow that these “invasion narratives”, however persistent, meant that the entire population was disabled by fear and dread, but there is convincing evidence of a deeply embedded cultural anxiety about the destructive possibilities and hostile intentions of Asian outsiders. In this article, the authors examine recent representations of Muslims as hostile outsiders in Australia, focusing in particular on the veil as a marker of female oppression under Islam and a sign of the threat attributed to the Islamic community in Australia. While it would be misleading to propose a simple line of progression from late nineteenth century apprehensions to those a century or more later, there are nonetheless intriguing parallels and recurrent expressions of survivalist anxiety across the period examined in this article.


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How do we engage with the pressing challenges of xenophobia, radicalism and security in the age of the "war on terror"? The widely felt sense of insecurity in the West is shared by Muslims both within and outside Western societies. Growing Islamic militancy and resulting increased security measures by Western powers have contributed to a pervasive sense among Muslims of being under attack (both physically and culturally). Islam and Political Violence brings together the current debate on the uneasy and potentially mutually destructive relationship between the Muslim world and the West and argues we are on a dangerous trajectory, strengthening dichotomous notions of the divide between the West and the Muslim world.


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Glow-discharge optical emission spectrometry (GD-OES) is a powerful tool for the rapid analysis of elements in the surface of solids. One may employ GD-OES to determine quantitatively the bulk concentration of elements in a sample. With further calibration, one may also obtain elemental concentrations as a function of depth into the sample. This allows depth profiling on a host of advanced materials: treated metals, coated metals and other materials, multi-layers, painted surfaces, hard samples coated with polymers, thin films, and many others.

A consortium of institutions in Victoria, led by Deakin University, has purchased a new glow-discharge optical emission spectrometer. This instrument has the ability to perform elemental depth profiling on a wide range of materials. This technique, the first of its kind in Australia, is of particular interest to those working on metals, ceramics, glasses, coatings, semi-conductors, and multi-layers. We present here an overview of depth profiling by GD-OES and some examples of its use.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate microwave reflection, transmission, and complex permittivity of p-toluene-2-sulfonic acid doped conducting polypyrrole coated nylon-lycra textiles in the 1-18?GHz frequency with a view to potential applications in the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with such coated fabrics.

Design/methodology/approach –
The chemical polymerization of pyrrole is achieved by an oxidant, ferric chloride and doped with p-toluene sulfonic acid (pTSA) to enhance the conductivity and improve stability. Permittivity of the conducting textile substrates is performed using a free space transmission method accompanied by a mathematical diffraction reduction method.

Findings – The real part of permittivity increases with polymerization time and dopant concentration, reaching a plateau at certain dopant concentration and polymerization time. The imaginary part of permittivity shows a frequency dependent change throughout the test range. All the samples have higher values of absorption than reflection. The total electromagnetic shielding effectiveness exceeds 80 percent for the highly pTSA doped samples coated for 3?h.

Originality/value – A non-contact, non-destructive free space method thin flexible specimens to be tested with high accuracy across large frequency range. The non-destructive nature of the experiments enables investigation of the stability of the microwave transmission, reflection, absorption and complex permittivity values. Moreover, mathematical removal of the diffraction enables higher accuracy.


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This paper explores the critical success factors of special events, in this case the Anzac Day commemorations at Gallipoli, Turkey. This event has become increasingly popular in recent years with crowd numbers growing to around 20,000 people traveling to attend the 2005 Dawn Service at historic Anzac Cove on Anzac day. The aim of this research is to investigate the success factors associated with Anzac Day commemorations at Gallipoli and to assess how these influence visitor satisfaction. Data was collected from 331 attendees of Anzac Day commemorations at Gallipoli while they were in transit from Gallipoli to Istanbul on 25 April 2007. The analysis of this data was undertaken using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis as a basis to the development of a model of satisfaction using structural equation modeling. In this case constructs relating to amenities, transport, ceremonies and recommending behavior were found to be significant predictors of event satisfaction. These issues during the event were found to be of equal importance for both genders and all age groups.


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Summary: "In the wake of the September 11 and subsequent terrorist attacks, the academic and media commentaries on Islam the religion and Islam the basis for political ideology haves received an unprecedented high level of exposure and attention. The acts of political violence by extremist groups and the omnipresent war on terror have added fresh uncertainties to an already complex global order. Just as terrorism and counter-terrorism are locked in a mutually re-enforcing symbiosis, the sense of insecurity felt by Muslims and non-Muslims alike is mutually dependent and has the potential to escalate. This general assessment holds true for Muslims living in the Muslim world and beyond. The pervasive sense of being under attack physically and culturally by the United States and its allies has contributed to a growing unease among Muslims and re-enforced deep-seated mistrust of the ʻWestʼ. Public articulation of such misgivings has in turn, lent credence to Western observers who posit an inherent antipathy between the West and the Muslim world. The subsequent policies that have emerged in this context of fear and mutual distrust have contributed to the vicious cycle of insecurity. The present volume is anchored in the current debates on the uneasy and potentially mutually destructive relationship between the Muslim world and certain West countries. It brings together leading international scholars in this interdisciplinary field to deal with such inter-related questions as the nature of Islamism, the impact of the ʻwar on terrorʼ on the spread of militancy, the growing sense of being under siege by Muslim Diasporas and the many unintended ramifications of a security-minded world order. This volume deliberately focuses on these issues both at a broad theoretical level but more importantly in the form of a number of prominent case studies including Indonesia, Algeria and Turkey."--Publisher description.


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The nanoporous structure of membrane varies in 3-dimensional (3-D) space and has remarkable influences on the filtration or desalination achieved, fouling potentials and therefore, the quality of yielded water. Knowledge of the 3-D nanoporous structure is thus vital to understanding and predicting its performance. A novel method by incorporating transmission electronic microtomography, image processing and 3-D reconstruction is introduced to characterize membranes with nano structures. The reconstruction algorithm allows for the visualization of 3-D nanoporous structure in a non-destructive way from any directions. This novel technique Ieads to in-depth understanding and accurate prediction of filtration performance.


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We measured the daily energy expenditure of free-living red foxes Vulpes vulpes occupying a temperate region of New South Wales, Australia. Field metabolic rate (FMR) and body water turnover were estimated using doubly labelled water. In autumn, male body mass ranged from 5 to 6.1 kg (mean 5.6 kg) and their FMRs averaged 2328 kJ/day. Female body mass in autumn ranged from 4.9 to 6.6 kg (mean 5.4 kg) and their FMRs averaged 1681 kJ/day. Body water influx for males and females was 314 and 251 mL/day, respectively. Body composition of each fox was analysed after the field measurements and revealed a significant correlation between body water content, as estimated from tritiated water space, and body lipids (r2 = 0.72). This supports the use of body water determination as a potentially non-destructive method to gauge body condition.


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The nanoporous structure of a membrane varies in a 3-dimensional (3-D) space and has remarkable influences on the filtration or desalination achieved, fouling potentials and therefore, the quality of yielded water. Knowledge of the 3-D nanoporous structure is thus vital to understanding and predicting its performance. A novel method by incorporating transmission electronic microtomography, image processing and 3-D reconstruction is introduced to characterize membranes with nano structures. The reconstruction algorithm allows for the visualization of 3-D nanoporous structure in a non-destructive way from any directions. This novel technique leads to in-depth understanding and accurate prediction of filtration performance.