993 resultados para d18O H2O


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The last glacial millennial climatic events (i.e. Dansgaard-Oeschger and Heinrich events) constitute outstanding case studies of coupled atmosphere-ocean-cryosphere interactions. Here, we investigate the evolution of sea-surface and subsurface conditions, in terms of temperature, salinity and sea ice cover, at very high-resolution (mean resolution between 55 and 155 years depending on proxies) during the 35-41 ka cal BP interval covering three Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles and including Heinrich event 4, in a new unpublished marine record, i.e. the MD99-2285 core (62.69°N; -3.57s°E). We use a large panel of complementary tools, which notably includes dinocyst-derived sea-ice cover duration quantifications. The high temporal resolution and multiproxy approach of this work allows us to identify the sequence of processes and to assess ocean-cryosphere interactions occurring during these periodic ice-sheet collapse events. Our results evidence a paradoxical hydrological scheme where (i) Greenland interstadials are marked by a homogeneous and cold upper water column, with intensive winter sea ice formation and summer sea ice melting, and (ii) Greenland and Heinrich stadials are characterized by a very warm and low saline surface layer with iceberg calving and reduced sea ice formation, separated by a strong halocline from a less warm and saltier subsurface layer. Our work also suggests that this stadial surface/subsurface warming started before massive iceberg release, in relation with warm Atlantic water advection. These findings thus support the theory that upper ocean warming might have triggered European ice-sheet destabilization. Besides, previous paleoceanographic studies conducted along the Atlantic inflow pathways close to the edge of European ice-sheets suggest that such a feature might have occurred in this whole area. Nonetheless, additional high resolution paleoreconstructions are required to confirm such a regional scheme.


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Coral palaeoclimatic studies are under way at many sites throughout the wet tropics. However, arid environments have received less attention. Here we report a high-resolution, 63 yr record of coral d18O and d13C extracted from a Porites colony from the Dahlak Archipelago, off the Eritrean coast, in the southern Red Sea. The annual cycles of the coral d18O and d13C are inversely related while their inter-annual variations show a strong positive correlation, with similar inter-decadal trends. Inter-annual variations in coral d18O show a relatively weak correlation with the southern Red Sea SST, but are strongly correlated with the Indian Ocean SST, especially on the decadal time-scale. The range of the inter-annual variations in the coral d18O is high compared to changes in local SST, due to the amplifying effect of simultaneous changes in water isotopic composition. Due to this amplification of the climate signal the coral provides a better indication of regional oceangraphic behaviour than the local SST record. The norrtheast monsoon signal in the coral d18O dominates the mean annual signal and shows the best correlation with the instrumental data sets. It appears that variations in the coral d18O are controlled mainly by variations in the intensity of surface water influx from the Indian Ocean to the Red Sea during the winter northeast monsoon. Of particular significance is that the decadal time-scale variations in the coral skeletal d18O are closely correlated with both the Indian Ocean SST and with variations in the Pacific-based Southern Oscillation index. That is, isotopically light coral skeleton, indicating strong NE monsoon Red Sea inflow, correlates with periods of high Indian Ocean SST and with predominantly negative (El Nino) phases of the Southern Oscillation. The simultaneous nature of inter-decadal changes in Asian monsoon and ENSO behaviour suggest pan-Indo-Pacific tropical climate reorganisation and evolution.


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Past episodes of greenhouse warming provide insight into the coupling of climate and the carbon cycle and thus may help to predict the consequences of unabated carbon emissions in the future.


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Alternations between siliciclastic, carbonate and evaporitic sedimentary systems, as recorded in the Aptian mixed succession of southern Tunisia, reflect profound palaeoceanographic and palaeoclimatic changes in this area of the southern Tethyan margin. The evolution from Urgonian-type carbonates (Berrani Formation, lower Aptian) at the base of the series, to intervals dominated by gypsum or detrital deposits in the remainder of the Aptian is thought to result from the interplay between climate change and tectonic activity that affected North Africa. Based on the evolution of clay mineral assemblages, the early Aptian is interpreted as having been dominated by slightly humid conditions, since smectitic minerals are observed. Near the early to late Aptian boundary, the onset of a gypsiferous sedimentation is associated with the appearance of palygorskite and sepiolite, which supports the installation of arid conditions in this area of the southern Tethyan margin. The evaporitic sedimentation may have also been promoted by the peculiar tectonic setting of the Bir Oum Ali area during the Aptian, where local subsidence may have been tectonically enhanced linked to the opening of northern and central Atlantic. Stress associated with the west and central African rift systems may have triggered the development of NW-SE, hemi-graben structures. Uplifted areas may have constituted potential new sources for clastic material that has been subsequently deposited during the late Aptian. Chemostratigraphic (d13C) correlation of the Bir Oum Ali succession with other peri-Tethyan regions complements biostratigraphic findings, and indicates that a potential expression of the Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE) 1a may be preserved in this area of Tunisia. Although the characteristic negative spike at the base of this event is not recognized in the present study, a subsequent, large positive excursion with d13C values is of similar amplitude and absolute values to that reported from other peri-Tethyan regions, thus supporting the identification of isotopic segments C4-C7 of the OAE1a. The absence of the negative spike may be linked to either non preservation or non deposition: the OAE1a occurred in a global transgressive context, and since the Bir Oum Ali region was located in the innermost part of the southern Tethyan margin during most of the Aptian, stratigraphic hiatuses may have been longer than in other regions of the Tethys. This emphasizes the importance of integrating several stratigraphic disciplines (bio-, chemo- and sequence stratigraphy) when performing long-distance correlation.


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A Late Glacial to Holocene sediment sequence (Co1260, 717 cm) from Lake Dojran, located at the boarder of the F.Y.R. of Macedonia and Greece, has been investigated to provide information on climate variability in the Balkan region. A robust age-model was established from 13 radiocarbon ages, and indicates that the base of the sequence was deposited at ca. 12 500 cal yr BP, when the lake-level was low. Variations in sedimentological (H2O, TOC, CaCO3, TS, TOC/TN, TOC/TS, grain-size, XRF, d18Ocarb, d13Ccarb, d13Corg) data were linked to hydro-acoustic data and indicate that warmer and more humid climate conditions characterised the remaining period of the Younger Dryas until the beginning of the Holocene. The Holocene exhibits significant environmental variations, including the 8.2 and 4.2 ka cooling events, the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age. Human induced erosion processes in the catchment of Lake Dojran intensified after 2800 cal yr BP.


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We present evidence that the characteristic chemical signature (based on coupled benthic foraminiferal Cd/Ca and d13C) of Antarctic Intermediate waters (AAIW) penetrated throughout the intermediate depths of the Atlantic basin to the high-latitude North Atlantic during the abrupt cooling events of the last deglaciation: Heinrich 1 and the Younger Dryas. AAIW may play the dynamic counterpart to the "bipolar seesaw" when near-freezing salty bottom waters from the Antarctic (AABW) sluggishly ventilate the deep ocean. Our data reinforce the concept that interglacial circulation is stabilized by salinity feedbacks between salty northern sourced deep waters (NADW) and fresh southern sourced waters (AABW and AAIW). Further, the glacial ocean may be susceptible to the more finely balanced relative densities of NADW and AAIW, due to either freshwater input or a reversal of the salinity gradient, such that the ocean is poised for NADW collapse via a negative salinity feedback. The unstable climate of the glacial period and its termination may arise from the closer competition for ubiquity at intermediate depths between northern and southern sourced intermediate waters.