982 resultados para cumulative peak area
A hipotensão pós-exercício (HPE) é um fenômeno de relevância clínica, mas dúvidas persistem no tocante ao efeito do modo e da forma de execução (contínua vs. acumulada) do exercício aeróbio para sua manifestação, bem como o papel do controle autonômico cardíaco como mecanismo fisiológico associado à HPE. Assim, a presente tese objetivou: a) investigar a HPE induzida por sessões aeróbias de exercício isocalórico contínuo e acumulado; b) comparar as respostas de pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) e diastólica (PAD) após teste cardiopulmonar de exercício máximo (TCPE) em três modalidades; c) verificar a influência do modo de exercício e do controle autonômico cardíaco em repouso sobre a reativação vagal após TCPE. No primeiro estudo, 10 homens saudáveis (idade: 27,6 3,5 anos) realizaram TCPEs de corrida e ciclismo para medida do consumo de oxigênio de pico (VO2pico) e sessões contínuas (400 kcal) e acumuladas (2 x 200 kcal) de corrida e ciclismo à 75%VO2reserva. A PAS e PAD reduziram similarmente após exercício contínuo e acumulado (4,6 2,3 vs. 5,2 2,3 mmHg, 2,6 2,5 vs. 3,6 2,5 mmHg, respectivamente, P > 0,05). Porém, a corrida provocou maior declínio na PAS do que o ciclismo (P < 0.05). A atividade simpática (componente de baixa frequência, LF) e parassimpática (componente de alta frequência, HF) aumentou (P < 0,001) e diminuiu (P < 0,001) em relação à sessão controle, elevando o balanço simpato-vagal (razão LF:HF) (P < 0,001) que foi inversamente correlacionado ao ΔPAS e ΔPAD (r = -0,41 a -0,70; P < 0.05). No segundo e terceiro estudos, 20 homens saudáveis (idade: 21.2 3.0 anos) realizaram três TCPEs (ciclismo, caminhada e corrida). No segundo estudo, investigou-se a resposta aguda da PA, débito cardíaco (Q), resistência vascular periférica (RVP), sensibilidade do barorreflexo arterial (SBR), variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC) e dispêndio energético durante 60 min após os TCPEs e sessão controle. Comparado ao controle, somente a corrida modalidade envolvendo maior dispêndio energético total (P < 0,001) - foi capaz de reduzir a PAS no pós-exercício (P < 0,001). Mudanças na RVP, SBR, LF, e razão LF:HF foram negativamente correlacionadas às variações na PAS (-0,69 a -0,91; P < 0,001) e PAD (-0,58 a -0,93; P ≤ 0,002). No terceiro estudo, examinou-se a reativação parassimpática após cada TCPE pela raiz quadrada da média do quadrado das diferenças entre intervalos R-R normais adjacentes em janelas de 30 s (rMSSD30s). Apesar da menor FCpico, VO2pico e dispêndio energético no ciclismo vs. caminhada e corrida (P < 0,001), a reativação parassimpática foi significativamente mais rápida após o ciclismo (P < 0,05). Outrossim, o Δ rMSSD30-180s foi positivamente correlacionado ao HF (rs = 0,90 a 0,93; P < 0,001) e negativamente correlacionado ao LF e a razão LF:HF medidos no repouso (rs = -0,73 a -0,79 e -0,86 a -0,90, respectivamente; P < 0,001). Em conclusão, a forma de execução do exercício aeróbio não interfere na magnitude da HPE, mas a HPE é dependente do modo ou o volume total de exercício. Os resultados também indicam que o padrão de recuperação do controle autonômico cardíaco pela análise espectral da VFC pode ter um papel importante na indução da HPE.
This is the report from the Southern Area Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 6th April, 1983. The report contains sections on Fyke nets and otters, Whirling disease, Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975, and fisheries activities. The section on fisheries activities is reported by the area fisheries officer and includes river conditions and fishing, hatcheries (Hollingworth, pilot hatchery), migratory fish movement, stocking by the Authority, fish mortalities/disease, pollution, and prosecutions. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the South Area still waters 1995 November surveys from the National Rivers Authority, 1996. The report focuses on the surveys of ten Cheshire Meres (Betley, Budworth, Combermere, Hatchmere, Oak mere, Pick mere, Redes, Rostherne, Tabley, and Tatton) previously surveyed in November 1994 and May 1995. Eight others (Chapel Mere, Little Mere, Marbury Mere, Mere Mere, Oss Mere, Petty Pool, Quoisley Big Mere and Tabley Moat) were surveyed for the first time. Two other lakes, Carr Mill Dam and Pennington Flash, were surveyed. Neither of these are considered to be part of the Cheshire meres group of lakes but are of a Regional interest. This report discusses the results of the November 1995 survey before making a comparison between these and the November 1994 survey results. The section on results contains information about water column profile; nutrients (chlorophyll a; Phaeophytin; Nitrate and Nitrite; Ammonia; ortho-Phosphate; Silicate; and total Phosphorus.
This is the Water Resources in West Cumbria November 1976 report produced by the North West Water Authority. The report focuses on the provision of additional supplies of water in West Cumbria. In certain areas of West Cumbria difficulties arose in meeting peak demands. Moreover British Nuclear Fuels Ltd. (B.N.F.L) required additional water supplies. The area under consideration forms the western edge of the Lake District National Park and all the sources considered in this report, apart from the aquifer in the immediate vicinity of Calder Hall, lie wholly or partly within the National Park boundaries. The Rivers Ehen, Calder and Irt support migratory trout and salmon and are angling streams of a high quality. Amenity considerations therefore play an important part in determining the location and extent of any development.
This is the report on Habitats Directive, the Review of Consents Stage 1 and 2 by the Environment Agency of the South Pennine Moors cSAC/SPA. The Habitats Directive has the main aim to promote the maintenance of biodiversity by defining a common framework for the conservation of wild plants and animals and habitats of community interest. The Directive establishes a European ecological network known as "Natura 2000". The network comprises Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Areas (SPA). In the section on Stage 1 or Screening Process of the Habitat Directive, it is identified the likely impacts upon the Rixton Clay Pits cSAC of a project, plan or activities, either alone or in combination with other projects, plans or activities, and considers whether these impacts are likely to be significant. In the section on Stage 2 or Appropiate Assessment of the Habitat Directive, it is considered the impact on the integrity of the Rixton Clay Pits cSAC of the projects, plans or activities, either alone or in combination with other projects, plans or activities, with respect to the site’s structure and function and its conservation objectives. Additionally, where these are adverse impacts, an assessment of the potential mitigation of those impacts. The criteria used in this report to identify relevant projects, plans or activities and their impacts are water quality discharge consents, waste management licences, abstraction licences, Integration Pollution Control (IPC) and Integrated Pollution Prevention Control (IPPC) permits. Proformas, hydrogeological and GIS maps are included in the review.
This is a technical report on the assessment of the hydrogeological impacts of aggregate extraction activities in the Delamere Area, Cheshire. The first aim of the study was to carry out Stage 3-appropriate assessment, under the EU Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), of the possible hydrogeological impacts of aggregate extraction activities authorised by the Cheshire CC on candidate Special Areas of Conservation (cSAC) on the Delamere sandsheet, Cheshire. Identifying possible impacts if these activities on the hydrogeological environment, construction of a numerical groundwater flow model of the groundwater system to investigate and quantify impacts and to produce a report as required under Stage 3 of the Habitats Regulations. Secondly, to identify the future potential impacts of the continued extraction of sand and gravel reserves from above and below the water tables from within the Delamere sandsheet, thus releasing reserves identified within the Area of Search of the Cheshire Replacement Minerals Local Plan 1999. This aspect of the study should assist in identifying the implications of further working within Delamere for North West sub-regional apportionment.
Potentialities for increased utilization of scrap fish and fish waste in the Gulf and Caribbean area