987 resultados para cross-unit cointegration


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The energy loss of protons and deuterons in D_2O ice has been measured over the energy range, E_p 18 - 541 kev. The double focusing magnetic spectrometer was used to measure the energy of the particles after they had traversed a known thickness of the ice target. One method of measurement is used to determine relative values of the stopping cross section as a function of energy; another method measures absolute values. The results are in very good agreement with the values calculated from Bethe’s semi-empirical formula. Possible sources of error are considered and the accuracy of the measurements is estimated to be ± 4%.

The D(dp)H^3 cross section has been measured by two methods. For E_D = 200 - 500 kev the spectrometer was used to obtain the momentum spectrum of the protons and tritons. From the yield and stopping cross section the reaction cross section at 90° has been obtained.

For E_D = 35 – 550 kev the proton yield from a thick target was differentiated to obtain the cross section. Both thin and thick target methods were used to measure the yield at each of ten angles. The angular distribution is expressed in terms of a Legendre polynomial expansion. The various sources of experimental error are considered in detail, and the probable error of the cross section measurements is estimated to be ± 5%.


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A novel method for gene enrichment has been developed and applied to mapping the rRNA genes of two eucaryotic organisms. The method makes use of antibodies to DNA/RNA hybrids prepared by injecting rabbits with the synthetic hybrid poly(rA)•poly(dT). Antibodies which cross-react with non-hybrid nucleic acids were removed from the purified IgG fraction by adsorption on columns of DNA-Sepharose, oligo(dT)-cellulose, and poly(rA)-Sepharose. Subsequent purification of the specific DNA/RNA hybrid antibody was carried out on a column of oligo(dT)-cellulose to which poly(rA) was hybridized. Attachment of these antibodies to CNBr-activated Sepharose produced an affinity resin which specifically binds DNA/RNA hybrids.

In order to map the rDNA of the slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum, R-loops were formed using unsheared nuclear DNA and the 178 and 268 rRNAs of this organism. This mixture was passed through a column containing the affinity resin, and bound molecules containing R- loops were eluted by high salt. This purified rDN A was observed directly in the electron microscope. Evidence was obtained that there is a physical end to Dictyostelium rDN A molecules approximately 10 kilobase pairs (kbp) from the region which codes for the 268 rRNA. This finding is consistent with reports of other investigators that the rRNA genes exist as inverse repeats on extra-chromosomal molecules of DNA unattached to the remainder of the nuclear DNA in this organism.

The same general procedure was used to map the rRNA genes of the rat. Molecules of DNA which contained R-loops formed with the 188 and 288 rRNAs were enriched approximately 150- fold from total genomal rat DNA by two cycles of purification on the affinity column. Electron microscopic measurements of these molecules enabled the construction of an R-loop map of rat rDNA. Eleven of the observed molecules contained three or four R-loops or else two R-loops separated by a long spacer. These observations indicated that the rat rRNA genes are arranged as tandem repeats. The mean length of the repeating units was 37.2 kbp with a standard deviation of 1.3 kbp. These eleven molecules may represent repeating units of exactly the same length within the errors of the measurements, although a certain degree of length heterogeneity cannot be ruled out. If significantly shorter or longer repeating units exist, they are probably much less common than the 37.2 kbp unit.

The last section of the thesis describes the production of antibodies to non-histone chromosomal proteins which have been exposed to the ionic detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The presence of low concentrations of SDS did not seem to affect either production of antibodies or their general specificity. Also, a technique is described for the in situ immunofluorescent detection of protein antigens in polyacrylamide gels.


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A new dye, 2,7-bis(4-methoxystyryl)-9,9-bis(2-ethylhexyl)-9H-fluorene, has been synthesized, which is a D-pi-D symmetrical-type fluorene derivative. The two-photon absorption (TPA) of this new dye has been experimentally studied by comparable two-photon-induced fluorescence method. This new dye has a TPA cross-section of 84 x 10(-50) cm(4) s/photon at 790 nm/13 fs. (c) 2004 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The Johnny Lyon Hills area is located in Cochise County in southeastern Arizona. The rocks of the area include a central core of Lower pre-Cambrian igneous and metamorphic rocks surrounded by a complexly faulted and tilted section of Upper pre-Cambrian and Paleozoic strata. Limited exposures of Mesozoic and Tertiary sedimentary and volcanic rocks are present at the north end of the map area. Late Tertiary and Quaternary alluvium almost completely surrounds and overlaps upon the older rocks.

The older pre-Cambrian rocks include a section of more than 9000 feet of generally moderately metamorphosed graywackes, slates and conglomerates of the Pinal schist injected in zones by somewhat younger rnyolite sheets. The original sediments were deposited in a geosyncline whose extent probably included large parts of Arizona, New Mexico and west Texas. During the Mazatzal Revolution the Pinal schist was deformed into northeast-trending, steeply dipping and plunging structures and the entire local section was overturned steeply toward the northwest. The pre-Cambrian Johnny Lyon granodiorite was emplaced as a large epi-tectonic pluton which modified the metamorphic character of part of the Pinal schist. Larsen method determinations indicate an age of about 715 million years for this rock, which is about the minimum age compatible with the geologic relations.

The Laramide orogeny produced numerous major thrust faults in the area involving all rocks older than and including the Lower Cretaceous Bisbee group. Major compression from the southwest and subsequent superimposed thrusting from the southeast and east are indicated. Minimum thrust displacements of more than a mile are clear and the probable displacements are of much greater magnitude. The crystalline core behaved as a single structural unit and probably caused important local divergences from the regional pattern of northeast-trending compressive forces. The massif was rotated as a unit 40 degrees or more about a northwest-trending axis overturning the pre-Cambrian fold axes in the Pinal schist.

Swarms of Late Cretaceous(?) or Early Tertiary(?) lamprophyric dikes cross the Laramide structures and are probably related to the large Texas Canyon stock several miles southeast of the map area. Intermittent high angle faulting, both older and younger than the dikes, has continued since the Laramide orogeny and has been superimposed on the older structures. This steep faulting combined with the fundamental northwesterly Laramide structural grain to produce the northwesterly trends characteristic of the mountain ridges and valleys of the area.


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We investigate a four-level double-Lambda atomic scheme interacting with four laser fields, a weak probe field, a weak signal field and two driven fields, in a closed-loop configuration. We study the Kerr nonlinearity associated with cross-phase modulation based on electromagnetically induced transparency. Our results show, in this closed-loop system, that the strength of cross-phase modulation and two-photon absorption are dependent critically on the relative phase between the excitation paths. By choosing the parameters appropriately, large cross-phase modulation can be achieved within a wide transparency window, while two-photon absorption is cancelled completely. The strength of cross-phase modulation can be enhanced much more by decreasing the intensities of two driven fields.


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We propose an asymmetric double AlGaAs/GaAs quantum well structure with a common continuum to generate a large cross-phase modulation (XPM). It is found, owing to resonant tunneling, that a large XPM can be achieved with vanishing linear and two-photon absorptions. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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A temática deste estudo está centrada na participação da enfermeira obstétrica no modelo humanizado de atenção ao parto e teve como objetivos: identificar as práticas de enfermeiras obstétricas atuantes no trabalho de parto e parto em uma maternidade municipal do Rio de Janeiro; avaliar a consonância das práticas desenvolvidas por enfermeiras obstétricas durante o trabalho de parto e parto com as recomendações do MS/OMS; analisar a implementação das práticas das enfermeiras obstétricas na assistência ao trabalho de parto e parto entre 2004 e 2008. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, quantitativo, transversal. O período pesquisado foi de setembro de 2004 a setembro de 2008. A coleta dos dados foi através do livro de registro de partos onde foram registrados 4.510 partos assistidos por enfermeiras. Para a análise foram calculadas a média, mediana e proporção de cada variável estudada, conforme a indicação. As análises foram realizadas utilizando os programas Epi info versão 3.5.1 e Microsoft Word Excel 2007. Verificou-se que a maioria das parturientes assistidas foram jovens, sendo a mediana de idade de 23 anos, que já tinham engravidado duas vezes ou mais e que já tinham parido anteriormente pelo menos uma vez. Com relação à assistência pré-natal 92,8% realizaram o mesmo, contudo apenas 68,2% destas mulheres realizaram seis consultas ou mais. Identificou-se que o acompanhante esteve presente em 60,6% dos partos, porém esta presença foi maior nos partos das adolescentes (77,4%). A posição do parto predominante durante todo o período do estudo foi a vertical (77,6%). As lacerações perineais ocorreram em 52,3% dos partos e a mais incidente foi a laceração de primeiro grau (34,2%). As parturientes que não sofreram qualquer injúria perineal, seja esta espontânea ou cirúrgica, representaram 30,2% dos casos. As práticas obstétricas que não interferem na fisiologia do parto foram realizadas por 85,3% das parturientes, sendo que as mais utilizadas foram os exercícios respiratórios (73,6%), os movimentos pélvicos (42,1%) e a deambulação (29,8%). 67,9% das mulheres assistidas pelas enfermeiras receberam as práticas intervencionistas à fisiologia do parto, destas as mais registradas foram: a realização da amniotomia (25,1%), a administração endovenosa de ocitocina (54%), a realização da episiotomia (22,9%). A episiotomia foi mais utilizada entre as adolescentes (34,8%), nulíparas (44%) e naquelas que pariram na posição horizontal (28,8%). 40,2% das mulheres que não realizaram episiotomia não tiveram laceração perineal e a posição de parto com a menor incidência de laceração perineal foi a quatro apoios (25%), sendo esta classificada como primeiro grau. As adolescentes (55,1%) e as multíparas (71,8%) foram as que menos apresentaram lacerações de períneo. Conclui-se que tanto a prática apoiada no modelo tecnocrático, quanto àquela baseada no modelo humanizado de atenção ao parto, foram registradas na unidade pesquisada. Considera-se que tal fato pode ser investigado em outros estudos, com o objetivo de identificar os fatores que levam à realização de práticas que interferem na fisiologia do parto durante a assistência das enfermeiras obstétricas.


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O objeto de estudo foi o preparo e a administração de medicamentos por cateter pela enfermagem em pacientes que recebem nutrição enteral. O objetivo geral foi investigar o padrão de preparo e administração dos medicamentos por cateter em pacientes que recebem nutrição enteral concomitante. Os objetivos específicos foram apresentar o perfil dos medicamentos preparados e administrados de acordo com a possibilidade de serem administrados por cateter enteral e avaliar o tipo e a freqüência de erros que ocorrem no preparo e administração de medicamentos por cateter. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa com desenho transversal de natureza observacional, sem modelo de intervenção. Foi desenvolvida em um hospital do Rio de Janeiro onde foram observados técnicos de enfermagem preparando e administrando medicamentos por cateter na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Foram observadas 350 doses de medicamentos sendo preparados e administrados. Os grupos de medicamentos prevalentes foram os que agem no Sistema Cardiovascular Renal com 164 doses (46,80%), seguido pelos que agem no Sistema Respiratório e Sangue com 12,85% e 12,56% respectivamente. Foram encontrados 19 medicamentos diferentes do primeiro grupo, dois no segundo e cinco no terceiro. As categorias de erro no preparo foram trituração, diluição e misturas. Encontrou-se uma taxa média de 67,71% no preparo de medicamentos. Comprimidos simples foram preparados errados em 72,54% das doses, e todos os comprimidos revestidos e de liberação prolongada foram triturados indevidamente entre sólidos a categoria de erro prevalente foi trituração com 45,47%, preparar misturando medicamentos foi um erro encontrado em quase 40% das doses de medicamentos sólidos. A trituração insuficiente ocorreu em 73,33% das doses de ácido fólico, do cloridrato de amiodarona (58,97%) e bromoprida (50,00%). A mistura com outros medicamentos ocorreu em 66,66% das doses de bromoprida, de besilato de anlodipina (53,33%), bamifilina (43,47%), ácido fólico (40,00%) e ácido acetilsalicílico (33,33%). Os erros na administração foram ausência de pausa e manejo indevido do cateter. A taxa média de erros na administração foi de 32,64%, distribuídas entre 17,14% para pausa e 48,14% para manejo do cateter. A ausência de lavagem do cateter antes foi o erro mais comum e o mais incomum foi não lavar o cateter após a administração. Os medicamentos mais envolvidos em erros na administração foram: cloridrato de amiodarona (n=39), captopril (n=33), cloridrato de hidralazina (n=7), levotiroxina sódica (n=7). Com relação à lavagem dos cateteres antes, ela não ocorreu em 330 doses de medicamentos. O preparo e administração inadequados de medicamentos podem levar à perdas na biodisponibilidade, diminuição do nível sérico e riscos de intoxicações para o paciente. Preparar e administrar medicamentos são procedimentos comuns, porém apresentou altas taxas de erros, o que talvez reflita pouco conhecimento desses profissionais sobre as boas práticas da terapia medicamentosa. Constata-se a necessidade de maior investimento de todos os profissionais envolvidos, médicos, enfermeiros e farmacêuticos nas questões que envolvam a segurança com medicamentos assim como repensar o processo de trabalho da enfermagem.


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Pseudo-thermal light has been widely used in ghost imaging experiments. In order to understand the differences between the pseudo-thermal source and thermal source, we propose a method to investigate whether a light source has cross spectral purity (CSP), and experimentally measure the cross spectral properties of the pseudo-thermal light source in near-field and far-field zones. Moreover we present a theoretical analysis of the cross spectral influence on ghost imaging. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The analysis of the evolution of the M3 money aggregate is an important element in the definition and implementation of monetary policy for the ECB. A well-defined and stable long run demand function is an essential requisite for M3 to be a valid monetary tool. Therefore, this paper analyzes based in cointegration techniques the existence of a long run money demand, estimating it and testing its stability for the Euro Area and for ten of its member countries. Specifically, bearing in mind the high degree of monetary instability that the current economic crisis has created in the Euro Area, we also test whether this has had a noticeable impact in the cointegration among real money demand and its determinants. The analysis gives evidence of the existence of a long run relationship when the aggregated Euro Area and six of the ten countries are considered. However, these relationships are highly instable since the outbreak of the financial crisis, leading in some cases to even rejecting cointegration. All this suggests that the ECB’s strategy of focusing in the M3 monetary aggregates could not be a convenient approach under the current circumstances


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An array of two spark chambers and six trays of plastic scintillation counters was used to search for unaccompanied fractionally charged particles in cosmic rays near sea level. No acceptable events were found with energy losses by ionization between 0.04 and 0.7 that of unit-charged minimum-ionizing particles. New 90%-confidence upper limits were thereby established for the fluxes of fractionally charged particles in cosmic rays, namely, (1.04 ± 0.07)x10-10 and (2.03 ± 0.16)x10-10 cm-2sr-1sec-1 for minimum-ionizing particles with charges 1/3 and 2/3, respectively.

In order to be certain that the spark chambers could have functioned for the low levels of ionization expected from particles with small fractional charges, tests were conducted to estimate the efficiency of the chambers as they had been used in this experiment. These tests showed that the spark-chamber system with the track-selection criteria used might have been over 99% efficient for the entire range of energy losses considered.

Lower limits were then obtained for the mass of a quark by considering the above flux limits and a particular model for the production of quarks in cosmic rays. In this model, which is one involving the multi-peripheral Regge hypothesis, the production cross section and a corresponding mass limit are critically dependent on the Regge trajectory assigned to a quark. If quarks are "elementary'' with a flat trajectory, the mass of a quark can be expected to be at least 6 ± 2 BeV/c2. If quarks have a trajectory with unit slope, just as the existing hadrons do, the mass of a quark might be as small as 1.3 ± 0.2 BeV/c2. For a trajectory with unit slope and a mass larger than a couple of BeV/c2, the production cross section may be so low that quarks might never be observed in nature.


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We demonstrate theoretically that the negatively chirped femtosecond laser pulse can be spectrally narrowed by cross-phase modulation. The new view is well Supported by numerical simulation. The negative chirp method in fibers might be useful in all optical wavelength switching applications. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.