999 resultados para crash modeling


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Quantitative control of aroma generation during the Maillard reaction presents great scientific and industrial interest. Although there have been many studies conducted in simplified model systems, the results are difficult to apply to complex food systems, where the presence of other components can have a significant impact. In this work, an aqueous extract of defatted beef liver was chosen as a simplified food matrix for studying the kinetics of the Mallard reaction. Aliquots of the extract were heated under different time and temperature conditions and analyzed for sugars, amino acids, and methylbutanals, which are important Maillard-derived aroma compounds formed in cooked meat. Multiresponse kinetic modeling, based on a simplified mechanistic pathway, gave a good fit with the experimental data, but only when additional steps were introduced to take into account the interactions of glucose and glucose-derived intermediates with protein and other amino compounds. This emphasizes the significant role of the food matrix in controlling the Maillard reaction.


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Event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (efMRI) has emerged as a powerful technique for detecting brains' responses to presented stimuli. A primary goal in efMRI data analysis is to estimate the Hemodynamic Response Function (HRF) and to locate activated regions in human brains when specific tasks are performed. This paper develops new methodologies that are important improvements not only to parametric but also to nonparametric estimation and hypothesis testing of the HRF. First, an effective and computationally fast scheme for estimating the error covariance matrix for efMRI is proposed. Second, methodologies for estimation and hypothesis testing of the HRF are developed. Simulations support the effectiveness of our proposed methods. When applied to an efMRI dataset from an emotional control study, our method reveals more meaningful findings than the popular methods offered by AFNI and FSL. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Inverse problems for dynamical system models of cognitive processes comprise the determination of synaptic weight matrices or kernel functions for neural networks or neural/dynamic field models, respectively. We introduce dynamic cognitive modeling as a three tier top-down approach where cognitive processes are first described as algorithms that operate on complex symbolic data structures. Second, symbolic expressions and operations are represented by states and transformations in abstract vector spaces. Third, prescribed trajectories through representation space are implemented in neurodynamical systems. We discuss the Amari equation for a neural/dynamic field theory as a special case and show that the kernel construction problem is particularly ill-posed. We suggest a Tikhonov-Hebbian learning method as regularization technique and demonstrate its validity and robustness for basic examples of cognitive computations.


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The work reported in this paper is motivated by the need to investigate general methods for pattern transformation. A formal definition for pattern transformation is provided and four special cases namely, elementary and geometric transformation based on repositioning all and some agents in the pattern are introduced. The need for a mathematical tool and simulations for visualizing the behavior of a transformation method is highlighted. A mathematical method based on the Moebius transformation is proposed. The transformation method involves discretization of events for planning paths of individual robots in a pattern. Simulations on a particle physics simulator are used to validate the feasibility of the proposed method.


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The performance benefit when using Grid systems comes from different strategies, among which partitioning the applications into parallel tasks is the most important. However, in most cases the enhancement coming from partitioning is smoothed by the effect of the synchronization overhead, mainly due to the high variability of completion times of the different tasks, which, in turn, is due to the large heterogeneity of Grid nodes. For this reason, it is important to have models which capture the performance of such systems. In this paper we describe a queueing-network-based performance model able to accurately analyze Grid architectures, and we use the model to study a real parallel application executed in a Grid. The proposed model improves the classical modelling techniques and highlights the impact of resource heterogeneity and network latency on the application performance.


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We consider a physical model of ultrafast evolution of an initial electron distribution in a quantum wire. The electron evolution is described by a quantum-kinetic equation accounting for the interaction with phonons. A Monte Carlo approach has been developed for solving the equation. The corresponding Monte Carlo algorithm is NP-hard problem concerning the evolution time. To obtain solutions for long evolution times with small stochastic error we combine both variance reduction techniques and distributed computations. Grid technologies are implemented due to the large computational efforts imposed by the quantum character of the model.


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The work reported in this paper is motivated by the need to investigate general methods for pattern transformation. A formal definition for pattern transformation is provided and four special cases namely, elementary and geometric transformation based on repositioning all and some agents in the pattern are introduced. The need for a mathematical tool and simulations for visualizing the behavior of a transformation method is highlighted. A mathematical method based on the Moebius transformation is proposed. The transformation method involves discretization of events for planning paths of individual robots in a pattern. Simulations on a particle physics simulator are used to validate the feasibility of the proposed method.


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Given that the next and current generation networks will coexist for a considerable period of time, it is important to improve the performance of existing networks. One such improvement recently proposed is to enhance the throughput of ad hoc networks by using dual-hop relay-based transmission schemes. Since in ad hoc networks throughput is normally related to their energy consumption, it is important to examine the impact of using relay-based transmissions on energy consumption. In this paper, we present an analytical energy consumption model for dual-hop relay-based medium access control (MAC) protocols. Based on the recently reported relay-enabled Distributed Coordination Function (rDCF), we have shown the efficacy of the proposed analytical model. This is a generalized model and can be used to predict energy consumption in saturated relay-based ad hoc networks. This model can predict energy consumption in ideal environment and with transmission errors. It is shown that using a relay results in not only better throughput but also better energy efficiency. Copyright (C) 2009 Rizwan Ahmad et al.


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Semiotics is the study of signs. Application of semiotics in information systems design is based on the notion that information systems are organizations within which agents deploy signs in the form of actions according to a set of norms. An analysis of the relationships among the agents, their actions and the norms would give a better specification of the system. Distributed multimedia systems (DMMS) could be viewed as a system consisted of many dynamic, self-controlled normative agents engaging in complex interaction and processing of multimedia information. This paper reports the work of applying the semiotic approach to the design and modeling of DMMS, with emphasis on using semantic analysis under the semiotic framework. A semantic model of DMMS describing various components and their ontological dependencies is presented, which then serves as a design model and implemented in a semantic database. Benefits of using the semantic database are discussed with reference to various design scenarios.


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The note proposes an efficient nonlinear identification algorithm by combining a locally regularized orthogonal least squares (LROLS) model selection with a D-optimality experimental design. The proposed algorithm aims to achieve maximized model robustness and sparsity via two effective and complementary approaches. The LROLS method alone is capable of producing a very parsimonious model with excellent generalization performance. The D-optimality design criterion further enhances the model efficiency and robustness. An added advantage is that the user only needs to specify a weighting for the D-optimality cost in the combined model selecting criterion and the entire model construction procedure becomes automatic. The value of this weighting does not influence the model selection procedure critically and it can be chosen with ease from a wide range of values.


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The paper introduces an efficient construction algorithm for obtaining sparse linear-in-the-weights regression models based on an approach of directly optimizing model generalization capability. This is achieved by utilizing the delete-1 cross validation concept and the associated leave-one-out test error also known as the predicted residual sums of squares (PRESS) statistic, without resorting to any other validation data set for model evaluation in the model construction process. Computational efficiency is ensured using an orthogonal forward regression, but the algorithm incrementally minimizes the PRESS statistic instead of the usual sum of the squared training errors. A local regularization method can naturally be incorporated into the model selection procedure to further enforce model sparsity. The proposed algorithm is fully automatic, and the user is not required to specify any criterion to terminate the model construction procedure. Comparisons with some of the existing state-of-art modeling methods are given, and several examples are included to demonstrate the ability of the proposed algorithm to effectively construct sparse models that generalize well.