941 resultados para correlation interferometer
Polymer brushes have unique properties with a large variety of possible applications ranging from responsive coatings and drug delivery to lubrication and sensing. For further development a detailed understanding of the properties is needed. Established characterization methods, however, only supply information of the surface. Experimental data about the inner “bulk” structure of polymer brushes is still missing.rnScattering methods under grazing incidence supply structural information of surfaces as well as structures beneath it. Nanomechanical cantilevers supply stress data, which is giving information about the forces acting inside the polymer brush film. In this thesis these two techniques are further developed and used to deepen the understanding of polymer brushes. rnThe experimental work is divided into four chapters. Chapter 2 deals with the preparation of polymer brushes on top of nanomechanical cantilever sensors as well as large area sample by using a “grafting-to” technique. The further development of nanomechanical cantilever readout is subject of chapter 3. In order to simplify cantilever sensing, a method is investigated which allows one to perform multiple bending experiments on top of a single cantilever. To do so, a way to correlate different curvatures is introduced as well as a way to conveniently locate differently coated segments. In chapter 4 the change in structure upon solvent treatment of mixed polymer brushes is investigated by using scattering methods and nanomechanical cantilevers amongst others. This allows one to explain the domain memory effect, which is typically found in such systems. Chapter 5 describes the implementation of a phase shifting interferometer - used for readout of nanomechanical cantilevers - into the µ-focused scattering beamline BW4, allowing simultaneous measurements of stress and structure information. The last experimental chapter 6 deals with the roughness correlation in polymer brushes and its dependence on the chain tethered density.rnIn summary, the thesis deals with utilization of new experimental techniques for the investigation of polymer brushes and further development of the techniques themselves.rn
The adsorption of particles and surfactants at water-oil interfaces has attracted continuous attention because of its emulsion stabilizing effect and the possibility to form two-dimensional materials. Herein, I studied the interfacial diffusion of single molecules and nanoparticles at water-oil interfaces using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. rnrnFluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) is a promising technique to study diffusion of fluorescent tracers in diverse conditions. This technique monitors and analyzes the fluorescence fluctuation caused by single fluorescent tracers coming in and out of a diffraction-limited observation volume “one at a time”. Thus, this technique allows a combination of high precision, high spatial resolution and low tracer concentration. rnrnIn chapter 1, I discussed some controversial questions regarding the properties of water-hydrophobic interfaces and also introduced the current progress on the stability and dynamic of single nanoparticles at water-oil interfaces. The materials and setups I used in this thesis were summarized in chapter 2. rnrnIn chapter 3, I presented a new strategy to study the properties of water-oil interfaces. The two-dimensional diffusion of isolated molecular tracers at water/n-alkane interfaces was measured using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. The diffusion coefficients of larger tracers with a hydrodynamic radius of 4.0 nm agreed well with the values calculated from the macroscopic viscosities of the two bulk phases. However, for small molecule tracers with hydrodynamic radii of only 1.0 and 0.6 nm, notable deviations were observed, indicating the existence of an interfacial region with a reduced effective viscosity. rnrnIn chapter 4, the interfacial diffusion of nanoparticles at water-oil interfaces was investigated using FCS. In stark contrast to the interfacial diffusion of molecular tracers, that of nanoparticles at any conditions is slower than the values calculated in accordance to the surrounding viscosity. The diffusion of nanoparticles at water-oil interfaces depended on the interfacial tension of liquid-liquid interfaces, the surface properties of nanoparticles, the particle sizes and the viscosities of surrounding liquid phases. In addition, the interfacial diffusion of nanoparticles with Janus motif is even slower than that of their symmetric counterparts. Based on the experimental results I obtained, I drew some possibilities to describe the origin of nanoparticle slowdown at water-oil interfaces.
In this thesis mainly two alternating indenofluorene-phenanthrene copolymers were investigated with a variety of spectroscopic and optoelectronic experiments. The different experimental techniques allowed to retrieve deeper insights into their unique optical as well as optoelectronic properties. The motivation of the research presented in this work was to correlate their photophysical properties with respect to their application in electrically pumped lasing. This thesis begins with the description of optical properties studied by classical absorption and emission spectroscopy and successively describes an overall picture regarding their excited state dynamics occurring after photoexcitation studied by time-resolved spectroscopy. The different spectroscopic methods do not only allow to elucidate the different optical transitions occurring in this class of materials, but also contribute to a better understanding of exciton dynamics and exciton interaction with respect to the molecular structure as well as aggregation and photooxidation of the polymers. Furthermore, the stimulated emission properties were analyzed by amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) experiments. Especially one of the investigated materials, called BLUE-1, showed outstanding optical properties including a high optical gain, a low threshold for ASE and low optical losses. Apart from the optical experiments, the charge carrier mobility was measured with the time-of-flight technique and a comparably high hole mobility on the order of 1 x 10-² cm²/(Vs) was determined for BLUE-1 which makes this material promising for organic lasing. The impact of the high charge carrier mobility in this material class was further analyzed in different optoelectronic devices such as organic LEDs (OLEDs) and organic solar cells.
Understanding and controlling the mechanism of the diffusion of small molecules, macromolecules and nanoparticles in heterogeneous environments is of paramount fundamental and technological importance. The aim of the thesis is to show, how by studying the tracer diffusion in complex systems, one can obtain information about the tracer itself, and the system where the tracer is diffusing. rnIn the first part of my thesis I will introduce the Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) which is a powerful tool to investigate the diffusion of fluorescent species in various environments. By using the main advantage of FCS namely the very small probing volume (<1µm3) I was able to track the kinetics of phase separation in polymer blends at late stages by looking on the molecular tracer diffusion in individual domains of the heterogeneous structure of the blend. The phase separation process at intermediate stages was monitored with laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) in real time providing images of droplet coalescence and growth. rnIn a further project described in my thesis I will show that even when the length scale of the heterogeneities becomes smaller than the FCS probing volume one can still obtain important microscopic information by studying small tracer diffusion. To do so, I will introduce a system of star shaped polymer solutions and will demonstrate that the mobility of small molecular tracers on microscopic level is nearly not affected by the transition of the polymer system to a “glassy” macroscopic state. rnIn the last part of the thesis I will introduce and describe a new stimuli responsive system which I have developed, that combines two levels of nanoporosity. The system is based on poly-N-isopropylacrylamide (PNIPAM) and silica inverse opals (iOpals), and allows controlling the diffusion of tracer molecules. rn
Gels are elastic porous polymer networks that are accompanied by pronounced mechanical properties. Due to their biocompatibility, ‘responsive hydrogels’ (HG) have many biomedical applications ranging from biosensors and drug delivery to tissue engineering. They respond to external stimuli such as temperature and salt by changing their dimensions. Of paramount importance is the ability to engineer penetrability and diffusion of interacting molecules in the crowded HG environment, as this would enable one to optimize a specific functionality. Even though the conditions under which biomedical devices operate are rather complex, a bottom-up approach could reduce the complexity of mutually coupled parameters influencing tracer mobility. The present thesis focuses on the interaction-induced tracer diffusion in polymer solutions and their homologous gels, probed by means of Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS). This is a single-molecule-sensitive technique having the advantage of optimal performance under ultralow tracer concentrations, typically employed in biosensors. Two different types of hydrogels have been investigated, a conventional one with broad polydispersity in the distance between crosslink points and a so-called ‘ideal’, with uniform mesh size distribution. The former is based on a thermoresponsive polymer, exhibiting phase separation in water at temperatures close to the human body temperature. The latter represents an optimal platform to study tracer diffusion. Mobilities of different tracers have been investigated in each network, varying in size, geometry and in terms of tracer-polymer attractive strength, as perturbed by different stimuli. The thesis constitutes a systematic effort towards elucidating the role of the strength and nature of different tracer-polymer interactions, on tracer mobilities; it outlines that interactions can still be very important even in the simplified case of dilute polymer solutions; it also demonstrates that the presence of permanent crosslinks exerts distinct tracer slowdown, depending on the tracer type and the nature of the tracer-polymer interactions, expressed differently by each tracer with regard to the selected stimulus. In aqueous polymer solutions, the tracer slowdown is found to be system-dependent and no universal trend seems to hold, in contrast to predictions from scaling theory for non-interacting nanoparticle mobility and empirical relations concerning the mesh size in polymer solutions. Complex tracer dynamics in polymer networks may be distinctly expressed by FCS, depending on the specific synergy among-at least some of - the following parameters: nature of interactions, external stimuli employed, tracer size and type, crosslink density and swelling ratio.
Polymerbasierte Kolloide mit Groen im Nanometerbereich werden als aussichts- reiche Kandidaten fur die Verkapselung und den Transport von pharmazeutischen Wirkstoen angesehen. Daher ist es wichtig die physikalischen Prozesse, die die Bil- dung, Struktur und kinetische Stabilitat der polymerbasierten Kolloide beein ussen, besser zu verstehen. Allerdings ist die Untersuchung dieser Prozesse fur nanome- tergroe Objekte kompliziert und erfordert fortgeschrittene Techniken. In dieser Arbeit beschreibe ich Untersuchungen, bei denen Zwei-Farben-Fluoreszenzkreuz- korrelationsspektroskopie (DC FCCS) genutzt wurde, um Informationen uber die Wechselwirkung und den Austausch von dispergierten, nanometergroen Kolloiden zu bekommen. Zunachst habe ich den Prozess der Polymernanopartikelherstellung aus Emul- sionstropfen untersucht, welcher einen der am haugsten angewendeten Prozesse der Nanopartikelformulierung darstellt. Ich konnte zeigen, dass mit DC FCCS eindeutig und direkt Koaleszenz zwischen Emulsionstropfen gemessen werden kann. Dies ist von Interesse, da Koaleszenz als Hauptgrund fur die breite Groenverteilung der nalen Nanopartikel angesehen wird. Weiterhin habe ich den Austausch von Mizellen bildenden Molekulen zwischen amphiphilen Diblock Kopolymermizellen untersucht. Als Modellsystem diente ein Linear-Burste Block Kopolymer, welches Mizellen mit einer dichten und kurzen Korona bildet. Mit Hilfe von DC FCCS konnte der Austausch in verschiedenen Losungsmitteln und bei verschiedenen Temperaturen beobachtet werden. Ich habe herausgefunden, dass in Abhangigkeit der Qualitat des Losungsmittels die Zeit des Austausches um Groenordnungen verschoben werden kann, was eine weitreichende Einstellung der Austauschkinetik ermoglicht. Eine Eigenschaft die all diese Kolloide gemeinsam haben ist ihre Polydispersitat. Im letzten Teil meiner Arbeit habe ich am Beispiel von Polymeren als Modellsystem untersucht, welchen Eekt Polydispersitat und die Art der Fluoreszenzmarkierung auf FCS Experimente haben. Eine Anpassung des klassischen FCS Modells kann die FCS Korrelationskurven dieser Systeme beschreiben. Die Richtigkeit meines Ansatzes habe ich mit dem Vergleich zur Gel-Permeations-Chromatographie und Brownschen Molekulardynamiksimulationen bestatigt.
One of the fundamental interactions in the Standard Model of particle physicsrnis the strong force, which can be formulated as a non-abelian gauge theoryrncalled Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). rnIn the low-energy regime, where the QCD coupling becomes strong and quarksrnand gluons are confined to hadrons, a perturbativernexpansion in the coupling constant is not possible.rnHowever, the introduction of a four-dimensional Euclidean space-timernlattice allows for an textit{ab initio} treatment of QCD and provides arnpowerful tool to study the low-energy dynamics of hadrons.rnSome hadronic matrix elements of interest receive contributionsrnfrom diagrams including quark-disconnected loops, i.e. disconnected quarkrnlines from one lattice point back to the same point. The calculation of suchrnquark loops is computationally very demanding, because it requires knowledge ofrnthe all-to-all propagator. In this thesis we use stochastic sources and arnhopping parameter expansion to estimate such propagators.rnWe apply this technique to study two problems which relay crucially on therncalculation of quark-disconnected diagrams, namely the scalar form factor ofrnthe pion and the hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the anomalousrnmagnet moment of the muon.rnThe scalar form factor of the pion describes the coupling of a charged pion torna scalar particle. We calculate the connected and the disconnected contributionrnto the scalar form factor for three different momentum transfers. The scalarrnradius of the pion is extracted from the momentum dependence of the form factor.rnThe use ofrnseveral different pion masses and lattice spacings allows for an extrapolationrnto the physical point. The chiral extrapolation is done using chiralrnperturbation theory ($chi$PT). We find that our pion mass dependence of thernscalar radius is consistent with $chi$PT at next-to-leading order.rnAdditionally, we are able to extract the low energy constant $ell_4$ from thernextrapolation, and ourrnresult is in agreement with results from other lattice determinations.rnFurthermore, our result for the scalar pion radius at the physical point isrnconsistent with a value that was extracted from $pipi$-scattering data. rnThe hadronic vacuum polarization (HVP) is the leading-order hadronicrncontribution to the anomalous magnetic moment $a_mu$ of the muon. The HVP canrnbe estimated from the correlation of two vector currents in the time-momentumrnrepresentation. We explicitly calculate the corresponding disconnectedrncontribution to the vector correlator. We find that the disconnectedrncontribution is consistent with zero within its statistical errors. This resultrncan be converted into an upper limit for the maximum contribution of therndisconnected diagram to $a_mu$ by using the expected time-dependence of therncorrelator and comparing it to the corresponding connected contribution. Wernfind the disconnected contribution to be smaller than $approx5%$ of thernconnected one. This value can be used as an estimate for a systematic errorrnthat arises from neglecting the disconnected contribution.rn
The width of the 21 cm line (HI) emitted by spiral galaxies depends on the physical processes that release energy in the Interstellar Medium (ISM). This quantity is called velocity dispersion (σ) and it is proportional first of all to the thermal kinetic energy of the gas. The accepted theoretical picture predicts that the neutral hydrogen component (HI) exists in the ISM in two stable phases: a cold one (CNM, with σ~0.8 km/s) and a warm one (WNM, with σ~8 km/s). However, this is called into question by the observation that the HI gas has usually larger velocity dispersions. This suggests the presence of turbulence in the ISM, although the energy sources remain unknown. In this thesis we want to shed new light on this topic. We have studied the HI line emission of two nearby galaxies: NGC6946 and M101. For the latter we used new deep observations obtained with the Westerbork radio interferometer. Through a gaussian fitting procedure, we produced dispersion maps of the two galaxies. For both of them, we compared the σ values measured in the spiral arms with those in the interarms. In NGC6946 we found that, in both arms and interarms, σ grows with the column density, while we obtained the opposite for M 101. Using a statistical analysis we did not find a significant difference between arm and interarm dispersion distributions. Producing star formation rate density maps (SFRD) of the galaxies, we studied their global and local relations with the HI kinetic energy, as inferred from the measured dispersions. For NGC6946 we obtained a good log-log correlation, in agreement with a simple model of supernova feedback driven turbulence. This shows that in this galaxy turbulent motions are mainly induced by the stellar activity. For M 101 we did not find an analogous correlation, since the gas kinetic energy appears constant with the SFRD. We think that this may indicate that in this galaxy turbulence is driven also by accretion of extragalactic material.
This thesis work aims to find a procedure for isolating specific features of the current signal from a plasma focus for medical applications. The structure of the current signal inside a plasma focus is exclusive of this class of machines and a specific analysis procedure has to be developed. The hope is to find one or more features that shows a correlation with the dose erogated. The study of the correlation between the current discharge signal and the dose delivered by a plasma focus could be of some importance not only for the practical application of dose prediction but also for expanding the knowledge anbout the plasma focus physics. Vatious classes of time-frequency analysis tecniques are implemented in order to solve the problem.
To assess (1) how large-scale correlation of intracranial EEG signals in the high-frequency range (80-200Hz) evolves from the pre-ictal, through the ictal into the postictal state and (2) whether the contribution of local neuronal activity to large-scale EEG correlation differentiates epileptogenic from non-epileptogenic brain tissue.
6-(18)F-fluoro-l-dopa ((18)F-FDOPA) measured with PET as a biomarker of amino acid uptake has been investigated in brain tumor imaging. The aims of the current study were to determine whether the degree of (18)F-FDOPA uptake in brain tumors predicted tumor grade and was associated with tumor proliferative activity in newly diagnosed and recurrent gliomas.