940 resultados para coordinate


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In questo lavoro si studia l'insieme dei punti di una curva ellittica, visto come gruppo abeliano, con particolare attenzione al caso dei punti a coordinate razionali quando la curva è data da un'equazione a coefficienti razionali. Dopo aver visto le proprietà della legge di gruppo su una cubica liscia piana razionale in forma normale, vengono presentati alcuni risultati sul sottogruppo dei punti razionali, fra i quali i teoremi di Nagell-Lutz e di Mordell, che permettono di dare una descrizione di tale sottogruppo.


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Negli ultimi anni si è assistito al considerevole aumento della disponibilità di dati GPS e della loro precisione, dovuto alla diffusione e all’evoluzione tecnologica di smartphone e di applicazioni di localizzazione. Il processo di map-matching consiste nell’integrare tali dati - solitamente una lista ordinata di punti, identificati tramite coordinate geografiche ricavate mediante un sistema di localizzazione, come il GPS - con le reti disponibili; nell’ambito dell’ingegneria dei trasporti, l’obiettivo è di identificare il percorso realmente scelto dall’utente per lo spostamento. Il presente lavoro si propone l’obiettivo di studiare alcune metodologie di map-matching per l’identificazione degli itinerari degli utenti, in particolare della mobilità ciclabile. Nel primo capitolo è esposto il funzionamento dei sistemi di posizionamento e in particolare del sistema GPS: ne sono discusse le caratteristiche, la suddivisione nei vari segmenti, gli errori di misurazione e la cartografia di riferimento. Nel secondo capitolo sono presentati i vari aspetti del procedimento di map-matching, le sue principali applicazioni e alcune possibili classificazioni degli algoritmi di map-matching sviluppati in letteratura. Nel terzo capitolo è esposto lo studio eseguito su diversi algoritmi di map-matching, che sono stati testati su un database di spostamenti di ciclisti nell’area urbana di Bologna, registrati tramite i loro smartphone sotto forma di punti GPS, e sulla relativa rete. Si analizzano altresì i risultati ottenuti in un secondo ambiente di testing, predisposto nell’area urbana di Catania, dove sono state registrate in modo analogo alcune tracce di prova, e utilizzata la relativa rete. La comparazione degli algoritmi è eseguita graficamente e attraverso degli indicatori. Vengono inoltre proposti e valutati due algoritmi che forniscono un aggiornamento di quelli analizzati, al fine di migliorarne le prestazioni in termini di accuratezza dei risultati e di costo computazionale.


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Se pensiamo ad un generico punto sulla superficie terreste questo sarà soggetto allo spostamento nel tempo della propria posizione, a causa delle deformazioni della crosta terrestre. Se conosciamo l’intensità e la direzione dello spostamento possiamo esprimere la variazione delle coordinate del punto in un sistema di riferimento geodetico , in funzione del tempo. Varie teorie spiegano la causa di tali deformazioni crostali (ES. La Tettonica a Placche) , attribuendo l’origine a movimenti convettivi del mantello, determinati dalla variazione spaziale della densità ed al progressivo rilascio degli sforzi accumulati nella litosfera a causa del peso delle massi di ghiaccio che, hanno ricoperto parte della superficie terrestre nelle glaciazioni passate. Fin dagli anni’80 il GNSS è divento una tra le tecniche più idonee per andare a valutare lo spostamento della crosta terrestre rispetto ad un sistema di riferimento globale e regionale grazie all’elevato grado di precisione conseguibile.


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Lipids are important for cell function and survival, but abnormal concentrations may lead to various diseases. Cholesterol homeostasis is greatly dependent on the active transport by membrane proteins, whose activities coordinate lipid status with cellular function. Intestinal Niemann-Pick C1-Like 1 protein (NPC1L1) and scavenger receptor B1 (SR-B1) participate in the uptake of extracellular cholesterol, whereas ATP binding cassette A1 (ABCA1) mediates the efflux of excessive intracellular cholesterol. Caveolin-1 binds cholesterol and fatty acids (FA) and participates in cholesterol trafficking. Sterol response element binding protein-2 (SREBP-2) is a sensor that regulates intracellular cholesterol synthesis. Given that cholesterol is a constituent of chylomicrons, whose synthesis is enhanced with an increased FA supply, we tested the hypothesis that feeding polyunsaturated FA (PUFA)-enriched diets in treatment of canine chronic enteropathies alters the mRNA expression of genes involved in cholesterol homeostasis. Using quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), we compared the mRNA abundance of NPC1L1, SR-B1, ABCA1, caveolin-1, and SREBP-2 in duodenal mucosal biopsies of dogs with food-responsive diarrhea (FRD; n=14) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD; n=7) before and after treatment with cholesterol-free PUFA-enriched diets and in healthy controls (n=14). The abundance of caveolin-1, ABCA1, and SREBP-2 were altered by PUFA-enriched diets (P<0.05), whereas that of NPC1L1 and SR-B1 mRNA remained unchanged. The gene expression of caveolin-1, ABCA1, and SREBP-2 was down-regulated (P<0.05) by PUFA-enriched diets in IBD dogs only. Our results suggest that feeding PUFA-enriched diets may alter cholesterol homeostasis in duodenal mucosal cells of dogs suffering from IBD.


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Background Since late 2003, the highly pathogenic influenza A H5N1 had initiated several outbreak waves that swept across the Eurasia and Africa continents. Getting prepared for reassortment or mutation of H5N1 viruses has become a global priority. Although the spreading mechanism of H5N1 has been studied from different perspectives, its main transmission agents and spread route problems remain unsolved. Methodology/Principal Findings Based on a compilation of the time and location of global H5N1 outbreaks from November 2003 to December 2006, we report an interdisciplinary effort that combines the geospatial informatics approach with a bioinformatics approach to form an improved understanding on the transmission mechanisms of H5N1 virus. Through a spherical coordinate based analysis, which is not conventionally done in geographical analyses, we reveal obvious spatial and temporal clusters of global H5N1 cases on different scales, which we consider to be associated with two different transmission modes of H5N1 viruses. Then through an interdisciplinary study of both geographic and phylogenetic analysis, we obtain a H5N1 spreading route map. Our results provide insight on competing hypotheses as to which avian hosts are responsible for the spread of H5N1. Conclusions/Significance We found that although South China and Southeast Asia may be the virus pool of avian flu, East Siberia may be the source of the H5N1 epidemic. The concentration of migratory birds from different places increases the possibility of gene mutation. Special attention should be paid to East Siberia, Middle Siberia and South China for improved surveillance of H5N1 viruses and monitoring of migratory birds.


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Incorporation of enediynes into anticancer drugs remains an intriguing yet elusive strategy for the design of therapeutically active agents. Density functional theory was used to locate reactants, products, and transition states along the Bergman cyclization pathways connecting enediynes to reactive para-biradicals. Sum method correction to low-level calculations confirmed B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) as the method of choice in investigating enediynes. Herein described as MI:Sum, calculated reaction enthalpies differed from experiment by an average of 2.1 kcal·mol−1 (mean unsigned error). A combination of strain energy released across the reaction coordinate and the critical intramolecular distance between reacting diynes explains reactivity differences. Where experimental and calculated barrier heights are in disagreement, higher level multireference treatment of the enediynes confirms lower level estimates. Previous work concerning the chemically reactive fragment of esperamcin, MTC, is expanded to our model system MTC2.


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This manuscript focuses on development assistance players’ efforts to cooperate, coordinate and collaborate on projects of mutual interest. I target the case of the cross-sectoral and international Media Issues Group designed to reform and develop the media sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I identify and categorize variables that influenced interorganizational relationships to summarize lessons learned and potentially inform similar interventions. This work suggests that cooperation, coordination and collaboration are constrained by contextual, strategic and procedural variables. Through participant narrative based on observation and interviews, this work clarifies the nuances within these three sets of variables for potential extrapolation to other settings. Perhaps more importantly, it provides lessons learned that can inform future international community interventions in market development activities.


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This study investigates the mechanical implications of shell shape differences between males and females of two North American turtle species: Chrysemys picta and Glyptemys insculpta. These species show patterns of sexual dimorphism that are common to many species of turtle. Females have wider and more highly domed shells, whereas males tend to have flatter, more streamlined shells. In addition, the males of many terrestrial species have concave plastra, most likely to accommodate the domed shells of the females while mating. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the known morphological differences in male and female turtle shells are also associated with differences in shell strength. Landmark coordinate data were collected from the shells of males and females of both species. These data were used to create digital models of each shell for finite-element (FE) analysis. FE models were generated by transforming a single base model of a turtle shell to match the shapes of each specimen examined in this study. All models were assigned the same material properties and restraints. Twelve load cases, each representing a predator’s bite at a different location on the carapace, were applied separately to the models. Subsequently, Von Mises stresses were extracted for each element of each model. Overall, the shells of females of both species exhibited significantly lower maximum and average stresses for a given load than those of their male counterparts. Male G. insculpta exhibited significant increases in stresses because of the concave shape of their plastra. We suggest that the mechanical implications of shell shape differences between males and females may have a large impact on many aspects of the biology of these turtle species.


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Two new HgCl2 complexes of tridentate nitrogen ligands were characterized by X-ray crystallography, proton NMR spectroscopy and ESI-MS. The five-coordinate complex [Hg(BMPA)Cl-2] (1) (BMPA = bis(2-pyridylmethyl)amine) crystallized from acetonitrile/m-xylene by slow evaporation in the monoclinic space group P2(1)/n with a = 8.3896(8) , b = 12.8020(13) , c = 13.3526(13) , alpha = 90A degrees, beta A = 90.480(2)A degrees, gamma A = 90A degrees and z = 4. The square pyramidal structure (tau = 0.009) has approximate C (s) symmetry. Despite comparable Hg-N bond lengths in 1, inversion of the central nitrogen was rapid on the chemical shift time scale in dilute solution except at very low temperatures. The related complex [Hg(BEPA)Cl-2] (2) (BEPA = bis(2-{pyrid-2-yl}ethyl)amine) crystallized from acetonitrile/ethyl acetate/hexanes by slow diffusion in the orthorhombic space group Pnma with a = 13.424(3) , b = 14.854(3) , c = 8.118(2) , alpha = 90A degrees, beta A = 90A degrees, gamma A = 90A degrees and z = 4. The mixed geometry structure (tau = 0.56) also has crystallographic mirror symmetry as well as C (s) point group symmetry. In dilute acetonitrile solution, 1 was stable while 2 slowly converted to a more thermodynamically stable complex.


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Rock-pocket and honeycomb defects impair overall stiffness, accelerate aging, reduce service life, and cause structural problems in hardened concrete members. Traditional methods for detecting such deficient volumes involve visual observations or localized nondestructive methods, which are labor-intensive, time-consuming, highly sensitive to test conditions, and require knowledge of and accessibility to defect locations. The authors propose a vibration response-based nondestructive technique that combines experimental and numerical methodologies for use in identifying the location and severity of internal defects of concrete members. The experimental component entails collecting mode shape curvatures from laboratory beam specimens with size-controlled rock pocket and honeycomb defects, and the numerical component entails simulating beam vibration response through a finite element (FE) model parameterized with three defect-identifying variables indicating location (x, coordinate along the beam length) and severity of damage (alpha, stiffness reduction and beta, mass reduction). Defects are detected by comparing the FE model predictions to experimental measurements and inferring the low number of defect-identifying variables. This method is particularly well-suited for rapid and cost-effective quality assurance for precast concrete members and for inspecting concrete members with simple geometric forms.