992 resultados para conventional pigs


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This paper decomposes the conventional measure of selection bias in observational studies into three components. The first two components are due to differences in the distributions of characteristics between participant and nonparticipant (comparison) group members: the first arises from differences in the supports, and the second from differences in densities over the region of common support. The third component arises from selection bias precisely defined. Using data from a recent social experiment, we find that the component due to selection bias, precisely defined, is smaller than the first two components. However, selection bias still represents a substantial fraction of the experimental impact estimate. The empirical performance of matching methods of program evaluation is also examined. We find that matching based on the propensity score eliminates some but not all of the measured selection bias, with the remaining bias still a substantial fraction of the estimated impact. We find that the support of the distribution of propensity scores for the comparison group is typically only a small portion of the support for the participant group. For values outside the common support, it is impossible to reliably estimate the effect of program participation using matching methods. If the impact of participation depends on the propensity score, as we find in our data, the failure of the common support condition severely limits matching compared with random assignment as an evaluation estimator.


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DNA gyrase is unique among topoisomerases in its ability to introduce negative supercoils into closed-circular DNA. We have demonstrated that deletion of the C-terminal DNA-binding domain of the A subunit of gyrase gives rise to an enzyme that cannot supercoil DNA but relaxes DNA in an ATP-dependent manner. Novobiocin, a competitive inhibitor of ATP binding by gyrase, inhibits this reaction. The truncated enzyme, unlike gyrase, does not introduce a right-handed wrap when bound to DNA and stabilizes DNA crossovers; characteristics reminiscent of conventional type II topoisomerases. This new enzyme form can decatenate DNA circles with increased efficiency compared with intact gyrase and, as a result, can complement the temperature-sensitive phenotype of a parCts mutant. Thus these results suggest that the unique properties of DNA gyrase are attributable to the wrapping of DNA around the C-terminal DNA-binding domains of the A subunits and provide an insight into the mechanism of type II topoisomerases.


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Objective: To evaluate an experimental heroin maintenance programme.


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Hyperacute rejection of a porcine organ by higher primates is initiated by the binding of xenoreactive natural antibodies of the recipient to blood vessels in the graft leading to complement activation. The majority of these antibodies recognize the carbohydrate structure Gal(alphal,3)Gal (gal epitope) present on cells of pigs. It is possible that the removal or lowering of the number of gal epitopes on the graft endothelium could prevent hyperacute rejection. The Gal(alpha1,3) Gal structure is formed by the enzyme Galbeta1,4GlcNAc3-alpha-D-galactosyltransferase [alpha(1,3)GT; EC], which transfers a galactose molecule to terminal N-acetyllactosamine (N-lac) present on various glycoproteins and glycolipids. The N-lac structure might be utilized as an acceptor by other glycosyltransferases such as Galbeta1,4GlcNAc 6-alpha-D-sialyltransferase [alpha(2,6)ST], Galbeta1,4GlcNAc 3-alpha-D-Sialyltransferase [alpha(2,3)ST], or Galbeta 2-alpha-L-fucosyltransferase [alpha(1,2)FT; EC, etc. In this report we describe the competition between alpha(1,2)FT and alpha(1,3)GT in cells in culture and the generation of transgenic mice and transgenic pigs that express alpha(1,2)Fr leading to synthesis of Fucalpha,2Galbeta- (H antigen) and a concomitant decrease in the level of Gal(alpha1,3)Gal. As predicted, this resulted in reduced binding of xenoreactive natural antibodies to endothelial cells of transgenic mice and protection from complement mediated lysis.


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Identification of individual major genes affecting quantitative traits in livestock species has been limited to date. By using a candidate gene approach and a divergent breed cross involving the Chinese Meishan pig, we have shown that a specific allele of the estrogen receptor (ER) locus is associated with increased litter size. Female pigs from synthetic lines with a 50% Meishan background that were homozygous for this beneficial allele produced 2.3 more pigs in first parities and 1.5 more pigs averaged over all parities than females from the same synthetic lines and homozygous for the undesirable allele. This beneficial ER allele was also found in pigs with Large White breed ancestory. Analysis of females with Large White breed background showed an advantage for females homozygous for the beneficial allele as compared to females homozygous for the other allele of more than 1 total pig born. Analyses of growth performance test records detected no significant unfavorable associations of the beneficial allele with growth and developmental traits. Mapping of the ER gene demonstrated that the closest known genes or markers were 3 centimorgans from ER. To our knowledge, one of these, superoxide dismutase gene (SOD2), was mapped for the first time in the pig. Analysis of ER and these linked markers indicated that ER is the best predictor of litter size differences. Introgression of the beneficial allele into commercial pig breeding lines, in which the allele was not present, and marker-assisted selection for the beneficial allele in lines with Meishan and Large White background have begun.


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von Willebrand factor (vWF) is essential for the induction of occlusive thrombosis in stenosed and injured pig arteries and for normal hemostasis. To separate the relative contribution of plasma and platelet vWF to arterial thrombosis, we produced chimeric normal and von Willebrand disease pigs by crossed bone marrow transplantation; von Willebrand disease (vWD) pigs were engrafted with normal pig bone marrow and normal pigs were engrafted with vWD bone marrow. Thrombosis developed in the chimeric normal pigs that showed normal levels of plasma vWF and an absence of platelet vWF; but no thrombosis occurred in the chimeric vWD pigs that demonstrated normal platelet vWF and an absence of plasma vWF. The ear bleeding times of the chimeric pigs were partially corrected by endogenous plasma vWF but not by platelet vWF. Our animal model demonstrated that vWF in the plasma compartment is essential for the development of arterial thrombosis and that it also contributes to the maintenance of bleeding time and hemostasis.


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O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o uso de bagaço de cana como enriquecimento ambiental para suínos a partir do comportamento e respostas fisiológicas do estresse causado pelo confinamento e mudança de ambiente, na fase de creche. O projeto foi conduzido no Laboratório de Biometeorologia e Etologia, da Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos da Universidade de São Paulo, Pirassununga-SP, e no setor da Suinocultura da Prefeitura do Campus Administrativo Fernando Costa (PUSP-FC), entre os meses de abril e junho de 2015. Foram utilizados 66 leitões (NK75 X Naïma), machos e fêmeas desmamados aos 28 dias, separados em grupos homogêneos com relação ao peso, transferidos para baias da creche e distribuídos em dois tratamentos: Tratamento Enriquecido (TE) onde as baias foram fornecidas com cama profunda de bagaço de cana, de até 15 cm de profundidade e Tratamento Não Enriquecido (TNE) as baias foram utilizadas da forma convencional, sem cobertura no piso cimentado. Foram avaliadas diferentes respostas fisiológicas, especificamente, níveis de cortisol salivar, temperatura superficial por meio de um termómetro infravermelho e temperatura ocular a través de fotos termográficas. O comportamento dos leitões foi registrado e as análises das observações das atividades foram realizadas pelo efeito dos tratamentos e a interação do tempo. Os dados de desempenho dos animais foram analisados, igualmente como o Ganho de peso diário (GPD) e a conversão alimentar (CA). Animais que receberam enriquecimento ambiental apresentaram concentrações de cortisol mais baixas (P<0,001) durante a primeira semana pós-desmama. A partir da segunda semana pós desmama até o final da fase da creche houve efeito do tratamento (P<0,05), encontrando níveis de cortisol até quatro vezes mais altos para o TNE referentes aos níveis basais, enquanto o TE continua tendo níveis mais baixos (P<0,05). Animais que receberam enriquecimento ambiental tiveram maior frequência em comportamentos exploratórios (P<0,05) e maior atividade brincando (P<0,05) durante toda a fase experimental. Leitões que foram criados em baias pobres manifestaram maior frequência em comportamentos agonísticos (P<0,05) e em repouso (P<0,05). A correlação entre a temperatura superficial do dorso e termografia ocular indicou uma associação moderada positiva (P<0,0001) com a temperatura ocular mínima (r=0,43) e máxima (r=0,41). Apesar de não existir diferença estatística para o desempenho entre tratamentos (P>0,05), o TE apresentou maior ganho de peso diário (0,47±0,015 kg.dia-1) e total (23,47±0,73 kg.dia-1). A conversão alimentar foi maior no TE (2,88±0,25), provavelmente porque os leitões precisavam de mais alimento para compensar a energia gasta pela sua atividade de fuçar e brincar. Ambientes enriquecidos durante a fase da creche melhoram o bem-estar dos animais em confinamento, diminuindo o estresse pela desmama, motivando o animal a expressar comportamentos próprios da espécie suína, tais como fuçar e explorar.


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Póster presentado en 19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic August 28th-September 1st, 2010.


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Purpose – This research deals with a new kind of nanopigment, obtained from the combination of organic dyes and layered nanoclays, that the authors call nanoclay-colorant pigment (NCP). Whilst they have already been employed in inks and coatings, to date these nanopigments have not been used as pigments for polymers. The existing lack of knowledge surrounding them must be redressed in order to bridge the gap between current academic studies and commercial exploitation. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to examine the hitherto unknown aspects of the NCP, which relate specifically to their applicability as a new type of colorant for polymers. Design/methodology/approach – A blue NCP has been prepared at the laboratory according to the patented method of synthesis (patent WO0104216), using methylene blue and montmorillonite nanoclay. It has then been applied to a thermoplastic polymer (linear low-density polyethylene – LLDPE) to obtain a coloured sample. Furthermore, samples with the same polymer but using conventional blue colorants have been prepared under the same processing conditions. The mechanical, thermal and colorimetric properties of these materials have been compared. Findings – The thermal stability of the sample coloured with NCP is reduced to some extent, while the mechanical strength is slightly increased. Moreover, this sample has better colour performance than the conventionally pigmented samples. Originality/value – In this paper, a blue NCP has been synthesised and successfully employed with polyethylene and the obtained sample shows better colour performance than polyethylene with conventional pigments.


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We present a disposable optical sensor for Ascorbic Acid (AA). It uses a polyaniline based electrochromic sensing film that undergoes a color change when exposed to solutions of ascorbic acid at pH 3.0. The color is monitored by a conventional digital camera working with the hue (H) color coordinate. The electrochromic film was deposited on an Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) electrode by cyclic voltammetry and then characterized by atomic force microscopy, electrochemical and spectroscopic techniques. An estimation of the initial rate of H, as ΔH/Δt, is used as the analytical parameter and resulted in the following logarithmic relationship: ΔH/Δt = 0.029 log[AA] + 0.14, with a limit of detection of 17 μM. The relative standard deviation when using the same membrane 5 times was 7.4% for the blank, and 2.6% (for n = 3) on exposure to ascorbic acid in 160 μM concentration. The sensor is disposable and its applicability to pharmaceutical analysis was demonstrated. This configuration can be extended for future handheld configurations.