995 resultados para compressão
In this work, we discuss the procedures adopted for the design of built-up columns (laced and battened columns). Built-up columns are widely used in steel construction generally when the compression forces are relatively low and the column buckling lengths are large. They are commonly used in industrial buildings, for example, as posts for cladding, or as columns supporting a crane girder. Unlike columns with full section, in the case of built-up columns, it is necessary to evaluate the shear stiffness. In fact, the shear strength leads to a significant reduction of the critical load. In the context of this work, the components of the columns (chords, diagonals, posts, etc.) are formed by cold-formed members. In order to systematize and rationalize the verification of the built-up columns, this work aim to develop a computer program based on the standards NBR 14762, NBR 6355 and Eurocode 3, basically the considerations of the part EN 1993-1-1
Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia Animal - FMVZ
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Objective: To analyze the shear forces on the vertebral body L4 when submitted to a compression force by means of transmission photoelasticity. Methods: Twelve photoelastic models were divided into three groups, with four models per group, according to the positioning of the sagittal section vertebrae L4-L5 (sections A, B and C). The simulation was performed using a 15N compression force, and the fringe orders were evaluated in the vertebral body L4 by the Tardy compensation method. Results: Photoelastic analysis showed, in general, a homogeneous distribution in the vertebral bodies. The shear forces were higher in section C than B, and higher in B than A. Conclusion: The posterior area of L4, mainly in section C, showed higher shear concentrations, corresponding to a more susceptible area for bone fracture and spondylolisthesis. Economic and Decision Analyses Development of an Economic or Decision Model. Level I
Objective: To evaluate the prognostic value of absent thumb pain sensation in newborns and young infants with birth brachial plexopathy. Methods: We evaluated 131 patients with birth brachial plexopathy with less than two months of age. Pain sensation was evoked by thumb nail bed compression to evaluate sensory fibers of the upper trunk (C6). The patients were followed-up monthly. Patients with less than antigravity elbow flexion at six months of age were considered to have a poor outcome. Results: Thirty patients had absent thumb pain sensation, from which 26 showed a poor outcome. Sensitivity of the test was 65% and specificity was 96%. Conclusion: Evaluation of thumb pain sensation should be included in the clinical assessment of infants with birth brachial plexopathy.
In this study rice husk ash (RHA) and broiler bed ash from rice husk (BBA), two agricultural waste materials, have been assessed for use as partial cement replacement materials for application in lightweight concrete. Physical and chemical characteristics of RHA and BBA were first analyzed. Three similar types of lightweight concrete were produced, a control type in which the binder was just CEMI cement (CTL) and two other types with 10% cement replacement with, respectively, RHA and BBA. All types of similar lightweight concrete were prepared to present the same workability by adjusting the amount of superplasticizer. Properties of concrete investigated were compressive and flexural strength at different ages, absorption by capillarity, resistivity and resistance to chloride ion penetration (CTH method) and accelerated carbonation. Test results obtained for 10% cement replacement level in lightweight concrete indicate that although the addition of BBA conducted to lower performance in terms of the degradation indicative tests, RHA led to the enhancement of mechanical properties, especially early strength and also fast ageing related results, further contributing to sustainable construction with energy saver lightweight concrete.
Foram investigados os efeitos do gradiente de textura e da posição do estímulo teste com relação à linha do horizonte na percepção de tamanho relativo. Pelo método das escadas duplas, cinquenta voluntários ajustaram o tamanho de uma barra apresentada acima, abaixo ou no nível do horizonte para que fosse percebida do mesmo tamanho que uma barra apresentada no campo visual inferior. Os estímulos foram apresentados por 100ms sobre cinco fundos de tela. O gradiente de perspectiva contribuiu mais para a superestimação de tamanho relativo que o gradiente de compressão. Os tamanhos dos objetos que interceptavam a linha do horizonte foram superestimados. O sistema visual mostrou-se bastante eficaz em extrair informações de profundidade da perspectiva, fazendo-o mesmo em apresentações muito breves.
OBJETIVO: Analisar as tensões geradas no corpo vertebral L4 quando submetida à força de compressão, utilizando a técnica da fotoelasticidade de transmissão. MÉTODOS: Doze modelos fotoelásticos foram utilizados e divididos em três grupos, sendo cada grupo formado por quatro modelos, de acordo com a localização do corte sagital nas vértebras L4-L5 (cortes A, B e C). A simulação foi realizada utilizando uma força compressão de 15 N e as ordens de franjas foram avaliadas no corpo vertebral L4 utilizando o método de compensação de Tardy. RESULTADOS: A análise fotoelástica mostrou que em geral, as tensões se distribuíram de forma homogênea nos corpos vertebrais. As tensões no corte C foram maiores que no B, que por sua vez foram maiores que no corte A. CONCLUSÃO: A região posterior do corpo vertebral L4, principalmente no corte C, apresentou maiores concentrações de tensões, sendo assim, é a área mais susceptível à fratura vertebral e à espondilolistese. Análises econômicas e de decisão. Desenvolvimento de modelo econômico ou de decisão, Nível de evidência I.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a ação precoce do laser terapêutico e do ultrassom no processo de regeneração de uma lesão experimental em ratos. MÉTODO: Utilizou-se 24 ratos. Dezoito foram submetidos ao procedimento cirúrgico de lesão do nervo ciático por compressão, através de uma pinça hemostática acima da fossa poplítea. Os animais foram divididos em três grupos com seis animais em cada. Grupo controle normal. GI: controle lesado sem intervenção terapêutica. GII: intervenção terapêutica do laser ArGaAl. GIII: intervenção terapêutica do ultrassom Pulsado. Iniciamos as intervenções terapêuticas 24 horas após a lesão, com aplicações diárias, por um período de quatorze dias consecutivos. RESULTADOS: Ao avaliar a perimetria dos músculos da coxa direita obteve-se os seguintes valores médios de diminuição (mm), para cada grupo GI: 0,45; GII: 0,42; GIII: 0,40. Quanto ao tempo de deslocamento tanto o GII e GIII apresentaram diferença significativa, quando comparados ao GI. Na avaliação final do IFC o GII sobressaiu ao GIII. Quanto a cicatrização observou-se grande melhora no GII e GIII. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados evidenciaram que a recuperação nervosa foi maior com a aplicação do laser. Nível de evidência II, Estudos terapêuticos - Investigação dos resultados do tratamento
Placas de granitos são amplamente empregadas no revestimento de pisos na forma de ladrilhos assentados com argamassa industrializada. Recentemente, tem crescido o interesse no uso de sistemas não aderentes (sem argamassa) com placas de rocha. Porém, na literatura muito pouco foi publicado a respeito. O presente trabalho avaliou as propriedades físico-mecânicas de três granitos com grande aceitação comercial, e determinou as espessuras necessárias para estas das placas serem usadas como lajes de 200 cm de largura por 300 cm de comprimento, apoiadas pelas quatro extremidades em vigas de concreto. As propriedades testadas para o projeto estrutural das placas de granito foram: resistência à compressão, resistência à flexão por três pontos, módulo de elasticidade e coeficiente de Poisson. Foram também determinados o coeficiente de atrito e a resistência à abrasão profunda para a avaliação do desempenho do piso, de acordo com o uso e o ambiente de exposição,. Os resultados indicaram que o charnockito Verde Labrador deve ser usado com espessura de 30 mm, restrita a ambientes internos. O sienogranito e o monzogranito podem ser empregados em ambientes internos e externos. As placas do monzogranito Cinza Castelo devem possuir espessura de 20 mm, e as do sienogranito Vermelho Brasília devem possuir 30 mm de espessura.
This paper is the first part of an extensive work focusing the technological development of steel fiber reinforced concrete pipes (FRCP). Here is presented and discussed the experimental campaign focusing the test procedure and the mechanical behavior obtained for each of the dosages of fiber used. In the second part ("Steel fiber reinforced concrete pipes. Part 2: Numerical model to simulate the crushing test"), the aspects of FRCP numerical modeling are presented and analyzed using the same experimental results in order to be validated. This study was carried out trying to reduce some uncertainties related to FRCP performance and provide a better condition to the use of these components. In this respect, an experimental study was carried out using sewage concrete pipes in full scale as specimens. The diameter of the specimens was 600 mm, and they had a length of 2500 mm. The pipes were reinforced with traditional bars and different contents of steel fibers in order to compare their performance through the crushing test. Two test procedures were used in that sense. In the 1st Series, the diameter displacement was monitored by the use of two LVDTs positioned at both extremities of the pipes. In the 2nd Series, just one LVDT is positioned at the spigot. The results shown a more rigidity response of the pipe during tests when the displacements were measured at the enlarged section of the socket. The fiber reinforcement was very effective, especially when low level of displacement was imposed to the FRCP. At this condition, the steel fibers showed an equivalent performance to superior class pipes made with traditional reinforced. The fiber content of 40 kg/m3 provided a hardening behavior for the FRCP, and could be considered as equivalent to the critical volume in this condition.
This paper is part of an extensive work about the technological development, experimental analysis and numerical modeling of steel fibre reinforced concrete pipes. The first part ("Steel fibre reinforced concrete pipes. Part 1: technological analysis of the mechanical behavior") dealt with the technological development of the experimental campaign, the test procedure and the discussion of the structural behavior obtained for each of the dosages of fibre used. This second part deals with the aspects of numerical modeling. In this respect, a numerical model called MAP, which simulates the behavior of fibre reinforced concrete pipes with medium-low range diameters, is introduced. The bases of the numerical model are also mentioned. Subsequently, the experimental results are contrasted with those produced by the numerical model, obtaining excellent correlations. It was possible to conclude that the numerical model is a useful tool for the design of this type of pipes, which represents an important step forward to establish the structural fibres as reinforcement for concrete pipes. Finally, the design for the optimal amount of fibres for a pipe with a diameter of 400 mm is presented as an illustrating example with strategic interest.
This paper presents a method to design membrane elements of concrete with orthogonal mesh of reinforcement which are subject to compressive stress. Design methods, in general, define how to quantify the reinforcement necessary to support the tension stress and verify if the compression in concrete is within the strength limit. In case the compression in membrane is excessive, it is possible to use reinforcements subject to compression. However, there is not much information in the literature about how to design reinforcement for these cases. For that, this paper presents a procedure which uses the model based on Baumann's [1] criteria. The strength limits used herein are those recommended by CEB [3], however, a model is proposed in which this limit varies according to the tensile strain which occur perpendicular to compression. This resistance model is based on concepts proposed by Vecchio e Collins [2].
Esse trabalho emprega o método para avaliar a abrasividade proposto por Golovanevskiy e Bearman (2008). Esse método, ensaio de abrasão por impacto deslizante (Gouging Abrasion Test), é realizado em condições de alta tensão/alto impacto de desgaste. O método consiste de uma ponteira cilíndrica com uma ponta cônica de 90º, que, em trajetória pendular, atinge uma amostra de rocha com energia de impacto de 300 J e velocidade da ordem de 5,2 m/s. O Gouging Abrasion Index (Gi) é calculado como sendo a média do diâmetro da ponta cônica, após desgaste, em milímetros e o resultado é multiplicado por 10. Esse trabalho verificou a adequabilidade do Gouging Abrasion Test, para um pequeno número de amostras de rocha, que representam, qualitativamente, os principais tipos de rocha encontrados em trabalhos de corte, perfuração e britagem no Brasil, e a sua correlação com outros ensaios consagrados como a resistência à compressão, o desgaste Amsler e a dureza Knoop. Essa análise mostrou alta correlação entre Gi e a dureza Knoop (R² = 0,94), baixa correlação com o desgaste
The Plasma Focus is a device designed to generate a plasma sheet between two coaxial electrodes by means of a high voltage difference. The plasma is then driven to collapse into a “pinch”, where thermonuclear conditions prevail. During the “pinch phase” charged particles are emitted, with two main components: an ion beam peaked forward and an electron beam directed backward. The electron beam emitted backward by Plasma Focus devices is being investigated as a radiation source for medical applications, using it to produce x-rays by interaction with appropriate targets (through bremsstrahlung and characteristic emission). A dedicated Plasma Focus device, named PFMA-3 (Plasma Focus for Medical Applications number 3), has been designed, put in operation and tested by the research groups of the Universities of Bologna and Ferrara. The very high dose rate (several gray per discharge, in less than 1 µs) is a peculiarity of this device that has to be investigated, as it might modify the relative biological effectiveness (RBE). Aim of this Ph.D. project was to investigate the main physical properties of the low-energy x-ray beams produced by a Plasma Focus device and their potential medical applications to IORT treatments. It was necessary to develop the optimal geometrical configuration; to evaluate the x-rays produced and their dose deposited; to estimate the energy electron spectrum produced in the “pinch phase”; to study an optimal target for the conversion of the x-rays; to conduct simulations to study the physics involved; and in order to evaluate the radio-biological features of the beam, cell holders had to be developed for both irradiations and cell growth conditions.