981 resultados para combinatorial semigroups


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* The research was supported by INTAS 00-397 and 00-626 Projects.


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An original heuristic algorithm of sequential two-block decomposition of partial Boolean functions is researched. The key combinatorial task is considered: finding of suitable partition on the set of arguments, i. e. such one, on which the function is separable. The search for suitable partition is essentially accelerated by preliminary detection of its traces. Within the framework of the experimental system the efficiency of the algorithm is evaluated, the boundaries of its practical application are determined.


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The problem of finding the optimal join ordering executing a query to a relational database management system is a combinatorial optimization problem, which makes deterministic exhaustive solution search unacceptable for queries with a great number of joined relations. In this work an adaptive genetic algorithm with dynamic population size is proposed for optimizing large join queries. The performance of the algorithm is compared with that of several classical non-deterministic optimization algorithms. Experiments have been performed optimizing several random queries against a randomly generated data dictionary. The proposed adaptive genetic algorithm with probabilistic selection operator outperforms in a number of test runs the canonical genetic algorithm with Elitist selection as well as two common random search strategies and proves to be a viable alternative to existing non-deterministic optimization approaches.


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* Исследования проведены при частичной поддержке INTAS (проект 06-1000017-8909)


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We have previously described ProxiMAX, a technology that enables the fabrication of precise, combinatorial gene libraries via codon-by-codon saturation mutagenesis. ProxiMAX was originally performed using manual, enzymatic transfer of codons via blunt-end ligation. Here we present Colibra™: an automated, proprietary version of ProxiMAX used specifically for antibody library generation, in which double-codon hexamers are transferred during the saturation cycling process. The reduction in process complexity, resulting library quality and an unprecedented saturation of up to 24 contiguous codons are described. Utility of the method is demonstrated via fabrication of complementarity determining regions (CDR) in antibody fragment libraries and next generation sequencing (NGS) analysis of their quality and diversity.


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Рассматривается метаэвристический метод комбинаторной оптимизации, основанный на использовании алгоритмов табу-поиска и ускоренного вероятностного моделирования. Излагается общая вычислительная схема предложенного метода, названного алгоритмом GS-tabu. Приведены результаты серии вычислительных экспериментов по решению известных задач коммивояжера и квадратичных задач о назначении.


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В работе предлагается классификация приближенных методов комбинаторной оптимизации, которая обобщает и дополняет существующие подходы.


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Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 47A60, 47D06.


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Spinal cord injury is a complex pathology often resulting in functional impairment and paralysis. Gene therapy has emerged as a possible solution to the problems of limited neural tissue regeneration through the administration of factors promoting axonal growth, while also offering long-term local delivery of therapeutic molecules at the injury site. Of note, gene therapy is our response to the requirements of neural and glial cells following spinal cord injury, providing, in a time-dependent manner, growth substances for axonal regeneration and eliminating axonal growth inhibitors. Herein, we explore different gene therapy strategies, including targeting gene expression to modulate the presence of neurotrophic growth or survival factors and increase neural tissue plasticity. Special attention is given to describing advances in viral and non-viral gene delivery systems, as well as the available routes of gene delivery. Finally, we discuss the future of combinatorial gene therapies and give consideration to the implementation of gene therapy in humans. © 2014 Future Science Ltd.


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AMS Subj. Classification: 90C27, 05C85, 90C59


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In this paper a variable neighborhood search (VNS) approach for the task assignment problem (TAP) is considered. An appropriate neighborhood scheme along with a shaking operator and local search procedure are constructed specifically for this problem. The computational results are presented for the instances from the literature, and compared to optimal solutions obtained by the CPLEX solver and heuristic solutions generated by the genetic algorithm. It can be seen that the proposed VNS approach reaches all optimal solutions in a quite short amount of computational time.


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In this article, the results achieved by applying an electromagnetism (EM) inspired metaheuristic to the uncapacitated multiple allocation hub location problem (UMAHLP) are discussed. An appropriate objective function which natively conform with the problem, 1-swap local search and scaling technique conduce to good overall performance.Computational tests demonstrate the reliability of this method, since the EM-inspired metaheuristic reaches all optimal/best known solutions for UMAHLP, except one, in a reasonable time.


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This article presents the principal results of the Ph.D. thesis Investigation and classification of doubly resolvable designs by Stela Zhelezova (Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS), successfully defended at the Specialized Academic Council for Informatics and Mathematical Modeling on 22 February 2010.


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Румен Руменов Данговски, Калина Христова Петрова - Разглеждаме броя на несамопресичащите се разходки с фиксирана дължина върху целочислената решетка. Завършваме анализа върху случая за лента, с дължина едно. Чрез комбинаторни аргументи получаваме точна формула за броя на разходките върху лента, ограничена отляво и отдясно. Формулата я изследваме и асимптотично.


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Илинка А. Димитрова, Цветелина Н. Младенова - Моноида P Tn от всички частични преобразования върху едно n-елементно множество относно операцията композиция на преобразования е изучаван в различни аспекти от редица автори. Едно частично преобразование α се нарича запазващо наредбата, ако от x ≤ y следва, че xα ≤ yα за всяко x, y от дефиниционното множество на α. Обект на разглеждане в настоящата работа е моноида P On състоящ се от всички частични запазващи наредбата преобразования. Очевидно P On е под-моноид на P Tn. Направена е пълна класификация на максималните подполугрупи на моноида P On. Доказано е, че съществуват пет различни вида максимални подполугрупи на разглеждания моноид. Броят на всички максимални подполугрупи на POn е точно 2^n + 2n − 2.