991 resultados para circular


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The paper deals with the ocurrence of domatia in species and hybrids of Vitaceae family. The author found domaãtia in 95 of 157 hybrids studied. The domatia are always in the axils of the first and second ribs, and occasionaly also in ribs of others orders. The domatia found were of the types: "en touffe de poils", "en pertuis" and "en pochette", types according to the Chevalier's Classification (1941). It was found a varation of the type "en pertuis", the hole being not circular but narrow and long. One of the hybrids have domatia of two types: "en touffe de pois" and "en pertuis". Many of the domatia have mites in its interior.


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1. Tagged superphosphate was applied to 2.5 year old passion fruit plants from a commercial plantation established in a sandy loam. 2. 100 grams of the fertilizer were distributed in the following ways: in a circular furrow 20 cm around the plant 40 cm from the stems; in a circular strip 10 cm wide, 40 cm from the stems; in six holes around the plants, 40 cm from the stems 20 cm deep, 2.5 cm in diameter. 3. 10 grams of the fertilizer in 11 of water were sprayed to the leaves. 4. Three weeks after the treatments were made, leaf samples were taken for analysis. 5. Determinations of specific activities both in the leaves and in the fertilizer used have shown that R in the plant was derived from the superphosphate in the following relative proportions (by making the first treatment equal to 100): circular furrow = 100; circular strip = 120; holes = 30; foliar spray = 230.


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This research was carried out to study some aspects of the biology and behavior of Nesolynx sp. (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae), a pupal parasite of Psorocampa denticulata (Lepidoptera, Notodontidae) a defoliating caterpillar of Eucalyptus spp. in Brazil. The adults emerge from the host pupa through a circular hole on Its dorsal region. Mating occurs righ after the emergence and the longevity of adults was two days for the males and four days for the females. Regarding to the host species Diatraea saccharalis showed a number of adults significantly greater than Galleria mellonella and the increasing temperature from 21±1 °C to 26±1°C caused a significative increasing in the number of emerged adults in both host species. The emergence of adults increased proportionally to the period of exposition to the host up to 3.50 days; after that, a considerable decrease in the emergence was observed. The parasitoid showed parthenogenetic reproduction therefore the average number of emerged males was significantly greater than the number of females. The sex ratio was similar for the insects emerged from virgin or mated females (0,96) and the life cycle lenght was around 18.34 days for both conditions.


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During two consecutive years, from January 1985 to December 1986, a comparative study of mosquitoes preferences for breeding habitat was carried out in the Atlantic Forest of the Serra do Mar, Paraná State, Brazil. To achieve it, 1875 bamboo internodes aligned vertically in live green, bamboo plants Merostachys speciosa Munro and Merostachys sp. were used, in which metabolic water was exuded from the plant itself, and presenting different size/pattern holes at their lateral walls, bored by the local sylvan fauna. Another group of 1200 individual internode traps was used as comparative element, carved out with a transversal cut by a saw, filled with local stream water and held in branches at different heights in the vegetal strata nearby. At both microhabitat types, a total of 17 culicid species was registered. Culex (Microculex) neglectus Lutz, 1904, Cx. (Carrollia) soperi Antunes & Lane, 1937, Sabethes (Sabethes) batesi Lane & Cerqueira, 1942 and Sa. (Sabethinus) melanonymphe (Dyar, 1924)colonized exclusively live plant internodes, while Culex (Microculex) elongatus Rozeboom & Lane, 1950, Cx. (Carrollia) iridescens (Lutz, 1905), Cx. (Carrollia) kompi Valencia,1973and Trichoprosopon (Trichoprosopon) soaresi Dyar & Knab, 1907 bred only in internode traps. The remaining nine species colonized both habitats indistinctly. Quantitatively, was detected the abundance of 60.1% at live green internodes, against 39.9% for internode traps. Concerning the different patterns of bored live internode holes, 40.3% of the total computed specimens were collected in square or rectangular holes, 31.9% in two hole internodes, one minute circular, the other wider, and the remaining 28.8% of specimens distributed in other pattern type internodes. The mosquitoes breeding at these microhabitats fall in the culicid entomofauna specialized at locating and detecting peculiar and propitious mesogen conditions for breeding purposes.


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Blowflies utilize discrete and ephemeral sites for breeding and larval nutrition. After the exhaustion of food, the larvae begin dispersing to search for sites to pupate or for additional food source, process referred as postfeeding larval dispersal. Some aspects of this process were investigated in Lucilia cuprina (Wiedemann, 1830), utilizing a circular arena to permit the radial dispersion of larvae from the food source in the center. To determine the localization of each pupa, the arena was split into 72 equal sectors from the center. For each pupa, distance from the center of arena, weight and depth were determined. Statistical tests were performed to verify the relation among weight, depth and distance of burying for pupation. It was verified that the larvae that disperse farthest are those with lowest weights. The majority of individuals reached the depth of burying for pupation between 7 and 18 cm. The study of this process of dispersion can be utilized in the estimation of postmortem interval (PMI) for human corpses in medico-criminal investigations.


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The Rufous Hornero (Furnarius rufus) is one of the most common bird species in Brazil. Anecdotal information indicates that nest opening orientation in this species is contrary to wind or rainfall direction. To check for the existence of such a pattern, F. rufus nests were randomly sampled within an urban area in central Brazil to assess whether factors such as wind and vegetation cover influence nest opening orientation. Using circular statistics, no evidence was found that nest-opening orientation was important for the species. These results refuse the expected pattern for tree hollow or enclosed nests. The results suggest that factors such as nesting architecture, nest material, nest microclimate or a combination of these, instead of local climate, must be conditioning nesting behavior in this species.


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Os dípteros califorídeos são os primeiros indivíduos a compor a sucessão faunística de cadáveres em decomposição, auxiliando assim na estimativa do intervalo pós-morte. Estudos de dispersão pós-alimentar de suas larvas possuem relevância para investigações médico-criminais. Diante disto, uma arena circular, simulando o ambiente natural, foi montada em laboratório a fim de verificar-se a dispersão larval radial pós-alimentar de Lucilia sericata (Meigen, 1826), tentando assim estabelecer relações entre as variáveis peso, distância e profundidade de enterramento na arena. Os resultados demonstraram que 45% das pupas foram recuperadas a uma profundidade compreendida entre 6 cm e 8 cm e a uma distância entre 33 cm e 45 cm do centro da arena. Não houve diferenças significativas quanto à propagação e profundidade de enterramento de machos, fêmeas e indivíduos inviáveis. Com relação ao peso, verificou-se que a média das fêmeas (x = 32,35 mg) foi superior a dos machos (x = 30,28 mg). A análise de correlação e de regressão entre peso e distância percorrida e entre peso e profundidade foram positivas, ou seja, pupas oriundas de larvas mais pesadas propagaram e se aprofundaram mais. O experimento permitiu ainda concluir que uma arena circular possibilita o deslocamento das larvas em todas as direções.


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Pathological changes in the vermiform appendix harbouring tapeworm's proglottides are reported. Marked local (tissue) eosinophilia in the stroma of the mucous coat and to a less degree in the sub-mucosa and around the vessels in the inner circular layer of the muscular coat is the essential change observed. Peculiar changes such as an striking increase in the volume of the mucus-producing goblet-cells either in the epithelium covering the free surface or in the glands of Lieberkühn, as well as new epithelium atypical in form and arrangement were noticed in direct connection and likely induced by the tapeworn as a foreign body (mechanical injury). The local (tissue) eosinophilia probably represents an anaphylactoid response to foreign proteins originating in the tapeworm. Acute appendicitis in its recognized varieties such as appendicitis superficalis catarrhalis, a. s. exulcerans, a. s. haemorrhagica, a. phlegmonosa, and a. phlegmonosa-ulcerosa could be microscopically excluded. It seems, however, that local (tissue) eosinophilia when particularly widespread is able to give clinical symtoms suggestive of acute appendicitis.


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Using the continuation method we prove that the circular and the elliptic symmetric periodic orbits of the planar rotating Kepler problem can be continued into periodic orbits of the planar collision restricted 3–body problem. Additionally, we also continue to this restricted problem the so called “comets orbits”.


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The writers describe the muscular texture of the proglottides of Taenia saginata, Goeze, 1782, based upon microscopical preparations of mature and gravid proglottides stained by several methods. The muscular system of the proglottides of Taenia saginata is disposed mainly in two layers, a longitudinal and external one, and a deeper transverse layer, lining the body parenchym and internal organs. A circular or annular layer ranging under the cuticle is also referred. The writers emphasize the peculiar texture of the smooth muscle fibres, which only excepcionally do exist as isolated fibres, anastomosis between the fibres being the common histological appearence. Special features of the body parenchym such as calcareous bodies and globous nuclea scattered in the parenchym are also described.


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1) O A. descreve, no presente trabalho duas novas espécies de um novo gênero de flagelados (Metasaccinobaculus), colocado entre os Oxymo-nadidae, 2) Morfológicamente, caracterizam-se pela existência de um rostelo que juntamente com o aspecto geral e as esferas endoplasmáticas os aproxima dos oximonadideos, e pela presença de um axostilo ondulante dotado de movementos enérgicos, únicos responsáveis pela locomoção do protozoário. Os flagelos foram definitivamente perdidos. 3) No seu ciclo evolutivo o protozoário apresenta duas fórmas perfeitamente distintas: uma fórma jovem que nada livremente no fluido intes¬tinal do termita e uma fórma adulta, fixa pelo rostelo na parede do tubo digestivo do hospedeiro. A forma adulta e sacciforme, com um longo rostelo em cuja extremidade anterior existe um disco de fixação. O ectoplasma é espesso sobretudo na extremidade posterior, e o endoplasma cheio de esferas pardas. O componente cinético extranuclear é constituído por um axostilo ondulante muito cromófilo, por vêzes franjados nos bordos e preso a parede do corpo por uma estrutura tubular. Além desta organela, observa-se ainda dois sistema fibrilares. O primeiro é constituído de fibras rostelares e que ligam a porção ondulante do axostilo à extremidade do rostelo. O outro que denominamos fibrilas cromófobas independentes, nascem na extremidade do rostelo, percorrendo-o lateralmente em tôda a sua extensão e atingindo o corpo, onde se resolvem em feixes secundários que se espalham em todas as direções. O núcleo é formado de traves grosseiras de cromatina, formando um re¬tículo muito irregular. A forma jovem é muito menor, com rostelo e fibrilas cromófobas rudimentares. O axostilo ondulante relativamente muito desenvolvido, se fixa na extremidade posterior. Com o crescimento, este ponto vai-se deslocando em direção à região anterior do corpo. Nota-se perto do ponto de inserção, uma bainha de filamentos finíssimos envolvendo a porção tubular posterior do axostilo, bastante semelhante são de Saccinobaculus. O endoplasma é fortemente cromófilo, mas sem esferas. O núcleo a principio formado de granulos muito finos de cromatina e uniformemente dispersos, apresenta uma ou mais estruturas envolvidas por um halo claro, com a aparência de cariosoma. Cêdo porém desaparecem. 4) Antes da mitose, que é muito semelhante a de O. grandis, o núcleo desprende-se e caí na porção posterior do corpo, por degeneração de tôdas as organelas cinéticas extranucleares. A membrana nuclear persiste. Forma-se um fuso central muito desenvolvido. Os cromosomas são em número imenso, muito finos e irregulares. No lugar onde deveriam estar presentes os centríolos, vê-se um espaço claro circular na superfície do qual se inserem as fibrilas do fuso. Os novos axostilos ondulantes e demais organelas se formam nos pólos da figura mitótica, a partir dos centríolos perceptíveis pela sua imagem negativa, ou por uma estrutura hialina que envolve a figura mitótica, como é sugerido pelo exame de certas preparações (v. texto desenvolvido).


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É descrito antômica e histològicamente o ducto digestivo do Embiídeo Embolyntha batesi. Consta de: Cavidade bucal com as partes bucais e hipofaringe; faringe com musculatura circular de 5 pares de dilatadores; esôfago com a inglúvia que é pouco acentuada; proventrículo com válvulas funcionando como esfincter controlando a entrada e saída dos alimento. Essas expansões cuticulares entram em contato com a válvula cardíaca; ênteron (intestino mediano) começando no mesotórax e estendendo-se até o quinto segmento abdominal; piloro com 25 tubos de Malpithi em grupos de 2 a 5; íleo (intestino delgado) dilatável com numerosas dobras longitudinais e forte musculatura; colon (intestino grosso) também dilatável, constituindo a parte que liga o íleo ao reto; reto com seis papilas retais e cujas paredes possuem listras longitudinais cuticulares ligadas por tonofibrilas à musculatura circular, talvez podendo ser esvaziada pela contração circular e ânus com forte musculatura formando um esfíncter. As glândulas salivares formam um par de sacos com lóbulos, no protórax. São descritas aqui cinco fases secretoriais e um estado de reabsorção. É provável que êste siga ao últimoestado de secreção.


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Heterotranplantability of myxoma of rabbits was formely demonstrated when grafts from subcutaneous tissue in skin were used (MARGARINOS TÔRRES & RITA CARDOSOS, 1949). Better results are reported in this paper when grafts from the spleen of infected rabbits were employed. While grafts from normal spleen are almost completely absorbed in sixteen days, those from infected rabbits give origin to full-grown and vascularised tissue in which typical myxoma cells are predominant elements. Progressive growth of heterotransplantated myxoma cells is another similarity between infectious myxoma and malignant tumors. Formation of clear areas of circular contour (interference of a diffusible substance?) associated to myxomatous degeneration is very conspicuous. Peculiar changes of the ground substance, reticular and collagenous fibers (globular swelling, rosary and bulb formation) apparently related to myxomatous degeneration are described. An unexpected finding was the presence of typical intranuclear inclusion bodies in five among forty-eight grafts examined in the sixth day.


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Um caso de mioblastoma de células granulares do apêndice vermiforme por nós observado forneceu dados interessantes relacionados com a sua histogênese, constituindo êsse o principal motivo da presente publicação. A sua localização pode ser determinada com precisão, estando situado nas paredes do apêndice vermiforme, ao nível da camada circular de fibras musculares lisas da túnica muscular. As células do tumor mostram continuidade com as fibras musculares lisas daquela camada, sendo gradual a passagem entre as estruturas de fibras musculares lisas normais,naquela camada, e o tumor. Pela sua parte externa, o tumor, observado em cortes adequados, é sempre limitado pela camada longitudinal de fibras musculares lisas da túnica muscular do apêndice vermiforme, o que exclui topogràficamente a possibilidade de conexão entre o tumor e fibras musculares estriadas. Topogràficamente, trata-se de um tumor localizado nìtidamente na túnica muscular do apêndice vermiforme, mostrando conexão histológica íntima com as fibras musculares lisas da camada circular ou interna da túnica muscular. Por outro lado, a microscopia eletrônica permitiu distinguir detalhes que sugerem uma relação entre as granulações encontradas no citoplasma das células do mioblastoma, quando observado ao microscópio ótico, e as miofibrilas. Os dados colhidos indicam que os grânulos representam tractos escuros das ultrafibrilas, que se tornariam aparentes em virtude de modificações patológicas daquelas estruturas em células blastomatosas derivadas de fibras musculares lisas.


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Maximal-length binary sequences have been known for a long time. They have many interesting properties, one of them is that when taken in blocks of n consecutive positions they form 2ⁿ-1 different codes in a closed circular sequence. This property can be used for measuring absolute angular positions as the circle can be divided in as many parts as different codes can be retrieved. This paper describes how can a closed binary sequence with arbitrary length be effectively designed with the minimal possible block-length, using linear feedback shift registers (LFSR). Such sequences can be used for measuring a specified exact number of angular positions, using the minimal possible number of sensors that linear methods allow.