987 resultados para chromosome mosaicism


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Using differential display-polymerase chain reaction, we identified a novel gene sequence, designated solid tumor-associated gene 1 (STAG1), that is upregulated in renal cell carcinoma (RCC). The full-length cDNA (4839 bp) encompassed the recently reported androgen-regulated prostatic cDNA PMEPA1 and so we refer to this gene as STAG1/PMEPA1, Two STAG1/PMEPA1 mRNA transcripts of approximately 2.7 an 5 kb, with identical coding regions but variant 3' untranslated regions, were predominantly expressed in normal prostate tissue and at lower levels in the ovary. The expression of this gene was upregulated in 87% of RCC samples and also was upregulated in stomach and rectal adenocarcinomas. In contrast, STAG1/PMEPA1 expression was barely detectable in leukemia and lymphoma samples, Analysis of expressed sequence tag databases showed that STAG1/PMEPA1 also was expressed in pancreatic, endometrial, and prostatic adenocarcinomas. The STAG1/PMEPA1 cDNA encodes a 287-amino-acid protein containing a putative transmembrane domain and motifs that suggest that it may bind src homology 3- and tryptophan tryptophan domain-containing proteins. This protein shows 67% identity to the protein encoded by the chromosome 18 open reading frame 1 gene. Translation of STAG1/PMEPA1 mRNA in vitro showed two products of 36 and 39 kDa, respectively, suggesting that translation may initiate at more than one site. Comparison to genomic clones showed that STAG1/PMEPA1 was located on chromosome 20q13 between microsatellite markers D20S183 and D20S173 and spanned four exons and three introns. The upregulation of this gene in several solid tumors indicated that it may play an important role in tumorigenesis. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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GABAergic systems have been implicated in the pathogenesis of anxiety, depression and insomnia. These symptoms are part of the core and comorbid psychiatric disturbances in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) In a sample of Caucasian male PTSD patients, dinucleotide repeat polymorphisms of the GABAA receptor beta3 subunit gene were compared to scores on the General Health Questionnaire-28 (GHQ). As the major allele at this gene locus (GABRB3) was GI, the alleles were divided into GI and non-GI groups. On the total score of the GHQ, which comprises the somatic symptoms, anxiety/insomnia, social dysfunction and depression subscales, patients with the GI non-GI genotype had a significantly higher score when compared to either the G1G1 genotype (alpha = 0.01) or the non-GI non-GI genotype (alpha = 0.05). No significant difference was found between the G1G1 and non-Gl non-G1 genotypes. When the GI non-G1 heterozygotes were compared to the combined G1G1 and non-GI non-GI homozygotes, a significantly higher total GHQ score was found in the heterozygotes (P = 0.002). These observations suggest a heterosis effect. Further analysis of GHQ subscale scores showed that heterozygotes compared to the combined homozygotes had higher scores on the somatic symptoms (P = 0.006), anxiety/insomnia (P = 0.003), social dysfunction (P = 0.054) and depression (P = 0.004) subscales. In conclusion, the present study indicates that in a population of PTSD patients, heterozygosity of the GABRB3 major (GI) allele confers higher levels of somatic symptoms, anxiety/insomnia, social dysfunction and depression than found in homozygosity. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new algorithm, PfAGSS, for predicting 3' splice sites in Plasmodium falciparum genomic sequences is described. Application of this program to the published P. falciparum chromosome 2 and 3 data suggests that existing programs result in a high error rate in assigning 3' intron boundaries. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Transmembrane mucins are glycoproteins involved in barrier function in epithelial tissues. To identify novel transmembrane mucin genes, we performed a tblastn search of the GenBank(TM) EST data bases with a serine/ threonine-rich search string, and a rodent gene expressed in bone marrow was identified. We determined the cDNA sequence of the human orthologue of this gene, MUC13, which localizes to chromosome band 3q13.3 and generates 3.2-kilobase pair transcripts encoding a 512-amino acid protein comprised of an N-terminal mucin repeat domain, three epidermal growth factor-like sequences, a SEA module, a transmembrane domain, and a cytoplasmic tail (GenBank(TM) accession no. AF286113), MUC13 mRNA is expressed most highly in the large intestine and trachea, and at moderate levels in the kidney, small intestine, appendix, and stomach, In situ hybridization in murine tissues revealed expression in intestinal epithelial and lymphoid cells. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated the human MUC13 protein on the apical membrane of both columnar and goblet cells in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as within goblet cell thecae, indicative of secretion in addition to presence on the cell surface. MUC13 is cleaved, and the beta -subunit containing the cytoplasmic tail undergoes homodimerization, Including MUC13, there are at least five cell surface mucins expressed in the gastrointestinal tract.


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Paget's disease of bone is a common condition characterized by bone pain, deformity, pathological fracture, and an increased incidence of osteosarcoma. Genetic factors play a role in the pathogenesis of Paget's disease but the molecular basis remains largely unknown. Susceptibility loci for Paget's disease of bone have been mapped to chromosome 6p21.3 (PDB1) and 18q121.1-q22 (PDB2) in different pedigrees, We have identified a large pedigree of over 250 individuals with 49 informative individuals affected with Paget's disease of bone; 31 of whom are available for genotypic analysis. The disease is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait in the pedigree with high penetrance by the sixth decade. Linkage analysis has been performed with markers at PDB1; these data show significant exclusion of linkage with log,, of the odds ratio (LOD) scores < -2 in this region. Linkage analysis of microsatellite markers from the PDB2 region has excluded linkage with this region, with a 30 cM exclusion region (LOD score < -2.0) centered on D18S42, These data confirm the genetic heterogeneity of Paget's disease of bone. Our hypothesis is that a novel susceptibility gene relevant to the pathogenesis of Paget's disease of bone lies elsewhere in the genome in the affected members of this pedigree and will be identified using a microsatellite genomewide scan followed by positional cloning.


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Much progress has been made on inferring population history from molecular data. However, complex demographic scenarios have been considered rarely or have proved intractable. The serial introduction of the South-Central American cane Load Bufo marinas in various Caribbean and Pacific islands involves four major phases: a possible genetic admixture during the first introduction, a bottleneck associated with founding, a transitory, population boom, and finally, a demographic stabilization. A large amount of historical and demographic information is available for those introductions and can be combined profitably with molecular data. We used a Bayesian approach to combine this information With microsatellite (10 loci) and enzyme (22 loci) data and used a rejection algorithm to simultaneously estimate the demographic parameters describing the four major phases of the introduction history,. The general historical trends supported by microsatellites and enzymes were similar. However, there was a stronger support for a larger bottleneck at introductions for microsatellites than enzymes and for a more balanced genetic admixture for enzymes than for microsatellites. Verb, little information was obtained from either marker about the transitory population boom observed after each introduction. Possible explanations for differences in resolution of demographic events and discrepancies between results obtained with microsatellites and enzymes were explored. Limits Of Our model and method for the analysis of nonequilibrium populations were discussed.


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Single cell genetic analysis is generally performed using PCR and FISH. Until recently, FISH has been the method of choice. FISH however is expensive, has significant misdiagnosis rates, can result in interpretation difficulties and is labour intensive making it unsuitable for high throughput processing. Recently fluorescent PCR reliability has increased to levels at or surpassing FISH whilst maintaining low cost. However, PCR accuracy has been a concern due to allelic dropout. Multiplex PCR can now increase accuracy by using multiple markers for each chromosome to firstly provide diagnosis if markers fail and,or secondly confirm diagnosis. We compare a variety of diagnostic methods and demonstrate for the first time a multiplex PCR system providing simultaneous diagnosis and confirmation of the major aneuploidy chromosomes (21, 18, 13) and sex as well as DNA fingerprint in single cells. We also discuss the implications of using PCR for aneuploidy screening in preimplantation genetic diagnosis. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Sry, a gene from the Y chromosome, is known to initiate testis formation and subsequent male differentiation in mammals. A related gene, Sox9, also plays a critical role in testis determination, possibly in all vertebrates. A number of models have been presented regarding the molecular modes of action of these two genes. However, details regarding their regulation, regulatory target genes, and interacting protein factors and co-factors have not been established with any certainty. In this review, we examine new evidence and re-examine existing evidence bearing on these issues, in an effort to build up an integrative model of the network of gene activity centred around Sry and Sox9. J. Exp. Zool. 290:463-474, 2001. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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We have studied the spatial dynamics of Sry transcription in the genital ridges of mouse embryos. We find that Sry is expressed in a dynamic wave that emanates from the central and/or anterior regions, extends subsequently to both poles, and ends in the caudal pole. This dynamism may explain the relative positioning of ovarian and testicular tissue seen in ovotestes in mice. Since direct regulatory targets of SRY ought to be expressed in a corresponding or complimentary wave, our observations pave the way for identification of target genes. Sry is expressed in internal cells but not in coelomic surface epithelial cells, indicating that its effect on proliferation of surface cells is achieved non-cell-autonomously. The cellular dynamism of Sry expression revealed in this study thus provides important insights into both the cellular and molecular mode of action of SRY, and how perturbations in Sry expression can lead to anomalies of sexual development. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Expression profiling to characterize cancer pharmacology has become a new approach to discover novel molecular targets for prognostic markers and cancer therapy. In a study to compare the global RNA expression profiles between primary and recurrent ovarian tumors from the same patient, we have identified XIST (inactive X chromosome-specific transcripts) as the most differentially expressed gene that was down-regulated in the recurrent tumor. XIST encodes a spliced noncoding polyadenylated transcript that is unique in being expressed exclusively from the inactive X chromosome and is involved in the X-inactivation process. Subsequent characterization of XIST expression in a panel of female cancer cell lines showed that the expression level of XIST correlates significantly with Taxol sensitivity. The clinical relevance of this observation is demonstrated by the strong association between XIST RNA levels and disease-free periods of ovarian cancer patients in a group of 21 ovarian cancer cases with Taxol in the therapeutic regiments. Cytogenetic studies on ovarian cancer cell lines indicated that loss of inactive X chromosome is one mechanism for the loss of XIST transcripts in the cell lines. Our data suggest that XIST expression may be a potential marker for chemotherapeutic responses in ovarian cancer.


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An understanding of the mechanisms that explain the initiation and early evolution of colorectal cancer should facilitate the development of new approaches to effective prevention and intervention. This review highlights deficiencies in the current model for colorectal neoplasia in which APC mutation is placed at the point of initiation. Other genes implicated in the regulation of apoptosis and DNA repair may underlie the early development of colorectal cancer. Inactivation of these genes may occur not by mutation or loss but through silencing mediated by methylation of the gene's promoter region. hMLH1 and MGMT are examples of DNA repair genes that are silenced by methylation. Loss of expression of hMLH1 and MGMT protein has been demonstrated immunohistochemically in serrated polyps. Multiple lines of evidence point to a serrated pathway of neoplasia that is driven by inhibition of apoptosis and the subsequent inactivation of DNA repair genes by promoter methylation. The earliest lesions in this pathway are aberrant crypt foci (ACF). These may develop Into hyperplastic polyps or transform while still of microscopic size into admixed polyps, serrated adenomas, or traditional adenomas. Cancers developing from these lesions may show high- or low-level microsatellite instability (MSI-H and MSI-L, respectively) or may be microsatellite stable (MSS). The suggested clinical model for this alternative pathway is the condition hyperplastic polyposis. If colorectal cancer is a heterogeneous disease comprising discrete subsets that evolve through different pathways, it is evident that these subsets will need to be studied individually in the future.


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Our studies on two branching mutants of pea (Pisum sativum L.) have identified a further Ramosus locus, Rms6, with two recessive or partially recessive mutant alleles: rms6-1 (type line S2-271) and rms6-2 (type line K586). Mutants rms6-1 and rms6-2 were derived from dwarf and tall cultivars, Solara and Torsdag, respectively. The rms6 mutants are characterized by increased branching from basal nodes. In contrast, mutants rms1 through rms5 have increased branching from both basal and aerial (upper stem) nodes. Buds at the cotyledonary node of wild-type (WT) plants remain dormant but in rms6 plants these buds were usually released from dormancy. Their growth was either subsequently inhibited, sometimes even prior to emergence above ground, or they grew into secondary stems. The mutant phenotype was strongest for rms6-1 on the dwarf background. Although rms6-2 had a weak single-mutant phenotype, the rms3-1 rms6-2 double mutant showed clear transgression and an additive branching phenotype, with a total lateral length almost 2-fold greater than rms3-1 and nearly 5-fold greater than rms6-2 . Grafting studies between WT and rms6-1 plants demonstrated the primary action of Rms6 may be confined to the shoot. Young WT and rms6-1 shoots had similar auxin levels, and decapitated plants had a similar magnitude of response to applied auxin. Abscisic acid levels were elevated 2-fold at node 2 of young rms6-1 plants. The Rms6 locus mapped to the R to Gp segment of linkage group V (chromosome 3). The rms6 mutants will be useful for basic research and also have possible agronomical value.


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The prevalence of type 2 diabetes among Australian residents is 7.5%; however, prevalence rates up to six times higher have been reported for indigenous Australian communities. Epidemiological evidence implicates genetic factors in the susceptibility of indigenous Australians to type 2 diabetes and supports the hypothesis of the thrifty genotype, but, to date, the nature of the genetic predisposition is unknown. We have ascertained clinical details from a community of indigenous Australian descent in North Stradbroke Island, Queensland. In this population, the phenotype is characterized by severe insulin resistance. We have conducted a genomewide scan, at an average resolution of 10 cM, for type 2 diabetes-susceptibility genes in a large multigeneration pedigree from this community. Parametric linkage analysis undertaken using FASTLINK version 4.1p yielded a maximum two-point LOD score of +2.97 at marker D2S2345. Multipoint analysis yielded a peak LOD score of +3.9