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A fines de los años 40’, el filósofo norteamericano Arthur Lovejoy y el en ese momento Presidente del Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Anton Pegis, sostuvieron una interesante discusión sobre la existencia de libertad o necesidad eficiente en el acto divino de crear conforme a la filosofía de Tomás de Aquino. Lovejoy denunciaba una supuesta incoherencia fundamental en las enseñanzas de Tomás al respecto. Según él, en el concepto tomásico de creación se encuentran implicados al mismo tiempo los conceptos de necesidad agente y libre albedrío aplicados al Creador. Esta supuesta contradicción era para Pegis no sólo falsa sino imposible. Aquí repensaremos dos puntos centrales de dicha discusión: en primer lugar, si, como piensa Lovejoy, para Santo Tomás efectivamente existe una contraposición entre la autosuficiencia de Dios y su capacidad para amar otras cosas distintas de Él. Luego, el significado de la frase: “condice a la bondad divina que también otras cosas participen de la misma". (S.th., I, q.19, a.2).


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Velocities and densities of submarine basalts obtained during Leg 65 are distinguished by their relatively high values (about 6.3 km/s and 2.9 g/cm/**3, respectively). This is consistent with their low degree of alteration. The range of velocities covered by these samples correlates well with porosity, and a comparison with in situ velocities from refraction data suggests maximum porosities ih the upper 100 meters of the crust of about 10%.


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At all DSDP Leg 56 drilling sites, exotic pebbles occur commonly, throughout the cores. Chips of carbonate nodules occur only at Site 434 on the lower inner trench wall. Both exotic pebbles and carbonate nodule chips sometimes tend to be concentrated at particular levels of cores. Exotic pebbles are generally well rounded and consist of various rock types, such as dacite, andesite, basalt, tuff, gabbro, granodiorite, metaquartzite, biotite hornfels, lithic wacke, mudstone, etc., of which dacite occurs commonly at all the sites. Almost all pebbles at Site 436 and most at Sites 434 and 435 may have been rafted by ice. Some at the latter sites may have been derived by down-slope slumping. Carbonate nodules consist of microcrystalline dolomite, manganoan calcite, and siderite; CaCO3 content ranges from 22 to 65 per cent. They are also generally characterized by a high content of P2O5. The nodules are commonly rich in diatom remains, some of which indicate that the nodules are autochthonous. Some nodules contain abundant glass shards, with a modal refractive index of 1.499, almost identical to shards in the surrounding mud and ooze. These facts suggest that the carbonate nodules may have been formed diagenetically, in situ. This may throw light on problems of the formation of carbonate nodules in ancient "geosynclinal" sediments. It is also very important to point out that these carbonate nodules were formed within sediment deposited well below the CCD.


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The upper Miocene to Pleistocene sediments recovered at ODP Sites 745 and 746 in the Australian-Antarctic Basin are characterized by cyclic facies changes. Sedimentological investigations of a detailed Quaternary section reveal that facies A is dominated by a high content of siliceous microfossils, a relatively low terrigenous sediment content, an ice-rafted component, low concentrations of fine sediment particles, and a relatively high smectite content. This facies corresponds to interglacial sedimentary conditions. Facies B, in contrast, is characteristic of glacial conditions and is dominated by a large amount of terrigenous material and a smaller opaline component. There is also a prominent ice-rafted component. The microfossils commonly are reworked and broken. The clay mineral assemblages show higher proportions of glacially derived illite and chlorite. A combination of four different processes, attributed to glacial-interglacial cycles, was responsible for the cyclic facies changes during Quaternary time: transport by gravity, ice, and current and changes in primary productivity. Of great importance was the movement of the grounding line of the ice shelves, which directly influenced the intensity of ice rafting and of gravitational sediment transport to the deep sea. The extension of the ice shelves was also responsible for the generation of cold and erosive Antarctic Bottom Water, which controlled the grain-size distribution, particularly of the fine fraction, in the investigated area.


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El artículo pretende, en primer lugar, caracterizar brevemente la idea de verdad necesaria en Leibniz a los efectos de mostrar cómo en el desarrollo de las investigaciones lógicas ella se ha ido debilitando al extremo de convertirse en una de las tantas posibles interpretaciones del operador de necesidad. Se muestra, además, que ello ha sucedido tanto en los sistemas generados a partir de las semánticas de Kripke para la lógica modal clásica como para los sistemas de lógica, para los condicionales contrafácticos de David Lewis y para los condicionales derrotables de Carlos Alchourrón.


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El artículo pretende, en primer lugar, caracterizar brevemente la idea de verdad necesaria en Leibniz a los efectos de mostrar cómo en el desarrollo de las investigaciones lógicas ella se ha ido debilitando al extremo de convertirse en una de las tantas posibles interpretaciones del operador de necesidad. Se muestra, además, que ello ha sucedido tanto en los sistemas generados a partir de las semánticas de Kripke para la lógica modal clásica como para los sistemas de lógica, para los condicionales contrafácticos de David Lewis y para los condicionales derrotables de Carlos Alchourrón.


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Site 1085 is located on the continental rise of southwest Africa at a water depth of 1713 m off the mouth of the Orange River in the Cape Basin. The site is part of the suite of locations drilled during Leg 175 on the Africa margin to reconstruct the onset and evolution of the elevated biological productivity associated with the Benguela Current upwelling system (Wefer, Berger, Richter, et al., 1998, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.175.1998). Three sediment samples were collected per section from Cores 170-1085A-28H through 45X (251-419 mbsf) to provide a survey of the sediment record of paleoproductivity from the middle late Miocene to the early Pliocene (~8.7-4.7 Ma), which is a period that includes the postulated northward migration and intensification of the Benguela Current and the establishment of modern circulation off southwest Africa (Siesser, 1980; Diester-Haass et al., 1992; Berger et al., 1998). Core 170-1085A-30H (270-279 mbsf) had essentially no recovery; this coring gap was filled with samples from Cores 170-1085B-29H and 30H (261-280 mbsf). The results of measurements of multiple paleoproductivity proxies are summarized in this report. Included in these proxies are the radiolarian, foraminiferal, and echinoderm components of the sand-sized sediment fraction. Opal skeletons of radiolarians (no diatoms were found) relate to paleoproductivity and water mass chemistry (Summerhayes et al., 1995, doi:10.1016/0079-6611(95)00008-5; Lange and Berger, 1993, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.130.011.1993; Nelson et al., 1995, doi:10.1029/95GB01070). The accumulation rates of benthic foraminifers are useful proxies for paleoproductivity (Herguera and Berger, 1991, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1991)019<1173:PFBFAG>2.3.CO;2; Nees, 1997, doi:10.1016/S0031-0182(97)00012-6; Schmiedl and Mackensen, 1997, doi:10.1016/S0031-0182(96)00137-X) because these fauna subsist on organic matter exported from the photic zone. Echinoderms also depend mainly on food supply from the photic zone (Gooday and Turley, 1990), and their accumulation rates are an additional paleoproductivity proxy. Concentrations of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and organic carbon in sediment samples are fundamental measures of paleoproductivity (e.g., Meyers, 1997, doi:10.1016/S0146-6380(97)00049-1). In addition, organic matter atomic carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratios and delta13C values can be used to infer the origin of the organic matter contained within the sediments and to explore some of the factors affecting its preservation and accumulation (Meyers, 1994, doi:10.1016/0009-2541(94)90059-0).


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A suite of volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks selected from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 134 Sites 832 and 833 in the North Aoba Basin (Central New Hebrides Island Arc) has been analyzed for Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopes to investigate the temporal evolution of the arc magmatism. This arc shows two unusual features with respect to other western Pacific arcs: 1) subduction is eastdirected; and 2) a major submarine ridge, the d'Entrecasteaux Zone, has been colliding almost perpendicularly with the central part of the arc since about 3 Ma. Volcanic rocks from the upper parts of both holes, generated during the last 2 m.y., show higher 87Sr/86Sr and significantly lower 206Pb/204Pb and 143Nd/144 Nd values compared to those volcanics erupted before the collision of this ridge, as represented by samples from the lower section of both holes, or remote from the collisional region, in the southern part of the arc. These isotopic differences in the respective mantle sources cannot be interpreted in terms of geochemical input into the mantle wedge induced by the collision itself. Rather, they require long term (>500 m.y.) enrichment processes. The enriched mantle source could be, on a regional scale, a DUPAL-type reservoir with strong similarities to the source of Indian Ocean basalts. Isotopic analyses of drilled rocks from the DEZ show that the anomalous, enriched mantle component is not derived from this feature. We currently cannot identify a source for this enriched component, but note that it also exists in Lau Basin backarc volcanics, lavas from the West Philippine Sea, and also some lavas from the Mariana-Izu-Bonin arc.


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A unique record of the chemical evolution of seawater during hydrothermal recharge into oceanic crust is preserved by anhydrite from the volcanic sequences and sheeted dike complex in ODP Hole 504B. Chemical and isotopic analyses 87Sr/86Sr, delta18O, delta34S of anhydrite constrain the changing composition of fluids due to reaction with basalt. There is a general trend of decreasing 87Sr/86Sr of anhydrite, corresponding to the minor incorporation of basaltic strontium with depth in the volcanic rocks. 87Sr/86Sr ratios decrease rapidly with depth in the dikes to values identical to host basalt (0.7029). Sr/Ca ratios (<0.1 mmol/mol) suggest that recharge fluids have very low Sr concentrations and fluids evolve by first precipitating Sr-bearing phases before extensive exchange of Sr with the host basalt. There is a background trend of decreasing sulfate delta18O with depth from +12-13? in the lower volcanics to +7? in the lower sheeted dikes recording an increase in recharge fluid temperature from c. 150° to c. 250°C, and confirming the presence of sulfate in hydrothermal fluids at elevated temperatures. From the amount of anhydrite recovered from Hole 504B and the amount of seawater sulfur that has been reduced to sulfide, a minimum seawater recharge flux can be calculated. This value is 4-25 times lower than estimates of high-temperature fluid fluxes based on either thermal constraints or global chemical budgets and suggests that there is significant deficit of seawater-derived sulfur in the oceanic crust. Only a minor proportion of the seawater that percolates into the crust near the axis is heated to high temperatures and exits as black smoker-type fluids. A significant proportion of the axial heat loss must be advected at 200-250°C by sulfate-bearing hydrothermal solutions that egress diffusely from the crust. These fluids penetrate into the dikes and exchange both heat and chemical tracers without the extensive clogging of porosity by anhydrite precipitation, which would halt hydrothermal circulation for any reasonable fluid flux. The heating of the major proportion of hydrothermal fluids to only moderate temperatures (c. 250°C) reconciles estimates of hydrothermal fluxes derived from thermal models and global geochemical budgets. The flux of hydrothermal sulfate would be of a magnitude similar to the riverine input, and oxygen-isotopic exchange at 200-250°C between dissolved sulfate and recharge fluids during hydrothermal circulation provides a mechanism to continuously buffer seawater sulfate oxygen to the light isotopic composition observed.


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One hundred and twenty point counts of Oligocene to Recent sands and sandstones from DSDP sites in the Japan and Mariana intraoceanic forearc and backarc basins demonstrate that there is a clear compositional difference between the continentally influenced Japan forearc and backarc sediments, and the totally oceanic Mariana forearc and backarc sediments. Japan forearc sediments average 10 QFL%Q, 0.82 P/F, 2 Framework%Mica, 74 LmLvLst%Lv, and 19 LmLvLst%Lst. In contrast, the Mariana forearc and backarc sediments average 0 QFL%Q, 1.00 P/F, 0 Framework%Mica, 98 LmLvLst%Lv, and 1 LmLvLst%Lst. Sediment compositions in the Japan region are variable. The Honshu forearc sediments average 5 QFL%Q, 0.94 P/F, 1 Framework%Mica, 82 LmLvLst%Lv, and 15 LmLvLst%Lst. The Yamato Basin sediments (DSDP Site 299) average 13 QFL%Q, 0.70 P/F, 3 Framework%Mica, 78 LmLvLst%Lv, and 14 LmLvLst%Lst. The Japan Basin sediments (DSDP Site 301) average 24 QFL%Q, 0.54 P/F, 9 Framework%Mica, 58 LmLvLst%Lv, and 21 LmLvLst%Lst. P/F and Framework%Mica are higher in the Yamato Basin sediments than in the forearc sediments due to an increase in modal potassium content of volcanic rocks from east to west, on the island of Honshu. Site 301 possesses a higher QFL%Q and LmLvLst%Lst, and lower LmLvLst%Lv than Site 299 because it receives sediment from the Asian mainland as well as the island of Honshu. DSDP Site 293 sediments, in the Mariana region, average 0.97 P/F, 1 Framework%Mica, 13 LmLvLst%Lm and 83 LmLvLst%Lv, due to their proximity to the island of Luzon. The remaining Mariana forearc and backarc sediments show a uniform composition.


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Acidic to intermediate volcanic rocks were obtained as boulders, pebbles, and clasts with intercalated matrix sediments near the Japan Trench. A 47.5-meter conglomerate bed unconformably overlies acoustic basement consisting of Upper Cretaceous siltstone and is overlain in turn by massive coarse-sandstone and siltstone beds with many fossil mollusks. The volcanic cobbles and boulders in the conglomerate show pronounced porphyritic texture. Their phenocrysts are plagioclase, hornblende, and biotite; the groundmass consists of plagioclase, K-feldspar, quartz, iron oxide, and altered interstitial glass. The Plagioclase content of these volcanic rocks is very high, whereas iron oxide minerals are rare. The chemical composition of these volcanic rocks was analyzed to determine the rock series. Matrix sediments were also analyzed chemically, and their chemical composition was found to be similar to that of volcanic rocks, except for a lower CaO content. SiO2 content of the volcanic rocks ranges from 60.23 to 73.90, corresponding to that of andesite to rhyolite. All the samples show extremely high Al2O3 content, which reflects the high amounts of modal plagioclase. These volcanic rocks belong to both the calc-alkalic and tholeiitic rock series, and the differentiation trend is controlled by fractional crystallization, mainly of plagioclase, K-feldspar, and hornblende. The assemblage of calc-alkalic and tholeiitic rock series is frequently observed in island arcs and active continental margins. These volcanic rocks are derived from the Oyashio ancient landmass, which is a slightly matured island arc.


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El artículo pretende, en primer lugar, caracterizar brevemente la idea de verdad necesaria en Leibniz a los efectos de mostrar cómo en el desarrollo de las investigaciones lógicas ella se ha ido debilitando al extremo de convertirse en una de las tantas posibles interpretaciones del operador de necesidad. Se muestra, además, que ello ha sucedido tanto en los sistemas generados a partir de las semánticas de Kripke para la lógica modal clásica como para los sistemas de lógica, para los condicionales contrafácticos de David Lewis y para los condicionales derrotables de Carlos Alchourrón.


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Petrography, major and trace elements, mineral chemistry, and Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic ratios are reported for igneous rocks drilled on the northern flank of the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge (NDR) during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 134 Site 828. These rocks comprise a breccia unit beneath a middle Eocene foraminiferal ooze. Both geophysical characteristics and the variety of volcanic rocks found at the bottom of Holes 828A and 828B indicate that a very immature breccia or scree deposit was sampled. Basalts are moderately to highly altered, but primary textures are well preserved. Two groups with different magmatic affinities, unrelated to the stratigraphic height, have been distinguished. One group consists of aphyric to sparsely plagioclase + clinopyroxene-phyric basalts, characterized by high TiO2 (~2 wt%) and low Al2O3 (less than 15 wt%) contents, with flat MORB-normalized incompatible element patterns and LREE-depleted chondrite-normalized REE patterns. This group resembles N-MORB. The other group comprises moderately to highly olivine + plagioclase-phyric basalts with low TiO2 (<1 wt%) and high Al2O3 (usually >15 wt%) contents, and marked HFSE depletion and LFSE enrichment. Some lavas in this group are picritic, with relatively high modal olivine abundances, and MgO contents up to 15 wt%. Both the basalts and picritic basalts of this group reflect an influence by subduction-related processes, and have compositions transitional between MORB and IAT. Lavas with similar geochemical features have been reported from small back-arc basins such as the Mariana Trough, Lau Basin, Sulu Sea, and the North Fiji Basin and are referred to as back-arc basin basalts. However, regional tectonic considerations suggest that the spreading that produced these backarc basin basalts may have occurred in the forearc region of the southwest-facing island arc that existed in this region in the Eocene.


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Gabbroic xenoliths and diverse megacrysts (e.g., clinopyroxenes, amphiboles and plagioclases), which correspond to the lithology ranging from gabbro-norite to gabbro, occur in the Pleisto-Holocene alkali basalts from Jeju Island, South Korea. The gabbroic xenoliths consist primarily of moderate-K2O plagioclase, Ti-Al-rich clinopyroxene and CaO-rich orthopyroxene; additionally, TiO2-rich amphibole (kaersutite) and Ti-Fe oxides might or might not be present. The plagioclase is the most dominant phase (approx. 60-70 vol.%). The xenoliths and megacrysts provide evidence for the modal metasomatism of the lower continental crust by the mafic magmas during the Pleistocene. The coarse grain size (up to 5 mm), moderate Mg# [=100xMg/(Mg+Fe(total)) atomic ratio] of pyroxenes (70-77) and textural features (e.g., poikilitic) indicate that the gabbroic xenoliths are consistent with a cumulus origin. The clinopyroxenes from these xenoliths are enriched in REE with smooth convex-upward MREE patterns, which are expected for cumulus minerals formed from a melt enriched in incompatible trace elements. The strikingly similar major and trace element variations and the patterns of constituent minerals clearly indicate a genetic link between the gabbroic xenoliths (plus megacrysts) and the host basalt, indicating that the xenoliths belong to the Jeju Pleisto-Holocene magma system. On the basis of the textural features, the mineral equilibria and the major and trace element variations, the xenoliths appear to have crystallized from basaltic melts at the reservoir-roof environment within the lower crust (4-7 kbars) above the present Moho estimates beneath Jeju Island, where the xenoliths represent wall rocks. Following the consolidation of the xenolith lithologies, volatile- and incompatible element-enriched melt/fluid, as metasomatic agents, infiltrated through the grain boundaries and/or cracks and reacted with the preexisting anhydrous phases, which produced the metasomatic amphiboles. This volatile-enriched melt/fluid could have evolved from the initially anhydrous compositions to the volatile-saturated compositions by the active fractional crystallization in the Jeju Pleisto-Holocene magma system. This process was significant in that it was a relatively young event and played an important role in the formation of the hydrous minerals and the metasomatization of the lower continental crust, which is a plume-impacted area along the Asian continental margin. The major and trace element analyses of the mineral phases from the xenoliths were performed to define the principal geochemical characteristics of the crustal lithosphere segment represented by the studied xenoliths.


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Distribution patterns, petrography, whole-rock and mineral chemistry, and shape and fabric data are described for the most representative basement lithologies occurring as clasts (granule to bolder grain-size class) from the 625 m deep CRP-2/2A drillcore. A major change in the distribution pattern of the clast types occurs at c. 310 mbsf., with granitoid-dominated clasts above and mainly dolerite clasts below; moreover, compositional and modal data suggest a further division into seven main detrital assemblages or petrofacies. In spite of this variability, most granitoid pebbles consist of either pink or grey biotite±hornblende monzogranites. Other less common and ubiquitous lithologies include biotite syenogranite, biotite-hornblende granodiorite, tonalite, monzogranitic porphyries (very common below 310 mbsf), microgranite, and subordinately, monzogabbro, Ca-silicate rocks, biotite-clinozoisite schist and biotite orthogneiss (restricted to the pre-Pliocene strata). The ubiquitous occurrence of biotite±hornblende monzogranite pebbles in both the Quaternary-Pliocene and Miocene-Oligocene sections, apparently reflects the dominance of these lithologies in the onshore basement, and particularly in the Cambro-Ordovician Granite Harbour Igneous Complex which forms the most extensive outcrop in southern Victoria Land. The petrographical features of the other CRP-2/2A pebble lithologies are consistent with a supply dominantly from areas of the Transantarctic Mountains facing the CRP-2/2A site, and they thus provide further evidence of a local provenance for the supply of basement clasts to the CRP-2/2A sedimentary strata.