997 resultados para catalytic oxidation
Behovet av förnyelsebar energi ökar ständigt eftersom det finns en strävan att minska beroendet av fossila bränslen. Dessutom är tillgångar av fossila bränslen begränsade. Miljövänliga processer för bioraffinaderier erbjuder en stor möjlighet för produktion av energi, bränslen och kemikalier. Den finska och svenska skogsindustrin har en lång tradition i utnyttjandet av skogsbiomassor. Bioraffinaderier som integreras med pappers- och cellulosaindustrin kan frambringa både ekonomiska och ekologiska fördelar i framställning av traditionella och biobaserade produkter. I doktorsarbetet studerades omvandling av extraktivämnen till finkemikalier som kan användas t.ex. av läkemedelsindustrin. Extraktivämnen fås ur biomassa. I forskningsarbetet framställdes biobaserade finkemikalier med hjälp av katalysatorer som baserar sig på joniska vätskor. Biomassan består av cellulosa, hemicellulosa, lignin och extraktivämnen, vilka huvudsakligen är terpener, vaxer och fettsyror. Extraktivämen är vedens komponenter, som kan separeras ur vedmaterialet med hjälp av neutrala lösningsmedel. Joniska vätskekatalysatorer som var immobiliserade på fasta bärare utnyttjades för isomerisering av α,β-pinenoxider samt hydrogenering citral. Inverkan av joniska vätskor på katalysatorns aktivitet och reaktionernas produktfördelning undersöktes under varierande reaktionsbetingelser. Kinetiska modeller för pinenoxidens isomeriseringsreaktioner beskrev väl experimentellt upptäckta skillnader mellan olika katalysatorer. --------------------------------------------------- Uusiutuvan energian tarve on kasvussa, koska riippuvuutta fossiilisista polttoaineista pyritään vähentämään. Tämän lisäksi fossiilisten polttoaineiden varannot ovat rajalliset. Ympäristöystävälliset biojalostusprosessit ovat näin ollen suuri mahdollisuus energian, polttoaineiden ja kemikaalien tuotannossa. Suomen ja Ruotsin metsäteollisuudella on pitkät perinteet metsäbiomassojen hyödyntämisessä. Paperi- ja selluteollisuuden yhteyteen integroiduilla biojalostamoilla voidaan luoda taloudellisia ja ympäristöllisiä etuja sekä perinteisten että biopohjaisten tuotteiden valmistuksessa. Väitöstyössä on tutkittu biomassan uuteaineiden kemiallista muuntamista hienokemikaaleiksi, joita voidaan käyttää esimerkiksi lääkeaineteollisuudessa. Biopohjaisia hienokemikaaleja on valmistettu biomassan uuteaineista ionisiin nesteisiin perustuvilla katalyyteillä. Biomassa koostuu selluloosasta, hemiselluloosasta, ligniinistä sekä uuteaineista, jotka ovat pääosin terpeenejä, vahoja tai rasvahappoja. Uuteaineet ovat puun komponentteja, jotka voidaan erottaa puusta neutraalien liuottimien avulla. Kiinteän kantajan päälle immobilisoituja ionisia nestekatalyyttejä (Supported Ionic Liquid Catalyst) hyödynnettiin α,β-pineenioksidien isomerisointireaktioissa sekä sitraalin vedytysreaktioissa. Ionisten nesteiden vaikutusta katalyyttien aktiivisuuteen sekä reaktioiden tuotejakaumaan tutkittiin erilaisissa reaktio-olosuhteissa. Pineenioksidien isomerisointireaktioiden kineettiset mallit kuvasivat hyvin kokeellisesti todettuja katalyyttien eroavaisuuksia.
Terpenes are a valuable natural resource for the production of fine chemicals. Turpentine, obtained from biomass and also as a side product of softwood industry, is rich in monoterpenes such as α-pinene and β-pinene, which are widely used as raw materials in the synthesis of flavors, fragrances and pharmaceutical compounds. The rearrangement of their epoxides has been thoroughly studied in recent years, as a method to obtain compounds which are further used in the fine chemical industry. The industrially most desired products of α-pinene oxide isomerization are campholenic aldehyde and trans-carveol. Campholenic aldehyde is an intermediate for the manufacture of sandalwood-like fragrances such as santalol. Trans-carveol is an expensive constituent of the Valencia orange essence oil used in perfume bases and food flavor composition. Furthermore it has been found to exhibit chemoprevention of mammary carcinogenesis. A wide range of iron and ceria supported catalysts were prepared, characterized and tested for α-pinene oxide isomerization in order to selective synthesis of above mentioned products. The highest catalytic activity in the preparation of campholenic aldehyde over iron modified catalysts using toluene as a solvent at 70 °C (total conversion of α-pinene oxide with a selectivity of 66 % to the desired aldehyde) was achieved in the presence of Fe-MCM-41. Furthermore, Fe-MCM-41 catalyst was successfully regenerated without deterioration of catalytic activity and selectivity. The most active catalysts in the synthesis of trans-carveol from α-pinene oxide over iron and ceria modified catalysts in N,N-dimethylacetamide as a solvent at 140 °C (total conversion of α-pinene oxide with selectivity 43 % to trans-carveol) were Fe-Beta-300 and Ce-Si-MCM-41. These catalysts were further tested for an analogous reaction, namely verbenol oxide isomerization. Verbenone is another natural organic compound which can be found in a variety of plants or synthesized by allylic oxidation of α-pinene. An interesting product which is synthesized from verbenone is (1R,2R,6S)-3-methyl-6-(prop-1-en-2-yl)cyclohex-3-ene-1,2-diol. It has been discovered that this diol possesses potent anti-Parkinson activity. The most effective way leading to desired diol starts from verbenone and includes three stages: epoxidation of verbenone to verbenone oxide, reduction of verbenone oxide and subsequent isomerization of obtained verbenol oxide, which is analogous to isomerization of α-pinene oxide. In the research focused on the last step of these synthesis, high selectivity (82 %) to desired diol was achieved in the isomerization of verbenol oxide at a conversion level of 96 % in N,N-dimethylacetamide at 140 °C using iron modified zeolite, Fe-Beta-300. This reaction displayed surprisingly high selectivity, which has not been achieved yet. The possibility of the reuse of heterogeneous catalysts without activity loss was demonstrated.
It has been suggested that glucocorticoids released during stress might impair neuronal function by decreasing glucose uptake by hippocampal neurons. Previous work has demonstrated that glucose uptake is reduced in hippocampal and cerebral cortex slices 24 h after exposure to acute stress, while no effect was observed after repeated stress. Here, we report the effect of acute and repeated restraint stress on glucose oxidation to CO2 in hippocampal and cerebral cortex slices and on plasma glucose and corticosterone levels. Male adult Wistar rats were exposed to restraint 1 h/day for 50 days in the chronic model. In the acute model there was a single exposure. Immediately or 24 h after stress, the animals were sacrificed and the hippocampus and cerebral cortex were dissected, sliced, and incubated with Krebs buffer, pH 7.4, containing 5 mM glucose and 0.2 µCi D-[U-14C] glucose. CO2 production from glucose was estimated. Trunk blood was also collected, and both corticosterone and glucose were measured. The results showed that corticosterone levels after exposure to acute restraint were increased, but the increase was smaller when the animals were submitted to repeated stress. Blood glucose levels increased after both acute and repeated stress. However, glucose utilization, measured as CO2 production in hippocampal and cerebral cortex slices, was the same in stressed and control groups under conditions of both acute and chronic stress. We conclude that, although stress may induce a decrease in glucose uptake, this effect is not sufficient to affect the energy metabolism of these cells.
Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) released by activated leukocytes has been implicated in the tissue damage that characterizes chronic inflammatory diseases. In this investigation, 14 indole derivatives, including metabolites such as melatonin, tryptophan and indole-3-acetic acid, were screened for their ability to inhibit the generation of this endogenous oxidant by stimulated leukocytes. The release of HOCl was measured by the production of taurine-chloramine when the leukocytes (2 x 10(6) cells/mL) were incubated at 37ºC in 10 mM phosphate-buffered saline, pH 7.4, for 30 min with 5 mM taurine and stimulated with 100 nM phorbol-12-myristate acetate. Irrespective of the group substituted in the indole ring, all the compounds tested including indole, 2-methylindole, 3-methylindole, 2,3-dimethylindole, 2,5-dimethylindole, 2-phenylindole, 5-methoxyindole, 6-methoxyindole, 5-methoxy-2-methylindole, melatonin, tryptophan, indole-3-acetic acid, 5-methoxy-2-methyl-3-indole-acetic acid, and indomethacin (10 µM) inhibited the chlorinating activity of myeloperoxidase (MPO) in the 23-72% range. The compounds 3-methylindole and indole-3-acetic acid were chosen as representative of indole derivatives in a dose-response study using purified MPO. The IC50 obtained were 0.10 ± 0.03 and 5.0 ± 1.0 µM (N = 13), respectively. These compounds did not affect the peroxidation activity of MPO or the production of superoxide anion by stimulated leukocytes. By following the spectral change of MPO during the enzyme turnover, the inhibition of HOCl production can be explained on the basis of the accumulation of the redox form compound-II (MPO-II), which is an inactive chlorinating species. These results show that indole derivatives are effective and selective inhibitors of MPO-chlorinating activity.
Cytochrome P450 (CYP) is a superfamily of enzymes involved in the metabolism of endogenous compounds and xenobiotics. CYP2A6 catalyzes the oxidation of nicotine and the activation of carcinogens such as aflatoxin B1 and nitrosamines. CYP2E1 metabolizes ethanol and other low-molecular weight compounds and can also activate nitrosamines. The CYP2A6 and CYP2E1 genes are polymorphic, altering their catalytic activities and susceptibility to cancer and other diseases. A number of polymorphisms described are ethnic-dependent. In the present study, we determined the genotype and allele frequencies of the main CYP2A6 and CYP2E1 polymorphisms in a group of 289 volunteers recruited at the Central Laboratory of Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto. They had been residing in the city of Rio de Janeiro for at least 6 months and were divided into two groups according to skin color (white and non-white). The alleles were determined by allele specific PCR (CYP2A6) or by PCR-RFLP (CYP2E1). The frequencies of the CYP2A6*1B and CYP2A6*2 alleles were 0.29 and 0.02 for white individuals and 0.24 and 0.01 for non-white individuals, respectively. The CYP2A6*5 allele was not found in the population studied. Regarding the CYP2E1*5B allele, we found a frequency of 0.07 in white individuals, which was statistically different (P < 0.05) from that present in non-white individuals (0.03). CYP2E1*6 allele frequency was the same (0.08) in both groups. The frequencies of CYP2A6*1B, CYP2A6*2 and CYP2E1*6 alleles in Brazilians are similar to those found in Caucasians and African-Americans, but the frequency of the CYP2E1*5B allele is higher in Brazilians.
Oxysterols are 27-carbon atom molecules resulting from autoxidation or enzymatic oxidation of cholesterol. They are present in numerous foodstuffs and have been demonstrated to be present at increased levels in the plasma of patients with cardiovascular diseases and in atherosclerotic lesions. Thus, their role in lipid disorders is widely suspected, and they might also be involved in important degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, and age-related macular degeneration. Since atherosclerosis is associated with the presence of apoptotic cells and with oxidative and inflammatory processes, the ability of some oxysterols, especially 7-ketocholesterol and 7β-hydroxycholesterol, to trigger cell death, activate inflammation, and modulate lipid homeostasis is being extensively studied, especially in vitro. Thus, since there are a number of essential considerations regarding the physiological/pathophysiological functions and activities of the different oxysterols, it is important to determine their biological activities and identify their signaling pathways, when they are used either alone or as mixtures. Oxysterols may have cytotoxic, oxidative, and/or inflammatory effects, or none whatsoever. Moreover, a substantial accumulation of polar lipids in cytoplasmic multilamellar structures has been observed with cytotoxic oxysterols, suggesting that cytotoxic oxysterols are potent inducers of phospholipidosis. This basic knowledge about oxysterols contributes to a better understanding of the associated pathologies and may lead to new treatments and new drugs. Since oxysterols have a number of biological activities, and as oxysterol-induced cell death is assumed to take part in degenerative pathologies, the present review will focus on the cytotoxic activities of these compounds, the corresponding cell death signaling pathways, and associated events (oxidation, inflammation, and phospholipidosis).
Human serum albumin (HSA) is the most abundant protein in the intravascular compartment. It possesses a single thiol, Cys34, which constitutes ~80% of the total thiols in plasma. This thiol is able to scavenge plasma oxidants. A central intermediate in this potential antioxidant activity of human serum albumin is sulfenic acid (HSA-SOH). Work from our laboratories has demonstrated the formation of a relatively stable sulfenic acid in albumin through complementary spectrophotometric and mass spectrometric approaches. Recently, we have been able to obtain quantitative data that allowed us to measure the rate constants of sulfenic acid reactions with molecules of analytical and biological interest. Kinetic considerations led us to conclude that the most likely fate for sulfenic acid formed in the plasma environment is the reaction with low molecular weight thiols to form mixed disulfides, a reversible modification that is actually observed in ~25% of circulating albumin. Another possible fate for sulfenic acid is further oxidation to sulfinic and sulfonic acids. These irreversible modifications are also detected in the circulation. Oxidized forms of albumin are increased in different pathophysiological conditions and sulfenic acid lies in a mechanistic junction, relating oxidizing species to final thiol oxidation products.
Most drugs function by binding reversibly to specific biological targets, and therapeutic effects generally require saturation of these targets. One means of decreasing required drug concentrations is incorporation of reactive metal centers that elicit irreversible modification of targets. A common approach has been the design of artificial proteases/nucleases containing metal centers capable of hydrolyzing targeted proteins or nucleic acids. However, these hydrolytic catalysts typically provide relatively low rate constants for target inactivation. Recently, various catalysts were synthesized that use oxidative mechanisms to selectively cleave/inactivate therapeutic targets, including HIV RRE RNA or angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE). These oxidative mechanisms, which typically involve reactive oxygen species (ROS), provide access to comparatively high rate constants for target inactivation. Target-binding affinity, co-reactant selectivity, reduction potential, coordination unsaturation, ROS products (metal-associated vsmetal-dissociated; hydroxyl vs superoxide), and multiple-turnover redox chemistry were studied for each catalyst, and these parameters were related to the efficiency, selectivity, and mechanism(s) of inactivation/cleavage of the corresponding target for each catalyst. Important factors for future oxidative catalyst development are 1) positioning of catalyst reduction potential and redox reactivity to match the physiological environment of use, 2) maintenance of catalyst stability by use of chelates with either high denticity or other means of stabilization, such as the square planar geometric stabilization of Ni- and Cu-ATCUN complexes, 3) optimal rate of inactivation of targets relative to the rate of generation of diffusible ROS, 4) targeting and linker domains that afford better control of catalyst orientation, and 5) general bio-availability and drug delivery requirements.
Magnesium and its alloys have recently been used in the development of lightweight, biodegradable implant materials. However, the corrosion properties of magnesium limit its clinical application. The purpose of this study was to comprehensively evaluate the degradation behavior and biomechanical properties of magnesium materials treated with micro-arc oxidation (MAO), which is a new promising surface treatment for developing corrosion resistance in magnesium, and to provide a theoretical basis for its further optimization and clinical application. The degradation behavior of MAO-treated magnesium was studied systematically by immersion and electrochemical tests, and its biomechanical performance when exposed to simulated body fluids was evaluated by tensile tests. In addition, the cell toxicity of MAO-treated magnesium samples during the corrosion process was evaluated, and its biocompatibility was investigated under in vivo conditions. The results of this study showed that the oxide coating layers could elevate the corrosion potential of magnesium and reduce its degradation rate. In addition, the MAO-coated sample showed no cytotoxicity and more new bone was formed around it during in vivo degradation. MAO treatment could effectively enhance the corrosion resistance of the magnesium specimen and help to keep its original mechanical properties. The MAO-coated magnesium material had good cytocompatibility and biocompatibility. This technique has an advantage for developing novel implant materials and may potentially be used for future clinical applications.
Galactosemia is an inborn error of galactose metabolism that occurs mainly as the outcome of galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase (GALT) deficiency. The ability to assess galactose oxidation following administration of a galactose-labeled isotope (1-13C-galactose) allows the determination of galactose metabolism in a practical manner. We aimed to assess the level of galactose oxidation in both healthy and galactosemic Brazilian children. Twenty-one healthy children and seven children with galactosemia ranging from 1 to 7 years of age were studied. A breath test was used to quantitate 13CO2 enrichment in exhaled air before and at 30, 60, and 120 min after the oral administration of 7 mg/kg of an aqueous solution of 1-13C-galactose to all children. The molar ratios of 13CO2 and 12CO2 were quantified by the mass/charge ratio (m/z) of stable isotopes in each air sample by gas-isotope-ratio mass spectrometry. In sick children, the cumulative percentage of 13C from labeled galactose (CUMPCD) in the exhaled air ranged from 0.03% at 30 min to 1.67% at 120 min. In contrast, healthy subjects showed a much broader range in CUMPCD, with values from 0.4% at 30 min to 5.58% at 120 min. The study found a significant difference in galactose oxidation between children with and without galactosemia, demonstrating that the breath test is useful in discriminating children with GALT deficiencies.
As it is a common observation that obesity tends to occur after discontinuation of exercise, we investigated how white adipocytes isolated from the periepididymal fat of animals with interrupted physical training transport and oxidize glucose, and whether these adaptations support the weight regain seen after 4 weeks of physical detraining. Male Wistar rats (45 days old, weighing 200 g) were divided into two groups (n=10): group D (detrained), trained for 8 weeks and detrained for 4 weeks; and group S (sedentary). The physical exercise was carried out on a treadmill for 60 min/day, 5 days/week for 8 weeks, at 50-60% of the maximum running capacity. After the training protocol, adipocytes isolated from the periepididymal adipose tissue were submitted to glucose uptake and oxidation tests. Adipocytes from detrained animals increased their glucose uptake capacity by 18.5% compared with those from sedentary animals (P<0.05). The same cells also showed a greater glucose oxidation capacity in response to insulin stimulation (34.55%) compared with those from the S group (P<0.05). We hypothesize that, owing to the more intense glucose entrance into adipose cells from detrained rats, more substrate became available for triacylglycerol synthesis. Furthermore, this increased glucose oxidation rate allowed an increase in energy supply for triacylglycerol synthesis. Thus, physical detraining might play a role as a possible obesogenic factor for increasing glucose uptake and oxidation by adipocytes.
Antioxidant activity of rosemary and oregano ethanol extracts in soybean oil under thermal oxidation
Four experiments were conducted to measure the antioxidant activity of ethanol extracts of rosemary and oregano compared with synthetic antioxidants such as TBHQ and BHA/BHT. The antioxidant activity was determined and results differed from those of the Oven test at 63º C. Peroxide values and absorptivities at 232 nm of soybean oil under Oven test were lower in treatments with 25, 50, 75, 100 and 200 mg.Kg-1 TBHQ than in treatments with 1000 mg.Kg-1 oregano extract (O), 500 mg.Kg-1 rosemary extract (R) and their mixture R+O. All the treatments were effective in controlling the thermal oxidation of oils; the natural extracts were as effective as BHA+BHT and less effective than TBHQ. The natural extracts were mixed with 25, 50, 75 and 100 mg.Kg-1 TBHQ and then added to the oil. No improvement in antioxidative properties was observed. The best antioxidant concentration could be determined from polynomial regression and quadratic equation from the experimental data.
The purpose of this study is to investigate whether commercial Kraft lignin can be treated with pulsed corona discharge apparatus so that it becomes active. Active lignin refers to the kind of lignin that can be precipitated on the surface of a fiber by lowering the pH. A secondary agenda here is to remove the pungent smell of kraft lignin, which is caused by organically bound sulfur. It is expected that the study will identify mild processing conditions and parameters for achievement of the desired outcome. In the literature review, the properties of lignin are explained, as is their impact on any further processing. In addition, a number of processes are described for the oxidation of lignin in a variety of applications. In the experimental part of the study, test runs were conducted to determine the effects of oxygen supply and pulse frequency on oxidation results, where the purpose is to produce reactive lignin and to find a process that is feasible at an industrial scale. Based on the reported experiments, lignin could not be made active or precipitated to the surface of the fiber. Actual changes in the structure of lignin were not observed, but the pungent smell of lignin was removed. The exact reason for this change could not be established because sulfur NMR analysis did not work for the lignin samples.
Limonene is a monoterpene obtained in large amounts from essential oils and is used as a raw material for the synthesis of flavors and fine chemicals. Several pathways or routes for the microbial degradation of limonene making use of the cytochrome P450-dependent monooxygenases have been described. In this study, we present a fermentative screening of microorganisms in order to verify their ability to perform the desirable conversion. In parallel, the PCR technique was used to select the microorganisms that contain the limC gene, which is responsible for the conversion of carveol to carvone. The microorganisms selected by PCR were not able to bioconvert limonene. From this result, we can suppose that these strains do not have the gene that codifies the enzyme responsible for the transformation of limonene into carveol. The results obtained in the fermentative screening showed that 4 microorganisms were able to bioconvert limonene into carveol. In addition, the amplification results showed the presence of fragments of 800 pb, expected for the limC gene. Therefore, the results obtained in the bioconversion and evaluation of the limC gene did not allow a correlation showing that these strains do not contain all the enzymes responsible for the conversion of limonene to carvone.
The effect of two levels (0.5 and 1%) of hydroalcoholic extract of Achyrocline satureioides on the safety (TBARS values) and quality (pH, water activity, colour, weight loss, and sensorial attributes) of salami was evaluated. The addition of Achyrocline satureioides extract decreased TBARS values significantly during the storage of salami when compared to the control, which was elaborated without Achyrocline satureioides extract. The treatment with 1% of "Marcela" extract showed larger lipid stability than that of the lot with 0.5%, However, it presented a decrease (p < 0.05) in the sensorial acceptance. The two levels of "Marcela" extract did not influence pH, water activity, colour, and weight loss significantly. This study indicates that the hydroalcoholic extract of "Marcela" was effective in decreasing the lipid oxidation and at 0.5% it did not alter the sensorial features; therefore, it may be used in salami to provide safer products for the consumers.