957 resultados para carbon half-life


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As the world's oceans continue to absorb anthropogenic CO2 from the atmosphere, the carbonate chemistry of seawater will change. This process, termed ocean acidification, may affect the physiology of marine organisms. Arctic seas are expected to experience the greatest decreases in pH in the future, as changing sea ice dynamics and naturally cold, brackish water, will accelerate ocean acidification. In this study, we investigated the effect of increased pCO2 on the early developmental stages of the key Arctic copepod Calanus glacialis. Eggs from wild-caught C. glacialis females from Svalbard, Norway (80°N), were cultured for 2 months to copepodite stage C1 in 2°C seawater under four pCO2 treatments (320, 530, 800, and 1700 ?atm). Developmental rate, dry weight, and carbon and nitrogen mass were measured every other day throughout the experiment, and oxygen consumption rate was measured at stages N3, N6, and C1. All endpoints were unaffected by pCO2 levels projected for the year 2300. These results indicate that naupliar development in wild populations of C. glacialis is unlikely to be detrimentally affected in a future high CO2 ocean.


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Larval stages are among those most vulnerable to ocean acidification (OA). Projected atmospheric CO2 levels for the end of this century may lead to negative impacts on communities dominated by calcifying taxa with planktonic life stages. We exposed Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) sperm and early life stages to pHT levels of 8.0 (current pH) and 7.6 (2100 level) by manipulating pCO2 level (380 and 1000 ppm). Sperm activity was examined at ambient temperatures (16-17 °C) using individual males as replicates. We also assessed the effects of temperature (ambient and = 20 °C) and pH on larval size, survival, respiration and calcification of late trochophore/early D-veliger stages using a cross-factorial design. Increased pCO2 had a negative effect on the percentage of motile sperm (mean response ratio R= 71%) and sperm swimming speed (R= 74%), possibly indicating reduced fertilization capacity of sperm in low concentrations. Increased temperature had a more prominent effect on larval stages than pCO2, reducing performance (RSize = 90% and RSurvival = 70%) and increasing energy demand (RRespiration = 429%). We observed no significant interactions between pCO2 and temperature. Our results suggest that increasing temperature might have a larger impact on very early larval stages of M. galloprovincialis than OA at levels predicted for the end of the century.


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Ocean acidification (OA) effects on larvae are partially attributed for the rapidly declining oyster production in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. This OA effect is a serious concern in SE Asia, which produces >80% of the world's oysters. Because climate-related stressors rarely act alone, we need to consider OA effects on oysters in combination with warming and reduced salinity. Here, the interactive effects of these three climate-related stressors on the larval growth of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, were examined. Larvae were cultured in combinations of temperature (24 and 30 °C), pH (8.1 and 7.4), and salinity (15 psu and 25 psu) for 58 days to the early juvenile stage. Decreased pH (pH 7.4), elevated temperature (30 °C), and reduced salinity (15 psu) significantly delayed pre- and post-settlement growth. Elevated temperature lowered the larval lipid index, a proxy for physiological quality, and negated the negative effects of decreased pH on attachment and metamorphosis only in a salinity of 25 psu. The negative effects of multiple stressors on larval metamorphosis were not due to reduced size or depleted lipid reserves at the time of metamorphosis. Our results supported the hypothesis that the C. gigas larvae are vulnerable to the interactions of OA with reduced salinity and warming in Yellow Sea coastal waters now and in the future.


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The carbonate chemistry of seawater from the Ria Formosa lagoon was experimentally manipulated, by diffusing pure CO2, to attain two reduced pH levels, by -0.3 and -0.6 pH units, relative to unmanipulated seawater. After 84 days of exposure, no differences were detected in terms of growth (somatic or shell) or mortality of juvenile mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis. The naturally elevated total alkalinity of the seawater (= 3550 µmol/kg) prevented under-saturation of CaCO3, even under pCO2 values exceeding 4000 µatm, attenuating the detrimental effects on the carbonate supply-side. Even so, variations in shell weight showed that net calcification was reduced under elevated CO2 and reduced pH, although the magnitude and significance of this effect varied among size-classes. Most of the loss of shell material probably occurred as post-deposition dissolution in the internal aragonitic nacre layer. Our results show that, even when reared under extreme levels of CO2-induced acidification, juvenile M. galloprovincialis can continue to calcify and grow in this coastal lagoon environment. The complex responses of bivalves to ocean acidification suggest a large degree of interspecific and intraspecific variability in their sensitivity to this type of perturbation. Further research is needed to assess the generality of these patterns and to disentangle the relative contributions of acclimation to local variations in seawater chemistry and genetic adaptation.


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Ocean Acidification (OA) has been shown to affect photosynthesis and calcification in the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi, a cosmopolitan calcifier that significantly contributes to the regulation of the biological carbon pumps. Its non-calcifying, haploid life-cycle stage was found to be relatively unaffected by OA with respect to biomass production. Deeper insights into physiological key processes and their dependence on environmental factors are lacking, but are required to understand and possibly estimate the dynamics of carbon cycling in present and future oceans. Therefore, calcifying diploid and non-calcifying haploid cells were acclimated to present and future CO2 partial pressures (pCO2; 38.5 Pa vs. 101.3 Pa CO2) under low and high light (50 vs. 300 µmol photons/m**2 /s). Comparative microarray-based transcriptome profiling was used to screen for the underlying cellular processes and allowed to follow up interpretations derived from physiological data. In the diplont, the observed increases in biomass production under OA are likely caused by stimulated production of glycoconjugates and lipids. The observed lowered calcification under OA can be attributed to impaired signal-transduction and ion-transport. The haplont utilizes distinct genes and metabolic pathways, reflecting the stage-specific usage of certain portions of the genome. With respect to functionality and energy-dependence, however, the transcriptomic OA-responses resemble those of the diplont. In both life-cycle stages, OA affects the cellular redox-state as a master regulator and thereby causes a metabolic shift from oxidative towards reductive pathways, which involves a reconstellation of carbon flux networks within and across compartments. Whereas signal transduction and ion-homeostasis appear equally OA-sensitive under both light intensities, the effects on carbon metabolism and light physiology are clearly modulated by light availability. These interactive effects can be attributed to the influence of OA and light on the redox equilibria of NAD and NADP, which function as major sensors for energization and stress. This generic mode of action of OA may therefore provoke similar cell-physiological responses in other protists.


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We describe interactive effects of total phosphorus (total P = 0.1-4.0 µmol/L; added as H2NaPO4), irradiance (40 and 150 µmol quanta/m**2/s), and the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (P-CO2; 19 and 81 Pa, i.e., 190 and 800 ppm) on growth and CO2- and dinitrogen (N-2)-fixation rates of the unicellular N-2-fixing cyanobacterium Crocosphaera watsonii (WH0003) isolated from the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii. In semicontinuous cultures of C. watsonii, elevated P-CO2 positively affected growth and CO2- and N-2-fixation rates under high light. Under low light, elevated P-CO2 positively affected growth rates at all concentrations of P, but CO2- and N-2-fixation rates were affected by elevated P-CO2 only when P was low. In both high-light and low-light cultures, the total P requirements for growth and CO2- and N-2-fixation declined as P-CO2 increased. The minimum concentration (C-min) of total P and half-saturation constant (K-1/2) for growth and CO2- and N-2-fixation rates with respect to total P were reduced by 0.05 µmol/L as a function of elevated P-CO2. We speculate that low P requirements under high P-CO2 resulted from a lower energy demand associated with carbon-concentrating mechanisms in comparison with low-P-CO2 cultures. There was also a 0.10 µmol/L increase in C-min and K-1/2 for growth and N-2 fixation with respect to total P as a function of increasing light regardless of P-CO2 concentration. We speculate that cellular P concentrations are responsible for this shift through biodilution of cellular P and possibly cellular P uptake systems as a function of increasing light. Changing concentrations of P, CO2, and light have both positive and negative interactive effects on growth and CO2-, and N-2-fixation rates of unicellular oxygenic diazotrophs like C. watsonii.


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Ocean acidification (OA) is anticipated to interact with the more frequently occurring hypoxic conditions in shallow coastal environments. These could exert extreme stress on the barnacle-dominated fouling communities. However, the interactive effect of these two emerging stressors on early-life stages of fouling organisms remains poorly studied. We investigated both the independent and interactive effect of low pH (7.6 vs. ambient 8.2) and low oxygen (LO; 3 mg/l vs. ambient 5 mg/l) from larval development through settlement (attachment and metamorphosis) and juvenile growth of the widespread fouling barnacle, Balanus amphitrite. In particular, we focused on the critical transition between planktonic and benthic phases to examine potential limiting factors (i.e. larval energy storage and the ability to perceive cues) that may restrain barnacle recruitment under the interactive stressors. LO significantly slowed naupliar development, while the interaction with low pH (LO-LP) seemed to alleviate the negative effect. However, 20-50% of the larvae became cyprid within 4 d post-hatching, regardless of treatment. Under the two stressors interaction (LO-LP), the barnacle larvae increased their feeding rate, which may explain why their energy reserves at competency were not different from any other treatment. In the absence of a settlement-inducing cue, a significantly lower percentage of cyprids (15% lower) settled in LO and LO-LP. The presence of an inducing cue, however, elevated attachment up to 50-70% equally across all treatments. Post-metamorphic growth was not altered, although the condition index was different between LO and LO-LP treatments, potentially indicating that less and/or weaker calcified structures were developed when the two stressors were experienced simultaneously. LO was the major driver for the responses observed and its interaction with low pH should be considered in future studies to avoid underestimating the sensitivity of biofouling species to OA and associated climate change stressors.


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An increasing number of studies have examined the effects of elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) and ocean acidification on marine fish, yet little is known about the effects on large pelagic fish. We tested the effects of elevated CO2 on the early life history development and behaviour of yellowtail kingfish, Seriola lalandi. Eggs and larvae were reared in current day control (450 µatm) and two elevated CO2 treatments for a total of 6 d, from 12 h post-fertilization until 3 d post-hatching (dph). Elevated CO2 treatments matched projections for the open ocean by the year 2100 under RCP 8.5 (880 µatm CO2) and a higher level (1700 µatm CO2) relevant to upwelling zones where pelagic fish often spawn. There was no effect of elevated CO2 on survival to hatching or 3 dph. Oil globule diameter decreased with an increasing CO2 level, indicating potential effects of elevated CO2 on energy utilization of newly hatched larvae, but other morphometric traits did not differ among treatments. Contrary to expectations, there were no effects of elevated CO2 on larval behaviour. Activity level, startle response, and phototaxis did not differ among treatments. Our results contrast with findings for reef fish, where a wide range of sensory and behavioural effects have been reported. We hypothesize that the absence of behavioural effects in 3 dph yellowtail kingfish is due to the early developmental state of newly hatched pelagic fish. Behavioural effects of high CO2 may not occur until larvae commence branchial acid-base regulation when the gills develop; however, further studies are required to test this hypothesis. Our results suggest that the early stages of kingfish development are tolerant to rising CO2 levels in the ocean.


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La durabilidad de las estructuras de hormigón armado no es ilimitada, en especial en determinados ambientes. El ingreso de agentes agresivos en el hormigón, fundamentalmente dióxido de carbono e iones cloruros, rebasando el espesor del recubrimiento y alcanzando las armaduras, reducen el alto pH del hormigón hasta alcanzar un umbral crítico, por debajo del cual, el acero queda despasivado. Posteriormente, si existe el suficiente aporte de humedad y oxígeno, el acero se corroe, lo que supone drásticas reducciones de la vida de servicio de estas estructuras y su inevitable reparación. La utilización de armaduras de acero inoxidable es una alternativa que está recibiendo cada vez más consideración. Su resistencia a la corrosión en los ambientes más agresivos, incluso con ataque de cloruros, lo convierte en el material idóneo para prolongar de forma muy considerable la vida útil de la estructura. En este trabajo se ha evaluado el comportamiento mecánico y estructural, y de resistencia a la corrosión, de un nuevo acero inoxidable dúplex de bajo contenido en níquel, el EN 1.4482 (AISI 2001), y se ha comparado con el inoxidable austenítico más utilizado, el EN 1.4301 (AISI 304), con el dúplex EN 1.4362 (AISI 2304) y con el tradicional acero al carbono B-500-SD. El estudio mecánico y estructural se ha realizado en tres niveles diferentes: a nivel de barra, estudiando las propiedades mecánicas y de ductilidad de los cuatro aceros citados; a nivel de sección, estudiando su comportamiento a flexión con diferentes cuantías de armado por medio de los diagramas momento-curvatura; y a nivel de pieza, ensayando una serie de vigas armadas con diferentes aceros y cuantías, y comprobando su comportamiento a desplazamiento y resistencia por medio de los diagramas carga-desplazamiento. El estudio de resistencia a la corrosión se ha realizado embebiendo barras corrugadas, de los tres aceros inoxidables mencionados, en probetas de mortero contaminadas con diferentes cantidades de cloruros, y realizando mediciones electroquímicas durante un periodo de al menos un año. Se han preparado probetas de mortero para dos comparativas diferentes. La primera, manteniendo las probetas en un desecador con el 95 % de humedad relativa durante todo el periodo de mediciones. La segunda, sumergiendo parcialmente las probetas en una solución tampón para carbonatar el mortero. Los resultados de los ensayos mecánicos han demostrado dos aspectos diferentes. Uno, que las armaduras de acero inoxidable tienen un comportamiento muy similar a las de acero al carbono en lo referente a las resistencias alcanzadas, en el límite elástico y en rotura, pero distinto en cuanto al módulo de deformación longitudinal, cuyo valor es claramente inferior al del acero al carbono, por lo que su utilización en las estructuras de hormigón necesita tener en cuenta ese dato en los análisis lineales de cálculo. El segundo aspecto es que las armaduras de acero inoxidable laminadas en caliente presentan una ductilidad muy superior a las de acero al carbono, por lo que ofrecen una mayor seguridad frente a su rotura o al colapso de la estructura, lo que se debe tener en cuenta en el análisis de cálculo plástico. En cambio, las armaduras de acero inoxidable laminadas en frío sólo cumplen con los límites mínimos de ductilidad establecidos en la instrucción EHE-08 para los aceros soldables, y no para los aceros con características especiales de ductilidad. El estudio a nivel de sección refleja la paradoja de obtener secciones menos dúctiles con las armaduras de acero inoxidable laminadas en caliente que con las armaduras de acero al carbono. Para subsanarlo, se definen los conceptos de curvatura última de rotura y ductilidad de la sección en rotura, que tienen en cuenta las altas deformaciones alcanzadas por las armaduras de acero inoxidable. Los resultados a nivel de pieza permiten identificar el comportamiento estructural del hormigón armado con barras corrugadas de acero inoxidable y compararlo con el de las estructuras de hormigón armado convencionales, verificando los resultados experimentales con los teóricos obtenidos con la formulación recogida en la instrucción EHE- 08. Los ensayos de resistencia a la corrosión por cloruros demuestran, durante el primer año y medio de vida de las probetas, un comportamiento muy similar entre el nuevo acero inoxidable dúplex bajo en níquel y el austenítico y el dúplex utilizados para la comparación, incluso para las probetas carbonatadas. Por último, se añade una comparativa económica, realizada sobre dos edificaciones tipo, para cuantificar el sobrecoste que supone la utilización de armaduras de acero inoxidable respecto a las de acero al carbono. El alto coste inicial de las armaduras de acero inoxidable se ve compensado en el coste final de la estructura de muy diferentes formas, principalmente dependiendo del grado de acero elegido y de si se emplean en el total de la estructura o solamente en los elementos más expuestos. The durability of the concrete structures is limited, especially in certain environments. The attack of aggressive agents in the concrete, mainly carbon dioxide and chloride ions, penetrating the thickness of concrete cover and reaching the reinforcements, reduce the high pH of concrete to the point of reaching a critical threshold, under which, the steel despasivates. Therefore, if there is enough humidity and oxygen, the steel corroes, causing drastic reductions in the service life of these structures and its inevitable repair. Despite the high initial cost compared to carbon steel, the usage of stainless steel reinforcements is an alternative with a major consideration nowadays. Its resistance to corrosion in the most aggressive atmospheres, including chlorides attack, makes the stainless steel a suitable material to extend considerably its lifetime. In this study, it’s been evaluated the mechanical and structural behaviour, and the corrosion resistance, of a new low-nickel duplex stainless steel EN 1.4482 (AISI 2001), and it has been compared with the most widely used austenitic type EN 1.4301 (AISI 304), with duplex steel EN 1.4362 (AISI 2304) and with the traditional carbon steel B-500-SD. The mechanical and structural study has been carried out in three different levels: bar level, studying mechanical properties and ductility of the four steels; section level, studying its behaviour when blending with different amounts of reinforcement through the moment-curvature diagrams; and structural element level, testing a series of reinforced beams with different steels and amounts, and checking its sag and resistance through the load-deflection diagrams. The corrosion resistance study was performed by embedding ribbed bars, using the three stainless steel listed, on mortar specimens contaminated with different amounts of chlorides, and taking electrochemical measurements over a period of at least one year. Mortar specimens have been prepared for two different comparisons. The first, keeping the specimens at 95% of relative humidity during the measurement period. The second, immersing the specimens partially in a carbonate buffer solution. The results of those tests have proved two different aspects. Firstly, that stainless steel reinforcements show a very similar behaviour to carbon steel, according to the reached levels of mechanical resistance, yield stress and steel strength, but a different behaviour in Young’s modulus, which value is clearly lower than the carbon steel. Therefore, when using in concrete structures it is need to consider on that point the existing calculus of linear analysis. The second aspect is that stainless steel reinforcement manufactured by hot-rolling process show a very higher ductility than carbon steel, offering a better security on cracks or structure collapse, which it has to be taken into account on plastic calculus analysis. However, the stainless steel reinfor9 cement cold-rolled bars only meet the minimum thresholds of ductility established by EHE-08 for welded steel, and not for steels with special ductility. The results at the section level reflect the paradox of getting less ductile sections with hot rolled stainless steel reinforcement than with carbon steel reinforcements. To overcome that, the concepts of last break curvature and break ductility section have been defined, which take into account the high deformation value achieved by stainless steel reinforcements. The results at the structural element level allow to identify the structural behaviour of reinforced concrete with stainless steel reinforcements and compared with that of conventional steel reinforcement, contrasting the experimental with the theoretical results obtained from the formulation contained in the instruction EHE-08. Tests on resistance of chloride corrosion show during the first year and a half of specimens life, a similar behaviour between the new low nickel duplex stainless steel and austenitic and duplex used for comparison, even for carbonated specimens. Finally, it has been included an economic comparison on two differents building types, to quantify the additional cost involved on the use of stainless steel reinforcement compared to that of carbon steel. The high initial cost of stainless steel reinforcements is offset in the final cost of the structure in many different ways, mainly depending on the chosen steel grade and whether the reinforcement is used in the total structure or only in risky structural elements.


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There is strong evidence to indicate that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are accumulating at unprecedented concentrations in out atmosphere contributing to global climate change. Evidence is equally strong that human activities, mainly the burning of fossil fuels, are driving force in this process (IPCC 2007). While different industries contribute varying amounts to total anthropogenic greenhouse gases, it is incumbent upon each to understand its contribution and search for sensible ways to reduce overall greenhouse gas production. The aim of this paper is the development of a methodology to determine the amount of CO2 emissions of a highway, allowing providing solutions that can improve the energy footprint and reduce its emissions


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The complexity of climate change and its evolution during the last few years has a positive impact on new developments and approaches to reduce the emissions of CO2. Looking for a methodology to evaluate the sustainability of a roadway, a tool has been developed. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is being accepted by the road industry to measure and evaluate the environmental impacts of an infrastructure, as the energy consumption and carbon footprint. This paper describes the methodology to calculate the CO2 emissions associated with the energy embodied on a roadway along its life cycle, including construction, operations and demolition. It will assist to find solutions to improve the energy footprint and reduce the amount of CO2 emissions. Details are provided of both, the methodology and the data acquisition. This paper is an application of the methodology to the Spanish highways, using a local database. Two case studies and a practical example are studied to show the model as a decision support for sustainable construction in the road industry.