978 resultados para brain morphology and function in diabetes


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The existence and morphology, as well as the dynamics of micro-scale gas-liquid interfaces is investigated numerically and experimentally. These studies can be used to assess liquid management issues in microsystems such as PEMFC gas flow channels, and are meant to open new research perspectives in two-phase flow, particularly in film deposition on non-wetting surfaces. For example the critical plug volume data can be used to deliver desired length plugs, or to determine the plug formation frequency. The dynamics of gas-liquid interfaces, of interest for applications involving small passages (e.g. heat exchangers, phase separators and filtration systems), was investigated using high-speed microscopy - a method that also proved useful for the study of film deposition processes. The existence limit for a liquid plug forming in a mixed wetting channel is determined by numerical simulations using Surface Evolver. The plug model simulate actual conditions in the gas flow channels of PEM fuel cells, the wetting of the gas diffusion layer (GDL) side of the channel being different from the wetting of the bipolar plate walls. The minimum plug volume, denoted as critical volume is computed for a series of GDL and bipolar plate wetting properties. Critical volume data is meant to assist in the water management of PEMFC, when corroborated with experimental data. The effect of cross section geometry is assessed by computing the critical volume in square and trapezoidal channels. Droplet simulations show that water can be passively removed from the GDL surface towards the bipolar plate if we take advantage on differing wetting properties between the two surfaces, to possibly avoid the gas transport blockage through the GDL. High speed microscopy was employed in two-phase and film deposition experiments with water in round and square capillary tubes. Periodic interface destabilization was observed and the existence of compression waves in the gas phase is discussed by taking into consideration a naturally occurring convergent-divergent nozzle formed by the flowing liquid phase. The effect of channel geometry and wetting properties was investigated through two-phase water-air flow in square and round microchannels, having three static contact angles of 20, 80 and 105 degrees. Four different flow regimes are observed for a fixed flow rate, this being thought to be caused by the wetting behavior of liquid flowing in the corners as well as the liquid film stability. Film deposition experiments in wetting and non-wetting round microchannels show that a thicker film is deposited for wetting conditions departing from the ideal 0 degrees contact angle. A film thickness dependence with the contact angle theta as well as the Capillary number, in the form h_R ~ Ca^(2/3)/ cos(theta) is inferred from scaling arguments, for contact angles smaller than 36 degrees. Non-wetting film deposition experiments reveal that a film significantly thicker than the wetting Bretherton film is deposited. A hydraulic jump occurs if critical conditions are met, as given by a proposed nondimensional parameter similar to the Froude number. Film thickness correlations are also found by matching the measured and the proposed velocity derived in the shock theory. The surface wetting as well as the presence of the shock cause morphological changes in the Taylor bubble flow.


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While studies from other countries have shown an excess mortality in diabetic individuals when compared with the general population, comparable long-term data is not available for Switzerland.


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Introduction Several recent studies have shown that a positive fluid balance in critical illness is associated with worse outcome. We tested the effects of moderate vs. high-volume resuscitation strategies on mortality, systemic and regional blood flows, mitochondrial respiration, and organ function in two experimental sepsis models. Methods 48 pigs were randomized to continuous endotoxin infusion, fecal peritonitis, and a control group (n = 16 each), and each group further to two different basal rates of volume supply for 24 hours [moderate-volume (10 ml/kg/h, Ringer's lactate, n = 8); high-volume (15 + 5 ml/kg/h, Ringer's lactate and hydroxyethyl starch (HES), n = 8)], both supplemented by additional volume boli, as guided by urinary output, filling pressures, and responses in stroke volume. Systemic and regional hemodynamics were measured and tissue specimens taken for mitochondrial function assessment and histological analysis. Results Mortality in high-volume groups was 87% (peritonitis), 75% (endotoxemia), and 13% (controls). In moderate-volume groups mortality was 50% (peritonitis), 13% (endotoxemia) and 0% (controls). Both septic groups became hyperdynamic. While neither sepsis nor volume resuscitation strategy was associated with altered hepatic or muscle mitochondrial complex I- and II-dependent respiration, non-survivors had lower hepatic complex II-dependent respiratory control ratios (2.6 +/- 0.7, vs. 3.3 +/- 0.9 in survivors; P = 0.01). Histology revealed moderate damage in all organs, colloid plaques in lung tissue of high-volume groups, and severe kidney damage in endotoxin high-volume animals. Conclusions High-volume resuscitation including HES in experimental peritonitis and endotoxemia increased mortality despite better initial hemodynamic stability. This suggests that the strategy of early fluid management influences outcome in sepsis. The high mortality was not associated with reduced mitochondrial complex I- or II-dependent muscle and hepatic respiration.


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Siglec-8, the eighth member of the sialic acid-binding, immunoglobulin [Ig]-like lectin family, was initially discovered as a cell surface protein selectively expressed on human eosinophils. It is now know to also be expressed by mast cells and basophils. Siglec-8 engagement with specific antibodies causes apoptosis via caspase and mitochondrial-dependent pathways. For mast cells, inhibition of mediator release, but no apoptosis, is observed. Siglec-F is the closest mouse paralog to Siglec-8, and both selectively bind the sulfated glycan 6’-sulfo-sialyl Lewis X. Antibodies to Siglec-F reduce blood and tissue eosinophil numbers in vivo. This suggests that Siglec-8 may be a useful future therapeutic target for allergic and other eosinophilic disorders.


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CD4(+) T cells play a central role in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). Generation, activation and effector function of these cells crucially depends on their interaction with MHC II-peptide complexes displayed by antigen presenting cells (APC). Processing and presentation of self antigens by different APC therefore influences the disease course at all stages. Selection by thymic APC leads to the generation of autoreactive T cells, which can be activated by peripheral APC. Reactivation by central nervous system APC leads to the initiation of the inflammatory response resulting in demyelination. In this review we will focus on how MHC class II antigenic epitopes are created by different APC from the thymus, the periphery and from the brain, and will discuss the relevance of the balance between creation and destruction of such epitopes in the context of MS. A solid understanding of these processes offers the possibility for designing future therapeutic strategies.


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End stage renal disease is a major complication after orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT). Vasoconstriction of renal arterial vessels because of calcineurin inhibitor (CNI) treatment plays a pivotal role in the development of renal insufficiency following OLT. Renal resistance can be measured non-invasively by determining the resistance index (RI) of segmental arteries by color-coded duplex ultrasonography, a measure with predictive value for future renal failure. Sixteen OLT patients on long-term CNI therapy were recruited prospectively and randomly assigned either to receive the m-TOR inhibitor sirolimus (SRL) or to continue on CNI treatment, and were followed for one yr. Serum creatinine (crea) declined after conversion to SRL, whereas it tended to increase in patients remaining on CNI (meanDelta crea SRL: -27, -18, -18, -15 micromol/L; meanDelta crea CNI: 4, 5, 8, 11 micromol/L at 1, 3, 6, 12 months, p = 0.02). RI improved after switching to SRL and was lower on SRL than on CNI (meanDeltaRI SRL: -0.04, -0.04, -0.03, -0.03; meanDeltaRI CNI: -0.006, 0.004, -0.007, -0.01 after 1, 3, 6, 12 months, p = 0.016). Individual changes of RI correlated significantly with individual changes of crea (r = 0.54, p < 0.001). Conversion from CNI to SRL can ameliorate renal function accompanied by a reduction of intrarenal RI after OLT.


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Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylcholine (PC) are the two major constituents of eukaryotic cell membranes. In the protist Trypanosoma brucei, PE and PC are synthesized exclusively via the Kennedy pathway. To determine which organelles or processes are most sensitive to a disruption of normal phospholipid levels, the cellular consequences of a decrease in the levels of PE or PC, respectively, were studied following RNAi knock-down of four enzymes of the Kennedy pathway. RNAi against ethanolamine-phosphate cytidylyltransferase (ET) disrupted mitochondrial morphology and ultrastructure. Electron microscopy revealed alterations of inner mitochondrial membrane morphology, defined by a loss of disk-like cristae. Despite the structural changes in the mitochondrion, the cells maintained oxidative phosphorylation. Our results indicate that the inner membrane morphology of T. brucei procyclic forms is highly sensitive to a decrease of PE levels, as a change in the ultrastructure of the mitochondrion is the earliest phenotype observed after RNAi knock-down of ET. Interference with phospholipid synthesis also impaired normal cell-cycle progression. ET RNAi led to an accumulation of multinucleate cells. In contrast, RNAi against choline-/ethanolamine phosphotransferase, which affected PC as well as PE levels, caused a cell division phenotype characterized by non-division of the nucleus and production of zoids.


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OBJECT: The localization of any given target in the brain has become a challenging issue because of the increased use of deep brain stimulation to treat Parkinson disease, dystonia, and nonmotor diseases (for example, Tourette syndrome, obsessive compulsive disorders, and depression). The aim of this study was to develop an automated method of adapting an atlas of the human basal ganglia to the brains of individual patients. METHODS: Magnetic resonance images of the brain specimen were obtained before extraction from the skull and histological processing. Adaptation of the atlas to individual patient anatomy was performed by reshaping the atlas MR images to the images obtained in the individual patient using a hierarchical registration applied to a region of interest centered on the basal ganglia, and then applying the reshaping matrix to the atlas surfaces. RESULTS: Results were evaluated by direct visual inspection of the structures visible on MR images and atlas anatomy, by comparison with electrophysiological intraoperative data, and with previous atlas studies in patients with Parkinson disease. The method was both robust and accurate, never failing to provide an anatomically reliable atlas to patient registration. The registration obtained did not exceed a 1-mm mismatch with the electrophysiological signatures in the region of the subthalamic nucleus. CONCLUSIONS: This registration method applied to the basal ganglia atlas forms a powerful and reliable method for determining deep brain stimulation targets within the basal ganglia of individual patients.


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OBJECTIVES: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can have adverse effects on cognitive functioning, mood, and cardiovascular functioning. OSA brings with it disturbances in sleep architecture, oxygenation, sympathetic nervous system function, and inflammatory processes. It is not clear which of these mechanisms is linked to the decrease in cognitive functioning. This study examined the effect of inflammatory parameters on cognitive dysfunction. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-nine patients with untreated sleep apnea were evaluated by polysomnography and completed a battery of neuropsychological tests. After the first night of evaluation in the sleep laboratory, blood samples were taken for analysis of interleukin 6, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), and soluble TNF receptor 1 (sTNF-R1). RESULTS: sTNF-R1 significantly correlated with cognitive dysfunction. In hierarchical linear regression analysis, measures of obstructive sleep apnea severity explained 5.5% of the variance in cognitive dysfunction (n.s.). After including sTNF-R1, percentage of variance explained by the full model increased more than threefold to 19.6% (F = 2.84, df = 3, 36, p = 0.05). Only sTNF-R1 had a significant individual relationship with cognitive dysfunction (beta = 0.376 t = 2.48, p = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: sTNF-R1 as a marker of chronic inflammation may be associated with diminished neuropsychological functioning in patients with OSA.


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In horses, gastrointestinal (GI) disorders occur frequently and cause a considerable demand for efficient medication. 5-Hydroxytryptamine receptors (5-HT) have been reported to be involved in GI tract motility and thus, are potential targets for treating functional bowel disorders. Our studies extend current knowledge on the 5-HT(7) receptor in equine duodenum, ileum and pelvic flexure by studying its expression throughout the intestine and its role in modulating contractility in vitro by immunofluorescence and organ bath experiments, respectively. 5-HT(7) immunoreactivity was demonstrated in both smooth muscle layers, particularly in the circular one, and within the myenteric plexus. Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC), identified by c-Kit labeling, show a staining pattern similar to that of 5-HT(7) immunoreactivity. The selective 5-HT(7) receptor antagonist SB-269970 increased the amplitude of contractions in spontaneous contracting specimens of the ileum and in electrical field-stimulated specimens of the pelvic flexure concentration-dependently. Our in vitro experiments suggest an involvement of the 5-HT(7) receptor subtype in contractility of equine intestine. While the 5-HT(7) receptor has been established to be constitutively active and inhibits smooth muscle contractility, our experiments demonstrate an increase in contractility by the 5-HT(7) receptor ligand SB-269970, suggesting it exerting inverse agonist properties.


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To investigate mechanisms and structures underlying prefrontal response control and inhibition in boys suffering from attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).