968 resultados para biological markers
A Mata Atlântica brasileira concentra uma das maiores diversidades biológicas da Terra com cerca de 7% das espécies animais e vegetais do planeta. Esse bioma abriga atualmente mais de 50% das espécies de anuros do Brasil (c.a. 500 espécies), mas sofre intensa perda e fragmentação de habitat. Um dos principais fragmentos da Mata Atlântica, a Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu (REGUA) abriga vasta anurofauna, com cerca de 71 espécies já descritas. Acredita-se, porém, que muitas ainda precisam ser identificadas e estudadas. A identificação de espécies baseada em caracteres moleculares vem se mostrando uma alternativa para dar suporte à identificação morfológica, e dentro deste contexto os genes de DNA mitocondrial, como o 16S, são utilizados para a realização de barcode. O objetivo deste estudo foi testar a metodologia de identificação molecular de espécies (DNA barcode) na comunidade de anfíbios anuros da REGUA utilizando o gene mitocondrial 16S. Para isso, foram coletados tecidos de 99 indivíduos, entre adultos e girinos de 23 espécies, agrupados em seis famílias distintas. Desses 99 indivíduos, 88 foram amplificados corretamente para o gene em referência e foram realizadas, com sucesso, a determinação de espécies de 84 anuros (95,45%) da REGUA. As espécies de Scinax albicans, Scinax flavoguttatus e Hylodes charadranaetes, cujas identificações haviam sido determinadas com base em critérios morfológicos, agruparam em clados de mesmo gênero, porém de espécies diferentes quando analisadas pelas metodologias neighbor-joining e maximum-likelihood. Além de altos valores de distância intraespecífica (2,18%, 3,49% e 3,77%, respectivamente) e distâncias interespecíficas nulas (0%) temos a indicação de possíveis equívocos em determinações de espécies feitas exclusivamente por critérios morfológicos. Nesse caso, as discordâncias morfológica e molecular são exclusivamente de girinos, demonstrando a dificuldade na identificação morfológica e a escassez de chaves de identificação dessas espécies em estágio larval. Os resultados mostram que o gene mitocondrial 16S teve seu uso na identificação de anuros da REGUA confirmada e apontam que, em casos de estudos com indivíduos em estágios larvais, como em girinos, a metodologia de barcode, quando complementada a identificação morfológica, suporta a correta identificação das espécies de anfíbios anuros.
The 1987-1995 length composition of quarterly catches of Scomberomorus commerson (Lacepede 1800) was analyzed to determine various biological reference points for management purposes. These include: fishing mortality producing maximum yield-per-recruit in weight (F sub(max)), fishing mortality producing 50% relative mean mature biomass (F sub(50)), and fishing mortality producing recruits that would exactly replace their parent stock (F sub(rep)). F sub(max) provided misleading suggestions to increase fishing mortality on the stock which is currently at a low level. On the other hand, both F sub(50) and F sub(rep) provided acceptable results, suggesting reduction on the current fishing mortality by 17-40%.
Biological/fisheries parameters (L sub(oo) M, F) are presented for four fish species (Gadiculus argenteus; Gaidropsarus mediterraneous; Symphurus ligulatus; Lepidorhombus boscii) as well as body length-weight and length-height relationships for 11 and 12 fish species, respectively, estimated from trawl samples collected using three different cod-ends (stretched mesh size: 14 mm and 20 mm diamond-shaped and 20 mm square-shaped) during 1993-1994, in the western Aegean and North Euboikos Gulf, Greece. The fisheries paramaters, estimated from length-frequency using the ELEFAN approach and software, are discussed in the light of recent information on the selectivity of the presently used trawl cod-end (14 mm diamond shaped)
Booklet telling the story of the FBA from its founding in 1929 until its Golden Jubilee in 1979. The booklet aimed to produce a readable account of those aspects of freshwater biology that have been among the main themes of the Association's research, as well as some aspects of its history and the philosophy guiding its foundation. The publication includes many images of the FBA's work and history as well as images and illustrations on lake ecology and applied science.
Size distribution within re- ported landings is an important aspect of northern Gulf of Mexico penaeid shrimp stock assessments. It reflects shrimp population characteristics such as numerical abundance of various sizes, age structure, and vital rates (e.g. recruitment, growth, and mortality), as well as effects of fishing, fishing power, fishing practices, sampling, size-grading, etc. The usual measure of shrimp size in archived landings data is count (C) the number of shrimp tails (abdomen or edible portion) per pound (0.4536 kg). Shrimp are marketed and landings reported in pounds within tail count categories. Statistically, these count categories are count class intervals or bins with upper and lower limits expressed in C. Count categories vary in width, overlap, and frequency of occurrence within the landings. The upper and lower limits of most count class intervals can be transformed to lower and upper limits (respectively) of class intervals expressed in pounds per shrimp tail, w, the reciprocal of C (i.e. w = 1/C). Age based stock assessments have relied on various algorithms to estimate numbers of shrimp from pounds landed within count categories. These algorithms required un- derlying explicit or implicit assumptions about the distribution of C or w. However, no attempts were made to assess the actual distribution of C or w. Therefore, validity of the algorithms and assumptions could not be determined. When different algorithms were applied to landings within the same size categories, they produced different estimates of numbers of shrimp. This paper demonstrates a method of simulating the distribution of w in reported biological year landings of shrimp. We used, as examples, landings of brown shrimp, Farfantepenaeus aztecus, from the northern Gulf of Mexico fishery in biological years 1986–2006. Brown shrimp biological year, Ti, is defined as beginning on 1 May of the same calendar year as Ti and ending on 30 April of the next calendar year, where subscript i is the place marker for biological year. Biological year landings encompass most if not all of the brown shrimp life cycle and life span. Simulated distributions of w reflect all factors influencing sizes of brown shrimp in the landings within a given biological year. Our method does not require a priori assumptions about the parent distributions of w or C, and it takes into account the variability in width, overlap, and frequency of occurrence of count categories within the landings. Simulated biological year distributions of w can be transformed to equivalent distributions of C. Our method may be useful in future testing of previously applied algorithms and development of new estimators based on statistical estimation theory and the underlying distribution of w or C. We also examine some applications of biological year distributions of w, and additional variables derived from them.
In the 1500’s, the waters of Venezuela and to a lesser extent Colombia produced more natural pearls than any place ever produced in the world in any succeeding century. Atlantic pearl-oysters, Pinctata imbricata Röding 1798, were harvested almost entirely by divers. The pearls from them were exported to Spain and other European countries. By the end of the 1500’s, the pearl oysters had become much scarcer, and little harvesting took place during the 1600’s and 1700’s. Harvesting began to accelerate slowly in the mid 1800’s and has since continued but at a much lower rate than in the 1500’s. The harvesting methods have been hand collecting by divers until the early 1960’s, dredging from the 1500’s to the present, and hardhat diving from 1912 to the early 1960’s. Since the mid 1900’s, Japan and other countries of the western Pacific rim have inundated world markets with cultured pearls that are of better quality and are cheaper than natural pearls, and the marketing of natural pearls has nearly ended. The pearl oyster fishery in Colombia ended in the 1940’s, but it has continued in Venezuela with the fishermen selling the meats to support themselves; previously most meats had been discarded. A small quantity of pearls is now taken, and the fishery, which comprised about 3,000 fishermen in 1947, comprised about 300 in 2002.
A distribuição espacial dos indivíduos é decorrente da presença e ausência de microhábitats adequados, sendo aqueles que se estabelecem nas melhores manchas favorecidos pela seleção natural. A aquisição de um território permite a manutenção do indivíduo e o sucesso reprodutivo. A reprodução é considerada de alto custo energético, pois há deslocamento dos recursos para a manutenção de uma prole em vez de serem incorporados no crescimento individual. Investir em uma prole não significa alcançar o sucesso reprodutivo. O sucesso reprodutivo pode ser afetado, por exemplo, por eventos de predação, disponibilidade de alimento e cuidado parental. Este último pode ser realizado por ambos os membros do par reprodutor ou por apenas um deles. A deserção do cuidado parental por um dos sexos pode ser uma resposta à cópulas extra-par. Formicivora littoralis tem distribuição muito restrita. É a única espécie de ave considerada endêmica de restinga e se encontra ameaçada de extinção, embora seja localmente abundante. O presente estudo teve como objetivos: 1) estimar os tamanhos de territórios e compara-los entre estação reprodutiva e não reprodutiva; 2) testar a influência do tamanho dos indivíduos e quantidade de vizinhos no tamanho do território; 3) descrever ninhos, ovos, filhotes e determinar o sucesso reprodutivo; 4) quantificar o cuidado parental; 5) desenvolver marcadores moleculares de microssatélites para determinar paternidade. Para os indivíduos capturados e marcados individualmente, foram obtidas amostras de sangue e medidas morfométricas (tarso, asa, cauda, comprimento total), além do peso. Os tamanhos dos territórios foram estimados pelo método do mínimo polígono convexo (unindo pontos onde machos foram registrados vocalizando). A densidade foi estimada com base no tamanho dos territórios. Aspectos da reprodução foram acessados por meio de busca mensal por ninhos e acompanhamento destes por dois dias consecutivos. Foram obtidas as taxas de predação e a quantificação do cuidado parental. Para a paternidade foram utilizados sete marcadores de microssatélites, desenvolvidos para este fim. Formicivora littoralis possui território pequeno (0,008 a 0,32ha), que varia de acordo com a estação (menor na estação reprodutiva). O tamanho do território não foi relacionado com o tamanho do indivíduo, mas apresentou resultado significativo quando comparado com a quantidade de territórios vizinhos, mostrando ser menor quanto maior o número de vizinhos. A espécie apresentou elevada densidade (0,53 a 1,15 indivíduos/km2). Com relação à reprodução, ninhos tem o formato de cesto aberto onde foram postos no máximo dois ovos. Os filhotes nasceram sem penas. A razão sexual no ninho foi igual em ambos os sexos. A taxa de predação foi elevada na fase de incubação quando comparada à fase no ninho após a eclosão. O cuidado parental (durante a incubação e com os filhotes) foi realizado pelos dois sexos, sem diferenças na proporção do investimento realizado. Dos nove ninhos analisados, todos contiveram pelo menos um ninhego proveniente de fertilização extra-par. Um total de 81,2% dos ninhegos (13 em 16) não foram prole biológica do macho do par reprodutor que realizava o cuidado parental e que se encontrava pareado socialmente com a fêmea. Essa taxa foi a mais elevada entre os estudos já realizados nos neotrópicos
One particular habitat type in the Middle Atlantic Bight is not well recognized among fishery scientists and managers, although it is will known and used by recreational and commercial fisheries. This habitat consists of a variety of hard-surface, elevated relief "reef" or reef-like environments that are widely distributed across the predominantly flat or undulating, sandy areas of the Bight and include both natural rocky areas and man-made structures, e.g. shipwrecks and artificial reefs. Although there are natural rock and shellfish reefs in southern New England coastal waters and estuaries throughout the Bight, most reef habitats in the region appear to be man-made reef habitat modification/creation may be increasing. Very little effort has been devoted to the study of this habitat's distribution, abundance, use by living marine resources and associated biological communities (except on estuarine oyster reefs) and fishery value or management. This poorly studied and surveyed habitat can provide fish refuge from trawls and can be a factor in studies of the distribution and abundance of a variety of reef-associated fishery resources. This review provides a preliminary summary of information found on relative distribution and abundance of reef habitat in the Bight, the living marine resources and biological communities that commonly use it, threats to this habitat and its biological resources, and the value or potential value of artificial reefs to fishery or habitat and its biological resources, and the value or potential value of artificial reefs to fishery or habitat managers. The purpose of the review is to initiate an awareness among resource managers about this habitat, its role in resource management, and the need for research.
Alaska plaice, Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus, is one of the major flatfishes in the eastern Bering Sea ecosystem and is most highly concentrated in the shallow continental shelf of the eastern Bering Sea. Annual commercial catches have ranged from less than 1,000 metric tons (t) in 1963 to 62,000 t in 1988. Alaska plaice is a relatively large flatfish averaging about 32 cm in length and 390 g in weight in commercial catches. They are distributed from nearshore waters to a depth of about 100 m in the eastern Bering Sea during summer, but move to deeper continental shelf waters in winter to escape sea ice and cold water temperatures. Being a long-lived species (>30 years), they have a relatively low natural mortality rate estimated at 0.20. Maturing at about age 7, Alaska plaice spawn from April through June on hard sandy substrates of the shelf region, primarily around the 100 m isobath. Prey items primarily include polychaetes and other marine worms. In comparison with other flatfish, Alaska plaice and rock sole, Pleuronectes bilineatus, have similar diets but different habitat preferences with separate areas of peak population density which may minimize interspecific competition. Yellowfin sole, Pleuronectes asper, while sharing similar habitat, differs from these two species because of the variety of prey items in its diet. Competition for food resources among the three species appears to be low. The resource has experienced light exploitation since 1963 and is currently in good condition. Based on the results of demersal trawl surveys and age-structured analyses, the exploitable biomass increased from 1971 through the mid-1980’s before decreasing to the 1997 level of 500,000 t. The recommended 1998 harvest level, Allowable Biological Catch, was calculated from the Baranov catch equation based on the FMSY harvest level and the projected 1997 biomass, resulting in a commercial harvest of 69,000 t, or about 16% of the estimated exploitable biomass.