953 resultados para atomic force spectroscopy


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We report on the resonant frequency modulation of inertial microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) structures due to squeeze film stiffness over a range of working pressures. Squeeze film effects have been studied extensively, but mostly in the context of damping and Q-factor determination of dynamic MEMS structures, typically suspended over a fixed substrate with a very thin air gap. Here, we show with experimental measurements and analytical calculations how the pressure-dependent air springs (squeeze film stiffness) change the resonant frequency of an inertial MEMS structure by as much as five times. For capturing the isolated effect of the squeeze film stiffness, we first determine the static stiffness of our structure with atomic force microscope probing and then study the effect of the air spring by measuring the dynamic response of the structure, thus finding the resonant frequencies while varying the air pressure from 1 to 905 mbar. We also verify our results by analytical and Finite Element Method calculations. Our findings show that the pressure-dependent squeeze film stiffness can affect a rather huge range of frequency modulation (>400%) and, therefore, can be used as a design parameter for exploiting this effect in MEMS devices. 2014-0310]


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In this work, polymer diode performance was analyzed by using nickel as anode electrode from two kinds of nickel as starting materials, namely nickel wire Ni{B} and nickel nano-particle Ni{N}. Metal electrode surface roughness and grain morphology were investigated by atomic force microscope and scanning electron microscope, respectively. Current-voltage (I-V) and capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics were measured for the fabricated device at room temperature. Obtained result from the current-voltage characteristics shows an increment in the current density for nickel nano-particle top electrode device. The increase in the current density could be due to a reduction in built-in voltage at P3HT/Ni{N} interface.


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We report the investigation of biotin-streptavidin binding interactions using microcantilever sensors. A symmetric cantilever construction is employed to minimize the effects of thermal drift and the control of surface chemistry on the backside of the cantilever is demonstrated to reduce the effects of non-specific binding interactions on the cantilever. Three structurally different biotin modified cantilever surfaces are used as a model system to study the binding interaction with streptavidin. The cantilever response to the binding of streptavidin on these biotin sensing monolayers is compared. The lowest detection limit of streptavidin using biotin-HPDP is found to be between 1 and 10 nM limited by the optical measurement setup. Surface characterization using quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) and high-resolution atomic force microscope (AFM) is used to benchmark the cantilever sensor response. In addition, the QCM and AFM studies reveal that the surface density of bound streptavidin on biotin modified surfaces was low, thereby implying that effects other than steric hindrance are responsible for defining cantilever response. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present a good alternative method to improve the tribological properties of polymer films by chemisorbing a long-chain monolayer on the functional polymer surface. Thus, a novel self-assembled monolayer is successfully prepared on a silicon substrate coated with amino-group-containing polyethyleneimine (PEI) by the chemical adsorption of stearic acid (STA) molecules. The formation and structure of the STA-PEI film are characterized by means of contact-angle measurement and ellipsometric thickness measurement, and of Fourier transformation infrared spectrometric and atomic force microscopic analyses. The micro- and macro-tribological properties of the STA-PEI film are investigated on an atomic force microscope (AFM) and a unidirectional tribometer, respectively. It has been found that the STA monolayer about 2.1-nm thick is produced on the PEI coating by the chemical reaction between the amino groups in the PEI and the carboxyl group in the STA molecules to form a covalent amide bond in the presence of N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) as a dehydrating regent. By introducing the STA monolayer, the hydrophilic PEI polymer surface becomes hydrophobic with a water contact angle to be about 105degrees. Study of the time dependence of the film formation shows that the adsorption of PEI is fast, whereas at least 24 h is needed to generate the saturated STA monolayer. Whereas the PEI coating has relatively high adhesion, friction, and poor anti-wear ability, the STA-PEI film possesses good adhesive resistance and high load-carrying capacity and anti-wear ability, which could be attributed to the chemical structure of the STA-PEI thin film. It is assumed that the hydrogen bonds between the molecules of the STA-PEI film act to stabilize the film and can be restored after breaking during sliding. Thus, the self-assembled STA-PEI thin film might find promising application in the lubrication of micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS).


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A novel super-hydrophobic stearic acid (STA) film with a water contact angle of 166° was prepared by chemical adsorption on aluminum wafer coated with polyethyleneimine (PEI) film. The micro-tribological behavior of the super-hydrophobic STA monolayer was compared with that of the polished and PEI-coated Al surfaces. The effect of relative humidity on the adhesion and friction was investigated as well. It was found that the STA monolayer showed decreased friction, while the adhesive force was greatly decreased by increasing the surface roughness of the Al wafer to reduce the contact area between the atomic force microscope (AFM) tip and the sample surface to be tested. Thus the friction and adhesion of the Al wafer was effectively decreased by generating the STA monolayer, which indicated that it could be feasible and rational to prepare a surface with good adhesion resistance and lubricity by properly controlling the surface morphology and the chemical composition. Both the adhesion and friction decreased as the relative humidity was lowered from 65% to 10%, though the decrease extent became insignificant for the STA monolayer.


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Kinetics and its regulation by extrinsic physical factors govern selectin-ligand interactions that mediate tethering and rolling of circulating cells on the vessel wall under hemodynamic forces. While the force regulation of off-rate for dissociation of selectin-ligand bonds has been extensively studied, much less is known about how transport impacts the on-rate for association of these bonds and their stability. We used atomic force microscopy (AFM) to quantify how the contact duration, loading rate, and approach velocity affected kinetic rates and strength of bonds of P-selectin interacting with P-selectin glycoprotein ligand I (PSGL-1). We found a saturable relationship between the contact time and the rupture force, a biphasic relationship between the adhesion probability and the retraction velocity, a piece-wise linear relationship between the rupture force and the logarithm of the loading rate, and a threshold relationship between the approach velocity and the rupture force. These results provide new insights into how physical factors regulate receptor-ligand interactions.


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Determining the mechanical properties at micro- and nanometer length scales using nanoindentation or atomic force microscopy is important to many areas of science and engineering. Here we establish equations for obtaining storage and loss modulus from oscillatory indentations by performing a nonlinear analysis of conical and spherical indentation in elastic and viscoelastic solids. We show that, when the conical indenter is driven by a sinusoidal force, the square of displacement is a sinusoidal function of time, not the displacement itself, which is commonly assumed. Similar conclusions hold for spherical indentations. Well-known difficulties associated with measuring contact area and correcting thermal drift may be circumvented using the newly derived equations. These results may help improve methods of using oscillatory indentation for determining elastic and viscoelastic properties of solids.


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A novel self-assembled dual-layer film as apotential excellent lubricant for micromachines was successfully prepared on single-crystal silicon substrate by chemical adsorption of stearic acid (STA) molecules on self-assembled monolayer of 3-aminopropyltri


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The optical efficiency of GaN-based multiple quantum well (MQW) and light emitting diode (LED) structures grown on Si(111) substrates by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy was measured and compared with equivalent structures on sapphire. The crystalline quality of the LED structures was comprehensively characterized using x-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy, and plan-view transmission electron microscopy. A room temperature photoluminescence (PL) internal quantum efficiency (IQE) as high as 58% has been achieved in an InGaN/GaN MQW on Si, emitting at 460 nm. This is the highest reported PL-IQE of a c-plane GaN-based MQW on Si, and the radiative efficiency of this sample compares well with similar structures grown on sapphire. Processed LED devices on Si also show good electroluminescence (EL) performance, including a forward bias voltage of ∼3.5 V at 20 mA and a light output power of 1 mW at 45 mA from a 500 ×500 μm2 planar device without the use of any additional techniques to enhance the output coupling. The extraction efficiency of the LED devices was calculated, and the EL-IQE was then estimated to have a maximum value of 33% at a current density of 4 A cm-2, dropping to 30% at a current density of 40 A cm-2 for a planar LED device on Si emitting at 455 nm. The EL-IQE was clearly observed to increase as the structural quality of the material increased for devices on both sapphire and Si substrates. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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In this study, a micro-pump unit based on surface acoustic wave (SAW) on piezoelectric ZnO film is designed and fabricated as a micro-fluidic device. It employs a mechanical wave, which is generated electrically using an aluminum interdigital transducer (IDT), and propagates on the surface of the ZnO film. The ZnO film was used in this study because it has a high electromechanical coefficient and an excellent bonding with various substrate materials, in particular silicon. The sputtering parameters for ZnO film deposition have been optimized, and the ZnO films with different thickness from 1 micron to 5.5 microns were prepared. The film properties have been characterized using different methods, such as scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy. Aluminum IDT with a finger width and spacing of 8 microns was patterned on the ZnO film using a lift-off process. The frequency generated was measured using a network analyzer, and it varies from 130 MHz to 180 MHz as a function of film thickness. A signal generator was used to generate the frequency with a power amplifier to amplify the signal, which was then applied to aluminum IDT to generate the surface acoustic wave. If a liquid droplet exists on the surface carrying the acoustic wave, the energy and the momentum of the SAW will be coupled into the fluid, causing the liquid to vibrate and move on film surface. The strength of this movement is determined by the applied voltage and frequency. The volume of the liquid drop loaded on the SAW device in this study is of several hundreds of nanoliters. The movement of the liquid inside the droplet and also on the ZnO film surface can be demonstrated. The performance of ZnO SAW device was characterized as a function of film thickness. © 2007 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Two principal problems of equivalency and locality in nano-scale measurement are considered in this paper. The conventional measurements of force and displacement are always closely related to the equivalency problem between the measuremental results by experimental system and the real physical status of the sample, and the locality of the mechanical quantities to be measured. There are some noticeable contradictions in nano-scale measurements induced by the two problems. In this paper, by utilizing a coupled molecular-continuum method, we illustrate the important effects of the two principal problems in atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements on nano-scale. Our calculations and analysis of these typical mechanical measurement problems suggest that in nano-meter scale measurements, the two principal problems must be carefully dealt with. The coupled molecular-continuum method used in this paper is very effective in solving these problems on nano-scale.


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杜仲抗真菌蛋白(Eucommiaantifungalprotein,EAFP)的单晶体具有在几小时内就可长大的快速生长特性.用原子力显微成像(atomicforcemicroscope,AFM)技术,原位实时观测了EAFP单斜晶体生长过程中的{10 0}表面形貌动态变化,并分别在不同的过饱和度下测量了其生长速率.结果表明,EAFP晶体生长的速率与蛋白质溶液的过饱和度相关,在过饱和度高时(σ =1 78)晶面生长极快;在中等过饱和度(σ =1 5)下,其晶面台阶的生长速率沿b,c方向分别为 12nm/s和 2 4 2nm/s,比溶菌酶生长速率(6~ 7nm/s)快很多;在蛋白质浓度很低的情况下,其生长速率仍与其他蛋白质相当.EAFP晶体快速生长可能与该分子尺寸较小,内部结构紧凑,分子骨架呈刚性和分子表面性质等其固有特性密切相关.沉淀剂浓度对EAFP晶体生长也有影响.过饱和度很低时,提高沉淀剂浓度会干扰晶体生长.


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Receptor-based detection of pathogens often suffers from non-specific interactions, and as most detection techniques cannot distinguish between affinities of interactions, false positive responses remain a plaguing reality. Here, we report an anharmonic acoustic based method of detection that addresses the inherent weakness of current ligand dependant assays. Spores of Bacillus subtilis (Bacillus anthracis simulant) were immobilized on a thickness-shear mode AT-cut quartz crystal functionalized with anti-spore antibody and the sensor was driven by a pure sinusoidal oscillation at increasing amplitude. Biomolecular interaction forces between the coupled spores and the accelerating surface caused a nonlinear modulation of the acoustic response of the crystal. In particular, the deviation in the third harmonic of the transduced electrical response versus oscillation amplitude of the sensor (signal) was found to be significant. Signals from the specifically-bound spores were clearly distinguishable in shape from those of the physisorbed streptavidin-coated polystyrene microbeads. The analytical model presented here enables estimation of the biomolecular interaction forces from the measured response. Thus, probing biomolecular interaction forces using the described technique can quantitatively detect pathogens and distinguish specific from non-specific interactions, with potential applicability to rapid point-of-care detection. This also serves as a potential tool for rapid force-spectroscopy, affinity-based biomolecular screening and mapping of molecular interaction networks.


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An immunosensor interface based on mixed hydrophobic self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of methyl and carboxylic acid terminated thiols with covalently attached human Immunoglobulin G (hIgG), is investigated. The densely packed and organised SAMs were characterised by contact angle measurements and cyclic voltammetry. The effect of the non-ionic surfactant, Tween 20, in preventing nonspecific adsorption is addressed by ellipsometry during physical and covalent hIgG immobilization on pure and mixed SAMs, respectively. It is clearly demonstrated that nonspecific adsorption due to hydrophobic interactions of hIgG on methyl ended groups is totally inhibited, whereas electrostatic/hydrogen bonding interactions with the exposed carboxylic groups prevail in the presence of surfactant. Results of ellipsometry and Atomic Force Microscopy, reveal that the surface concentration of covalently immobilized hIgG is determined by the ratio of COOH/CH3-terminated thiols in SAM forming solution. Moreover, the ellipsometric data demonstrates that the ratio of bound anti-hIgG/hIgG depends on the density of hIgG on the surface and that the highest ratio is close to three. We also report the selectivity and high sensitivity achieved by chronoamperometry in the detection of adsorbed hIgG and the reaction with its antibody.