944 resultados para adrenal cortex hormones
Childhood exposure to low-level lead can permanently reduce intelligence, but the neurobiologic mechanism for this effect is unknown. We examined the impact of lead exposure on the development of cortical columns, using the rodent barrel field as a model. In all areas of mammalian neocortex, cortical columns constitute a fundamental structural unit subserving information processing. Barrel field cortex contains columnar processing units with distinct clusters of layer IV neurons that receive sensory input from individual whiskers. In this study, rat pups were exposed to 0, 0.2, 1, 1.5, or 2 g/liter lead acetate in their dam's drinking water from birth through postnatal day 10. This treatment, which coincides with the development of segregated columns in the barrel field, produced blood lead concentrations from 1 to 31 μg/dl. On postnatal day 10, the area of the barrel field and of individual barrels was measured. A dose-related reduction in barrel field area was observed (Pearson correlation = −0.740; P < 0.001); mean barrel field area in the highest exposure group was decreased 12% versus controls. Individual barrels in the physiologically more active caudoventral group were affected preferentially. Total cortical area measured in the same sections was not altered significantly by lead exposure. These data support the hypothesis that lead exposure may impair the development of columnar processing units in immature neocortex. We demonstrate that low levels of blood lead, in the range seen in many impoverished inner-city children, cause structural alterations in a neocortical somatosensory map.
Revealing the layout of cortical maps is important both for understanding the processes involved in their development and for uncovering the mechanisms underlying neural computation. The typical organization of orientation maps in the cat visual cortex is radial; complete orientation cycles are mapped around orientation singularities. In contrast, long linear zones of orientation representation have been detected in the primary visual cortex of the tree shrew. In this study, we searched for the existence of long linear sequences and wide linear zones within orientation preference maps of the cat visual cortex. Optical imaging based on intrinsic signals was used. Long linear sequences and wide linear zones of preferred orientation were occasionally detected along the border between areas 17 and 18, as well as within area 18. Adjacent zones of distinct radial and linear organizations were observed across area 18 of a single hemisphere. However, radial and linear organizations were not necessarily segregated; long (7.5 mm) linear sequences of preferred orientation were found embedded within a typical pinwheel-like organization of orientation. We conclude that, although the radial organization is dominant, perfectly linear organization may develop and perform the processing related to orientation in the cat visual cortex.
Neocortex, a new and rapidly evolving brain structure in mammals, has a similar layered architecture in species over a wide range of brain sizes. Larger brains require longer fibers to communicate between distant cortical areas; the volume of the white matter that contains long axons increases disproportionally faster than the volume of the gray matter that contains cell bodies, dendrites, and axons for local information processing, according to a power law. The theoretical analysis presented here shows how this remarkable anatomical regularity might arise naturally as a consequence of the local uniformity of the cortex and the requirement for compact arrangement of long axonal fibers. The predicted power law with an exponent of 4/3 minus a small correction for the thickness of the cortex accurately accounts for empirical data spanning several orders of magnitude in brain sizes for various mammalian species, including human and nonhuman primates.
Accelerating hippocampal sprouting by making unilateral progressive lesions of the entorhinal cortex spared the spatial memory of rats tested for retention of a learned alternation task. Subsequent transection of the sprouted crossed temporodentate pathway (CTD), as well as a simultaneous CTD transection and progressive entorhinal lesion, produced a persistent deficit on the memory task. These results suggest that CTD sprouting, which is homologous to the original perforant path input to the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, is behaviorally significant and can ameliorate at least some of the memory deficits associated with hippocampal deafferentation.
Recent studies have identified the potential for an important role for serotonin (5-HT) receptors in the developmental plasticity of the kitten visual cortex. 5-HT2C receptors are transiently expressed in a patchy fashion in the visual cortex of kittens between 30–80 days of age complementary to patches demarcated by cytochrome oxidase staining. 5-HT, operating via 5-HT2C receptors, increases cortical synaptic plasticity as assessed both in brain slices and in vivo. Herein, we report that bath application of 5-HT substantially increases the probability of long-term potentiation within 5-HT2C receptor-rich zones of cortex, but this effect is not observed in the 5-HT2C receptor-poor zones. Instead, in these zones, 5-HT application increases the probability of long-term depression. These location-specific effects of 5-HT may promote the formation of compartment-specific cortical responses.
Event-related functional MRI and a version of the Stroop color naming task were used to test two conflicting theories of anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) function during executive processes of cognition. A response-related increase in ACC activity was present when strategic processes were less engaged, and conflict high, but not when strategic processes were engaged and conflict reduced. This is inconsistent with the widely held view that the ACC implements strategic processes to reduce cognitive conflicts, such as response competition. Instead, it suggests that the ACC serves an evaluative function, detecting cognitive states such as response competition, which may lead to poor performance, and representing the knowledge that strategic processes need to be engaged.
A multistudy analysis of positron emission tomography data identified three right prefrontal and two left prefrontal cortical sites, as well as a region in the anterior cingulate gyrus, where neuronal activity is correlated with the maintenance of episodic memory retrieval mode (REMO), a basic and necessary condition of remembering past experiences. The right prefrontal sites were near the frontal pole [Brodmann's area (BA) 10], frontal operculum (BA 47/45), and lateral dorsal area (BA 8/9). The two left prefrontal sites were homotopical with the right frontal pole and opercular sites. The same kinds of REMO sites were not observed in any other cerebral region. Many previous functional neuroimaging studies of episodic memory retrieval have reported activations near the frontal REMO sites identified here, although their function has not been clear. Many of these, too, probably have signaled their involvement in REMO. We propose that REMO activations largely if not entirely account for the frontal hemispheric asymmetry of retrieval as described by the original hemispheric encoding retrieval asymmetry model.
Little is known about the specific functional contribution of the human orbitofrontal cortex with regard to memory processing, although there is strong evidence from lesion studies in monkeys that it may play an important role. The present investigation measured changes in regional cerebral blood flow with positron emission tomography in normal human subjects who were instructed to commit to memory abstract visual patterns. The results indicated that the rostral orbitofrontal region (area 11), which is primarily linked with the anterior medial temporal limbic region and lateral prefrontal cortical areas, is involved in the process of encoding of new information.
Accurate and automated methods for measuring the thickness of human cerebral cortex could provide powerful tools for diagnosing and studying a variety of neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders. Manual methods for estimating cortical thickness from neuroimaging data are labor intensive, requiring several days of effort by a trained anatomist. Furthermore, the highly folded nature of the cortex is problematic for manual techniques, frequently resulting in measurement errors in regions in which the cortical surface is not perpendicular to any of the cardinal axes. As a consequence, it has been impractical to obtain accurate thickness estimates for the entire cortex in individual subjects, or group statistics for patient or control populations. Here, we present an automated method for accurately measuring the thickness of the cerebral cortex across the entire brain and for generating cross-subject statistics in a coordinate system based on cortical anatomy. The intersubject standard deviation of the thickness measures is shown to be less than 0.5 mm, implying the ability to detect focal atrophy in small populations or even individual subjects. The reliability and accuracy of this new method are assessed by within-subject test–retest studies, as well as by comparison of cross-subject regional thickness measures with published values.
A fundamental question in human memory is how the brain represents sensory-specific information during the process of retrieval. One hypothesis is that regions of sensory cortex are reactivated during retrieval of sensory-specific information (1). Here we report findings from a study in which subjects learned a set of picture and sound items and were then given a recall test during which they vividly remembered the items while imaged by using event-related functional MRI. Regions of visual and auditory cortex were activated differentially during retrieval of pictures and sounds, respectively. Furthermore, the regions activated during the recall test comprised a subset of those activated during a separate perception task in which subjects actually viewed pictures and heard sounds. Regions activated during the recall test were found to be represented more in late than in early visual and auditory cortex. Therefore, results indicate that retrieval of vivid visual and auditory information can be associated with a reactivation of some of the same sensory regions that were activated during perception of those items.
Human ability to switch from one cognitive task to another involves both endogenous preparation without an external stimulus and exogenous adjustment in response to the external stimulus. In an event-related functional MRI study, participants performed pairs of two tasks that are either the same (task repetition) or different (task switch) from each other. On half of the trials, foreknowledge about task repetition or task switch was available. On the other half, it was not. Endogenous preparation seems to involve lateral prefrontal cortex (BA 46/45) and posterior parietal cortex (BA 40). During preparation, higher activation increases in inferior lateral prefrontal cortex and superior posterior parietal cortex were associated with foreknowledge than with no foreknowledge. Exogenous adjustment seems to involve superior prefrontal cortex (BA 8) and posterior parietal cortex (BA 39/40) in general. During a task switch with no foreknowledge, activations in these areas were relatively higher than during a task repetition with no foreknowledge. These results suggest that endogenous preparation and exogenous adjustment for a task switch may be independent processes involving different brain areas.
Stimulation of β-adrenergic receptors (BAR) by clenbuterol (CLE) increases nerve growth factor (NGF) biosynthesis in the rat cerebral cortex but not in other regions of the brain. We have explored the transcription mechanisms that may account for the cortex-specific activation of the NGF gene. Although the NGF promoter contains an AP-1 element, AP-1-binding activity in the cerebral cortex was not induced by CLE, suggesting that other transcription factors govern the brain area-specific induction of NGF. Because BAR activation increases cAMP levels, we examined the role of CCAAT/enhancer-binding proteins (C/EBP), some of which are known to be cAMP-inducible. In C6–2B glioma cells, whose NGF expression is induced by BAR agonists, (i) CLE increased C/EBPδ-binding activity, (ii) NGF mRNA levels were increased by overexpressing C/EBPδ, and (iii) C/EBPδ increased the activity of an NGF promoter–reporter construct. Moreover, DNase footprinting and deletion analyses identified a C/EBPδ site in the proximal region of the NGF promoter. C/EBPδ appears to be responsible for the BAR-mediated activation of the NGF gene in vivo, since CLE elicited a time-dependent increase in C/EBPδ-binding activity in the cerebral cortex only. Our data suggest that, while AP-1 may regulate basal levels of NGF expression, C/EBPδ is a critical component determining the area-specific expression of NGF in response to BAR stimulation.
Juvenile hormones (JH), a sesquiterpenoid group of ligands that regulate developmental transitions in insects, bind to the nuclear receptor ultraspiracle (USP). In fluorescence-based binding assays, USP protein binds JH III and JH III acid with specificity, adopting for each ligand a different final conformational state. JH III treatment of Saccharomyces cerevisiae expressing a LexA-USP fusion protein stabilizes an oligomeric association containing this protein, as detected by formation of a protein–DNA complex, and induces USP-dependent transcription in a reporter assay. We propose that regulation of morphogenetic transitions in invertebrates involves binding of JH or JH-like structures to USP.