997 resultados para accelerated permeability test
Personality differences based on fine motor precision performance were studied in early stage Parkinson's patients and an age-matched control group under two different test conditions: proprioceptive + visual information and proprioceptive information alone. A comparative data analysis for deviations of three measured movement types (transversal, frontal and sagittal) was done for both hands (dominant and non-dominant) with relation to personality dimensions. There were found significant differences between the two groups in decision making dimension and emotionality. After splitting the data for gender subgroups, some significant differences were found for men but not for women. The differences in fine motor task performance varied, being better in some directions for the Parkinson"s patients and worse in others. The findings may suggest that medication has both positive and negative effects on motor performance and provoke personality changes, being more pronounced in men.
BACKGROUND: Antitumour necrosis factor (anti-TNF) treatments may reactivate latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI). For detecting LTBI, the tuberculin skin test (TST) has low sensitivity and specificity. Interferon-gamma release assays (IGRA) have been shown to be more sensitive and specific than TST. OBJECTIVE: To compare the TST and the T-SPOT.TB IGRA for identifying LTBI in patients with psoriasis before anti-TNF treatment. METHODS: A retrospective study was carried out over a 4-year period on patients with psoriasis requiring anti-TNF treatment. All were subjected to the TST, T-SPOT.TB and chest X-ray. Risk factors for LTBI and history of bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccination were recorded. The association of T-SPOT.TB and TST results with risk factors for LTBI was tested through univariate logistic regression models. Agreement between tests was quantified using kappa statistics. Treatment for LTBI was started 1 month before anti-TNF therapy when indicated. RESULTS: Fifty patients were included; 90% had prior BCG vaccination. A positive T-SPOT.TB was strongly associated with a presumptive diagnosis of LTBI (odds ratio 7.43; 95% confidence interval 1.38-39.9), which was not the case for the TST. Agreement between the T-SPOT.TB and TST was poor, kappa = 0.33 (SD 0.13). LTBI was detected and treated in 20% of the patients. In 20% of the cases, LTBI was not retained in spite of a positive TST but a negative T-SPOT.TB. All patients received an anti-TNF agent for a median of 56 weeks (range 20-188); among patients with a positive TST/negative T-SPOT.TB, no tuberculosis was detected with a median follow-up of 64 weeks (44-188). One case of disseminated tuberculosis occurred after 28 weeks of adalimumab treatment in a patient with LTBI in spite of treatment with rifampicin. CONCLUSION: This study is the first to underline the frequency of LTBI in patients with psoriasis (20%), and to support the use of IGRA instead of the TST for its detection. Nevertheless, there is still a risk of tuberculosis under anti-TNF therapy, even if LTBI is correctly diagnosed and treated.
A Espanya i, especialment a Catalunya, la primera dècada del segle xxi ha estat marcada per un increment excepcional de les adopcions internacionals, configurant així un nou model de famílies i una nova realitat social. Des de la perspectiva de salut mental, s’inicia ara una etapa postadoptiva molt necessitada d’investigacions teòriques i empíriques. Amb aquest treball, volem apropar-nos a la realitat interna del nen adoptat, utilitzant el Test Projectiu temàtic Pota Negra (Corman 1961) i conèixer així les repercussions que té, en el seu desenvolupament emocional, el fet d’ésser un nen adoptat. L’estudi es realitza amb una mostra de 10 nens (5 nenes i 5 nens) d’edats compreses entre 6 i 12 anys, que formen part del grup de nens d’adopció internacional d’Espanya (país d’origen: Nepal). En els criteris d’inclusió per als nens, a més de l’edat i el país ja citats, hi ha també el de fer més de dos anys que s’hagi realitzat l’adopció. El criteri d’inclusió, per a les famílies, és no tenir fills biològics, és a dir, només tenir fills adoptius. Els resultats mostren que les variables afectives pròpies de l’adopció dificulten el desenvolupament emocional. Però, igual que en els altres àmbits, el nen adoptat necessitarà més temps, i possiblement suports específics, per a culminar la seva evolució. D’altra banda, es constata que l’ús de Tècniques Projectives facilita el coneixement del món intern del nen adoptat, possibilitant així una anàlisi holística i global de la persona.
As a result of Chang's studies, Calderon's developments, and the need for a new test procedure to determine specific physical properties of an asphalt concrete, the Iowa Highway Research Board sponsored a research project to investigate the correlation of results of the Calderon Test with the Iowa Stability Test and the Marshall and Hveem stability tests using Iowa Type A asphaltic concrete. The project was assigned to the Bituminous. Research Laboratory of Iowa State University as Project HR 80, the. Iowa Highway Research Board, and Project 442-S of the Engineering Experiment Station.
This report addresses the field testing and analysis of those results to establish the behavior of the original Clive Road Bridge that carried highway traffic over Interstate 80 (I-80) in the northwest region of Des Moines, Iowa. The bridge was load tested in 1959, shortly after its construction and in 1993, just prior to its demolition. This report presents some of the results from both field tests, finite element predictions of the behavior of aluminum bridge girders, and load distribution studies.
Nous présontons l'étalonnage d'un test mnésique de recognition dans un échantillon de 180 adultes francophones de la Suisse Romande. Le test comprend trois formes utilisant un matériel verbal (mots) ou non verbal (visages ou paysages). Une attention particulière est accordée à l'âge dans la présentation des résultats. Celui-ci affecte plus précocement et plus intensément la performance aux formes non verbales qu'à la forme verbale du test. Il induit également une importante augmentation du nombre de fausses reconnaissances pour les formes non verbales.
In bottom-up proteomics, rapid and efficient protein digestion is crucial for data reliability. However, sample preparation remains one of the rate-limiting steps in proteomics workflows. In this study, we compared the conventional trypsin digestion procedure with two accelerated digestion protocols based on shorter reaction times and microwave-assisted digestion for the preparation of membrane-enriched protein fractions of the human pathogenic bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. Produced peptides were analyzed by Shotgun IPG-IEF, a methodology relying on separation of peptides by IPG-IEF before the conventional LC-MS/MS steps of shotgun proteomics. Data obtained on two LC-MS/MS platforms showed that accelerated digestion protocols, especially the one relying on microwave irradiation, enhanced the cleavage specificity of trypsin and thus improved the digestion efficiency especially for hydrophobic and membrane proteins. The combination of high-throughput proteomics with accelerated and efficient sample preparation should enhance the practicability of proteomics by reducing the time from sample collection to obtaining the results.
BACKGROUND: Excessive drinking is a major problem in Western countries. AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test) is a 10-item questionnaire developed as a transcultural screening tool to detect excessive alcohol consumption and dependence in primary health care settings. OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study is to validate a French version of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT). METHODS: We conducted a validation cross-sectional study in three French-speaking areas (Paris, Geneva and Lausanne). We examined psychometric properties of AUDIT as its internal consistency, and its capacity to correctly diagnose alcohol abuse or dependence as defined by DSM-IV and to detect hazardous drinking (defined as alcohol intake >30 g pure ethanol per day for men and >20 g of pure ethanol per day for women). We calculated sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values and Receiver Operator Characteristic curves. Finally, we compared the ability of AUDIT to accurately detect "alcohol abuse/dependence" with that of CAGE and MAST. RESULTS: 1207 patients presenting to outpatient clinics (Switzerland, n = 580) or general practitioners' (France, n = 627) successively completed CAGE, MAST and AUDIT self-administered questionnaires, and were independently interviewed by a trained addiction specialist. AUDIT showed a good capacity to discriminate dependent patients (with AUDIT > or =13 for males, sensitivity 70.1%, specificity 95.2%, PPV 85.7%, NPV 94.7% and for females sensitivity 94.7%, specificity 98.2%, PPV 100%, NPV 99.8%); and hazardous drinkers (with AUDIT > or =7, for males sensitivity 83.5%, specificity 79.9%, PPV 55.0%, NPV 82.7% and with AUDIT > or =6 for females, sensitivity 81.2%, specificity 93.7%, PPV 64.0%, NPV 72.0%). AUDIT gives better results than MAST and CAGE for detecting "Alcohol abuse/dependence" as showed on the comparative ROC curves. CONCLUSIONS: The AUDIT questionnaire remains a good screening instrument for French-speaking primary care.
Different signatures of natural selection persist over varying time scales in our genome, revealing possible episodes of adaptative evolution during human history. Here, we identify genes showing signatures of ancestral positive selection in the human lineage and investigate whether some of those genes have been evolving adaptatively in extant human populations. Specifically, we compared more than 11,000 human genes with their orthologs inchimpanzee, mouse, rat and dog and applied a branch-site likelihood method to test for positive selection on the human lineage. Among the significant cases, a robust set of 11 genes were then further explored for signatures of recent positive selection using SNP data. We genotyped 223 SNPs in 39 worldwide populations from the HGDP Diversity panel and supplemented this information with available genotypes for up to 4,814 SNPs distributed along 2 Mb centered on each gene. After exploring the allele frequency spectrum, population differentiation and the maintainance of long unbroken haplotypes, we found signals of recent adaptative phenomena in only one of the 11 candidate gene regions. However, the signal ofrecent selection in this region may come from a different, neighbouring gene (CD5) ratherthan from the candidate gene itself (VPS37C). For this set of positively-selected genes in thehuman lineage, we find no indication that these genes maintained their rapid evolutionarypace among human populations. Based on these data, it therefore appears that adaptation forhuman-specific and for population-specific traits may have involved different genes.
The spatial resolution visualized with hydrological models and the conceptualized images of subsurface hydrological processes often exceed resolution of the data collected with classical instrumentation at the field scale. In recent years it was possible to increasingly diminish the inherent gap to information from point like field data through the application of hydrogeophysical methods at field-scale. With regards to all common geophysical exploration techniques, electric and electromagnetic methods have arguably to greatest sensitivity to hydrologically relevant parameters. Of particular interest in this context are induced polarisation (IP) measurements, which essentially constrain the capacity of a probed subsurface region to store an electrical charge. In the absence of metallic conductors the IP- response is largely driven by current conduction along the grain surfaces. This offers the perspective to link such measurements to the characteristics of the solid-fluid-interface and thus, at least in unconsolidated sediments, should allow for first-order estimates of the permeability structure.¦While the IP-effect is well explored through laboratory experiments and in part verified through field data for clay-rich environments, the applicability of IP-based characterizations to clay-poor aquifers is not clear. For example, polarization mechanisms like membrane polarization are not applicable in the rather wide pore-systems of clay free sands, and the direct transposition of Schwarz' theory relating polarization of spheres to the relaxation mechanism of polarized cells to complex natural sediments yields ambiguous results.¦In order to improve our understanding of the structural origins of IP-signals in such environments as well as their correlation with pertinent hydrological parameters, various laboratory measurements have been conducted. We consider saturated quartz samples with a grain size spectrum varying from fine sand to fine gravel, that is grain diameters between 0,09 and 5,6 mm, as well as corresponding pertinent mixtures which can be regarded as proxies for widespread alluvial deposits. The pore space characteristics are altered by changing (i) the grain size spectra, (ii) the degree of compaction, and (iii) the level of sorting. We then examined how these changes affect the SIP response, the hydraulic conductivity, and the specific surface area of the considered samples, while keeping any electrochemical variability during the measurements as small as possible. The results do not follow simple assumptions on relationships to single parameters such as grain size. It was found that the complexity of natural occurring media is not yet sufficiently represented when modelling IP. At the same time simple correlation to permeability was found to be strong and consistent. Hence, adaptations with the aim of better representing the geo-structure of natural porous media were applied to the simplified model space used in Schwarz' IP-effect-theory. The resulting semi- empiric relationship was found to more accurately predict the IP-effect and its relation to the parameters grain size and permeability. If combined with recent findings about the effect of pore fluid electrochemistry together with advanced complex resistivity tomography, these results will allow us to picture diverse aspects of the subsurface with relative certainty. Within the framework of single measurement campaigns, hydrologiste can than collect data with information about the geo-structure and geo-chemistry of the subsurface. However, additional research efforts will be necessary to further improve the understanding of the physical origins of IP-effect and minimize the potential for false interpretations.¦-¦Dans l'étude des processus et caractéristiques hydrologiques des subsurfaces, la résolution spatiale donnée par les modèles hydrologiques dépasse souvent la résolution des données du terrain récoltées avec des méthodes classiques d'hydrologie. Récemment il est possible de réduire de plus en plus cet divergence spatiale entre modèles numériques et données du terrain par l'utilisation de méthodes géophysiques, notamment celles géoélectriques. Parmi les méthodes électriques, la polarisation provoquée (PP) permet de représenter la capacité des roches poreuses et des sols à stocker une charge électrique. En l'absence des métaux dans le sous-sol, cet effet est largement influencé par des caractéristiques de surface des matériaux. En conséquence les mesures PP offrent une information des interfaces entre solides et fluides dans les matériaux poreux que nous pouvons lier à la perméabilité également dirigée par ces mêmes paramètres. L'effet de la polarisation provoquée à été étudié dans différentes études de laboratoire, ainsi que sur le terrain. A cause d'une faible capacité de polarisation des matériaux sableux, comparé aux argiles, leur caractérisation par l'effet-PP reste difficile a interpréter d'une manière cohérente pour les environnements hétérogènes.¦Pour améliorer les connaissances sur l'importance de la structure du sous-sol sableux envers l'effet PP et des paramètres hydrologiques, nous avons fait des mesures de laboratoire variées. En détail, nous avons considéré des échantillons sableux de quartz avec des distributions de taille de grain entre sables fins et graviers fins, en diamètre cela fait entre 0,09 et 5,6 mm. Les caractéristiques de l'espace poreux sont changées en modifiant (i) la distribution de taille des grains, (ii) le degré de compaction, et (iii) le niveau d'hétérogénéité dans la distribution de taille de grains. En suite nous étudions comment ces changements influencent l'effet-PP, la perméabilité et la surface spécifique des échantillons. Les paramètres électrochimiques sont gardés à un minimum pendant les mesures. Les résultats ne montrent pas de relation simple entre les paramètres pétro-physiques comme par exemples la taille des grains. La complexité des media naturels n'est pas encore suffisamment représenté par les modèles des processus PP. Néanmoins, la simple corrélation entre effet PP et perméabilité est fort et consistant. En conséquence la théorie de Schwarz sur l'effet-PP a été adapté de manière semi-empirique pour mieux pouvoir estimer la relation entre les résultats de l'effet-PP et les paramètres taille de graines et perméabilité. Nos résultats concernant l'influence de la texture des matériaux et celles de l'effet de l'électrochimie des fluides dans les pores, permettront de visualiser des divers aspects du sous-sol. Avec des telles mesures géo-électriques, les hydrologues peuvent collectionner des données contenant des informations sur la structure et la chimie des fluides des sous-sols. Néanmoins, plus de recherches sur les origines physiques de l'effet-PP sont nécessaires afin de minimiser le risque potentiel d'une mauvaise interprétation des données.
The semi-structured diagnostic interview for genetic studies (DIGS) was developed to assess major mood and psychotic disorders and their spectrum manifestations in genetic studies. Our research group developed a French version of the DIGS and tested its inter-rater and test-retest reliability in psychiatric patients. In this article, we present estimates of the reliability of substance use and antisocial personality disorders. High kappa coefficients for inter-rater reliability were found for drug and alcohol as well as antisocial personality diagnoses and slightly lower kappas for test-retest reliability. Combined with evidence of the reliability of major mood and psychotic disorders, these findings support the suitability of the DIGS for studies of familial aggregation and comorbidity of psychiatric disorders including substance use and antisocial personality disorders.
Wild guess, lucky guess, good guess - hazarding at a multiple-choice test of listening comprehension