978 resultados para Youth policy
Agency Performance Plan, Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy
The Office of the Drug Policy Coordinator is established in Chapter 80E of the Code of Iowa. The Coordinator directs the Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy; coordinates and monitors all statewide counter-drug efforts, substance abuse treatment grants and programs, and substance abuse prevention and education programs; and engages in other related activities involving the Departments of public safety, corrections, education, public health, and human services. The coordinator assists in the development of local and community strategies to fight substance abuse, including local law enforcement, education, and treatment activities. The Drug Policy Coordinator serves as chairperson to the Drug Policy Advisory Council. The council includes the directors of the departments of corrections, education, public health, public safety, human services, division of criminal and juvenile justice planning, and human rights. The Council also consists of a prosecuting attorney, substance abuse treatment specialist, substance abuse prevention specialist, substance abuse treatment program director, judge, and one representative each from the Iowa Association of Chiefs of Police and Peace Officers, the Iowa State Police Association, and the Iowa State Sheriff’s and Deputies’ Association. Council members are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. The council makes policy recommendations related to substance abuse education, prevention, and treatment, and drug enforcement. The Council and the Coordinator oversee the development and implementation of a comprehensive State of Iowa Drug Control Strategy. The Office of Drug Control Policy administers federal grant programs to improve the criminal justice system by supporting drug enforcement, substance abuse prevention and offender treatment programs across the state. The ODCP prepares and submits the Iowa Drug and Violent Crime Control Strategy to the U.S. Department of Justice, with recommendations from the Drug Policy Advisory Council. The ODCP also provides program and fiscal technical assistance to state and local agencies, as well as program evaluation and grants management.
S'hi fa una diagnosi aprofundida de la situació sociolingüística catalana actual centrada en els usos lingüístics dels joves i el seu ecosistema de determinació. Alhora s'hi proposen mesures concretes de política lingüística en diversos camps, importants per a fer possible l'extensió de l'ús del català en aquest segment generacional.
Segons els estudis existents, en general, els joves són la franja més capacitada per utilitzar el català en tots els àmbits i contextos, però, en conjunt, són els que menys el fan servir. En l"àmbit metropolità, on resideix la majoria de la població de Catalunya, l"ús del català per part dels joves és encara més baix. Alhora, se sap que l"assoliment de la competència de l"expressió oral en català al final del primer cicle de l"ESo no és pas general, per la qual cosa tot sembla indicar que el model escolar actual no té gaire influència en els usos lingüístics més individualitzats. En el marc d"aquesta situació, el Govern de la Generalitat de Catalunya va encarregar al Consell Social de la Llengua Catalana un informe sobre les possibles mesures a prendre per tal d"intervenir-hi i potenciar més l"ús de la llengua. Les conclusions del Consell assenyalen que caldria actuar preferentment sobre els hàbits d"ús intergrupals i socials a través de la formació sociolingüística dels mestres i professors en general, i tot transformant els centres escolars que ho necessitin per la seva composició demolingüística en institucions molt conscients del seu paper en el desenvolupament eficaç d"una L2 (llengua segona). Igualment, es recomana que les polítiques lingüístiques no ignorin el pla cognitivoemotiu dels individus i que s"acompanyin de discursos legitimadors integradors. Per tal d"augmentar la percepció d"utilitat i funcionalitat del català, és imprescindible aconseguir que es converteixi en la llengua laboral més habitual, fet pel qual la intervenció sobre el món socioeconòmic té la màxima importància. En paral·lel, el Govern ha de procurar incidir en tot l"àmbit ludicomediàtic juvenil, ja que és una generació plenament integrada en aquest univers tecnològic.
Selostus: Tuki- ja hintamuutosten vaikutus maitotilojen pellon käyttöön
Selostus: Politiikkamuutosten vaikutus lihanautojen optimaaliseen ruokintaan ja teurastuksen ajoitukseen
OBJECTIVE: This study examined the respective roles of personal and environmental factors in youth violence in a nationally representative sample of 7548 postmandatory school students and apprentices ages 16-20 years in Switzerland. METHODS: Youth violence was defined as having committed at least one of the following in the previous 12 months: attacking an adult, snatching something, carrying a weapon, or using a weapon in a fight. Different ecological levels were tested, resulting in a three-level model only in males (individual, classroom, and school) as the low prevalence of female violence did not allow for a multilevel analysis. Dependent variables were attributed to each level. For males, the classroom level (10%) and the school level (24%) accounted for more than one third in interindividual variance. RESULTS: Factors associated with violence perpetration in females were being a victim of physical violence and sensation seeking at the individual level. In males, practicing unsafe sex, sensation seeking, being a victim of physical violence, having a poor relationship with parents, being depressed, and living in a single-parent household at the individual level; violence and antisocial acts at the classroom level; and being in a vocational school at the school level showed a correlation with violence perpetration. CONCLUSION: Interventions at the classroom level as well as an explicit school policy on violence and other risk behaviors should be considered a priority when dealing with the problem of youth violence. Furthermore, prevention should take into account gender differences.
One of the most relevant demographic events in Spain from a recent historical perspective was the baby boom of the 1960s and 1970s. The “adapting to circumstances” of these generations of youth and their families through delayed emancipation and childbearing has been key in preventing a decline in their economic status. The results show that the reduction of the poverty risk among non-emancipated youth for the period 1980-2005 is explained by the fact that an increasing number of young Spaniards live with two employed parents. Thus, emancipation delay is found most in those families that can best afford it. Furthermore, the salaries of young workers remaining in the parental home have become an important factor in reducing their family poverty risk. On the other hand, fertility decline is readily explained by the economic difficulties young couples encounter in sustaining their offspring
Nonrecombining Y chromosomes are expected to degenerate through the progressive accumulation of deleterious mutations. In lower vertebrates, however, most species display homomorphic sex chromosomes. To address this, paradox I propose a role for sex reversal, which occasionally occurs in ectotherms due to the general dependence of physiological processes on temperature. Because sex-specific recombination patterns depend on phenotypic, rather than genotypic sex, homomorphic X and Y chromosomes are expected to recombine in sex-reversed females. These rare events should generate bursts of new Y haplotypes, which will be quickly sorted out by natural or sexual selection. By counteracting Muller's ratchet, this regular purge should prevent the evolutionary decay of Y chromosomes. I review empirical data supporting this suggestion, and propose further investigations for testing it.