992 resultados para Wild animal


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Abstract:Trematodes belonging to the family Eucotylidae, including Tanaisia(Paratanaisia)bragaiSantos, 1934are parasites of the kidney and ureter that affect several species of domestic and wild birds. Tanaisia bragaiis considered a low pathogenic parasite, but high worm burdens may determine clinical complications, including signs of apathy, weight loss, diarrhea and death. This paper describes the first report of infection by T. bragai in peacocks (Pavo cristatus), which constitutes a new host record and offers data on the lesions associated to this parasitism, although the degree of pathogenicity and parasite load may be considered mild. These birds did not exhibit clinical signs of parasitism. The macroscopic exam revealed discreet yellow spots on the liver. In the histological sections of the kidney, specimens of T. bragai were found in the collecting ducts, which were markedly dilated, with a thickened wall. Other findings included a mild inflammatory reaction in the wall of the ducts (but sometimes absent), flattening of lining epithelial cells and small, multifocal points of calcification around the collecting ducts. The microscopic examination of the parasites revealed trematodes with an elongated body, well-developed sub terminal oral sucker, pharynx present, short esophagus, cecum somewhat undulating or not, with blind end, testes symmetrical, equatorial, irregular in shape or slightly lobed, vitelline fields extending in both pre-ovarian and post ovarian fields, uterus very long, intercecal or sometimes overlapping the cecum and containing large quantities of eggs. The present findings suggest the need for further diagnostic studies on the prevalence of this trematode in peacocks as well as pathologic studies for the determination of the potential pathogenicity of this parasite in this species of bird. Moreover, infected peacocks could serve as carriers of T. bragai to be transferred to other bird species, thereby contributing to the dispersion of the parasite.


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Abstract: The aim of the present study was to assess the occurrence of Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) infection and risk factors of this disease in three hundred serum samples from on 23 familiar agricultural properties in the semiarid region of the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. ELISA was used to study antibodies anti-Mycoplasma gallisepticum. The univariate analysis (chi-squared test or Fischer's exact test) followed by multivariate analysis (logistic regression) were used to assess the risk factors with two variables: management and sanity of the poultry. It was detected a frequence of 53.33% (157/300) of the birds were positive for MG, with 100% foci. The risk factors confirmed by multivariate analysis, in the present study, were the presence of other poultry species on the property, including Numida meleagris (OR=2.22; p=0.005), parrots (OR=1.72; p=0.027), and of passerines (OR=1.88; p=0.007). These results showed that Mycoplasma gallisepticum infection is endemic among backyard poultry in the semiarid region of the state of Pernambuco. These birds could be a source of infection for other wild or domestic poultry. . This is the first report of the occurrence of avian mycoplasmosis in backyard poultry in the state of Pernambuco in northeastern Brazil. The risk factors identified should serve as a parameter for the health authorities to seek solutions related to controlling the disease.


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Abstract: The concentration of heavy metals (Cr, Fe, Al, As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Mo, Ni, Se and Zn) was evaluated in the blood of nestling blue macaws (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus) captured in the Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul (n=26) in 2012; this was based on the hypothesis that these birds exhibit levels of these heavy metals in their organism and that these interfere in hatching success, weight and age of the chicks. Blood samples were digested with nitric acid and hydrochloric acid and the quantification of metals was performed by ICP-OES (Optical Emission Spectroscopy and Inductively Coupled Plasma). Blood samples of nestlings showed concentrations of Cr (0.10μg/g) Fe (3.06μg/g) Al (3.46μg/g), Cd (0.25μg/g) Cu (0.74μg/g), Mo (0.33μg/g), Ni (0.61μg/g), Se (0.98μg/g), and Zn (2.08μg/g). The levels of heavy metals found were not associated with weight, age and hatching success of the chicks.


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Abstract: Paca (Cuniculus paca), one of the largest rodents of the Brazilian fauna, has inherent characteristics of its species which can conribute as a new option for animal experimantation. As there is a growing demand for suitable experimental models in audiologic and otologic surgical research, the gross anatomy and ultrastructural ear of this rodent have been analyzed and described in detail. Fifteen adult pacas from the Wild Animals Sector herd of Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, Unesp-Jaboticabal, were used in this study. After anesthesia and euthanasia, we evaluated the entire composition of the external ear, registering and ddescribing the details; the temporal region was often dissected for a better view and detailing of the tympanic bulla which was removed and opened to expose the ear structures analyzed mascroscopically and ultrastructurally. The ear pinna has a triangular and concave shape with irregular ridges and sharp apex. The external auditory canal is winding in its path to the tympanic mebrane. The tympanic bulla is is on the back-bottom of the skull. The middle ear is formed by a cavity region filled with bone and membranous structures bounded by the tympanic membrane and the oval and round windows. The tympanic membrane is flat and seals the ear canal. The anatomy of the paca ear is similar to the guinea pig and from the viewpoint of experimental model has major advantages compared with the mouse ear.


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Abstract: The knowledge of anatomical structures found in wild animals is important for the practice of medical and surgical clinic. Thus, the aim of this study was to describe the osteology and radiographic anatomy of the femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsal, metatarsal and phalanges of the Marshdeer Blastocerus dichotomus as a reference for clinical use and species identification. Most structures were similar to those found in domestic animals, with special features of this species. Noteworthy is, for example, the absence of the third trochanter of the femur. Although a ruminant, the Marshdeer has a fibuyla similar to the one described for the horse. B. dichotomus has four fingers on each limb, formed through three phalanges, only the third and fourth finger touch the ground, and the second and fifth finger is rudimentary. It has four proximal and two distal sesamoid bones, and sesamoid bones near the gastrocnemius muscle do not exist.


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Abstract: The aim of this study was to assess the cardiopulmonary effects, the onset time after the administration of a detomidine/ketamine combination, and the recovery from anesthesia of cougars (Puma concolor) anesthetized with detomidine/ketamine and isoflurane or sevoflurane for abdominal ultrasound imaging. Fourteen animals were randomly allocated into two experimental groups: GISO (n=7) and GSEVO (n=7). Chemical restraint was performed using 0.15mg/kg detomidine combined with 5mg/kg ketamine intramuscularly; anesthesia induction was achieved using 2mg/kg propofol intravenously and maintenance with isoflurane (GISO) or sevoflurane (GSEVO). The following parameters were assessed: heart rate, respiratory rate, systolic and diastolic arterial blood pressure, mean arterial blood pressure, oxyhemoglobin saturation, rectal temperature, central venous pressure, and end-tidal carbon dioxide. The time to sternal recumbency (TSR) and time to standing position (TSP) were also determined. There was not statistically significant difference for the cardiopulmonary variables or TSP whereas TSR was significantly shorter in GSEVO. The time to onset of anesthesia was 11.1±1.2 minutes and 11.3±1.8 minutes for GISO and GSEVO, respectively. The anesthesia of cougars with detomidine/ketamine and isoflurane or sevoflurane was conducted with safety, cardiopulmonary stability, and increased time to sternal recumbency in the GISO group.


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Abstract: Currently the importance of using alternative strategies for biodiversity conservation is emphasized and since the establishment of germplasm bank is an alternative to the conservation of endangered species. This is a technique of great importance for the maintenance of Brazilian fauna. Since the early70'sthere was a growing concern about the need to preserve essential genetic resources for food and agriculture, mainly for conservation of genetic material from farm animals. Thus was created the Brasilia Zoo, in July 2010, the first Germplasm Bank of Wild Animals in Latin America, as an alternative strategy for the conservation of threatened or endangered species, using both gametes and somatic cells and stem cells. Then we argue to create new banks or research networks among different regions with aimed to tissue preservation.


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Traditionally biologists have often considered individual differences in behaviour or physiology as a nuisance when investigating a population of individuals. These differences have mostly been dismissed as measurement errors or as non-adaptive variation around an adaptive population mean. Recent research, however, challenges this view. While long acknowledged in human personality studies, the importance of individual variation has recently entered into ecological and evolutionary studies in the form of animal personality. The concept of animal personality focuses on consistent differences within and between individuals in behavioural and physiological traits across time and contexts and its ecological and evolutionary consequences. Nevertheless, a satisfactory explanation for the existence of personality is still lacking. Although there is a growing number of explanatory theoretical models, there is still a lack of empirical studies on wild populations showing how traditional life-history tradeoffs can explain the maintenance of variation in personality traits. In this thesis, I first investigate the validity of variation in allostatic load or baseline corticosterone (CORT) concentrations as a measure for differences in individual quality. The association between CORT and quality has recently been summarised under the “CORT-fitness hypothesis”, which states that a general negative relationship between baseline CORT and fitness exists. I then continue to apply the concept of animal personality to depict how the life-history trade-off between survival and fecundity is mediated in incubating female eiders (Somateria mollissima), thereby maintaining variation in behaviour and physiology. To this end, I investigated breeding female eiders from a wild population that breeds in the archipelago around Tvärminne Zoological Station, SW Finland. The field data used was collected from 2008 to 2012. The overall aim of the thesis was to show how differences in personality and stress responsiveness are linked to a life-history context. In the four chapters I examine how the life-history trade-off between survival and fecundity could be resolved depending on consistent individual differences in escape behaviour, stress physiology, individual quality and nest-site selection. First, I corroborated the validity of the “CORT-fitness hypothesis”, by showing that reproductive success is generally negatively correlated with serum and faecal baseline CORT levels. The association between individual quality and baseline CORT is, however, context dependent. Poor body condition was associated with elevated serum baseline CORT only in older breeders, while a larger reproductive investment (clutch mass) was associated with elevated serum baseline CORT among females breeding late in the season. Interestingly, good body condition was associated with elevated faecal baseline CORT levels in late breeders. High faecal baseline CORT levels were positively related to high baseline body temperature, and breeders in poor condition showed an elevated baseline body temperature, but only on open islands. The relationship between stress physiology and individual quality is modulated by breeding experience and breeding phenology. Consequently, the context dependency highlights that this relationship has to be interpreted cautiously. Additionally, I verified if stress responsiveness is related to risk-taking behaviour. Females who took fewer risks (longer flight initiation distance) showed a stronger stress response (measured as an increase in CORT concentration after capture and handling of the bird). However, this association was modulated by breeding experience and body condition, with young breeders and those in poor body condition showing the strongest relationship between risktaking and stress responsiveness. Shy females (longer flight initiation distance) also incubated their clutch for a shorter time. Additionally, I demonstrated that stress responsiveness and predation risk interact with maternal investment and reproductive success. Under high risk of predation, females that incubated a larger clutch showed a stronger stress response. Surprisingly, these females also exhibited higher reproductive success than females with a weaker stress response. Again, these context dependent results suggest that the relationship between stress responsiveness and risk-taking behaviour should not be studied in isolation from individual quality and that stress responsiveness may show adaptive plasticity when individuals are exposed to different predation regimes. Finally, female risk-taking behaviour and stress coping styles were also related to nest-site choice. Less stress responsive females more frequently occupied nests with greater coverage that were farther away from the shoreline. Females nesting in nests with medium cover and farther from the shoreline had higher reproductive success. These results suggest that different personality types are distributed non-randomly in space. In this thesis I was able to demonstrate that personalities and stress coping strategies are persistent individual characteristics, which express measurable effects on fitness. This suggests that those traits are exposed to natural selection and thereby can evolve. Furthermore, individual variation in personality and stress coping strategy is linked to the alternative ways in which animals resolve essential life-history trade-offs.


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Asphodelus tenuifolius is becoming a more common weed in rain-fed area in Pakistan. Laboratory and greenhouse experiments were conducted to determine the effect of different environmental factors on germination and emergence of A.tenuifolius. Results showed that A.tenuifolius can tolerate a wide range of varying environmental factors. Greatest percentage of germination (80%) was recorded at 15 ºC constant temperature; however, considerable germination occurred at 20 and 25 ºC. Light for 10 h photoperiod stimulate germination of Asphodelus tenuifolius compared with complete darkness. Germination was totally inhibited at osmotic stress higher than -0.8 MPa. There was no significant difference in germination at pH 6 to 8; however, there was a slightly decrease at pH 9, compared with distilled water. Asphodelus tenuifolius was very sensitive to salinity; however, a few seeds of A.tenuifolius were able to germinate even at 150 mM NaCl concentration. Greatest emergence occurred with seed placed at soil surface and emergence decreased with increase in burial depth. No emergence occurred from 4 cm or greater. This information may aid in developing tools and strategies for management.


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Chickpea yield potential is limited by weed competition in typical chickpea growing areas of Pakistan where zero tillage crop grown on moisture conserved from rains received during the months of September and August. The objective of this work was to evaluate the growth and yield characteristics of chickpea grown in coexistence with increasing densities of wild onion (Asphodelus tenuifolius). The experiment was comprised of six density levels viz. zero, 20, 40, 80, 160 and 320 plants m-2 of A. tenuifolius. A decrease in chickpea primary and secondary branches per plant, pods per plant, seeds per pod, 100-seed weight and seed yield was observed due to more accumulation of dry matter per increasing densities of A. tenuifolius. The increase in A. tenuifolius density accelerated chickpea yield losses and reached the maximum values of 28, 35, 42, 50, 58 and 96% at 20, 40, 80, 160 and 320 A. tenuifolius plants m-2, respectively. The yield loss estimation model showed that chickpea losses with infinite A. tenuifolius density were 60%. Yield reduction could be predicted by 2.52% with increase of one A. tenuifolius plant m-2. It is concluded that A. tenuifolius has a strong influence on chickpea seed yield and showed a linear response at the range of densities studied.


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ABSTRACT Calotropis procera, Apocynaceae, is a wild perennial shrub that originated in the Persian deserts. It is known to provide key resources in degraded ecosystems to about 80 animal species. C. procera is regenerated by seed and produces lots of small seeds that are dispersed by wind; nonetheless, its density is very low. The purpose of this study is to estimate the cardinal temperatures including the base, optimum, and maximum temperatures of Calotropis procera looking at two different ecotypes in the Iranian desert. The germination behavior of C. procera seeds was tested at temperature regimens of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40oC and was analyzed using linear regression models. The rate of germination increased between base and optimum thermal conditions, and decreased between optimum and maximum thermal conditions. The base, optimum and maximum temperatures for germination of C. procera seeds were estimated at 19.10, 30.75 and 47.80 oC for the Fars and 20.00, 31.82 and 49.69oC for the Zahedan desert, respectively. Temperature and germination were rated to determine the seeding dates of the C. procera. Overall, cardinal temperatures for germination were dependent on local climate characteristics for the range of adaptations in plant growth of the given species.


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Panel at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Bromeliaceae é um componente importante em vários Biomas, sendo notável a variedade de contextos ecológicos em que pode ser encontrada. Ocorre no grupo a combinação entre dois modos de reprodução: sexuada e propagação clonal. Neste estudo descrevemos vários atributos relacionados à reprodução sexuada de Dyckia tuberosa, bem como interações planta-animal que se estabelecem em suas estruturas reprodutivas. Ao longo de 11 meses, 55 % dos indivíduos na população estudada floresceram e frutificaram. As flores se desenvolvem da base para o ápice e apresentam diferenças morfométricas quanto à posição na inflorescência que acarretam diferenças na produção de sementes. A concentração de açúcares no néctar foi de 20% e a produção total de néctar foi de c. de 24 µL flor-1 dia-1, sendo esta última maior no período da manhã entre 8h00 e 9h00. Dyckia tuberosa é auto-incompatível e o índice de auto-incompatibilidade (ISI) foi de 0,08. Somente beija-flores exploraram as flores de modo legítimo, contatando anteras e estigma, sendo 3,9 flores visitadas por hora. Chlorostilbon aureoventris, Colibri serrirostris e Phaethornis eurynome foram as espécies registradas. Em D. tuberosa a reprodução sexuada depende das visitas dos beijaflores. Houve patrulhamento das inflorescências de D. tuberosa pelas formigas Camponotus rufipes, Camponotus cf. mus e Cephalotes sp. Como há ausência de reprodução sexuada em muitos indivíduos, e esta espécie é dominante no afloramento rochoso estudado, consideramos que a propagação clonal seja uma estratégia importante para a disseminação de D. tuberosa na área. A presença de animais, polinizadores ou não, na inflorescência de D. tuberosa torna esta espécie adequada para avaliar como variações na disponibilidade de recursos florais alteram o resultado das interações planta-animal e o sucesso reprodutivo de D. tuberosa.


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The meiotic behavior of fourteen Passiflora taxa was analyzed. The species were grouped according to the n value (6, 9 and 12) for statistical studies. Some species presented tetravalent associations or univalent chromosomes in diakinesis, bivalent formation prevailing. The qui-square test revealed significant differences in the chiasma frequency among species for n = 9 and n = 6 groups. There was predominance of interstitial chiasmata in almost all studied species. The n = 12 group was the only one whose meiotic behavior was considered similar due to the quantity of chiasmata per cell, tendency of interstitial chiasma localization. Some species presented meiotic irregularities, such as laggard and precocious chromosomes in meiosis I. In telophase II the percentages of meiotic irregularities was low. Irregularities in the spindle orientation were presented in higher percentages in the end of meiosis II, and were also responsible for post-meiotic abnormal products. The irregularities observed during meiosis can have influence on the percentage of sterile pollen grains and success of interspecific crossings in Passiflora species.