949 resultados para Water and soil


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分析了黄土丘陵区农业生产现状和存在的主要问题 ,指出广种薄收习惯是导致土地利用不合理 ,植被遭到破坏 ,进而水土流失加剧和生态环境恶化 ,农业生产力降低的根源。该地区生态农业建设的核心是改变广种薄收习惯 ,治理水土流失 ,不断调整优化土地利用和产业结构。依据土地资源状况提出目前阶段 1 2 34的土地利用结构模式。认为在占总土地面积 2 0 %的基本农田和果园 ,只要实行集约化经营就可实现较高的经济效益 ,70 %的土地应为林草地。根据生态农业的基本原则和当前生产水平提出生态农业建设三个阶段的不同指标和适宜治理度 ,当前该地区主导产业的发展应以资源—结构—质量型模式为主


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农业是国民经济的基础 ,粮食是基础的基础。黄土高原地区是中华民族文化的发祥地 ,也是我国历史上早期农牧业生产区和政治中心 ,粮食是该区人民赖以生存的最基本产业。探索其发展规律 ,分析其障碍因素 ,寻求其发展潜力 ,采取“一靠政策 ,二靠科技 ,三靠投入 ,四靠保护 ,五靠工作”的战略措施 ,对同类地区的粮食发展具有重要意义。


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该区干旱与水土流失并存 ,降雨量时空分配不均 ,且水热并不同步 (在春夏 ,植物常因缺水而枯死 ) ,致使生态环境建设中恢复植被的难度大。为此 ,采用工程整地措施与灌草立体配置模式 ,发展集流灌草植被 ,调蓄土壤水分 ,促进灌草植被的快速恢复。结果表明 ,在水平阶营造柠条和披碱草 ,在生长初期 0~ 50 0 cm土层含水量可分为 3个明显的层次 ;在生长的第 4年随着灌草根系深扎 ,土壤水分过耗 ,出现明显的干土层 ,分布深度在 1 2 0~ 2 0 0 cm,厚度为 1 0 0 cm。在第 8年干土层扩大到 1 0 0~ 30 0 cm,厚度为 2 0 0 cm。第 1 4年土壤含水量有所回升 ,但幅度不大 ,同第 8年相比 ,仅提高 1 .5~ 2 .0个百分点。水平阶的柠条灌木林随着生长时间的延续 ,其水分贮量变化是否增加 ,仍有待继续研究。该区 0~ 50 0 cm多年土壤贮水量 ,在生长初期 ( 4月份 ) ,1 5年生柠条480 .1 5mm,1 2年生沙棘、山桃分别为 41 4.6mm和 385.4mm,在生长末期 ( 1 0月 ) ,柠条 498.31mm,沙棘 42 3.31 mm,山桃 ...


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采用人工模拟降雨试验,研究秸秆不同用量对径流、入渗和土壤侵蚀的影响。结果表明:秸秆覆盖有增加入渗和减少水土流失的作用;覆盖率大于40%条件下能有效地控制水土流失,但当覆盖度低于40%时对控制水土流失的作用不明显。在土壤含水量10%,降雨强度120 mm/h的雨强条件下,秸秆覆盖能推迟起流时间1~15min,增加累积入渗量37%~113%,减少径流总量3%~40%,减少土壤侵蚀10%~80%。


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本文以翔实的数据说明了我国水土流失严重的现状 ,并从良化生态环境 ,坚持综合整治、搞好小流域治理、提高防洪综合能力、加大执法力度、增强保水保土意识等方面 ,提出了防治我国水土流失的具体途径。


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Hydrological statistical data, remote sensing images, and bathymetric charts were used to study the recent evolution of the Huanghe (Yellow) River delta under human-induced interventions. It was clear that water and sediment discharge from the Huanghe River had dropped rapidly since 1970, particularly after 1986. The water and sediment discharges for the period of 1986-2000 were found to have been reduced to only 29.2% and 31.2% of those in the period of 1950-69. This was caused by human factors in the upper and middle reaches of the Huanghe River, including water diversion, damming and reservoir construction, and water and soil conservation. Based on the results from visual interpretation of processed Landsat (MSS or TMJETM+) images dated from 1976 to 2001 and two digital elevation models generated from bathymetric charts surveyed in 1976 and 1992, we found that human-induced reduction of water and sediment discharge led to coastline retrogradation, with the maximum mean recession rate of -0.51 km yr-1 over the period of 1976-98, and seabed erosion beyond the -20 m isobath between 1976 and 1992. Other impacts of human activities on the recent evolution of the Huanghe River delta, including tidal flats shrinking, artificial coastline increasing, land surface sinking and so on, were also analyzed. We found that: (i) the whole delta, including subaerial and subaqueous, has turned from a highly constructive period to a destructive phase; (ii) channelization and dredging were two of the main causes of delta destruction; (iii) land loss in the Huanghe River delta caused by submersion will be increased in the near future; (iv) the Huanghe River delta was becoming more fragile and susceptible to natural hazards.


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N, P and SiO3-Si in the Changjiang mainstream and its major tributaries and lakes were investigated in the dry season from November to December, 1997, and in the flood season in August and October, 1998. An even distribution of SiO3-Si was found along the Changjiang River. However, the concentrations of total nitrogen, total dissolved nitrogen, dissolved inorganic nitrogen, nitrate and total phosphorus, total particulate phosphorus increased notably in the upper reaches, which reflected an increasing impact from human activities. Those concentrations in the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River were relatively constant. Dissolved N was the major form of N and the particulate P was the major form of P in the Changjiang River. The molar ratio of dissolved N to dissolved P was extremely high (192.5-317.5), while that of the particulate form was low (5.6-37.7). High N/P ratio reflected a significant input of anthropogenic N such as N from precipitation and N lost from water and soil etc. Dissolved N and P was in a quasi-equilibrium state in the process from precipitate to the river. In the turbid river water, light limitation, rather than P limitation, seemed more likely to be a controlling factor for the growth of phytoplankton. A positive linear correlationship between the concentration of dissolved N and the river's runoff was found, mainly in the upper reaches, which was related to the non-point sources of N. Over the past decades, N concentration has greatly increased, but the change of P concentration was not as significant as N. The nutrient fluxes of the Changjiang mainstream and tributaries were estimated, and the result showed that the nutrient fluxes were mainly controlled by the runoff, of which more than a half came from the tributaries. These investigations carried out before water storage of the Three Gorges Dam will supply a scientific base for studying the influences of the Three Gorges Dam on the ecology and environment of the Changjiang River and its estuary.


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Tese de mestrado integrado em Engenharia da Energia e do Ambiente, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2016


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Trabalho de Dissertação de Natureza Científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Hidráulica


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Environmental pollution is one of the major and most important problems of the modern world. In order to fulfill the needs and demands of the overgrowing human population, developments in agriculture, medicine, energy sources, and all chemical industries are necessary (Ali 2010). Over the last century, the increased industrialization and continued population growth led to an augmented production of environmental pollutants that are released into air, water, and soil, with significant impact in the degradation of various ecosystems (Ali 2010, Khan et al. 2013).(...)


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Industrialisation affects air, water, and soil. Industrial effluents which enter the aquatic environment either by direct disposal or through run off, affect living organisms at morphological and physiological levels. In any living tissue toxic materials exert their effects first at molecular and biochemical levels (Robbins and Angell, 1976). Most of the industrial effluents contain elevated concentrations of organic and inorganic chemicals capable of eliciting stimulatory or inhibitory effects on the metabolism of aquatic organisms. Heavy metals form an important group of environmental pollutants. Effects of pollution on the aquatic environment by heavy metals have received considerable attention in recent years due to their toxicity even at very low levels, persistence in the environment, and chances of getting biomagnified. A pollutant that does not affect a particular process under normal unstressed condition may affect the ability of the animal to adjust to changing environmental conditions which ultimately decrease its chances of survival (Thurberg et al., 1973


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To unravel the settlement history of oases in northern Oman, data on topography, the agricultural setting, water and soil parameters and archaeological findings were collected in the Wadi Bani Awf with its head oasis Balad Seet. Data collection lasted from April 2000 to April 2003 and was based on the establishment of a 3D-georeferenced map of the oasis comprising all its major infrastructural and agronomic features. At today's Balad Seet, a total of 8.8 ha are planted to 2,800 date palms and 4.6 ha are divided into 385 small fields dedicated to wheat, barley, sorghum, oats, alfalfa, garlic, onion, lime and banana. Radiocarbon dating of charcoal in the lower part of the main terrace system determined its age to 911 ± 43 years. Monthly flow measurements of four major aflaj systems showed a total maximum flow of 32 m^3 h^-1 with the largest falaj contributing 78% of the total flow. During drought periods, average water flow decreased by 3% per month, however, with significant differences between the spring systems. The analysis of the tritium/^3helium ratio in the water led to an estimated water age of up to 10 years. In combination with the flow data, this provided insights into the elasticity of the spring flow over time. The use of the natural resources of the Wadi Bani Awf by a pastoral population started probably in the early 3rd millennium BC. The first permanent settlement might have been established at Balad Seet during the first part of the 1st millennium BC. Presumably it was initiated by settlers from al-Hamra, a village at the southern foot of the Hajar mountains. Given an abundant und stable flow of springs, even in periods of drought, the construction of Balad Seet's first irrigation systems may have occurred at this early time. The combination of topographic, agricultural, hydro-pedological and archaeological data allowed assessment of the carrying capacity of this oasis over the three millennia of its likely existence. The changing scarcity of land and water and the eventual optimisation of their use by different aflaj constructions have been major driving forces for the development and apparent relativeley stable existence of this oasis.