979 resultados para Vives, Joan Lluís, 1492-1540-Biografies


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The Biscayne Bay bait (1986–2005) and food (1989–2005) fisheries for pink shrimp were examined using dealer-reported individual vessel-trip landings data, separated by waterbody code to represent only catches from Biscayne Bay. Annual landings varied little during the 1980’s and early 1990’s, and landings of the bait shrimp fishery exceeded those of the food shrimp fishery. The number of trips and landings in both fisheries increased from the late 1990’s through 2002 and food shrimp landings exceeded landings of bait shrimp; landings in both fisheries decreased sharply in 2003. Landings in both fisheries increased in 2004 and 2005, but the increase in food shrimp landings was stronger. Annual catch per trip was much lower in the bait fishery than the food fishery. Each fishery exploited shrimp of a different size. The bait fishery targeted shrimp less than 19 mm carapace length (CL), whereas the food fishery caught shrimp greater than 19 mm CL. We compared monthly bait shrimp catch per unit of effort (CPUE) from the fishery to an estimate of shrimp density from a fishery-independent sampling effort over a 3-yr period and found a strong statistical relationship with the density estimate lagged by 3 mo. The relationship supported the use of bait shrimp fishery CPUE as an index of abundance in upcoming assessments of the effect of a massive water-management-based ecosystem restoration project on pink shrimp in Biscayne Bay. Project implementation will affect freshwater inflows to the bay and salinity patterns. An abundance index with a lengthy pre-implementation history that can be carried into the operational phase of the restoration project will be invaluable in assessing project effects and protecting an important fishery resource of Biscayne Bay. The bait shrimp fishery can provide a continuing index of shrimp abundance from late 1986 forward.


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This memorandum has four parts. The first is a review and partial synthesis of Phase 1 and Phase 2 Reports by Dr. Ernest Estevez of the Mote Marine Laboratory to the Board of County Commissioners of Sarasota County, Florida. The review and synthesis emphasizes identification of the most important aspects of the structure of the Myakka system in terms of forcing functions, biological components, and major energy flows. In this context, the dominant primary producers, dominant fish species and food habits, and major environmental variables were of articular interest. A major focus of the review and synthesis was on the river zonations provided in the report and based on salinity and various biological indicators. The second part of this memorandum is a review of a draft report by Mote Marine Laboratory on evaluation of potential water quality impacts on the Myakka River from proposed activities in the watershed. This Memorandum's third part is a review of resource-management related ecosystem models in the context of possible future models of the Myakka River Ecosystem. The final part of this memorandum is proposed future work as an extension of the initial reports.


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构树(Broussonetia papyrifera L.)为桑科(Moraceae)构树属(Broussonetia)落叶乔木,广泛分布于亚洲东部及太平洋岛屿。它是我国重要的经济林木,具有重要的经济价值,其树皮纤维品质优良,自古就是造纸的优良原料;叶片可用作饲料;果实具有重要的药用价值;环境适应性强,是迅速绿化荒山、荒滩和盐碱地的理想树种。因此对构树这些特性的深入研究和开发利用具有非常重要的实际应用价值。本研究以日本和国内构树主要分布区域的的10种生态型及杂交构树共23份材料,摸索并改进了构树DNA的提取方法,建立了稳定的SRAP分子标记体系,以杂交构树组培苗为材料从120对引物组合中筛选出条带信息较高的17对SRAP引物,以这些引物对23份构树材料进行PCR扩增和标记分析。 本研究取得的主要结果如下: (1)本实验首次将SRAP技术应用于构树的研究中,建立起构树稳定的SRAP-PCR反应体系;实验中对影响扩增的5个主要因素进行了优化,确定20 μL PCR反应体系中各因素最适浓度:模板DNA浓度80 ng/(20 μL),Mg2+浓度2.0 mM,dNTP浓度0.6 mM,引物浓度0.8 mM,Taq 酶浓度1.5 U/(20 μL)。 (2)从120对引物组合中筛选出来的17对SRAP引物对21份不同生态型构树样本(21份材料指的是除两份杂交构树材料外的其它生态型构树,以下同)进行PCR扩增,共扩增出439条带,平均每对引物25.5条,其大小介于100~1,000 bp之间,其中多态性条带319条,占总数的72.67%。 (3)用Popgene1.32软件进行分析,计算出Shannon信息指数(I)值为0.2275(0.2042),物种水平的Nei基因多样性(H)值为0.1336(0.1436),表明各生态型构树之间的平均遗传多态性不高,中国大陆各生态型构树Shannon信息指数(I)值仅为0.1675(0.2271),物种水平的Nei基因多样性(H)值为0.1039(0.1540),群体遗传多样性较低,构树的遗传分化主要存在于中国和日本之间。 (4)用NTSYS-2.10e软件进行聚类分析,发现不同生态型构树按距离关系远近及分布区域可划分为不同类群。在遗传相似系数0.57附近,对21份材料进行聚类分析发现其可分为两个群体,一类为日本生态型,另一类为中国生态型,表明日本构树与中国野生种构树种源遗传相似性较小。中国各生态型构树在遗传相似系数0.91处可分为5类,总体而言,中国各地区之间的构树遗传相似度较高。对杂交构树分析表明,其亲缘关系与日本构树(母本)更接近。 (5)日本及杂交构树的SCAR标记。本研究找到两条日本及杂交构树的特异性条带,回收、测序,再根据序列往里重新设计引物,转变成稳定性更好,更直观的SCAR标记,这为挑选性状优良的日本及杂交构树提供重要的参考,对其育种有一定的指导意义。其中一条片段经与NCBI数据库比对发现与拟南芥磺基转移酶家族基因具有较高的同源性。


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Many neuroendocrine peptides that are distributed in amphibian gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system are also found in amphibian skins, and these peptides are classified into skin-gut-brain triangle peptides, such as bombesins, gastrin-releasi


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目的:研究复方昆明山海棠颗粒(composite tripterygium hypoglaucum hutch, CTHH)对小鼠脾淋巴细胞增殖、活化标志CD69和CD25及细胞因子IL-4及γ-IFN的影响,为阐明其免疫抑制作用提供分子药理学依据.方法:无菌分离小鼠脾淋巴细胞,加入不同浓度的复方昆明山海棠颗粒溶液,MTT法检测ConA刺激的小鼠脾淋巴细胞增殖;流式细胞仪检测活化标志CD69及CD25;酶联免疫法检测细胞因子IL-4及γ-IFN.结果: CTHH对脾淋巴细胞增殖活化及分泌均有抑制作用.