990 resultados para Viruses--Africa, West--Drama


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Parsifal és, segons la manera en què es mire, l’excepció dins el llistat de drames musicals wagnerians pel tractament sense precedents que fa de motius catòlics en un lloc i un moment com la recentment unificada Alemanya, on la construcció de la identitat nacional passava per un model social i cultural concret i, per tant, també religiós. Però una òptica diferent ens pot apropar a una ingent quantitat de paral·lelismes entre el model artístic expressat per Wagner en els seus escrits teòrics de joventut i alguns dels elements estètics i ideològics de la seua darrera obra. L’espectacle operístic en l’actualitat continua sent fruit de la societat en què es gesta i per això Stefan Herheim utilitza una visió diacrònica de la recepció d’aquesta obra wagneriana com a un dels motius principals sobre els quals construirà una dramatúrgia densa i meditada en què es durà a terme fins a les seues últimes conseqüències una revisió en clau contemporània del concepte d’obra d’art del futur.


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Africana possui agora três estratégias regionais em várias fases de desenvolvimento: • Roteiro para a diminuição da mortalidade materno-infantil e dos recém-nascidos (2004) • Quadro da Sobrevivência Infantil (2005) • Plano de Acção de Maputo para a Saúde e Direitos Sexuais e Reprodutivos (2006) Cada uma destas políticas-quadro permite que os governos nacionais as adaptem e as implementem de acordo com as necessidades e características do seu país, com o apoio de parceiros e ao abrigo dos princípios da Declaração de Paris sobre a eficácia das ajudas - “Um só plano, um só mecanismo de coordenação, um só mecanismo de monitorização e de avaliação”. 35 países já iniciaram o processo que os levará a um Roteiro nacional, processo que arrancou com a “MNCH Task Force” em 2004. Estas políticas-quadro representam um grande avanço, mas constituem apenas um primeiro passo na via que levará a salvar vidas pelo aumento das áreas de cobertura das intervenções essenciais. O tempo escasseia - só nos restam nove anos antes da meta de 2015 para se alcançarem os Objectivos de Desenvolvimento do Milénio (ODM). A África pode e deve acelerar a marcha dos acontecimentos. A publicação Oportunidades para os recém-nascidos em Africa ajuda a colmatar o fosso existente entre as políticas e as acções no que se refere à Saúde Materna, Neonatal e Infantil (SMNI). O recém-nascido está no âmago dos cuidados continuados de saúde. Uma atenção sistemática prestada à melhoria e ao alargamento dos cuidados de saúde que lhe devem ser prestados no âmbito dos planos e dos programas nacionais será recompensada pela prestação de melhores serviços de SMNI. Esta publicação inclui os seguintes temas: A Secção I põe em destaque as mortes de recém-nascidos em África, o que é complementado pelos perfis apresentados na Secção V, que mostram qual é a situação fundamental da Saúde Materna, Neonatal e Infantil em 46 países de África, incluindo os progressos já alcançados no sentido do 4º objectivo dos ODM, a cobertura dos cuidados continuados de saúde prestados, a avaliação da equidade e a análise do financiamento destinado à saúde, fornecendo dados para a tomada de decisões na área das políticas e dos programas de SMNI.


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This paper describes a study that aimed to identify research priorities for the care of infants, children and adolescents at the sole tertiary referral hospital for children in Western Australia. The secondary aim was to stimulate nurses to explore clinical problems that would require further inquiry. Background. Planning for research is an essential stage of research development; involving clinicians in this exercise is likely to foster research partnerships that are pertinent to clinical practice. Nursing research priorities for the paediatric population have not previously been reported in Australia. Design. Delphi study. Method. Over 12 months in 2005-2006, a three-round questionnaire, using the Delphi technique, was sent to a randomly selected sample of registered nurses. This method was used to identify and prioritise nursing research topics relevant to the patient and the family. Content analysis was used to analyse Round I data and descriptive statistics for Round II and III data. Results. In Round I, 280 statements were identified and reduced to 37 research priorities. Analysis of data in subsequent rounds identified the top two priority research areas as (1) identification of strategies to reduce medication incidents (Mean = 6 center dot 47; SD 0 center dot 88) and (2) improvement in pain assessment and management (Mean = 6; SD 1 center dot 38). Additional comments indicated few nurses access the scientific literature or use research findings because of a lack of time or electronic access. Conclusions. Thirty-seven research priorities were identified. The identification of research priorities by nurses provided research direction for the health service and potentially other similar health institutions for children and adolescents in Australia and internationally. Relevance to clinical practice. The nurse participants showed concern about the safety of care and the well-being of children and their families. This study also enabled the identification of potential collaborative research and development of pain management improvement initiatives.


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This dissertation concerns two types of wh-constructions – interrogative and relative clauses – of Cape Verdean Creole (CVC), a Portuguese-based Creole language spoken on the archipelago of Cape Verde, specifically the variety spoken on Santiago Island, in the coast of West Africa. Chapter 2 focus on some aspects of the syntax of CVC, claiming that the possibilities of S-V inversion are very limited and that verbs stay in Vº, except for the Present tense form of the copula verb e ‘to be’, which is the spell out of the formal feature [Present] of T. It is proposed that CVC exhibits a clause functional structure that is similar to English: [CP [TP [NegP [AspP [VP … ]]]]]. In this chapter, it is also suggested that a non Split-CP, based on the formal features [±D, ±V, ±Q, ±Wh, ±T], correctly accounts for the distribution of the complementizers in CVC. Chapter 3 presents the wh-question formation strategies exhibited by CVC, showing that some of them involve Move, while others do not. Considering CVC data, it is said that the language has two clausal typing processes: an ambiguous complementizer ki ([±Q, ±Wh]), whose checking domain is strictly local; and an unambiguous complementizer Ø ([+Q, +Wh]), whose checking domain is not strictly local. The first one derives fronted wh-questions and the second one accounts for wh-in- -situ. Chapter 4 describes the relativization strategies displayed by CVC, focusing on the fact that PP pied-piping is ruled out and that resumption is possible both inside and outside syntactic islands. It is suggested a revision of Bianchi’s (2002a) head raising analysis for the structure of relative clauses. Chapter 5 discusses the properties of the defective copy strategy ([wh[+PL] … el]) and presents evidence in favor of a distinction between this type of wh-strategy and resumption ([wh[+PL] … es]). It is argued that the language requires an overt pronominal form (3SG) to occur in the complement position of the preposition because CVC types the clause with a complementizer ki [uCat +D] and does not allow for preposition incorporation. The set of formal features of the lower copy is ‘shrinked’, i.e. the features are deleted but not erased, being accessible to PF. This analysis of the defective copy xiv strategy predicts that it only applies to PPs and that it is an autonomous process involving wh-movement, which is distinct from resumption.


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There has been an upsurge in academic studies on youth in Sub-Saharan Africa since the last decade of the 20th century, underlining the growing importance that generational cleavages seem to play in today’s societies. However, gender has been neglected in research and policies bearing on youth, unveiling a rather negative and limited approach to Sub-Saharan African youth: limit situations are those most focused on (as the role of youth in conflicts), young males being perceived as the most active in those contexts and who therefore shall be the focus of political (and academic) attention. Acknowledging the need to integrate gender in the approaches to youth, this paper tries to grasp, through a preliminary literature review, how the predicaments of the so-called “youth crisis” are lived and perceived by young girls, and identify the main themes and theoretical perspectives of the literature that has tried to explore this thematic.


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The Culex pipiens complex includes two widespread mosquito vector species, Cx. pipiens and Cx. quinquefasciatus. The distribution of these species varies in latitude, with the former being present in temperate regions and the latter in tropical and subtropical regions. However, their distribution range overlaps in certain areas and interspecific hybridization has been documented. Genetic introgression between these species may have epidemiological repercussions for West Nile virus (WNV) transmission. Bayesian clustering analysis based on multilocus genotypes of 12 microsatellites was used to determine levels of hybridization between these two species in Macaronesian islands, the only contact zone described in West Africa. The distribution of the two species reflects both the islands’ biogeography and historical aspects of human colonization. Madeira Island displayed a homogenous population of Cx. pipiens, whereas Cape Verde showed a more intriguing scenario with extensive hybridization. In the islands of Brava and Santiago, only Cx. quinquefasciatus was found, while in Fogo and Maio high hybrid rates (~40%) between the two species were detected. Within the admixed populations, second-generation hybrids (~50%) were identified suggesting a lack of isolation mechanisms. The observed levels of hybridization may locally potentiate the transmission to humans of zoonotic arboviruses such as WNV.


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New data on the distributibn and conservation status of some angiosperms of the Cape Verde Islands, W Africa Intensive field work aud analysis of the state of biodiversity ou all islands during the years iYY.3 lo IYYY Icd lo lhc publication ol’several contributions lo the flora and vegelalion of the archipclago of Cabo Verde (Brochniann & al. 1997, Gornes & Vera-Cruz 1993. Gonles & al. I9YSa-h. 1998, Games 1997. Kilian & Leyens 1994, Leyens 1998. Leyens & Lobin 1995, Lobin & al. 1995) as well as to the compilation of the First Red Data List for the Cape Verde Islnuds (Lcyrus & Lobin 1996). the elaboration of the National Strategy for Biodiversity Conservation (SIPA 19YY) and ! compilation of all areas in urgent need of protection (Leyens unpubl. diplonla thc.\is IYYJ. Gwnes & al. iu prep.). As part UC the activities of the lnstituto National de Invcstig;u$o c Dcscnvolvitucnto Agriirio (INIDA) and the Dcpurtamcnto de GeociSncias do Institute Supcriot de Educ;u$o t ISE) iutcnsive t’icld studies were conducted PI many diffcrctu localilics OII xcvcr;~I islands. resulting in a thesis tGo~nes IY97) and several terminal study papers (Luz IYYY. Cosi;t 1994. Gonsalvez 1999). The results show that the vegetation and flora of the islands arc still IWI fully known and much more field work is needed. hllhot~gh Sanliiqw is one of lhc islands whcrc lhc firs1 holanicill iIlVcxligilliollx wcrr c:crriul WI (Wcbh 1x49. Schruidt 1x52. Chcvalicr IY35) and where uu~ny intensive field studirs wcrc


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Water fact sheet for Iowa Department of Natural Resources and the Geological Bureau.


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Does the labor market place wage premia on jobs that involve physical strain,job, insecurity or bad regulation of hours? This paper derives bounds on themonetary returns to these job disamenities in the West German labor market.We show that in a market with dispersion in both job characteristics andwages, the average wage change of workers who switch jobs voluntarily and optfor consuming more (less) disamenities,provides an upper (lower) bound on themarket return to the disamenity. Using longitudinal information from workersin the German Socio Economic Panel, we estimate an upper bound of 5% and alower bound of 3.5% for the market return to work strain in a job.


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Audit report on the City of West Branch, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2007


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To learn more about the effect of economic conditions oncivil war, we examine whether Sub-Saharan civil wars aremore likely to start following downturns in the internationalprice of countries main export commodities. The data showa robust effect of commodity price downturns on the outbreakof civil wars. We also find that Sub-Saharan countries aremore likely to see civil wars following economic downturnsin their main OECD export destinations.


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We investigate macroeconomic fluctuations in the Mediterranean basin, their similarities and convergence. A model with four indicators, roughly covering theWest, the East and the Middle East and the North Africa portions of theMediterranean, characterizes well the historical experience since the early 1980.Idiosyncratic causes still dominate domestic cyclical fluctuations in many countries. Convergence and divergence coexist are local and transitory. The cyclicaloutlook for the next few years is rosier for the East than for the West.