942 resultados para Villiers de l’Isle-Adam
Análise de teorias do governo representativo. Em uma visão, a representatividade é garantida por compromissos entre os partidos. Em outra, pela alternância dos partidos no poder.
Beñat Oihartzabali Gorazarre: Festschrift for Bernard Oyharçabal / Ricardo Etxepare, Ricardo Gómez, Joseba Andoni Lakarra (arg./eds)
[EN] In this study, we explore native and non-native syntactic processing, paying special attention to the language distance factor. To this end, we compared how native speakers of Basque and highly proficient non-native speakers of Basque who are native speakers of Spanish process certain core aspects of Basque syntax. Our results suggest that differences in native versus non-native language processing strongly correlate with language distance: native/non-native processing differences obtain if a syntactic parameter of the non-native grammar diverges from the native grammar. Otherwise, non-native processing will approximate native processing as levels of proficiency increase. We focus on three syntactic parameters: (i) the head parameter, (ii) argument alignment (ergative/accusative), and (iii) verb agreement. The first two diverge in Basque and Spanish, but the third is the same in both languages. Our results reveal that native and non-native processing differs for the diverging syntactic parameters, but not for the convergent one. These findings indicate that language distance has a significant impact in non-native language processing.
Observational studies of our solar system's small-body populations (asteroids and comets) offer insight into the history of our planetary system, as these minor planets represent the left-over building blocks from its formation. The Palomar Transient Factory (PTF) survey began in 2009 as the latest wide-field sky-survey program to be conducted on the 1.2-meter Samuel Oschin telescope at Palomar Observatory. Though its main science program has been the discovery of high-energy extragalactic sources (such as supernovae), during its first five years PTF has collected nearly five million observations of over half a million unique solar system small bodies. This thesis begins to analyze this vast data set to address key population-level science topics, including: the detection rates of rare main-belt comets and small near-Earth asteroids, the spin and shape properties of asteroids as inferred from their lightcurves, the applicability of this visible light data to the interpretation of ultraviolet asteroid observations, and a comparison of the physical properties of main-belt and Jovian Trojan asteroids. Future sky-surveys would benefit from application of the analytical techniques presented herein, which include novel modeling methods and unique applications of machine-learning classification. The PTF asteroid small-body data produced in the course of this thesis work should remain a fertile source of solar system science and discovery for years to come.
Pulsars emit radiation over an extremely wide frequency range, from radio through gamma. Recently, systems in which this radiation significantly alters the atmospheres of low-mass pulsar companions have been discovered. These systems, ranging from ones with highly anisotropic heating to those with transient X-ray emissions, represent an exciting opportunity to investigate pulsars through the changes they induce in their companions. In this work, we present both analytic and numerical work investigating these phenomena, with a particular focus on atmospheric heat transport, transient phenomena, and the possibility of deep heating via gamma rays. We find that certain classes of binary systems may explain decadal-timescale X-ray transient phenomena, as well as the formation of so-called redback companion systems. We also posit an explanation for the formation of high-eccentricity millisecond pulsars with white dwarf companions. In addition, we examine the temperature anisotropy induced by the Pulsar in its companion, and demonstrate that this may be used to infer properties of both the companion and the Pulsar wind. Finally, we explore the possibility of spontaneously generated banded winds in rapidly rotating convecting objects.
Sufficient conditions are derived for the validity of approximate periodic solutions of a class of second order ordinary nonlinear differential equations. An approximate solution is defined to be valid if an exact solution exists in a neighborhood of the approximation.
Two classes of validity criteria are developed. Existence is obtained using the contraction mapping principle in one case, and the Schauder-Leray fixed point theorem in the other. Both classes of validity criteria make use of symmetry properties of periodic functions, and both classes yield an upper bound on a norm of the difference between the approximate and exact solution. This bound is used in a procedure which establishes sufficient stability conditions for the approximated solution.
Application to a system with piecewise linear restoring force (bilinear system) reveals that the approximate solution obtained by the method of averaging is valid away from regions where the response exhibits vertical tangents. A narrow instability region is obtained near one-half the natural frequency of the equivalent linear system. Sufficient conditions for the validity of resonant solutions are also derived, and two term harmonic balance approximate solutions which exhibit ultraharmonic and subharmonic resonances are studied.
O termo Teoria da Mente diz respeito à habilidade que os seres humanos adquirem de compreender seus próprios estados mentais e os dos outros e predizer ações e comportamentos dentro de uma interação social. As principais questões da pesquisa em Teoria da Mente são: determinar qual o tipo de conhecimento que sustenta essa habilidade, qual sua origem e desenvolvimento e em que momento se manifesta. (Astington e Gopnik, 1991). Ao levar em consideração que a língua pode ser vista como instrumento da cognição (Spelke, 2003), através da qual o falante adquire suporte para o planejamento de ações, contribuindo para o desempenho de tarefas cognitivas complexas (Corrêa, 2006), de Villiers (2004, 2005, 2007 e subsequentes), no que diz respeito à Teoria da Mente, argumenta que o seu desenvolvimento depende do desenvolvimento linguístico, estando diretamente ligado à aquisição de verbos de estado mental, como pensar, por exemplo, pelo fato de que esses verbos subcategorizam uma sentença encaixada. Para ela, o domínio dessa estrutura possibilita que o raciocínio de crenças falsas da Teoria da Mente seja efetivamente realizado. A presente dissertação tem como objetivo verificar em que medida há uma influência direta e necessária da linguagem para a condução de tarefas de Teoria da Mente. Para tanto, focamos nossa atenção em pessoas que estão, por algum motivo, destituídas parcialmente da capacidade linguística, mas que mantêm intacta a capacidade cognitiva, os afásicos. Por meio de uma pesquisa realizada com dois pacientes afásicos de Broca, selecionados pelos critérios clássicos, procuramos entender se a habilidade de predizer ações está intacta nestes pacientes ou se tal habilidade foi perdida, assim como a linguagem. Para tanto, aplicamos dois testes de crença falsa em Teoria da Mente. O primeiro utilizou-se de suporte verbal, uma narração de eventos e expectativas dos personagens envolvidos. A pergunta-teste foi manipulada em função do grau de complexidade por meio do cruzamento de dois fatores: sentenças simples ou complexas e QU-in situ ou movido. O segundo teste seguiu o padrão não-verbal, sendo constituído de uma sequência de imagens, sendo que o sujeito deveria decidir entre duas últimas imagens apresentadas, aquela que coerentemente finalizava a história. Uma vez que houvesse influência direta da linguagem na condução de tarefas de Teoria da Mente, esperar-se-ia que a dificuldade no teste verbal refletisse o grau de complexidade das questões apresentadas. Adicionalmente, o desempenho no teste não-verbal também deveria ser insatisfatório, dado o comprometimento linguístico apresentado pelos sujeitos testados. Para o primeiro teste, o desempenho dos pacientes foi aleatório e inferior ao do grupo controle, já para o segundo teste, o aproveitamento foi de 100%. Em geral, os resultados sugerem que o raciocínio de crenças falsas em Teoria da Mente é alcançado por esses sujeitos, haja vista o desempenho plenamente satisfatório no teste não-verbal. Os resultados do teste verbal, por outro lado, atestam tão somente a dificuldade linguística característica dessa população. Desse modo, conclui-se que uma vez desenvolvida a habilidade em Teoria da Mente, esta permanece intacta na mente destes pacientes, mesmo que destituídos parcialmente da capacidade linguística
A variety of neural signals have been measured as correlates to consciousness. In particular, late current sinks in layer 1, distributed activity across the cortex, and feedback processing have all been implicated. What are the physiological underpinnings of these signals? What computational role do they play in the brain? Why do they correlate to consciousness? This thesis begins to answer these questions by focusing on the pyramidal neuron. As the primary communicator of long-range feedforward and feedback signals in the cortex, the pyramidal neuron is set up to play an important role in establishing distributed representations. Additionally, the dendritic extent, reaching layer 1, is well situated to receive feedback inputs and contribute to current sinks in the upper layers. An investigation of pyramidal neuron physiology is therefore necessary to understand how the brain creates, and potentially uses, the neural correlates of consciousness. An important part of this thesis will be in establishing the computational role that dendritic physiology plays. In order to do this, a combined experimental and modeling approach is used.
This thesis beings with single-cell experiments in layer 5 and layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons. In both cases, dendritic nonlinearities are characterized and found to be integral regulators of neural output. Particular attention is paid to calcium spikes and NMDA spikes, which both exist in the apical dendrites, considerable distances from the spike initiation zone. These experiments are then used to create detailed multicompartmental models. These models are used to test hypothesis regarding spatial distribution of membrane channels, to quantify the effects of certain experimental manipulations, and to establish the computational properties of the single cell. We find that the pyramidal neuron physiology can carry out a coincidence detection mechanism. Further abstraction of these models reveals potential mechanisms for spike time control, frequency modulation, and tuning. Finally, a set of experiments are carried out to establish the effect of long-range feedback inputs onto the pyramidal neuron. A final discussion then explores a potential way in which the physiology of pyramidal neurons can establish distributed representations, and contribute to consciousness.
This dissertation describes efforts over the last five years to develop protective layers for semiconductor photoelectrodes based on monolayer or few-layer graphene sheets. Graphene is an attractive candidate for a protective layer because of its known chemical inertness, transparency, ease of deposition, and limited number of electronic states. Monolayer graphene was found to effectively inhibit loss of photocurrent over 1000 seconds at n-Si/aqueous electrolyte interfaces that exhibit total loss over photocurrent over 100 seconds. Further, the presence of graphene was found to effect only partial Fermi level pinning at the Si/graphene interface with respect to a range of nonaqueous electrolytes. Fluorination of graphene was found to extend the stability imparted on n-Si by the monolayer sheet in aqueous Fe(CN)63-/4- electrolyte to over 100,000 seconds. It was demonstrated that the stability of the photocurrent of n-Si/fluorinated graphene/aqueous electrolyte interfaces relative to n-Si/aqueous electrolyte interfaces is likely attributable to the inhibition of oxidation of the silicon surface.
This dissertation also relates efforts to describe and define terminology relevant to the field of photoelectrochemistry and solar fuels production. Terminology describing varying interfaces employed in electrochemical solar fuels devices are defined, and the research challenges associated with each are discussed. Methods for determining the efficiency of varying photoelectrochemical and solar-fuel-producing cells from the current-voltage behavior of the individual components of such a device without requiring the device be constructed are described, and a range of commonly employed performance metrics are explored.
O objetivo dessa dissertação é explorar a reformulação da antiga andropausa no diagnóstico de Deficiência Androgênica do Envelhecimento Masculino (DAEM) e seu tratamento farmacológico, que é a reposição de testosterona. Essa "nova" patologia se localiza dentro do escopo da Medicina Sexual, e faz parte, juntamente com a disfunção erétil e a ejaculação precoce, de um avanço da medicalização sobre corpos masculinos. Realizei entrevistas semi-estruturadas com alguns médicos envolvidos no estabelecimento do DAEM. Esses profissionais são urologistas ou endocrinologistas, ou ainda andrologistas, acadêmicos, mas que também mantêm um consultório. A entrevista pode ser dividida em dois grandes grupos, um relativo à definição e diagnóstico do DAEM, e a centralidade do sexo nas queixas do paciente. O outro analisa a terapia de reposição hormonal em si, e as conseqüências para a masculinidade da deficiência de testosterona. Elenquei ainda um terceiro tema, relativo às disputas entre as duas especialidades médicas, e as diferenças nas abordagens dos problemas colocados, que encobriam diferentes concepções de corpo e doença. Por fim, tentei manter gênero e envelhecimento como eixos transversais, que atravessassem toda a entrevista. O objetivo desse roteiro era perceber, sob a ótica desses médicos, como o DAEM é construído tanto na academia quanto na clínica médica, e quais as idéias subjacentes ao seu diagnóstico e tratamento. Portanto, nessa dissertação, pretendo analisar como o DAEM parece se localizar numa encruzilhada, unificando novos ideais de masculinidade e envelhecimento, sob a égide da medicina sexual e seus tratamentos farmacológicos. Porém, para isso, foi preciso antes investigar as mudanças na masculinidade e na velhice, o que as definia antes, e quais os novos desenhos que elas apresentam, para poder vislumbrar sua articulação com a medicalização e/ou farmacologização da sexualidade masculina.
A planar waveguide laser operating in a negative branch unstable resonator is Q-switched by an acoustooptic mod latorin anew configuration, providing effective, high-speed switching. The laser using a 200-mu m Nd:YAG core, face pumped by 10 laser diode bars, has produced 100-W output in a good beam quality at 100-kHz pulse rate, and 4.5 mJ at lower frequency with 15-ns pulse duration.