950 resultados para Vietnam Combat Veterans


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The main purpose of the Oceanographic Institute of Nhatrang aimed to make an inventory of the marine fauna of Vietnam in order to increase the collection kept at the National Museum. The present note deals with detailed descriptions 32 species of hermit crabs belonging to the family of Paguridae collected on the Vietnamese coasts.


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Facing widespread poverty and land degradation, Vietnam started a land reform in 1993 as part of its renovation policy package known as “Doi Moi”. This paper examines the impacts of improved land tenure security, via this land reform, on manure use by farm households. As manure potentially improves soil fertility by adding organic matter and nutrients to the soil surface, it might contribute to improving soil productive capacity and reversing land degradation. Random effect regression models are applied to a panel dataset of 133 farm households in the Northern Uplands of Vietnam collected in 1993, 1998, and 2006. The results confirm that land tenure security has positive effects on manure use, but the levels of influence differ depending on whether the land has been privatized or whether the land title has already been issued. In addition, manure use is also influenced by the number of cattle and pigs, the education level and ethnicity of household heads, farm land size and non-farm income. The findings suggest that speeding up land privatization and titling, encouraging cattle and pig rearing, and improving education would promote manure use in farm production. However, careful interpretation of our research findings is required as land privatization, together with economic growth and population pressure, might lead to overuse of farm inputs.


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Opportunistic fungal infections, namely involving Candida species, constitute a hot topic for scientific researchers. The present wor1( aims to access antifungal potential of plant-derived phenolic extrac:ls against planktonic cells and biofilms of Candida species. Eucalyptvs globulus Labill. (blue gum), Glycyrrhiza glabra L. (licorice), Juglans regia L. (walnut) and Salvia officina/is L. (sage) evidenced to be the most effective Candida growth inhibitors, using disc diffusion assay. Minmal inhibitory (MIC) and minimal fungicidal (MFC) concentrations, and chemical composition of extracts by using HPLC-DAO-ESVMS were also determined. Blue gum and walnut mainly exerted fungistatic potential, while sage exerted an interesting anti-Candida potential. However, the most prominent candidacidal potential was observed to licorice extract, being achieved the lowest MIC and MFC values. The candidacidal potential of these phenolic extracts was mainly attributed to their high abundance in flavonoids, mainly flavones: luteolin (sage) and apigen~ derivatives (licorice), and flavanones: liQuiritin derivatives (licorice). In order to deepen the knowledge on the most effective extract. its abiity to inhibit biofilm formation was evaluated. Overall, a double concentration of MFC value was necessary to achieve similar results in biofims. Row cytometry assays were also carried out, and the obtained results revealed that primary lesion of cellular membrane appear to be most relevant mode of action. Thus, plant derived phenolic compounds evidence a promising potential to combat Candida species biofilms, both individually or combined with conventional therapy.


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This study aims to assess the prevalence of underweight, overweight and obesity among adults in urban Hanoi, Vietnam; and compare these results to previous estimates among adults in urban Ho Chi Minh City. Survey participants were residents in urban Hanoi, Vietnam and aged between 25-74 years. Data from a cross-sectional biomedical survey conducted in 2004 were collected; which included a questionnaire, physical examination and blood tests. The age-standardised prevalence of overweight and obesity in 2004, using Asian-specific body mass index cut-offs, were 28.6% and 2.1%, respectively. The prevalence of overweight/obesity (combined) was similar in males (29.7%) and females (31.5%), and generally increased with age. The prevalence of overweight/obesity was considerably lower if the standard cut-off values of the World Health Organization were used. The age-standardised prevalence of underweight was 13.3%; and that of 'increased risk'/'substantially increased risk' waist circumference (combined) was 27.9% in males and 25.7% in females, respectively. Almost one in three adults in urban Hanoi were overweight or obese in 2004 and more than one in ten were underweight (based on Asian-specific cut-off values). This prevalence of overweight/obesity is similar to that for adults in urban Ho Chi Minh City, but the prevalence of underweight is lower. While low body weight remains a concern, overweight and obesity are an increasing problem for urban Vietnamese adults.


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In Australia, veterans are a vulnerable group, because of ageing, and high rates of chronic or life-threatening illnesses and poor mental health .This retrospective pilot study explored the home-based palliative care needs of veterans as they face the end of their life, compared to non-veterans. Medical records of ten deceased veterans and ten non-veterans in a home-based palliative care service were analyzed both for demographic data, and qualitative content. Veterans had significantly more comorbidities and were older at death. Qualitative data indicated common concerns, including the role of families and practical aspects of care. Some differences were found between veterans and non-veterans in their end-of-life care requirements. More awareness of veterans’ status may assist in care more tailored to their specific needs.


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A new species of penicillate millipede, from genus Monographis (Diplopoda: Polyxenidae), was collected from Trang Bom and Dinh Quan, within the Dong Nai province, southern Vietnam. Taxonomic characteristics of the genus Monographis Attems, 1907, were used to formally describe this new species. Sensilla of the 6th antennal article and claw structures of Monographis dongnaiensis were compared with those of M. tamoyoensis, M. yunnanensis and M. queenslandicus. Genomic DNA of M. dongnaiensis was compared with the DNA of other species within the genus Monographis. Monographis dongnaiensis is confirmed as the ninth member of the genus Monographis and named Monographis dongnaiensis after the collection site Dong Nai province in Vietnam.


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The idea of sending a soccer team into a major war zone might be regarded as the height of lunacy, but in mid-1967 the Australian government approved an invitation to the Australian Soccer Federation to take part in the National Day football tournament in Saigon in the midst of the Vietnam War. While this story is fairly widely known among the football community, it has little resonance beyond it and the young players who took part have received no formal recognition. Six of the team that won the competition, the first international trophy won by Australia, were part of the Socceroos squad that qualified for the World Cup in West Germany in 1974. Australian teams returned to Vietnam in 1970 and 1972 as part of the preparation for the successful qualification campaign and the team spirit forged in very difficult circumstances helped carry Rale Rasic's squad to the World Cup. This book retells the story and explains its absence from the national narrative about sport and relations with Asia.


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This study investigated the perceptions on and adaptations to climate change impacts of 235 pangasius farmers in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Data were collected using semi-structured household surveys in six provinces, from three regions along the Mekong river branches. A Chi-Square test was used to determine the association between variables, and a logit regression model was employed to identify factors correlated with farmer’s perception and adaptation. Less than half of respondents were concerned about climate change and sought suitable adaptation measures to alleviate its impacts. Improving information on climate change and introducing early warning systems could improve the adaptive capacity of pangasius farmers, in particularly for those farmers, who were not concerned yet. Farmers relied strongly on technical support from government agencies, but farmers in the coastal provinces did not express the need for training by these institutions. This contrasting result requires further assessment of the effectiveness of adaptation measures such as breeding salinity tolerant pangasius.


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Minimal research has explored what comprises a quality physical activity (PA) participation experience, particularly among military Veterans with a physical disability for whom evidence of the benefits of PA is growing. To address this research gap, this dissertation examines quality PA participation among military Veterans with a physical disability. Manuscript 1 explores the views of Veterans with a physical disability regarding what elements constitute a quality PA experience, and how these elements may be fostered. Eighteen Veterans with various physical disabilities and PA experiences participated in interviews. Four quality elements were identified via thematic analysis: group cohesion, challenge, having a role, and independence and choice. A further three factors (the physical and social environments, and program structure) were identified as precursors for a quality experience. Manuscript 2 explores how PA programs for Veterans with a physical disability are delivered, and how these delivery strategies link conceptually to quality participation. Interviews were conducted with program staff from three PA programs for Veterans, and program documentation collected, to develop an understanding of program delivery strategies. Four strategies with potential links to quality participation were identified through thematic analysis: foster social connections, challenge participants, tailor programs and outcomes to match participant needs, and include knowledgeable coaches and instructors. Manuscript 3 evaluates the participation of Veterans with functional impairments in PA events, and examines the relationships among quality precursors, quality elements, and participation outcomes. Results indicate that program participation did not promote long-term increases in PA indicators. However, an indicator of the quality element belongingness mediated the relationship at particular time-points between coach interpersonal skills and three participation outcomes: family integration, PA intentions, and PA planning. These findings suggest that a quality participation experience created by coaches may positively impact the transition to civilian life, and promote efforts to engage in ongoing PA. Overall, this dissertation contributes towards a greater depth in understanding of the experiences of Veterans with a physical disability in PA programs. The findings begin to provide a foundation for researchers and practitioners aiming to create, deliver, and promote quality PA interventions and programming for Veterans with a physical disability.


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We aimed to analyse the effect of experience level in the psychophysiological response and specific fine motor skills of novel and expert parachute warfighters during a tactical combat parachute jump. We analysed blood oxygen saturation, heart rate, salivary cortisol, blood glucose, lactate and creatinkinase, leg strength, isometric hand-grip strength, cortical arousal, specific fine motor skills and cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety and self-confident before and after a tactical combat parachute jump in 40 warfighters divided in two group, novel (n = 17) and expert group (n = 23). Novels presented a higher heart rate, lactate, cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety and a lower self-confident than experts during the jump. We concluded that experience level has a direct effect on the psychophysiological response since novel paratroopers presented a higher psychophysiological response than compared to the expert ones, however this result neither affected the specific fine motor skills nor the muscle structure after a tactical combat parachute jump.


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In this thesis the mostly unknown herpetofauna in Hin Nam No National Protected Area Laos in the northern Truong Son Range was for the first time intensively investigated, and its diversity was compared to the bordering, and well-investigated Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park in Vietnam. Twelve new vertebrate species were described comprising 11 geckonids (Cyrtodactylus bansocensis, C. calamei, C. hinnamnoensis, C. jaegeri, C. rufford, C. sommerladi, C. soudthichaki, Gekko boehmei, G. bonkowskii, G. sengchanthavongi, G. thakhekensis, Lycodon banksi and one colubrid snake (Lycodon banksi). Seven species were discovered for the first time in Laos including three frogs (Gracixalus quyeti, G. supercornutus, Rhacophorus maximus), two geckos (Cyrtodactylus cryptus, C. pseudoquadrivirgatus) and two snakes (Lycodon futsingensis, L. ruhstrati abditus). The main hypothesis that the Truong Son Range acted as a biogeographic barrier for the distribution of amphibians and reptiles could be confirmed at least for karst adapted gekkonids. Compared to other herpetofaunal groups the number of gekkonids in karst formations was particularly high (seven bent-toed geckos, four true geckos). By comparing the relative amounts of shared species in Hin Nam No and Phong Nha - Ke Bang, it is interesting to note that fewer reptile species (38%) than amphibian species (66%) were shared between both regions. This might indicate that the Truong Son Range acts as a stronger biogeographical barrier for reptiles than for amphibians. Two pairs of karst-adapted cryptic gecko species (i.e. species with distinct genetic differences, but a similar phenotype) occurred on both sides of the Truong Son Range. Only in one case these were sibling species (Crytodactylus sommerladi in Laos versus C. roesleri in Vietnam), but not in the other (C. hinnamnoensis in Laos versus C. phongnhakebangensis in Vietnam). On the Laotian side, nine gecko species (Cyrtodactylus bansocensis, C. calamei, C. darevskii, C. hinnamnoensis, C. khammouanensis, C. multiporus, C. sommerladi, G. boehmei, G. sengchanthavongi) currently have to be regarded as endemic to the Hin Nam No region. On the Vietnamese side, seven species including two bent-toed geckos (Cyrtodactylus phongnhakebangensis and C. roesleri), three skinks (Lygosoma boehmei, Sphenomorphus tetradactylus and Tropidophorus noggei), and two snakes (Hebius andreae and Boiga bourreti) are currently only known from Phong Nha - Ke Bang and adjacent regions. These high numbers of potential endemic species together with the cryptic species complex in Cyrtodactylus provide strong evidence that the karst formations in the northern Truong Son Range represent a hot spot of reptile diversity and of speciation in Crytodactylus in particular. Correct species identification is a fundamental requirement for conservation measures. The discovery of cryptic species complexes poses a challenge for alpha taxonomy and species conservation, because the true distribution ranges of the species are in fact much smaller than previously assumed. Species conservation in this area of Laos is facing a number of further problems. New and potentially endemic species were discovered in highly populated and disturbed areas. Conversion of the Ho Chi Minh Trail into a highway provided easy access for farmers and still continues to accelerate the destruction of remote forest areas. Southern Hin Nam No with its high diversity of endemic species was identified as the first priority area for conservation. Also Ban Soc, an area isolated from Hin Nam No, should be among the conservation priorities because this region houses a so far overlooked population of the critically endangered Siamese crocodile. Efforts to establish a legal conservation status for this habitat are in progress.


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This dissertation aims to investigate the Trends and Determinants of the Rural Non-Farm Sector and Labor Market in Rural Vietnam since the global economic crisis occurred in 2007 with the focus on the household's diversification; the involvement of rural individuals in Rural Non-Farm Employment; Rural Labor Market development; and assessment of a specific labor market policy.