994 resultados para Veterinary medicine.
The purpose of this prospective clinical study was to quantify the surgical margin necessary to maximise local disease control for canine soft tissue sarcoma of various grades. This was achieved via gross and histopathologic studies. Fourteen dogs underwent surgical treatment for 15 localised, measurable, subcutaneous sarcomas. Surgery and histopathologic evaluation were performed to standardised protocols. Regular examinations for local recurrence and distant metastases were performed for at least 12 months postoperatively. One hundred percent local disease control was achieved with deep margins >10mm and 93% one year disease-free survival with wide margins (i.e. >10mm laterally and one fascial plane or >10mm in depth). There was one case of recurrence. Fascial planes appear to act as biological barriers to local tumour invasion but this protective effect may be overcome with high-grade lesions.
A 12-year-old male castrated Samoyed dog was presented with left-sided epistaxis and sneezing. Diagnostic procedures included haematology and biochemistry testing, thoracic radiography, fine needle aspiration of regional lymph nodes, CT, rhinoscopy, incisional biopsy and histopathology. Squamous cell carcinoma of the rostral nasal cavity was diagnosed, with no evidence of metastatic disease. External beam radiation was not an accessible treatment option. Complete surgical resection of the tumour would have required a larger, more disfiguring resection of nasal planum and maxilla than the owner was prepared to accept and may have been associated with an unacceptable morbidity. As an alternative, the extent of disease was reduced using a combination of carboplatin, doxorubicin and piroxicam chemotherapy. This allowed a less extensive nasal planum removal to be performed to remove residual disease with clean margins. The patient achieved a 14 month disease free interval from the time of surgery to the time of local recurrence. Survival time from diagnosis to eventual euthanasia for progressive local disease was 18 months.
Pseudopregnancy in the bitch is a normal phenomenon. It refers to the dioestrus phase of the bitch's reproductive cycle. It can range in severity from covert pseudopregnancy, in which the signs are barely noticeable, to severe clinical or overt pseudopregnancy. It occurs six to eight weeks following oestrous. The bitch may present with pregnancy-like behaviour including nesting and aggression, excessive mammary enlargement and contractions. These signs are an exaggerated version of the normal signs shown in a normal entire cycling bitch. The exact aetiology behind pseudopregnancy is not known. It is believed to be associated with a rapid decline in serum progesterone concentrations and the resulting surge in prolactin. Treatment may involve conservative management, medical therapy or ovariectomy/ovariohysterectomy. In the past medical therapy has included sex steroids including oestrogens, androgens and progestins. However, due to the frequent incidence and severity of side effects their use is contraindicated. Recommended forms of management incorporate the use of prolactin inhibitors such as cabergoline, metergoline and bromocriptine. These drugs reduce serum levels of prolactin and therefore reduce the development of mammary glands and decrease the behavioural signs associated with overt pseudopregnancy.
This study was undertaken to assess the impact of dietary carbohydrate source on food intake, body composition, glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity, and glucose and insulin concentrations in overweight and obese cats with reduced insulin sensitivity. Sixteen overweight and obese cats were divided into two groups and randomly allocated one of two extruded diets formulated to contain similar starch content (33%) from different cereal sources (sorghum and corn versus rice). Meal response, glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity tests were performed before and after a 6-week weight-maintenance phase and after an additional 8-week free-access feeding phase. Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA)-derived body composition was determined in each cat before the study and after each test phase. Food intake was measured daily and body weight measured twice weekly for the duration of the study. When compared with the sorghum/corn-based diet, cats fed the rice-based diet consumed more energy and gained more weight in response to free-access feeding. Cats fed the rice-based diet also tended to have higher glucose concentrations and insulin secretion in response to a glucose load or a test meal. We conclude that a sorghum and corn blend is a superior carbohydrate source than rice for overweight cats with glucose intolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity. Such a diet may help to minimize overeating and additional weight gain, and may also reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A telephone survey of 51 National Hunt racing yards with 1140 horses in training was made in April and May 2003 to establish the incidence of exertional rhabdomyolysis syndrome during the previous year. A case-control study was used to investigate the risk factors for the syndrome in eight yards selected on the basis that cases had been confirmed by the analysis of serum muscle enzymes. The overall incidence of syndrome was 6 center dot 1 cases per 100 horses per year, and 55 per cent of the yards reported at least one case. The risk factors identified were sex, the average length of the training gallop, and the type of horse (steeplechaser, bumper/unraced or hurdler). There were no significant associations with the horses' temperament, age or Timeform rating.
Multiple cutaneous lymphosarcomas were diagnosed in an 8-year-old Thoroughbred stallion presented for evaluation of lumps on its scrotum. Histological examination of skin biopsy samples showed a homogenous pattern of lymphoid tissue suggestive of a T-cell lymphosarcoma. Immuno-histochemical tests showed a positive reaction to Rabbit/Anti-Human T-Cell, CD3 antibodies confirming T-cell lymphosarcoma. The animal was not treated and was subsequently euthanased.
A 1-year-old neutered male domestic shorthair cat presented with a 4-week history of polydipsia that began immediately after an 8 metre fall, Trauma-induced central diabetes insipidus was suspected on the basis of the identification of hyposthenuria, normal haematology and serum biochemistry profile and unremarkable abdominal ultrasound examination. Failure to concentrate urine with water deprivation followed by production of hypersthenuric urine with administration of the synthetic antidiuretic hormone, Deamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin (DDAVP), confirmed the diagnosis of central diabetes insipidus. Treatment via conjunctival administration of DDAVP failed to attenuate the polydipsia, however, resolution of polydipsia was achieved with subcutaneous administration of DDAVP and the cat remains eudipsic with twice daily subcutaneous DDAVP administration 17 months after diagnosis.