998 resultados para Vertebrates Evolution


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信息素是由一个个体分泌并被同种另一个体感受并识别的化学物质,随之从生理和行为水平上引发与居群和生殖相关的变化。在陆生脊椎动物中,大部分信息素是通过犁鼻器(VNO)来感知的,也有一部分被主要嗅觉系统所感知。在犁鼻器感觉神经元中,已经有两个G蛋白偶联受体超家族V1R和V2R被鉴定为信息素受体。V1R的编码区没有内含子,因而相对容易把它们从基因组序列中鉴别出来。相反地,V2R有一个很长而且高度变化的膜外氨基端,并具有由多个外显子编码的复杂基因结构。到目前为止,关于信息素受体的大部分研究都集中于V1R中。 通过多种生物信息学手段的综合应用,我们从大小鼠基因组序列中鉴别出了V2R基因并首次描述了大小鼠中V2R基因超家族的全貌。大小鼠V2R基因超家族由大约200个功能基因和假基因构成,经历了快速的基因生/灭和氨基酸替换过程,反映了其对环境中物种特异的信息素的适应。我们发现氨基端区域的平均dN/dS比非氨基端区域的比值高出2~3倍,提示可能有相对较弱的纯化选择和/或正选择作用于这个区域。用似然法检测到27个经历了正选择的位点,这些位点都分布在可能是信息素结合区域的氨基端,表明正选择压力可能使V2R基因保持了识别环境中多样的信息素信号的能力。基因组和系统发育分析显示啮齿动物的V2R基因由于近期的串联重复和/或基因丢失事件而形成许多物种特异的簇,并可以划分为四个家族。此外,我们在氨基端和非氨基端区域都鉴别出一些高度保守的位点,这些位点可能在保持功能域的结构和稳定性方面具有重要作用。我们的工作为将来进行V2R基因的功能研究提供了有价值的线索。 此外,我们还对包括胎盘哺乳类、有袋类、两栖类和硬骨鱼类在内的整个脊椎动物的V2R基因超家族概貌进行了研究。结果表明脊椎动物V2R基因的形成可能早于犁鼻器(VNO)在古代四足动物中的出现。我们所研究的这些物种中的V2R基因数目存在巨大变化,表明其在脊椎动物进化历史中发生了多次基因重复和基因丢失事件。在灵长类动物、食肉动物和有蹄动物中没有发现完整的V2R基因,假基因的数量也很少,而在啮齿动物和负鼠中却鉴别出了~200个V2R基因。这些结果与形态解剖学上表达Gα0亚基的犁鼻器感觉神经元是否存在是一致的。出乎我们意料的是,爪蟾中V2R基因超家族成员的数量巨大。近期的研究提示V2R可能和犁鼻器受体细胞的发育有关,因此,爪蟾中庞大的V2R基因数目可能与犁鼻器在两栖动物中的形成相关,V2R在这个器官形成的过程中可能发挥着重要作用。


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Step like morphology of (331)A high-index surfaces during atomic hydrogen assisted molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth has been investigated. Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) measurements show that in conventional MBE, the step heights and terrace widths of GaAs layers increase monotonically with increasing substrate temperatures. The terrace widths and step densities increase with increasing the GaAs layer thickness and then saturates. And, in atomic hydrogen assisted MBE, the terrace width reduces and density increases when depositing the same amount of GaAs. It attributes this to the reduced surface migration length of Ga adatoms with atomic hydrogen. Laterally ordered InAs self-aligned nano-wires were grown on GaAs (331)A surfaces and its optical polarization properties were revealed by photoluminescence measurements.


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The size and shape Evolution of self-assembled InAs quantum dots (QDs) influenced by 2.0-ML InAs seed layer has been systematically investigated for 2.0, 2.5, and 2.9-ML deposition on GaAs(1 0 0) substrate. Based on comparisons with the evolution of InAs islands on single layer samples at late growth stage, the bimodal size distribution of InAs islands at 2.5-ML InAs coverage and the formation of larger InAs quantum dots at 2.9-ML deposition have been observed on the second InAs layer. The further cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy measurement indicates the larger InAs QDs: at 2.9-ML deposition on the second layer are free of dislocation. In addition, the interpretations for the size and shape evolution of InAs/GaAs QDs on the second layer will be presented. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All lights reserved.


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Strain relaxation in initially flat SiGe film on Si(1 0 0) during rapid thermal annealing is studied. The surface roughens after high-temperature annealing, which has been attributed to the intrinsic strain in the epilayers. It is interesting to find that high-temperature annealing also results in roughened interface, indicating the occurrence of preferential interdiffusion. It is suggested that the roughening at the surface makes the intrinsic strain in the epilayer as well as the substrate unequally distributed, causing preferential interdiffusion at the SiGe/Si interface during high-temperature annealing. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.