968 resultados para Versailles, Treaty of, June 28, 1919 (Germany)


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A leishmaniose tegumentar (LT) encontra-se em expansão no Estado do Pará, Brasil. Juruti é um dos 143 municípios desse Estado e atualmente cenário de grandes transformações ambientais devido à mineração de bauxita, o que poderá influenciar o padrão de transmissão. Objetivo: Este estudo buscou elucidar aspectos epidemiológicos relevantes para o controle da LT em Juruti. Materiais e Métodos: A frequência de LT e o perfil dos pacientes no hospital municipal "Francisco Barros" foram determinados de janeiro a dezembro/2007. Espécies de flebotomíneos silvestres existentes no entorno de uma área de prospecção da bauxita foram também descritas, durante levantamento entomológico em janeiro/2008 (armadilha Shannon/18h às 20h/2 noites). Em 21 indivíduos, portadores de lesão cutânea suspeita de LT, biópsias de pele foram realizadas entre fevereiro e junho de 2007. Neste grupo procedeu-se ao diagnóstico parasitológico (esfregaço corado e cultura), molecular e teste intradérmico de Montenegro. Utilizaram-se sondas de DNA ribossomal (PCR-SSUrDNA) gênero específicas (S4, S12; S17, S18) e de G6PD, para distinguir o subgênero Viannia (ISVC, ISVA: ISVC, ISVG) e a espécie L. (V.) braziliensis (ISVC, ISVA; ISVC, ISVB). Resultados: No ano de 2007 foram confirmados 42 casos novos de LT, com média mensal inferior a quatro (3,5 ± 0,8), maior frequência em julho (11) e menor em junho e novembro (0). A maioria dos pacientes foi de homens (41/42, 98%) com menos de 20 anos (<10 anos: 30%; 10-20: 57%; 20-40: 12%). A maioria também residia em localidades rurais (33/42, 79%), incluindo áreas impactadas pela mineração (19/42, 45%), e exercia atividades de risco (28/42, 67%). Doze eram funcionários de empresas (29%). A análise molecular das 21 amostras identificou 12 resultados positivos para o gênero Leishmania (57%), sendo 11 (52%) parasitologicamente confirmados. A PCRG6PD identificou 75% das amostras como sendo L. (V.) braziliensis. As demais (3/12, 25%) não hibridizaram com os oligonucleotídeos da PCR-G6PD e, por isso, os produtos da reação de nested-PCR SSUrDNA foram clonados e sequenciados, confirmando que se tratavam de Leishmania (Viannia) sp. Apenas 9/12 (75%) casos confirmados pelos métodos parasitológico e/ou olecular tiveram reações de hipersensibilidade tardia em resposta ao antígeno de Montenegro, cujos diâmetros variaram de 7 a 40mm (16,3 ± 3,2). Capturaram-se 105 flebotomíneos de 13 espécies nas seguintes frequências: 1- Lutzomyia (Ps.) geniculata (23, 22%), 2- Lutzomyia (Ps.) paraensis (21, 20%), 3- Lutzomyia (Ps.) complexa (18, 17%), 4-Lutzomyia (Ps.) davisi (10, 10%), 5- Lutzomyia (N.) flaviscutellata (13, 13%) e outras oito espécies (20, 18%). Discussão: Espécies de Leishmania do subgênero Viannia, sobretudo L. (V.) braziliensis predominam em Juruti, o que é compatível com o extenso diâmetro das reações cutâneas observadas ao antígeno de Montenegro e com os relatos comuns de persistência e recidiva, apesar do tratamento específico. Entre os flebotomíneos antropófilos destacam-se L. (Ps.) complexa (17%) e L. (Ps.) flaviscutellata (13%) por serem vetores de L. (V.) braziliensis e L. (L.) amazonensis respectivamente, associadas às formas severas da LT humana. Conclusão: Medidas de controle em Juruti devem priorizar a redução da morbidade, diagnóstico precoce, busca ativa de LT humana, vigilância entomológica e de microambientes no entorno da área de impacto de mineração.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Introduction The incidence of canine leptospirosis in Brazil needs to be assessed Methods The same dogs in southern Brazil were sampled over two years to determine the prevalence, incidence and association of canine leptospirosis with various risk factors. Results In 2009, the prevalence was 33 (14.4%) of 228 dogs, with a predominance of serovar Canicola (33.4%). In 2010, 90 dogs were re-evaluated (the remaining dogs were lost to deaths, address changes and donations), and the prevalence was found to be 35 (38.9%) of 90, with the predominant serovar being Icterohaemorrhagiae (51.4%). Moreover, the incidence was 26 of 90 (28.9%), and the disease was statistically associated with age (2009) and street access (2010). Conclusions Our findings revealed instability in the dog population and age to be relevant risk factors for canine leptospirosis.


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Growth of Red, GIFT and Supreme Nile tilapia strains were evaluated. Fish were cultivated in indoor recirculation systems in 0.5 m³ tanks with controlled temperatures of 22, 28 and 30°C. Random samples of 20 fish from each strain (10 fish tank-1) were weighed at day 7, 30, 60, 90 and 120. Exponential model (y=AeKx) and Gompertz model (y = Aexp(-Be-Kx)) were fitted and the estimates parameters were obtained by Weighted Least Squares. At 22°C, Red, GIFT and Supreme strain presented similar growth and fit of exponential model. GIFT and Supreme strain presented higher growth rate at 30°C of cultivation when compared to Red strain. Temperature influences weight and age at the inflection point. The temperature of cultivation influences the growth description of Red, GIFT and Supreme tilapia strains. It changes the age and weight at inflection point and the qualities of growth model fits, changing the variation of the batch.


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The publication of the Law 10,267 of 08/28/2001 changed the paradigm of rural registration in Brazil, because this law known as the Law of Georeferencing has created the National Registration of Rural Property, that unifies in a common basis different registrations present in several government agencies, such as the National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform (INCRA), the Secretariat of Federal Revenue, the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Natural Resources, and the National Indian Foundation. Also, this new registration system has a graphical component which has not existed until such date, where the boundaries of rural property are georeferenced to the Brazilian Geodetic System. This new paradigm has resulted in a standardization of the survey and its representation of rural properties according to the Technical Standard for Georeferencing of Rural Properties, published by INCRA in compliance with the new legislation. Due to the georeferencing, the creation of a public GIS of free access on the Internet was possible. Among the difficulties found it may be observed the great Brazilian territory, the need for specialized professionals, and especially the certification process that INCRA has to perform for each georeferenced property. It is hoped that this last difficulty is solved with the implementation of the Land Management System that will allow automated and online certification, making the process more transparent, agile and fast.


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The aim of this study was to determine the coefficients of the Goettingen model for Redbro birds and estimate the digestible lysine requirements. To determine the model parameters, three nitrogen balance trials were performed in Periods I (14-28 days), II (42-56 days) and III (70-84 days), using 42 birds per trial. The birds were individually housed and subjected to six diets with increasing levels of nitrogen, with lysine as the limiting amino acid (deficient by 20% in relation to other amino acids). Dietary nitrogen concentrations were 8, 16, 24, 32, 40 and 48 g/kg. A control diet was added to confirm lysine as the first limiting amino acid. Nitrogen balance trials were divided into 5 days of adaptation and two periods of excreta collection, each one of 5 days. The response of the birds to a control diet confirmed that lysine was the first limiting amino acid. The adjustment of the exponential functions between nitrogen retention or excretion and nitrogen intake allowed estimation of parameters of the Goettingen model. The maximum potential for nitrogen retention was 3276, 2585 and 2603 mg/BWkg0.67.day, nitrogen maintenance requirement was 225, 135 and 122 mg/BWkg0.67.day and efficiency of nitrogen utilisation was 313 x 10(-6), 406 x 10(-6) and 415 x 10(-6) in the phases of 14-28, 42-56 and 70-84 days. The digestible lysine intake for Periods I, II and III, based on 60% of the maximum potential for nitrogen retention, was 711, 989 and 1272 mg/day (1.225%, 1.137% and 1.09% of lysine in the diet for a daily feed intake of 58, 87 and 117 g/day), respectively.


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Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC


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The article aims to recover the manifestations process of June 2013, in an attempt to understand the elements, which characterized it. It is intended to indicate how and why the main political consequences generated by the manifestations became its own possibility of a rematch in June 2014, during the hosting of the World Cup, organized by FIFA and the Brazilian government. It is suggested which may be the nature and extent of its impacts over the general election in this year. It is argued that the key issue is the ability of the State, the governments and their police in dealing with manifestations that have, relatively, new, persuasive, and violent ideas.


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This study evaluated the efficiency of a toothbrush holder to prevent contamination of toothbrushes used by preschool children. For that, the sample was composed by children 6 years old, enrolled in an educational and recreational center in Araraquara/SP, and divided into 3 groups: G1: same continuing routine storage toothbrushes, G2: children received only a new toothbrush holder for storage; G3: they received new toothbrushes holder for storage and solution of chlorhexidine digluconate to 0.12% to dabble in the toothbrush after use. After brushing their teeth, toothbrushes were collected for microbiological analysis. The data were analyzed using the distribution of frequencies. It was observed that, in general, higher prevalence of the microorganism in the toothbrushes was Streptococcus viridans (58.97%), followed by Estafilococcus (35.90%), the bacillus of air (28.21%) and Neisseria mucosa (5.13%). Evaluating frequency, it was noted that the contamination presented by Streptococcus is higher in G1 when compared to G2 and G3, while for Estafilococcus, the presence was more significant in G3. Thus, it was concluded that the use of new toothbrushes holder able to avoid direct contact between brushes and allow drying without smothering could be an excellent alternative to educational institutions that require the storage group.


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Introduction: the assessment of the activity of rheumatoid arthritis and juvenile idiopathic arthritis is made by means of different tools, respectively DAS-28 and JADAS.Objective: To compare DAS-28 and JADAS with scores of 71, 27 and 10 joint counts in juvenile idiopathic arthritis.Method: A secondary analysis of a phase III placebo-controlled trial, testing safety and efficacy of abatacept was conducted in 8 patients with 178 assessment visits. Joint count scores for active and limited joints, physician's and parents'global assessment by 0-10 cm Visual Analog Scale, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate normalized to 0-10 scale, in all visits. The comparison among the activity indices in different observations was made through Anova or adjusted gamma model. The paired observations between DAS-28 and JADAS 71, 27 and 10, respectively, were analyzed by linear regression.Results: There were significant differences among individual measures, except for ESR, in the first four months of biological treatment, when five of the eight patients reached ACR-Pedi 30, with improvement. The indices of DAS-28, JADAS 71, 27 and 10 also showed significant difference during follow-up. Linear regression adjusted model between DAS-28 and JADAS resulted in mathematical formulas for conversion: [DAS-28 = 0.0709 (JADAS 71) + 1.267] (R-2 = 0.49); [DAS-28 = 0.084 (JADAS 27) + 1.7404] (R-2 = 0.47) and [DAS-28 = 0.1129 (JADAS-10) + 1.5748] (R-2 = 0.50).Conclusion: The conversion of scores of DAS-28 and JADAS 71, 27 and 10 for this mathematical model would allow equivalent application of both in adolescents with arthritis. (C) 2014 Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.


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Background: To establish the best methodology for diagnosis and management of patients with solid and complex renal masses by comparing the costs and benefits of different imaging methods and to improve differential diagnosis of these benign and malignant lesions, particularly by investigating tumour calcifications. Methods: We performed a prospective study on 31 patients with solid or complex masses by submitting them to Abdominal Ultrasonography (US), Doppler Ultrasonography of the renal mass (US Dop), Computed Tomography (CT), and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Results: We found 28 patients with malignant and three with benign masses. Of the 28 malignant, 17 showed calcifications at CT; 16 central and one was of the pure peripheral curvilinear type (egg shell). Excretory Urography (IVP) had a significantly lower detection rate for central calcifications than both US and CT. Benign and malignant masses appeared as described in literature, with US, CT and MRI showing high sensitivity and specificity in renal tumor diagnosis. The exception was US Dop where we obtained lower sensitivity for the characterization of malignant tumor flow. Conclusions: In this series we were surprised to find that CT revealed central calcifications in 51.6% of patients, all with malignant lesions, while, literature reports a frequency of calcification in renal cell carcinoma between 8 and 22%, in studies using abdominal films and EU (IVP). This finding is of great importance when we consider that these calcifications occur particularly in malignant neoplasms. As a result of comparing these different imaging methods we have developed a better methodology for renal tumor investigation.


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Background The recent emergence of extensively multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains has further complicated the control of tuberculosis. There is an urgent need for the development of new molecular candidates antitubercular drugs. Medicinal plants have been an excellent source of leads for the development of drugs. The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro activity of 28 alcoholic extracts and essential oils of native and exotic Brazilian plants against Mycobacterium tuberculosis and to further study these extracts through chemical fractionation, the isolation of their constituents, and an evaluation of the in vivo acute toxicity of the active extracts. To the best of our knowledge this is the first chemical characterization, antituberculosis activity and acute toxicity evaluation of Annona sylvatica. Methods The anti-mycobacterial activity of these extracts and their constituent compounds was evaluated using the resazurin reduction microtiter assay (REMA). To investigate the acute toxicity of these extracts in vivo, female Swiss mice were treated with the extracts at doses of 500, 1000 and 2000 mg · kg-1 of body weight. The extracts were characterized by LC-MS, and the constituents were isolated and identified by chromatographic analysis of spectroscopic data. Results Of the 28 extracts, the methanol extract obtained from the leaves of Annona sylvatica showed anti-mycobacterial activity with an minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 184.33 μg/mL, and the ethyl acetate fraction (EAF) resulting from liquid-liquid partitioning of the A. sylvatica extract showed an MIC of 115.2 μg/mL. The characterization of this extract by LC-MS identified flavonoids and acetogenins as its main constituents. The phytochemical study of the A. sylvatica EAF resulted in the isolation of quercetin, luteolin, and almunequin. Conclusions Among the compounds isolated from the EAF, luteolin and almunequin were the most promising, with MICs of 236.8 μg/mL (827.28 μM) and 209.9 μg/mL (328.48 μM), respectively. The acute administration of the EAF fraction in doses of 500, 1000, and 2000 mg · kg-1 of body weight did not cause signs of toxicity in the treated animals.


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Este artigo visa a realizar um debate teórico por meio das análises de Michel Foucault e de Robert Castel, entre outros, a respeito dos mecanismos de segurança e das estratégias de governamentalidade neoliberal, na sociedade contemporânea. Os cursos Em defesa da sociedade, Segurança, território e população e Nascimento da Biopolítica, de Foucault, inauguraram uma discussão relevante a respeito dos racismos de Estado e de sociedade, de seus paradoxos, nas democracias, e de seus efeitos a partir da emergência do neoliberalismo norte-americano e alemão, após a II Guerra Mundial, que foram difundidos em outros países, sobretudo na década de noventa do século XX, com especificidades em cada país, mas com pontos de conexão que nos permitem traçar um diagrama da sociedade de segurança e de como ela opera por táticas de governo das condutas, também denominadas governamentalidades, por Foucault.


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Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (Prescott, AZ, USA) was awarded a grant from the William J. Hughes FAA Technical Center in October 1999 to develop and maintain a web site dealing with a wide variety of airport safety wildlife concerns. Initially, the web site enabled users to access related topics such as wildlife management (at/near airports), bird identification information, FAA wildlife management guidelines, education, pictures, current news, upcoming meetings and training, available jobs and discussion/forum sections. In April 2001, the web site was augmented with an on-line wildlife strike report (FAA Form 5200-7). Upon submittal on-line, “quick look” email notifications are sent to concerned government personnel. The distribution of these emails varies as to whether there was damage, human injuries/fatalities, and whether feather remains were collected and will be sent to the Smithsonian Institution for identification. In July 2002, a real-time on-line query system was incorporated to allow federal and local government agencies, airport and operator personnel, and USDA and airport wildlife biologists to access this database (which as of June 2005 contains 68,288 researched strike reports added to at a rate of approximately 500 strike reports/month) to formulate strategies to reduce the hazards wildlife present to aviation. To date (June 2005), over 15,000 on-line real-time queries were processed. In June 2004, ERAU was authorized to develop a graphical interface to this on-line query system. Current capabilities include mapping strikes (by species) on the US map, each of the contiguous 48 state maps (with AK and HI being added), and airport diagrams of the major metropolitan airports as well as the next 46 airports with the most reported strikes The latter capability depicts strikes by runway in plan as well as in elevation view. Currently under development is the ability to view time-sequenced strikes on the US map. This extensive graphical interface will give analysts the ability to view strike patterns with a wide variety of variables including species, seasons, migration patterns, etc. on US and state maps and airport diagrams.


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This work shows the luminescence properties of a rare-earth organic complex, the Tb(ACAC)(3)phen. The results show the (5)D(4)->(7)F(3,4,5,6) transitions with no influence of the ligand. The photoluminescence excitation spectrum is tentatively interpreted by the ligands absorption. An organic light emitting diode (CLED) was made by thermal evaporation using TPD (N,N`-bis(3-methylphenyl)N,N`-diphenylbenzidine) and Alq3 (aluminum-tris(8-hydroxyquinoline)) as hole and electron transport layers, respectively. The emission reproduces the photoluminescence spectrum of the terbium complex at room temperature, with Commission Internationale de l`Eclairage - CIE (x,y) color coordinates of (0.28,0.55). No presence of any bands from the ligands was observed. The potential use of this compound in efficient devices is discussed. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.