1000 resultados para Variabilidad de la Frecuencia Cardíaca


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The most common sleep disorder is obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS), that is characterized by repeated pauses in breathing during sleep, resulting in partial or complete obstruction of the upper airway. It is associated with systemic arterial hypertension and obesity. Objective: To assess the frequency of OSAS in the adult population of Botucatu by the Berlin questionnaire. Method: Transveral study was performed in which the sample size was estimated at 385 individuals. The Berlin questionnaire was administered to adults randomly on the streets, supermarkets and local shops. Data were analyzed taking into account age, gender, "high risk for OSAS", hypertension, obesity and correlations for OSAS. Results: 468 people interviewed were aged between 18 and 95 years, average of 59 years. 166 (35.25%) individuals were identified as "high risk for OSAS", being more frequent in the population above 40 years. Obesity was present in 23.3%, more common in women (60.2%). 83.5% of the population obese also had a "high risk for OSAS". Hypertension was observed in 27.3%, of these 71.9% were at "high risk for OSAS". Conclusion: The study showed a high frequency of "high risk for OSAS" in the adult population. Despite the dissemination by the media about sleep apnea, patients are not investigated, even under medical care for hypertension.


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The ageing process can change the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics parameters. Therefore, some medications are considered potentially inappropriate (PIM) for the elderly people, since they can increase the likelihood of occurrence of adverse drug events. The objectives are to estimate the frequency of use of PIM in the elderly people, with potentially hazardous drug interactions (PHDI) and to evaluate the impact of pharmaceutical intervention (PI) for the prescription of safer therapeutic alternatives. A cross-sectional study was performed in a Health Family Strategy (region of Araraquara, SP), between January and February/2012. The medical records of patients aged ≥60 years, that use at least one drug, were consulted for identification of PIM, according to the Beers criteria. The MPI identified were classified considering the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System (ATC) and the essentiality of the drug (safety, effectiveness, quality and cost parameters) The inclusion criteria were met by 358 elderly, being that 93 of them (26%) had taken at least one PIM. Of the 114 different drugs prescribed for elderly, ten were classified as PIM, of which four of them act on the central nervous system, four on cardiovascular system and two on the digestive tract. Seven MPI are essential medicines, belonging to national list of essential drugs (RENAME-2010). Fourteen drug interactions were identified, of which two are PHDI (fluoxetine/amitriptyline and digoxin/hydrochlorothiazide).After the PI, there was no change in medical prescriptions of patients with PIM use or with DI. Medical prescriptions of elderly attended in the Health Family Strategy show pharmacotherapeutic safety problems, of which may be responsible for health hazardous for this age group. Although the intervention carried out by letter had been ineffective for the adherence of doctors in prescribing safe alternatives, wide dissemination of the lists that contain PIM and PHDI is need, as well as the inclusion of safer equivalents in RENAME, in order to contribute for rational use of drugs.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The research aimed to evaluate the relationship between the thermal environment of the rest pens in a pig slaughterhouse and the surface temperature (ST) of the animals as well as the effect of intermittent water spraying on thermal comfort. There were two visits to slaughter industrial being in each selected three pens of rest, one for control treatment (no spray throughout the period) and two for the treatment of intermittent spraying water (30 minutes intervals with constant spray followed by 30 minutes then turned off). Assessments began at the time of discharging animals in which are taken the thermographic images from lots using an infrared thermographic camera. After housing in the pens, were registered the thermographic images and the respiratory frequency (RF) every five minutes for four hours. Were evaluated the temperature, relative humidity and temperature-humidity index (THI). Considering the values of THI was observed that the animals remained in a condition of comfort only at the time of his arrival at the slaughterhouse. The ST and RF of the animals kept in the pens without sprinkler system (control) showed a linear increase in function of time of day, with increasing temperature. The treatment with intermittent sprinkling of water was observed oscillatory behavior of the ST and RF, however it was always lower than the control treatment, even in times when the water sprinklers were turned off. The time required of spray to reduction and stabilization of the ST of the animals was limited to the combination of temperature and relative humidity, being estimated at 25 minutes at times of higher THI. The maximum environmental temperature during evaluation was 28.4 oC.


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Radiography is usually the primary method of diagnosis to be used in the initial evaluation of the chest. In view of recent technological advances in ultrasound machines, noncardiac transthoracic ultrasound has become an important method of diagnosis for diseases of the lung, pleura, mediastinum and chest wall. Despite limitations due to the difficulty of efficient sound propagation in air, this exam allows fast decisions and makes sample collection safer and more effective. Knowledge of the sonographic chest anatomy is however restricted because of the artifact caused by the presence of air in lungs. When absent, it facilitates the detection of thoracic alterations. The aim of this review is to present the main abnormalities that are likely to be detected by ultrasonography.


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Ten black bears, Ursus americanus Pallas, and three brown bears, U. arctos Linnaeus, were inoculated with rabies virus from naturally infected foxes in Alaska. The bears were more resistant than canine species, requiring at least 1,000 MLD50 of virus for infection. Low titres or negative results were obtained in salivary glands titrated in mice. Clinical course of the disease, post mortem findings, and microscopic lesions are described. Microscopic lesions were more· severe in brown bears, in which the inflammatory response was distinguished by the presence of numerous eosinophils in the perivascular infiltrate and among cells diffusely infiltrating the parenchyma. In both species, inclusion bodies were found only in the Purkinje cells of the cerebellum. Rabies is discounted as a factor in unprovoked attacks by bears on man at high latitudes. The epizootiology of rabies in a region where bears are numerous is discussed, with the conclusion that rabid foxes usually do not excrete sufficient quantities of virus in the saliva to infect bears. German title: Tollwut bei experimentell infizierten Bären, Ursus spp., mit epizootiologischen Anmerkungen German abtract: Zehn Schwarzbären, Ursus americanus Pallas, und drei Braunbären, U. arctos Linnaeus, wurden mit einem von Füchsen in Alaska isolierten Feldstamm des Tollwutvirus infiziert. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse lassen erkennen, daß Bären eine größere Resistenz gegenüber Tollwutinfektion aufweisen als hundeartige Karnivoren, und zwar konnten sie nicht mit weniger als 1000 MLD50 des Tollwutvirus infiziert werden. Das Virus war selten nachweisbar in den Speicheldrüsen der tollwuterkrankten Bären. Klinik und Pathologie der Tollwut bei Bären wurden kurz beschrieben. Die im Gehirn vorkommenden entzündlichen Veränderungen waren bei Braunbären besonders schwer und unterschieden sich durch die Häufigkeit der eosinophilen Leukozyten in den perivasculären und Gewebs-Infiltraten. Bei beiden Arten wurden Einschlußkörperchen nur in den Purkinje-Zellen beobachtet. Die Epizootiologie der Tollwut auf der Alaska-Halbinsel, wo Bären häufig vorkommen, wurde besprochen. Die Ergebnisse deuten an, daß Füchse wenig Virus mit dem Speichel ausscheiden, und selten soviel, daß es für die Infektion von Bären ausreicht. French title: La rage expérimentale chez les ours, Ursus spp., avec observations épizootiologiques French abstract: Dix ours noirs, Ursus americanus Pallas, et trois ours bruns, U. arctos Linnaeus, ont été inoculés avec de virus rabique provenant des renards infectés naturellement dans l'Alaska. Les ours Ont été plus résistants au virus que des espèces canines, et pour produire l'infection chez les ours, au moins 1000 MLD50 ont été requis. La titration des glandes salivaires chez des souris a données des titres peu éléves ou des résultats négatifs. La course clinique de la maladie, les observations des autopsies, et les lésions microscopiques sont decrites. Les lésions microscopiques les plus sévères ont été observées chez les ours bruns, dans lesquels la réponse inflammatoire a été distinguée par la présence de nombreux éosinophiles dans l'infiltration périvasculaire et parmi les cellules infiltrées diffusément dans Ie parenchyme. Chez les deux espèces des ours, des corps d'inclusion ont été trouvés seulement dans les cellules de Purkinje du cervelet. On a discuté l'épizootiologie de la rage dans une région où des ours sont nombreux, avec la conclusion qu'il y a dans la salive des renards rabiques une quantité de virus insuffisante pour infecter les ours. é ó í á ú Spanish title: Rabia en osos, Ursus spp., infectados experimentalmente, con anotaciones epizootológicas Spanish abstract: Diez osos negros, Ursus americanus Pallas, y tres osos pardos, U. arctos Linea, se infectaron con una estirpe campal de virus rábico aislada de zorros en Alasca. Los resultados de la experiencia permiten reconocer que los osos presentan una resistencia mayor frente a la infección rábica que los carnívoros cánidos, pues no se pudieron infectar con menos de 1.000 DML50 de virus rábico. El virus era muy raras veces identificable en las glándulas salivales de los osos enfermos de rabia. Se describen sucintamente la clínica y patología de la rabia en los osos. Las modificaciones inflamatorias en el cerebro eran muy graves en el oso pardo y se distinguían por la frecuencia de los leucocitos eosinófilos en los infiltrados perivasculares e hísticos. En ambas especies solo se hallaron corpúsculos de inclusión en las células de Purkinje. Se discute la epizootología de la rabia en la península de Alasca, donde es frecuente Ia presencia de osos. Los resultados señalan que los zorros eliminan poco virus con la saliva y casi nunca en cantidad tal que fuese suficiente para infectar los osos.


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The objective of this study was to characterize the practices of breastfeeding promotion developed by nursing professionals of the Family Health Strategy and analyze the correlation between their knowledge of breastfeeding and how often they provided teaching regarding this topic. This cross-sectional, descriptive study was performed at the Family Health Strategy units of Uberaba, Minas Gerais with 85 nursing professionals, using two questionnaires. Data analysis was performed using frequency distribution and Spearman's correlation analysis. Most professionals said that they often addressed breastfeeding in the investigated practices. However, a poor correlation was observed between the frequency of this approach and the mean score on knowledge test. The nursing professionals' statements indicate that breastfeeding recommendations were provided regardless of their knowledge on the topic.


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Introduction: Prebiotics positively affect gut microbiota composition, thus improving gut function. These properties may be useful for the treatment of constipation. Objectives: This study assessed the tolerance and effectiveness of a prebiotic inulin/partially hydrolyzed guar gum mixture (I-PHGG) for the treatment of constipation in females, as well as its influence on the composition of intestinal microbiota and production of short chain fatty acids. Methods: Our study enrolled 60 constipated female health worker volunteers. Participants reported less than 3 bowel movements per week. Volunteers were randomized to treatment with prebiotic or placebo. Treatment consisted of 3 weeks supplementation with 15 g/d I-PHGG (fiber group) or maltodextrin (placebo group). Abdominal discomfort, flatulence, stool consistency, and bowel movements were evaluated by a recorded daily questionnaire and a weekly interview. Changes in fecal bacterial population and short chain fatty acids were assessed by real-time PCR and gas chromatography, respectively. Results: There was an increased frequency of weekly bowel movements and patient satisfaction in both the fiber and placebo groups with no significant differences. Total Clostridium sp significantly decreased in the fiber group (p = 0.046) and increased in the placebo group (p = 0.047). There were no changes in fecal short chain fatty acid profile. Conclusions: Consumption of I-PHGG produced clinical results comparable to placebo in constipated females, but had additional protective effects on gut rnicrobiota by decreasing the amount of pathological bacteria of the Clostridium genera.


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Justificativa e objetivos: As ligas acadêmicas vêm se firmando como instrumentos de ensino médico e inserção dos estudantes de medicina na prática das especialidades, inclusive na anestesiologia. Como o papel das ligas no processo de desenvolvimento de competências e aprendizado de seus alunos não é bem conhecido, avaliou-se o aprendizado dos integrantes de uma liga acadêmica de anestesiologia após um ano de participação nas suas atividades. MÉTODO: Os alunos de uma liga acadêmica de anestesiologia foram acompanhados de março a dezembro de 2010 e avaliados por meio de testes cognitivos objetivos de múltipla escolha aplicados antes do início das atividades e após sua conclusão. A frequência nas atividades e o perfil epidemiológico dos alunos foram correlacionados aos resultados dos testes. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 20 acadêmicos do 3º ao 6º ano, com média de idade de 22,8 (21-26) anos. A frequência média nas atividades propostas foi 10,4/13 (80%). A média de acertos no primeiro teste foi 8,1/17 (47,6%), sendo que os alunos do 3º ano apresentam notas menores (p < 0,02) em relação aos demais. No teste pós-liga, a média de acertos foi 11,9/17 (70%), mostrando melhora no desempenho dos alunos (p < 0,05), e não houve diferença entre as notas dos diferentes anos da graduação. Foi encontrada relação forte entre frequência nas atividades e melhora nas notas (r = 0,719; p < 0,001). CONCLUSÕES: Os alunos que participaram da liga apresentaram melhora nos testes de avaliação de conhecimento, sugerindo que a liga é útil instrumento de ensino e promove ganho de aprendizado em anestesiologia. As atividades desenvolvidas nas ligas podem ter papel positivo na formação acadêmica dos graduandos, destacando-se, neste artigo, a anestesiologia.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a frequência e os fatores maternos e neonatais associados ao mecônio no líquido amniótico no parto. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 2.441 nascimentos em um centro de parto normal hospitalar em São Paulo, SP, em março e abril de 2005. A associação entre mecônio no líquido amniótico e as variáveis independentes (idade materna, paridade, ter ou não cesariana prévia, idade gestacional, antecedentes obstétricos, uso de ocitocina no trabalho de parto, dilatação cervical na admissão, tipo do parto atual, peso do RN, índice de Apgar de 1º e 5º minutos de vida) foi expressa como razão de prevalência. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se mecônio no líquido amniótico em 11,9% dos partos; 68,2% desses foram normais e 38,8%, cesarianas. O mecônio esteve associado a: primiparidade (RP = 1,49; IC95% 1,29;1,73), idade gestacional ≥ 41 semanas (RP = 5,05; IC95% 1,93;13,25), ocitocina no parto (RP = 1,83, IC95% 1,60;2,10), cesariana (RP = 2,65; IC95% 2,17;3,24) e índice de Apgar < 7 no 5º minuto (RP = 2,96, IC95% 2,94;2,99). A mortalidade neonatal foi 1,6/1.000 nascidos vivos; mecônio no líquido amniótico foi encontrado em 50% das mortes neonatais e associado a maiores taxas de partos cirúrgicos. CONCLUSÕES: Emprego de ocitocina, piores condições do recém-nascido logo após o parto e aumento de taxas de cesariana foram fatores associados ao mecônio. A utilização rotineira de ocitocina no intraparto poderia ser revista por sua associação com mecônio no líquido amniótico.


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O propósito deste estudo foi estimar a contribuição dos fatores genéticos e ambientais na variabilidade do desempenho interindividual na coordenação motora. A amostra foi constituída por 64 pares de gêmeos portugueses, com idades entre cinco e 14 anos. Avaliou-se o desempenho da coordenação através das quatro provas da bateria KTK: equilíbrio à retaguarda (ER); saltos monopedais (SM); transposição lateral (TL); saltos laterais (SL). Calculou-se o coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (t), sendo estimada a contribuição dos fatores genéticos (a²), ambientais comuns (c²) e únicos (e²). Os resultados mostram valores de t mais elevados entre gêmeos monozigóticos, sugerindo presença de fatores genéticos. Entretanto, estimativas de a² foram baixas, variando entre 15% (TL) e 41% (SM), enquanto para c² situaram-se entre 46% (SL) e 58% (TL), e para e² entre 11% (SM) e 28% (TL). Conclui-se que fatores ambientais são responsáveis pela maior parcela de influência na variabilidade do desempenho na coordenação motora.


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This work investigated the effects of frequency and precision of feedback on the learning of a dual-motor task. One hundred and twenty adults were randomly assigned to six groups of different knowledge of results (KR), frequency (100%, 66% or 33%) and precision (specific or general) levels. In the stabilization phase, participants performed the dual task (combination of linear positioning and manual force control) with the provision of KR. Ten non-KR adaptation trials were performed for the same task, but with the introduction of an electromagnetic opposite traction force. The analysis showed a significant main effect for frequency of KR. The participants who received KR in 66% of the stabilization trials showed superior adaptation performance than those who received 100% or 33%. This finding reinforces that there is an optimal level of information, neither too high nor too low, for motor learning to be effective.


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[ES] Se recoge información sobre el origen, distribución y sensibilidad a los antibiotícos de las salmonelas aisladas en Gran Canaria en los últimos años. La frecuencia de serotipos aislados a partir de humanos y animales así como del medio ambiente ha sido estudiada


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[EN] Meiofaunal assemblages from intertidal and shallow subtidal seabeds were studied at two sites (one dominated by volcanic sands and the other by organogenic sands) at Tenerife (Canary Islands, NE Atlantic Ocean) throughout an entire year (May 2000?April 2001). Specifically, we aimed (i) to test for differences in diversity, structure, and stability between intertidal and subtidal meiofaunal assemblages, and (ii) to determine if differences in the meiofaunal assemblage structure may be explained by environmental factors (granulometric composition, availability of organic matter, and carbonate content in sediments). A total of 103,763 meiofaunal individuals were collected, including 203 species from 19 taxonomic groups (Acari, Amphipoda, Cnidaria, Copepoda, Echinodermata, Gastrotricha, Isopoda, Insecta, Kinorrhyncha, Misidacea, Nematoda, Nemertini, Oligochaeta, Ostracoda, Polychaeta, Priapulida, Sipuncula, Tanaidacea, and Turbellaria). Nematodes were the most abundant taxonomic group. Species diversity was higher in the subtidal than in the intertidal zone at both sites, as a result of the larger dominance of a few species in the intertidal zone. The meiofaunal assemblage structure was different between tidal levels at both sites, the intertidal presenting greater temporal variability (multivariate dispersion) in the meiofaunal assemblage structure than the subtidal. Sediment grain size, here quantified by the different granulometric fractions, explained the variability in meiofaunal assemblage structure to a greater extent than the percentage of carbonates, a variable linked to sediment origin. This study revealed differences in diversity, assemblage structure, and variability between intertidal and subtidal meiofauna.


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Programa de oceanografía