982 resultados para Value integration


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Values and value processes are said to be needed in every organization nowadays, as the world is changing and companies have to have something to "keep it together". Organizational values, which are approvedand used by the personnel, could be the key. Every organization has values. But what is the real value of values? The greatest and most crucial challenge is the feasibility of the value process. The main point in this thesis is tostudy how organizational members at different hierarchical levels perceive values and value processes in their organizations. This includes themes such as how values are disseminated, the targets of value processing, factors that affect the process, problems that occur during the value implementation and improvements that could be made when organizational values are implemented. These subjects are studied from the perspective of organizational members (both managers and employees); individuals in the organizations. The aim is to get the insider-perspective on value processing, from multiple hierarchical levels. In this research I study three different organizations (forest industry, bank and retail cooperative) and their value processes. The data is gathered from companies interviewing personnel in the head office and at the local level. The individuals areseen as members of organizations, and the cultural aspect is topical throughout the whole study. Values and cultures are seen as the 'actuality of reality' of organizations, interpreted by organizational members. The three case companies were chosen because they represented different lines of business and they all implemented value processing differently. Sincethe emphasis in this study is at the local level, the similar size of the local units was also an important factor. Values are in 'fashion' -but what does the fashion tell us about the real corporate practices? In annual reports companies emphasize the importance and power of official values. But what is the real 'point' of values? Values are publicly respected and advertised, but still it seems that the words do not meet the deeds. There is a clear conflict between theoretical, official and substantive organizational values: in the value processing from words to real action. This contradiction in value processing is studied through individual perceptions in this study. I study the kinds of perceptions organizationalmembers have when values are processed from the head office to the local level: the official value process is studied from the individual's perspective. Value management has been studied more during the 1990's. The emphasis has usually been on managers: how they consider the values in organizations and what effects it has on the management. Recent literature has emphasized values as tools for improving company performance. The value implementation as a process has been studied through 'good' and 'bad' examples, as if one successful value process could be copied to all organizations. Each company is different with different cultures and personnel, so no all-powerful way of processing values exists. In this study, the organizational members' perceptions at different hierarchical levels are emphasized. Still, managers are also interviewed; this is done since managerial roles in value dissemination are crucial. Organizational values cannot be well disseminated without management; this has been proved in several earlier studies (e.g. Kunda 1992, Martin 1992, Parker 2000). Recent literature has not sufficiently emphasized the individual's (organizational member's) role in value processing. Organizations consist of differentindividuals with personal values, at all hierarchical levels. The aim in this study is to let the individual take the floor. Very often the value process is described starting from the value definition and ending at dissemination, and the real results are left without attention. I wish to contribute to this area. Values are published officially in annual reports etc. as a 'goal' just like profits. Still, the results/implementationof value processing is rarely followed, at least in official reports. This is a very interesting point: why do companies espouse values, if there is no real control or feedback after the processing? In this study, the personnel in three different companies is asked to give an answer. In the empirical findings, there are several results which bring new aspects to the research area of organizational values. The targets of value processing, factors effecting value processing, the management's roles and the problems in value implementation are presented through the individual's perspective. The individual's perceptions in value processing are a recurring theme throughout the whole study. A comparison between the three companies with diverse value processes makes the research complete


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This paper analyses the financial impact of the enlargement of the European Union (EU) to include 10 new Central and Eastern European Nations (CEEN) on firms’ business and financial structures. To this end, we employ quantitative analytic techniques and financial ratios. In this context, we hope to discover whether firms in the new EU member States tend to converge with business in the Europe of the 15 in terms of the structure of firms’ financial statements. We examine the extent to which the increasing integration of the former may foster the convergence of productive structures. The methodology followed consists of an analysis of the evolution of 12 financial ratios in a sample of firms obtained from the AMADEUS data base. To that end, we perform a Dynamic Factor Analysis that identifies the determining factors of the joint evolution of deviations in the financial ratios with respect to the average value of firms in the EU-15. This analysis allows us to analyse the convergence in each of the CEEN nations with respect to the EU-15.


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A newspaper content management system has to deal with a very heterogeneous information space as the experience in the Diari Segre newspaper has shown us. The greatest problem is to harmonise the different ways the involved users (journalist, archivists...) structure the newspaper information space, i.e. news, topics, headlines, etc. Our approach is based on ontology and differentiated universes of discourse (UoD). Users interact with the system and, from this interaction, integration rules are derived. These rules are based on Description Logic ontological relations for subsumption and equivalence. They relate the different UoD and produce a shared conceptualisation of the newspaper information domain.


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Existing digital rights management (DRM) systems, initiatives like Creative Commons or research works as some digital rights ontologies provide limited support for content value chains modelling and management. This is becoming a critical issue as content markets start to profit from the possibilities of digital networks and the World Wide Web. The objective is to support the whole copyrighted content value chain across enterprise or business niches boundaries. Our proposal provides a framework that accommodates copyright law and a rich creation model in order to cope with all the creation life cycle stages. The dynamic aspects of value chains are modelled using a hybrid approach that combines ontology-based and rule-based mechanisms. The ontology implementation is based on Web Ontology Language and Description Logic (OWL-DL) reasoners, are directly used for license checking. On the other hand, for more complex aspects of the dynamics of content value chains, rule languages are the choice.


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In crop rotations that include alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), agronomic and environmental concerns mean that it is important to determine the N fertilizer contribution of this legume for subsequent crops in order to help to increase the sustainability of cropping systems. To determine the N fertilizer replacement value (FRV) of a 2-yr alfalfa crop on subsequent crops of corn (Zea mays L.) followed by wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under irrigated Mediterranean conditions, two 4-yr rotations (alfalfa-corn-wheat and corn-corn-corn-wheat) were conducted from 2001 to 2004 in a Typic Xerofluvent soil. Corn yields were compared after two years of alfalfa and a third year of corn under monoculture and wheat yields were also compared after both rotations. Corn production after alfalfa outyielded monoculture corn at all four rates of N fertilizer application analyzed (0, 100, 200 and 300 kg N/ha). The FRV of 2-yr alfalfa for corn was about 160 kg N/ha. Wheat grown after the alfalfa-corn rotation outyielded that grown after corn under monoculture at both the rates of N studied (0 and 100 kg N/ha). The FRV of alfalfa for wheat following alfalfa-corn was about 76 kg N/ha. Soil NO3 -N content after alfalfa was greater than with the corn monoculture at all rates of N fertilizer application and this higher value persisted during the second crop after alfalfa. This was probably one of the reasons for the better yields associated with the alfalfa rotation. These results make a valuable contribution to irrigated agriculture under mediterranean conditions, show reasons for interest in rotating alfalfa with corn, and explain how it is possible to make savings when applying N fertilizer.


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In the classical theorems of extreme value theory the limits of suitably rescaled maxima of sequences of independent, identically distributed random variables are studied. The vast majority of the literature on the subject deals with affine normalization. We argue that more general normalizations are natural from a mathematical and physical point of view and work them out. The problem is approached using the language of renormalization-group transformations in the space of probability densities. The limit distributions are fixed points of the transformation and the study of its differential around them allows a local analysis of the domains of attraction and the computation of finite-size corrections.


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Secondary sexual characters often signal qualities such as physiological processes associated with resistance to various sources of stress. When the expression of an ornament is not sex-limited, we can identify the costs and benefits of displaying a trait that is typical of its own sex or of the other sex. Indeed, the magnitude and sign of the covariation between physiology and the extent to which an ornament is expressed could differ between males and females if, for instance, the regulation of physiological processes is sensitive to sex hormones. Using data collected over 14 years in the nocturnal barn owl Tyto alba, we investigated how nestling body mass covaries with a heritable melanin-based sex-trait, females displaying on average larger black feather spots than males. Independently of nestling sex, year and time of the day large-spotted nestlings were heavier than small-spotted nestlings. In contrast, the magnitude and sign of the covariation between nestling body mass and the size of parental spots varied along the day in a way that depended on the year and parental gender. In poor years, offspring of smaller-spotted mothers were heavier throughout the resting period; in the morning, offspring sired by larger-spotted fathers were heavier than offspring of smaller-spotted fathers, while in the evening the opposite pattern was found. Thus, maternal and paternal coloration is differentially associated with behaviour or physiology, processes that are sensitive to time of the day and environmental factors. Interestingly, the covariation between offspring body mass and paternal coloration is more sensitive to these environmental factors than the covariation with maternal coloration. This indicates that the benefit of pairing with differently spotted males may depend on environmental conditions, which could help maintain genetic variation in the face of intense directional (sexual) selection.


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Tenint en compte el temps i la energia que els mestres i professors dediquen a la correcció de redaccions i produccions escrites i el poc efecte que aquestes semblen tenir en altres produccions dels aprenents, es va dissenyar la recerca que es presenta en aquest article. Els resultats de l'estudi semblen suggerir que les correccions no faciliten l'aprenentatge. Com presentem aquesta activitat de retroalimentació a l'alumnat i la posició que li donem dins d'un enfocament basat en el procés de l'escriptura seran clau per fer que les correccions siguin facilitadores de l'aprenentatge de la producció escrita.


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The high cost of feed ingredients, the use of non-renewable sources of phosphate and the dramatic increase in the environmental load resulting from the excessive land application of manure are major challenges for the livestock industry. Precision feeding is proposed as an essential approach to improve the utilization of dietary nitrogen, phosphorus and other nutrients and thus reduce feeding costs and nutrient excretion. Precision feeding requires accurate knowledge of the nutritional value of feedstuffs and animal nutrient requirements, the formulation of diets in accordance with environmental constraints, and the gradual adjustment of the dietary nutrient supply to match the requirements of the animals. After the nutritional potential of feed ingredients has been precisely determined and has been improved by the addition of enzymes (e.g. phytases) or feed treatments, the addition of environmental objectives to the traditional feed formulation algorithms can promote the sustainability of the swine industry by reducing nutrient excretion in swine operations with small increases in feeding costs. Increasing the number of feeding phases can also contribute to significant reductions in nutrient excretion and feeding costs. However, the use of precision feeding techniques in which pigs are fed individually with daily tailored diets can further improve the efficiency with which pigs utilize dietary nutrients. Precision feeding involves the use of feeding techniques that allow the provision of the right amount of feed with the right composition at the right time to each pig in the herd. Using this approach, it has been estimated that feeding costs can be reduced by more than 4.6%, and nitrogen and phosphorus excretion can both be reduced by more than 38%. Moreover, the integration of precision feeding techniques into large-group production systems can provide real-time off-farm monitoring of feed and animals for optimal slaughter and production strategies, thus improving the environmental sustainability of pork production, animal well-being and meat-product quality.


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L'évolution de l'environnement économique, des chaînes de valeur et des modèles d'affaires des organisations augmentent l'importance de la coordination, qui peut être définie comme la gestion des interdépendances entre des tâches réalisées par des acteurs différents et concourants à un objectif commun. De nombreux moyens sont mis en oeuvre au sein des organisations pour gérer ces interdépendances. A cet égard, les activités de coordination bénéficient massivement de l'appui des technologies de l'information et de communication (TIC) qui sont désormais disséminées, intégrées et connectées sous de multiples formes tant dans l'environnement privé que professionnel. Dans ce travail, nous avons investigué la question de recherche suivante : comment l'ubiquité et l'interconnec- tivité des TIC modifient-elles les modes de coordination ? A travers quatre études en systèmes d'information conduites selon une méthodologie design science, nous avons traité cette question à deux niveaux : celui de l'alignement stratégique entre les affaires et les systèmes d'information, où la coordination porte sur les interdépendances entre les activités ; et celui de la réalisation des activités, où la coordination porte sur les interdépendances des interactions individuelles. Au niveau stratégique, nous observons que l'ubiquité et l'interconnectivité permettent de transposer des mécanismes de coordination d'un domaine à un autre. En facilitant différentes formes de coprésence et de visibilité, elles augmentent aussi la proximité dans les situations de coordination asynchrone ou distante. Au niveau des activités, les TIC présentent un très fort potentiel de participation et de proximité pour les acteurs. De telles technologies leur donnent la possibilité d'établir les responsabilités, d'améliorer leur compréhension commune et de prévoir le déroulement et l'intégration des tâches. La contribution principale qui émerge de ces quatre études est que les praticiens peuvent utiliser l'ubiquité et l'interconnectivité des TIC pour permettre aux individus de communi-quer et d'ajuster leurs actions pour définir, atteindre et redéfinir les objectifs du travail commun. -- The evolution of the economic environment and of the value chains and business models of organizations increases the importance of coordination, which can be defined as the management of interdependences between tasks carried out by different actors and con-tributing to a common goal. In organizations, a considerable number of means are put into action in order to manage such interdependencies. In this regard, information and communication technologies (ICT), whose various forms are nowadays disseminated, integrated and connected in both private and professional environments, offer important support to coordination activities. In this work, we have investigated the following research question: how do the ubiquity and the interconnectivity of ICT modify coordination mechanisms? Throughout four information systems studies conducted according to a design science methodology, we have looked into this question at two different levels: the one of strategic alignment between business and information systems strategy, where coordination is about interdependencies between activities; and the one of tasks, where coordination is about interdependencies between individual interactions. At the strategic level, we observe that ubiquity and interconnectivity allow for transposing coordination mechanisms from one field to another. By facilitating various forms of copresence and visibility, they also increase proximity in asynchronous or distant coordination situations. At the tasks level, ICTs offer the actors a very high potential for participation and proximity. Such technologies make it possible to establish accountability, improve common understanding and anticipate the unfolding and integration of tasks. The main contribution emerging from these four studies is that practitioners can use the ubiquity and interconnectivity of ICT in order to allow individuals to communicate and adjust their actions to define, reach and redefine the goals of common work.


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